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First Makeout Session -

Guest Elee

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Guest jaimeshonnn

my first time..hrmmm, lemme think i think it was in the movie theatre, it was like my first time. so i just quickly did it for 1 second and i was shocked that like that happened o_o;; but towards later on, after watching more movies ^^ it got a lil longer...and then we ended up going to eachothers houses..so it got longerrr~ :)

it wasn't that bad . but it was okkkkkay, it was entertaining and fun :]

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Guest Sonatina

My first makeout session happened because I happened to eat this one coffee candy a while ago, and we just started kissing... and I guess my bf liked the taste of it and it got to French kissing. I liked it. :D

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Guest letskill

my first make-out session was odd.

we were at the movies, and it came to a kissing scene :cough:, and he was like can i kiss you?

i didn't really know what to do, so i just nodded haha xD

he like licked my gums and stuff O.O, and his breath smelt bad

it was not a very pleasing experience. xD

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my first makeout session was pretty funny. i was like wtf.. man this girl slobbers. she said it was me, i proved her wrong. hahahah

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Guest d0uche_

my first make out session ; eh we were just kissing then he sticked his tounge out 8-), lol. so yeaah i was like "what's this" haha, and yeah :sweatingbullets:

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Guest azshadow

i'd say most guys just love the feel and taste of a girl's mouth.

girls usually expect the first kiss be exciting, romantic, and perfect.

When males and females are on two separate pages, the first kisses usually end up being terrible.

My first kiss was horrible, the girl had nasssty breath; I went with it, and til this day I don't know why...

If you had a great experience, i'm happy for you :)

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Guest weedyasian

my first kiss was a girl-girl one hahaa. i dont even know if im bi but whatever, it was cool <:D

havent made out with anyone yet.. tried it with that girl right after our first kiss and er it didnt work out cuhz she didnt know how hahaa

her boyfriend was watching. he was grossed out, LOL . and omg it was at the mall in front of all our friends. they mustve thot we were weird.. it was hecka random. O.O

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Guest sushixlovesu

lol it just came outta nowhere. haha i was looking elsewhere for a moment and i decided to turn to him and ask him something. And BAM.. it was really weird....

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Guest SwtKrnChristy

Naimie* omg your signature is so funny!

LOL OMG i thought i had a fly on my computer so i kept trying to flick it off...omg lols.

anyways, my first make out session wasn't too bad.

it was pretty fun x) it was at a lockin and my ex boyfriend & i were planning on staying up all night.

but halfway through the night we started to kiss longer & longer & BAM. We were both first timers, but i liked it (:

my current boyfriend is experienced & when we made out it was amazing. x) he twirls my tongue and stuff.

not getting into details. lols

a little side note-DON'T KISS IF YOU HAVE BAD BREATH! (:

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Guest aznshordy

pshh i loved minee =D HAHAHAHAHAHA

except...some that came after made me think "ehh...o__o eww...why are u slobbering all over me?...why are you trying to eat my face >__o...ok forget this i don't want to" lol. i crack myself up...

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Guest sujudbskmike

Mine was like 2 weeks ago?

It was like pretty random because I gave him a peck on the lips the said 'bye' but he pulled me back and BAM!

His tongue was in my mouth. o.o

I was really surprised and my eyes were like O.O but I kissed back and it felt really good.

It was also my very first kiss haha~~

I must have been bad but we're kinda working on it. * winks *

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Guest xhoshiii



We've flirted for a while and one day we went to the movies with my brother, since he's my brother's friend, he leaned in to kiss me.

But he used tongue right away so i was like :crazy: hahah and backed out.

But then i guess he realized im a n00b and then stopped tonguing. Lol. Then we went to my house

Layed on my bed and he started kissing me. And then some tongue. Hahaha. It felt good.

And then he left and I texted him and he said for a first timer I was good. :]~ And we're dating.

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Guest kameyo

after watching a movie, my xbf and i strolled outside the mall cz it was vry cold

we both ate chewing gum at tht time and he suddenly kissed me

yay yay! it felt so good i almost fell asleep :blush:

then he said to me: "your tongue taste so sweet"

i told him i still had the chewing gum in my mouth

he juz laughed at my face :sweatingbullets:

i was so embarrassed! :rolleyes:

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Guest lychi

Umm... I don't remember how it was, but basically it was with my first boyfriend. He taught me how to kiss because he was more experienced.. but then he's never Frenched before. I, being the curious one, one day asked him if we should try it, and we did.

I don't remember how it went.

Instead, I remember this one time... with another ex.. that was hot. My current is pretty good, too... *sigh* kiss addict <.<

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Guest Bakamaru

we were laying around in a park cuddled up. i bit her lip playfully then she went mad and stuck her tongue in my mouth lol it was surprising and awesome cause i didn't think her to be the type to just go for it like that haha :rolleyes:

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Guest aznflipchik

it was two seconds after my first kiss.

freakin` sucked!

first i didn't feel anything like magic or spark with teh first kiss.

than he just was all over the place with his mouth DX

than he started with tongue and i was like WTF ARE YOU DOING.

overall i was pissed. and im ignoring him now.

i am so not counting that as my first kiss.

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Guest chocomochi


Don't mind me..

I'm just here to....

Observe.. XDDD

Hahahaha. that made me laugh.

but i gotta admit, same here ^^;

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Guest ldysilly

LOL; this is funny(x

Erm; mine was 2 years ago?

I guess, I was standing on a wall, I don't remember why...But my xbf was still on the ground, and he said "aw I wanted a hug..." and then I said "why don't you come up here? (;"

And well, he climbed up and give me a hug. Then I guess, we didn't let go, but he stared at me for a while.

And he pecked me first. (x That was cute. Then erm, we just stood there hugging, and then I really had to go (OH! my house was on the otherside of the wall LOL) . So, he gave me a peck, and when I wanted to pull away, he pulled me back in and it happened. ^^

It was pretty sweet, and nice. (:

Ah~ Butterflies all over again LOL.

LOOOOOL I just remember, I kinda stepped back because at first I was like O_O. So when I got home he was like " :D that was sweet<3 But I thought you were going to fall or something D:" HAHHAHAH!

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