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First Makeout Session -

Guest Elee

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Guest yienyienyien

It was nice. :D Both of us were inexperienced but it turned out well. He pinned me against the wall then lalaladadada for 30 mins then we hugged. It's sweet and cute.

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Guest snooky7o2

Lol... mines was pretty sloppy. I was in 8th grade, I had no idea what the hell I was doing(I don't think she did either). Pretty much tounge everywhere...HAH!

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Guest angel_b3k

For those of you who do have experience, I want to ask: Is it possible to feel disgusted about/dislike saliva that's not your own before experiencing anything... and yet enjoy your first makeout session?

:/ Like some people who posted a few pages back, I don't like saliva.. and it worries me 'cause I want to enjoy the first time ):

^ Don't worry. I'm like a hygiene-freak who don't like sharing drinks and food with people and I thought french kissing + making out was ewwwwww! xD haha. But I still enjoyed mines =] I didn't really pay attention to the saliva factor really o_O Or maybe because mines wasn't sloppy..I don't know, haha. Hope I answered your question :D

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Guest Sweet_n_Cute

^ Haha :lol:

I totally agree with the person above.

When i was younger, i always wondered about someone elses salivas goin in my mouth, which was frankly gross.

But to be honest, the more you think of it - it is going to disgust you.

So my advise: DON'T :D Just enjoy the experience :)

You won't be dissappointed lol

I feel sorry for the ppl who's experiences turned out bad =/

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Guest Kira_Hyuu

Well mine happened like a while ago and i was like 14ish - my friends and i were all talking about it; like how to make out - and yesh i was the arrogant one saying o i can do this (actually never done it before) and yeah just got up and went over to the girl i had a crush on and just went in for the kiss. Like a she kinda responded spontaneously so yea i just kept going. Felt guilty at the end since i kinda stole her first kiss out of the blue...and i lost mine too. .

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Guest sodaniechea

O_O it was at the park at night, we were playfully wrestling [i'm his first gf btw, so I had to 'teach' him a lot ha], and I made the move. It was a tad sloppy but it was memorable :D

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Guest andersennavy

i've never kissed anyone and i have sooo many questions about it..

how can a make out session be MORE fun?

its really nice just cuz it goes by so fast and ur doing it with ur s/o (hopefullyXD)

everything just feels right :blush:

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Guest spfork

Slimy. Disgusting. Awkward. Freaky.

Words like that. We were watching a movie and BAM...

It was gross. First kiss too... haha

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Guest comicboyz4eva

mine was so gross -.- we were in the basement and he turned off the lights...i was like "huh?" he just kissed me and i felt his tongue moving all over the place. i went O_O;;;;;; i didn't exactly get how to do it...i just went with the flow >.> next thing you noe we were on the ground and he was having a bit too much fun......

and honestly i don't like frenching all that much - i think its weird XDD

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Guest OrangeJennyFish

I forgot how it started but it was a couple months ago xD Uhh...hmm... we both go to this nerdy school where marks are a top priority and so it math. so we just had a math session with the pro math teacher and so we were walking out and then right before i went out the door, he was holding my hand and turned me around and did it. O_O i didn't mind at first but then realized it was gross so i told him to stop...bad move? xD >_<

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Guest Bombom.

My first make out session was disgusting.

Wasn't exactly mutual, either.

All of a sudden he pinned me against the wall and jammed his tongue in my mouth.

Was fricken disgusting as hell, I couldn't escape ):

After HE was done, he asked "Did you like it?"

And I replied "I'm going home."


Close to a 'scarred for life' experience.


that's so unexpected!

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Guest eximius

^ xLunacy is my old username..

It WAS unexpected. I did absolutely nothing except for contemplate whether I should bite his tongue off and make a run for it.

I hate him so much for that very disgusting experience...

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Guest superkarenn

both not experienced (:

we kissed a lot but never really madeout .

then one day like a few days after our first kiss it just happened .

honestly wasnt 'thaat' great ,

but after a few more times ,

i think he got better o-o

&now pecks just feel so empty LOL

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Guest fading x dreams

For those of you who do have experience, I want to ask: Is it possible to feel disgusted about/dislike saliva that's not your own before experiencing anything... and yet enjoy your first makeout session?

LOL yes! you can [;

LOLOLOL my firstkiss&firstmakeoutsession was with my third boyfriend LOL [;

i wanted to save it for someone special and i really didnt want to be such a noob.

buhtt i was his first kiss and first makeout session annd his first girlfriend

1noob+2noob= making out? LOL

but i dont really rememberr ...XD

waiit wait!

i think it was at a movie theater and i was playing with his hand like oblviously

i was using my index finger to draw a circle at the top of his hand and i was watching

the number 23 i think ? and he just turned his head to look at me and i felt him watching me

so i turned my head as well and he just gave me a peck and i blushed and smiled and kept watching

then he just like, attacked me LOL .___. but yeah, i guess i enjoyed it [; it felt weird when his tongue came into mine but i got used to the idea and well, it became normal? LOL

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Guest supaxina

My first kiss WAS a make-out session. It was outside on the perfect spring day and we were both n00bs. I was so absorbed into how great of a kisser he was that it felt like time stopped o_o;

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haha, make-out?...well, i guess it was kinda late compared to when my first kiss was. my first make out was with a friend. this past december. i was teaching him how to kiss, (long story) and it didnt start out like that, but well...he got kinda excited because it was his first kiss. and then he just started stealing kisses when i was talking. haha. it was kind of funny. but nah, i dont think it was awkward. =]

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