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First Makeout Session -

Guest Elee

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Guest pinaiihoney

Mine was weird <_<

My boyfriend at the time just stuck his tongue in mine, I was like WOAH, what are you doing man?

But that was only a second. My first full blown makeout, (still same guy) was in the middle of my school hallway. :(

I opened my eyes and I saw my best guy friend staring at me and then walk away.

Later did I not know, my best guy friend would soon become my next longest relationship ever the following year haha.


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My first makeout session was actually my first kiss/makeout/lost virginity. My boyfriend was 5 yrs. older and I never guessed that it would happen so soon, I was 9 and he was 14. It was really good though.

.. you lost your virginity at age 9?!

wtf ..

as for me.

i haven`t even had my first kiss. x]

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Guest _xJASEY

hmm. we were in the living room, on the loveseat and i laid on his lap.

then i said im tiredd imaa sleepp, then he was caressing mee.

then when i turned my head, our lips met ... then he went for the kill xD

the way i felt at that time was seriously unexplainable.

when my eyes were closed i saw starsflowersballoonclouds xD haha. yeah

idk he made me feel so beautiful .alskda;lksd okay im getting off topic XD

hahaha. :P

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First makeout session, mm..

We were pretty tipsy, but still conscious.

It was on a couch.

And he and I were having fun.

The couch was darn small too.

Kso, we were positioned weirdly at first.

I was lying on his stomach, a tad bit uncomfortable.

Then after a while, he whispered to me.. "I can't kiss you!"

So, we re-positioned ourselves so we were parallel to one another.

And that's where the fun started.

..Is all.

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zodiacgirl: wtf. sorry, cant help but to be judgy about it.

First make out session... it was interesting? he wasnt a good kisser, but at the time I really liked the guy, so the butterflies and all made it good :).

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Guest eixenelyam

This thread makes me smile/laugh. You guys have such cute/funny experiences.

My first makeout was also gross, wet, and slimy. As someone said earlier, noob1 + noob2 = disaster.

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Guest lorayy3

I hated my first kiss -______-''

He was a noob,& he was trying to make out ... AWKWARD.

I just backed up and kinda just left.

But, I love my second kiss though. very nice (:

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Guest WhooOtWhooOtTina

My first make out session was actually NICE & FUN.

Me & the guy were sitting on the bed.

since we were both kind of far from eachother;

he scooted next to me and started to kiss my cheek.

I had played along, and told him i wanted more then just on the cheek.

As soon as I said that, he leaned in and stick his tongue into my mouth.

Since this was my first time frech kissing a guy- i had pulled away.

But he slowly placed his hand on my right cheek, and whisper to me, 'it's okay, just go with the flow.."

as soon as he said that, we were actually laying on the bed, literally taking clothes off each other...but NO, WE DIDN'T GO THAT FAR.

Afterwords, i ended up having alot of hickeys..haha

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Guest kitten83

my 1st make out session..hahaha..wit my ex..it was nice..he was sweet and yet demanding at da same time..hehehe...i ended up having tons of hickeys on my neck afterward...but he was a good kisser..i miss da passion dat was there...wit da guy i'm dating now is totally different..though its still nice but not da passion..

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Guest Xahns13

Okay, here's the deal...

Who: My first/current girlfriend (<3) and I

When: Sometime last summer, don't remember exactly when

How: We're both in our first relationship (which I hope will last for a looooooooonnggggg time =]), so we're both pretty inexperienced. I think we were both filing paperwork in an office with just the two of us inside, and with the door locked + no windows for anyone in other rooms to peak in...and it just went from there =X

I wish it could've gone better though >.<

But hey, we grow from experiences like these =]

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He is my first bf so when we first kissed, like he was kind of teaching me.

and we kept kissing until we started to make out...

apparently i started teasing him... LOL

my first reaction was like wtheck is his tongue in my mouth..

but i kind of like making out with him<3... ><

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Guest love!melody

Sadly, my first makeout session was not with the guy I like but with a guy friend. It was during the summer at a friend's birthday. We spent the weekend at her summer house -- just us group of friends -- and some of the guys brought drinks. So we had a few drinks and everyone was rather tipsy. One of my guy friends layed his head down on my lap as he just stared at me. Laughing, I just played with his hair, twirling it in between my fingers, while I continued talking to another friend. Then out of no where, he placed his hand behind my head and pulled me down closer to him until I was only a few inches away from his face. Closing his eyes, he leaned upward and kissed me. I was surprised but I acutally liked it -- maybe it was because of the few drinks I had but I found his actions cute. Somehow we ended upstairs and we were making out ... As some of you can tell by his actions, he is a player. And personally, I'm not fond of players. But that night, something was up with me ... And everything he did felt so right. Nothing happened between us after that night and we're still good friends. I don't know if I should be thankful for giving me a rather good first-time experience or smack the iusdgouh out of him for doing that LOL But it's too late now and I guess it's not entirely his fault since I gave in too ><

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Guest oh`retro

Umm, my first one wasn't that good.

Only because I didn't like the dude that much, we were both mad tipsy.

So, I don't really like thinking it as my first one, haha.

My second one was pretty good.

It was with this guy at a party & he was pretty gorgeous, ain't gonna lie.

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Guest Danieruchann

i have yet to make out.

I have yet to know what it even means to make out

Im 15.

My boyfriend says im wayy too innocent for my own good ahaha XD

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my first make out session wasn't bad, although he wasn't my bf ^^

we were hanging out at a park when his friends went back to meet their gf's

we were both looking into the direction his friends went when he suddenly turned around and kissed me.

i had my WTF face on when he pulled away but then he goes "i like you too"

of course at the end of the night when he dropped me off

all i could say was "i hadn't brush my teeth since lunch"

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Guest KuYA II

my first kiss, french kiss and make out session was all in one try.

So it was just a fling and we just did it. I didn't know what i was doing, but apparently the other one knew so I just went along with it. It was kind of gross because I can smell the bad breath. I was really turned off and didn't want to go further but i "pretended" that i was enjoying it. ;)

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well our first make out session was at school...like pretty much infront of everyone!! embarassed the crap out of me..

and it was sloppy..and everywhere but we got better and now its all good! and his teeth hit my upper lip..it hurt just a little..and he said i bit his tongue lol....it was only for 10 seconds

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