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Thanks a lot Innerchild and Mathi :wub:...at those Geonly pictures, Jisub nim looks more beautiful than a woman. I'm jealous of him :D But I think Jisub nim on the video & captures is more beautiful than on picturess, he's already handsome and no need image editing anymore.

Mr.Handsome...you make my heart flutter 





credit : jisub-aholic.tumblr.com


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Yeah, I agree that he is super handsome and has great skin, so I too, really think that excessive editing doesn't make him look better at all. IMO in some of those photos he looks like a wax figure.

The latest update (wish we could have those every day...sigh...) is a photo taken on 22/06 from a Taiwanese fan who waited for him in front of 51k for more than an hour and managed to see him around 3.30 and get her DVD signed. More of her impression here. As many those before her who had a chance to see him up close, she also noted how thin and tall and handsome he is.



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Dear Innerchild, this fan's story is really touching. Thanks to her we got to see him as young and healthy since Shanghai trip :w00t:

My dear girl, you totally had me when you said: wish we could have those (updates) every day...sigh...  :wub::wub::wub:


While waiting for more update, my ladies, please enjoy this view of the professional killer Ji Hyeong-do.

Hic, he's killed me here, no doubt :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:



(credit as tagged)


Wish you all a nice and warm weekend my friends!!!

y164.gif  y164.gif  y164.gif

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Guest sugarmay

2008-2015 So Ji Sub's History Book will be published by TITAN publishing co.Taiwan on August 2015.

More details and official announcements will be released by TITAN official FB later.

Wooo! Can’t wait!!! XD






Thank you all fantastic SJS fans for every updates here!

Your lovely updates and works always make me joy and happy feeling..

A huge appreciate to you all ladies!!



Have a nice weekend,and Sunday..also new week ahead.:P

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The Power of Love




My Ladies,

I'd like to tell you why I'm doing this piece. I always have fun reading fans' comments on our man SJS. One day, I was shock. Under one of Always reviews, there was a very negative feedback saying that he couldn't act at all, especially as Chul-min!! This person was clearly a non-fan. It's a free will to give comments online, right? Somehow, based on her own experiences, she found my Number One Man not a bit attractive...

I tried to look at it in a funny way "Well, maybe after The Master's Sun, she's now one of the diehard fans who need SJS dose in a daily basic."

However, deep down, I think I should give some thoughts to Chul-min, one of the best of SJS's characters. Yes, on the true fans' point of view, let's check on him my dear friends, and admire...


A short summary


His fate changed when the ex-boxer Jang Chul-min (a.k.a Jang Marcelino) met the beautiful blind girl Jung Hwa (a telemarketer) at this little parking fee station.




A bad boy had just released from jail, charged for commitments to his job as a "debt collector", he then wanted to lead a more peaceful life. However, since the girl, who couldn't see, insisted on "watching" dramas with him, in no time, sending the lonely man into the unknown land of love. She brought these little smiles on his lips. The very self-conscious man loosen up and grew anxious over this stranger



Being blind and beautiful at the same time did give consequences, Jung Hwa's boss planed to take advantage on her. He attacked her one day after work, only to get beating half death by the angry Chul-min who came in time. He wanted to take care of her, be her guard in silent...




People with normal eyesight never aware that blind people actually can "see" things that we don't. I guess the girl sensed him around her lots of time so that one night, she finally agree to "hang out" with him. As love bloomed, they shared many sweet moments...



Chul-min was drugged with love!




For their living, he launched himself back into boxing, once again as one of the best fighters. But life indeed had some twists and turns. He's totally in agony when discovered his crime, the one sent him to jail, also caused this terrible car accident where Jung Hwa's eyesight and her parents were lost at the same time. He talk her into doing corneas transplant which cost 30,000 U.S.D.



Such a fortune was earned by a horror contract: an illegal fight to death in Thailand. Silently he left, with love as the luggage. Who wouldn't hope for returning back to their love ones? Chul-min strong mind willed the same. However, again, fate challenged their love. After two years or so, they finally found each other in tears. Yes, lost of tears when they realized from then they'll live happily ever after...





After the bestseller "The Way", our SJS released the second photo essay book, known as the report for Always behind the scenes. An article referred to this event:


So Ji Sub’s Photo Essay Book "Only You" Is a Huge Success


The actor So Ji Sub’s new photo essay book “Only You” has managed to set record sales in only a month since its release. The initial amount of copies were all sold out in one month and so the reprint of the book started again on November 25.

It was hard for So Ji Sub to be very active in publicizing the book, because he was already promoting his movie “Only You.” Even though the book’s marketing was not ideal, the word-of-mouth marketing was seemingly very effective, resulting in huge record sales.

So Ji Sub’s first photo essay book “The Road of So Ji Sub” was also a huge success and sold over 50,000 copies. It was also popular in the Japanese market.  “Only You” is now only available in Korea and this leads to many anticipating fans outside of Korea that are eager to buy a copy of the book...



I would love to peek a bit into the book with you today my dear ladies. Many thanks to dear Jum for scanning these pages and posted on popcornfor2!


First of all, let me tell you how much guilty I feel after enjoying the hot view of his six pack abs...




To achieve the sexy abs and those strong arms of a boxer, our man put so much effort on them.


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He worked out during breaks


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The part where he practiced for boxing:


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People said he was injured ligaments on both wrists. He's wearing wrist support on the pics below


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Oh, you were in pain my babe!!!!


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The work load was crazy, even the part where they put those scars or made his face all swollen and bloody took a lot of time


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He spent nights sleeping on set


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Because he is So Jisub, he would undergo hardship with smiles


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This is the actor we love who always gives his best!


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Part 2



The Power of Love





Actor So Jisub in Thailand 2011


Thai people love actor So Jisub in an enthusiastic way that as hot as the weather in their country. Their fan page Popcornfor2 was founded since 2003, before Soompi two years, still develops by all loyal fans. Some of our beloved members were Thai fans, namely Sarvin, Sonicklim... who dedicated so much for the thread. There must be a reason that our SJS held fan meeting there last year as his appreciation for awesome Thai fans.


Filming Always, actor So jisub had been in Thailand on 16 to 19 of June.2011. There was no public announcement. However, there were a lot of fans sincerely welcomed him at Suvarnabhumi Airport. How did fans know?



This is the emotional report dear Jum shared on her blog, which was reposted by Sarvin:


>>So Ji Sub@In Thailand 6/16/2011


'' It was my first time doing anything like this.

It will be my first time to meet with him.

After I fell in love with him for almost 3 years.

And I will find him eventually.

The distance from my house to the airport 37 kilometers, journey takes 31 minutes.

During the trip. My heart is beating with excitement.

I liked him a lot and if I do not think I am afraid that I will be disappointed.

And finally I met man of my dreams .... I do not have a large hardy

As I see from the photo of the theater.

He was skinny, tall and very white skin, he wore dark glasses (even at night:))).

He was wearing a white vest, white hat, and jeans.

He was very fast but when he signed a credit application Pompam. I stopped signing.

I like the book, I Am Ghost, and he signed on the front cover.

I do not know where to take the stand at his Pompam it very special.

We went out with him from the inside. I was sent up.

While walking out with him. I'm still excited and can not afford to take a picture of him.

But Pompam photography and clip them.

I had some of his signature. In order to proof that I did not dream.

I found it really And I'm very happy. And unable to sleep.''


Talking about the awesome member Sonicklism, the "main character" in updating for soompiers who were hungry for the news, she spent the entire 3 days following the filming screw. If I were in her shoes, I wish I could do the same. I mean it's a lifetime chance to meet him up-close, let alone watching him act. I would want to say "Bur-bye Boss! See ya later" then flee to my love...


Undone the secret, she wrote: 

A lead production staff asked us how could Thai fans know about this filming. I explained HHJ fan let Jisub's fan know that HHJ will come to Thailand between Jun16-18 to film Only You. I said it is imposible to film only HHJ. Thailand is famous for Thai boxing (Muay Thai) and Jisub is a boxer, then Jisub must also come to Thailand for some reason. We also guessed which hotel they will stay. At this point, the staff' kind of wow with our logic.


She and many others (about 30-40 fans) made the best time in their fans' life at his present and also reported may little interested details. One of her updates:


Today's summary (Jun.17)

9.00 - 11.00 am. => Filming in front of the hotel on a vehical (so sorry that I can't tell you guys to keep the filming secret)


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11.30 am. => Jisub went stright to us to give his signature to 7-8 fans including me. I slightly touch Jisub's cold hand by chance :phew: . I also greeted 2 Jisub's managers esp. Miss Kim Jung Hee. She was surprised that I called her name.

11.40 am. - 12.40 pm. => Jisub, HHJ, and the whole staff got on 5 vans and went out to have lunch (Thai food) at a cineplex.

12.40 - 1.30 pm. => Move to another famous location and staff set up equipments.

1.30 - 3.30 pm. => Filming 4 marking spots. We all were just 1-3 meters close to Jisub .




We didn't realized that they finished filming then. All staff, Jisub, and HHJ clapped their hands and hug one another. HHJ slightly jumped to Jisub and hug Jisub so tight. I was dying. :crazy:

3.30 - 6.30 pm. => Headed back to the hotel and relax time.

6.30 - 10.00 pm. => All staff, Jisub, and HHJ went out for dinner. Some fans also went there for dinner.


The other member, Yolanda commented:

What a day for you! Hope one day I can get close enough for an autograph...and I too will (accidentally :phew:) touch his hand...


Fans bought him and Miss HHJ Thailand's souvenirs:








In order to give Jisub some gifts, fans waited patiently at Sheraton Hotel where he stayed. Dear Sonicklism wrote:


"Thanks Jisub that he comes to Thailand. This is the first time that Thai fan actually meet him.

It was so hectic when a hotel staff said Jisub left the hotel already and a production staff said Jisub would go back to Korea on June19 instead. But I believed Jisub still was there and (with luck) Jisub manager (Song Hwan Kim..I had a conversation on June16) went down to the lobby.

I asked Mr.Song and he confirmed Jisub still was there. I gave him his Took Took and said I still had souvenir for Jisub and another female manager (Kim Jung Hee) so please ask Jisub to exit lobby at B level. Mr. Song finally said ok.

I also asked his name...he pronounced slowly and so cute.

30 minutes later of waiting without sign that Jisub and HHJ would come down, the same production staff came to me again and said "I'll think about it". I realized that she meaned she did aware of our patience to just wait for Jisub and stand in line for an hour, so she would let Jisub come down at this lobby.

Finally at 9.10 pm. HHJ came down with her manager and walked 2 meters ahead of Jisub and his managers. Please see this clip again with my explanation below.



Thai fan started to walk along Jisub. I (long hair with red sleeveless t-shirt) gave souvenir to Jisub...Mr.Song tried to carry them but we all (Jisub, Mr.Song, and me) were pushed up front toward the van. So I still hold the souvenir bag. You can see me handed out the souvenir bag to Jisub on the van. He gave me autograph on my I Am Ghost book (because I standed on the right hand of Mr.Song and in front of Jisub). Jisub gave the book to Mr.Song so it took few more seconds to get it back. My friend also gave another souvenir bag to Mr.Song. I asked Mr.Song to give it to Ms.Kim. Ms.Kim and HHJ manager then stepped on the van followed by Mr.Song.

The van ran out. Some of Thai fans followed to the airport..."


When viewers watch his horrible fighting in Thailand, actually, behind the scene, there was a great support for the star:


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Thank you Thai fans who made the scene all cheerful!


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Leaving Thailand on June.19.2011, actor So Jisub carried with him sweet love from fans who definitely wanted to say "Couldn't wait to meet again Jisub ah! Goodbye, just for now!"








The feels


Jung Hwa

Ahjussi, you disappeared.

This afternoon, again spring air has flooded in me all sweet memories. I miss your voice, your touch...

I'm stumbling in my missing you.

Have to do something or I'll go crazy.

Might doing your head sculpture be a good idea?




I close my eyes then there you are once again with me.

Your face structure, your eyes, your lips… Oh my God, your lips...

A sense of loneliness attacks me with no mercy!!! When I lived in the dark, I was too shy to confess to you:

Ahjussi, I loved how your lips kissing me passionate, yet gentle in a way made me feel your love...




You brought life to me, a vivid life with full sun and flowers.

You made me this women who love you only.

Jang Marcelino – Jang Chul min where are you now my ahjussi? I wish when I open my eyes you are here drawing me into your arms in a tight embrace which always warms me to the single nerve.






Have my tears ever brought you back to me ahjussi?




Her voice wakes me from a saddest daydream


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I'm dreaming of my trip to the river where I sat lonely for hours looking at the water flowing continuously to the endless destination. Turning my head to see a beautiful young lady giving massage to the patient on the next bed, I’m choked. That’s her, my Jung Hwa.

The same pure forehead, the same lovely lips which always ready to smile at me, the same smooth and healthy skin… Oh, and the same beauty spot under her left ear where I usually dipped my lips there to tickle her.

An angel appears in the grey physiology center in a grey day.

I'm trembling as the enormous tide of love drowns me within seconds.




Chul min was dead. I clench my teeth! I rather be dead than let her know who I am in this hopeless body.

God helps me! Please! First time in my life I pray fervently...

There she comes. I give her these empty eyes. Jung Hwa ah, you have no glue to connect this damaged man to the strong boxer Chul-min, haven’t you? But, her soft little hands on me make me want to burst in tears like a little boy.



Oh my darling, I miss you! I love you!

Your healing hands on me is the sweet dream I’m craving for...

Clutching the precious stone tightly in my hand, I sob silently.

I’m so proud to see her walking confident out of the door without a stick. Lead a good life my girl! 

Please forget all about me!

I never regret that I love you. I'll always love you, till death.



Our dear Saturn, after watching the movie, shared her thoughts:

Last night, finally I watched the movie 'Always' at Cinus Central.
It was a beautiful movie. At the last scenes, I couldn't stop tearing.
In these days, most movies are too violent, sensational, realistic, accusing...
This movie is classical, like a watercolor or a fairy tale. Story of destiny and sacrifice...
Both male and female character are so attractive that all actors and actress would want to act.

Actually, as a fan of an actor, I just hoped this movie is what I can be proud of it.
But after I watched it, I think I may want more, daebak hit.

I saw Jisub too. He looked bright and happy.

I saw name of 51K as one of production company and president Kim Jung Hee as an investor.

I found myself at the concert scene... haha.
It was a great experience for me, I hope I can participate in his next movie too.


On You Tube, many fans also shared that they cried in emotion over this beautiful love story. Onion is the "fashionable" word to use these days referring to tears or crying.


** Onions onions everywhere (allen peter)

** This is the 3rd time i watched this movie,, but i still onion,, same as always,, love so much this movie,, the couple,, ji sub oppa,, the music,, the ost too,, (Bilqis)

** Damn onions !! (sunjeet mayengbam)


Yes, let's blame the onion. I'm here also all onions without me knowing it.


Jisub oppa, for all these awesome feelings (including onions) you've ever brought to me, saranghaeyo!!!




The feels


Jung Hwa

I run and run on the busy streets, in the sea of people looking for my love.

The guy on crutch, the scars face guy… my guy!

Even Ding-ga the dog recognizes you, vibrant with joy at your present.




Ahjussi, I'm totally a silly blind girl.

That’s your back no doubt, that’s your warm skin, that’s your scent.

Thank you for being alive! Are you suffering a lot? In silent you're watching me.

The sorrows must be too much...

I'm sorry! I'm so sorry ahjussi!

I chant again and again while my little heart shattered as not seeing you anywhere




If I used to be this stupid girl who dreamed her man tall and handsome made you shy away from me, please don’t! Because here I am, crying my eyes out at your leaving.



The sacrifice you made for poor Jung Hwa is more precious than any tallest man on earth.

I’ll touch those scars on your face without hesitation then hug you tight.

I’ll find you no matter what. I love you ahjussi! 




Hey, little turtle, I’ll set you free. Let enjoy your life, find a real happy home buddy.

His instinct guides him swim happily straight away to the fresh water.

I’m talking myself to release her too.

The river is the same but the current down there is totally different per day, per hour, per minute…

Why couldn’t I change my stubborn heart?

“Ahjussi, why you make me see only my face?”

She’s found me at last.

I’m stunned. Please don’t come anywhere near me! I’m so ugly and there’s the crutch…

But she walks to me as beautiful as an Angel.

Still don't dare to utter a word, I bent my head in shame. I’m unworthy to you, honey!




In my mind I beg her to leave me but if she does, sure I’ll cry a river at her leaving.

She stubbornly comes close to my side, takes my face in her hands and orders me to look into her eyes. 

Her soulful eyes.

Do you hear my heart beating too fast? Do you sense my totally surrender to you?

The hot tears in her eyes are telling me that she doesn’t care how bad my appearance is, that she misses me too…

“Dear God, thank you!” I exhale gratefully as tear falling down uncontrollably when she hugs me.

This is the moment I dream about days and nights

I cling to her and feel home. You are my life.

Jung Hwa ah, I love you!!!







(All photos, gifts and clips credit to owners) 

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Hi my friends,

I hate myself this time for making a too long post then have some troubles posting it :blink::blink::P:P totally crazy for a few hours :lol::lol: Hope you all treat me with gentle hands, thank you!!! :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:

He's so handsome here! :wub::wub:



Cr via picbi.com

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Amazing Mathi....

I should call you with that name, Mathi. Again, you wrote an amazing review of Cheol Min. I think, you had wrote about Cheol Min several times that each writting fascinated me. I like your very precise title "The Power Of Love". That's exactly the main theme of Always. The movie's script writer seemed want to say, "You don't need anything but love, love is the greatest source of all strength to live". What a beautiful movie. It makes me able to appreciate all love given to me.

About a very negative feedback from someone, saying that he couldn't act at all, especially as Chul-min....she's free to say it. But I can guess why she wrote like that : 
First, as a poor boxer Jisub's appearance wasn't cool. Ugly clothes, messy hair, the face was made up to look wrinkled. Not cool at all. But do not forget, that's what should be. That is depiction of cheol min, poor boxer who had dark past life. 
Secondly, Jisub was very stiff at that movie, speak in a very short speech. His attitude was also stiff. But once again, that the original portrait of Cheol Min. A former boxer, ever so builders receivable debt and out of prison, be flexible and talkative. Come on, the movie is not an idol movie, it's about reality. 


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Guest sugarmay

Thank you so much dear mathi for your latest beautiful story about “Always/Only you”.

dear mathi and dear sojisubaddicted last post both reminded me Jisub’s afterword of 

“Only you photo essay book”.


As Jang Cheol-min.. preparing for the role as Cheol-min, also acting with struggle and suffering,

Finally theater audience can see Cheol-min..  this moment to come until now,

Actually the man Cheol-min is love itself, pain itself, also So Ji Sub myself for me.


I became to fell overly stressed toward the end of shooting,since I was wondering whether I was able to act well as Cheol-min,or slipped into self-complacency?

I won’t deceive myself.. I can’t seem to act kinds of romance movie for a while.


I know Jisub is totally screen chameleon.

Therefore he struggles his every shooting,I guess.


I think it’s really waste to relegate for someone to know just only Jisub as JJW in TMS since they have not watched Jisub’s other works yet.

Anyway Thank you for your nice updates always..Nice day:)

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Thank you so much dear mathi for your latest beautiful story about “Always/Only you”.

dear mathi and dear sojisubaddicted last post both reminded me Jisub’s afterword of 

“Only you photo essay book”.


As Jang Cheol-min.. preparing for the role as Cheol-min, also acting with struggle and suffering,

Finally theater audience can see Cheol-min..  this moment to come until now,

Actually the man Cheol-min is love itself, pain itself, also So Ji Sub myself for me.


I became to fell overly stressed toward the end of shooting,since I was wondering whether I was able to act well as Cheol-min,or slipped into self-complacency?

I won’t deceive myself.. I can’t seem to act kinds of romance movie for a while.


I know Jisub is totally screen chameleon.

Therefore he struggles his every shooting,I guess.


I think it’s really waste to relegate for someone to know just only Jisub as JJW in TMS since they have not watched Jisub’s other works yet.

Anyway Thank you for your nice updates always..Nice day:)


The director of Always told the truth...Jisub is a perfectionist actor. He always managed to make the character becomes really exist. Thank you Sugar for share Jisub's words. It makes me love him more and more. 

Few days ago, I finally finished rewatching Cain and Abel. It's been almost 6 years since I watched for the 1st time. It's hard to decide rewatch the drama. Used to be, I only rewatch several happy scenes not the whole drama. Same as I always skip fist fight scene of Cheol Min. At Cain and Abel I also can't see Lee Cho In suffering. And now I still can not recover my emotions, continue to feel sad. Jisub nim never failed to makes the characters alive. Hope he will make the new drama soon. And please...don't die at that drama. 


Jisub nim...saranghaeyo


Lee Cho In , why are you still in my mind ? I miss you a lot ...

Cain And Abel MV OST - Love [Eng]

Cain And Abel OST MV - Foolish Love [Eng]

Cain and Abel MV Ost Twilight (Eng Sub)

PS :

Isn't today exactly 5 years after Jisub 's closest friend, PYH passed away ?  Hopefully, the time passed so long, grief in Jisub's hearts has gone. Not to forgotten but not to be sad again. Hope all of you don't mind if I post PYH pic , as a reminder that he was once accompanied and gave uri Jisub nim encouragement in his tough times.  




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Hello all my dear friends! :)

I ran away for two days, Mr Chul-min stills in my mind :sweatingbullets:




He gave me a heartache!




But I guess everything alright now :P




My dearest @sojijubaddicted and @sugarmay, thank you so much for your insightful and respect to Mr Chul-min and the actor himself!! After reading your warm thoughts, I love him more :tears::wub:

Hope you all don't give me an "off topic" for this clip because our SJS was not in here. However, his brother SSH and his best friend Park Yong-ha both looked so cute and happy. Mr PYH's smiles were so bright! Hope our SJS passes this day with all happy memories of his best friend and enjoys his life dearly!

SJS fighting!!!


(Photo, gifts and clip credit to owners)

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Hugging fan in Bejing 2012.


*** SJS: Thank you my dear fan!

*** Fan who's in the hug: I love you!!! OMG, please let this moment last forever!!!!

*** misamisa (on yepudaa.com): "ok girl ... you will not see tomorrow morning YOU ARE DEAD!! >O<"   

*** me: If I were her, I would dance my sexiest happy dances all day... I'm crazy in love with him!!!!


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(credit as tagged)

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Wow...thank you Innerchild. He seems very like to eat bread, doesn't he ? I saw his video at Japan, his former manager asked him whether he like bread, and Jisub nim answered while eating bread for his breakfast "Yes I like it, but only when I'm not in diet". I think Korean fans should send him bread for gifts, as Jisub aholic write in her gift creation :

"The Way to a man's heart is through his stomatch" 


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Wow...thank you Innerchild. He seems very like to eat bread, doesn't he ? I saw his video at Japan, his former manager asked him whether he like bread, and Jisub nim answered while eating bread for his breakfast "Yes I like it, but only when I'm not in diet". I think Korean fans should send him bread for gifts, as Jisub aholic write in her gift creation :

"The Way to a man's heart is through his stomatch" 

Totally agree with you honey!!! :)

When Jisub was around food, he's always cute :wub:


Let the beautiful hands peel apple for you :w00t:


(Credit as tagged)

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2015 Japan, Let’s go together!

from Sojisubar 蘇志燮貼吧

Jisub X Seiko watch pre-order just started, but it requires Japanese address in order to register and purchase, so we would skip the tutorial. :|




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Seven Words For You Jisub nim

"I Will Love You  Always And Forever"

Dear Innerchild...so they won't sell the Jisub 's watch abroad ? So it's just a very limited edition. It won't sell at Seiko oulets in another countries ? :phew: Very dissapointed. 

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At SONICe & Corona Boralles Sign Event April.01.2012

Yummy side profile :wub::wub:






Jisub ah, kiss ya!!! c1%20(22).gif

And this was his expression after the kiss attack...:lol::lol:




(photos and gifts credit to owners)

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