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少女時代 Girls' Generation (소녀시대) Official Thread

Guest Soy

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Guest zane87

happy birth day jessica ^^

Please dun spam with a single line.... if u wan to do birthday wishing u can go here --> http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?sho...;#entry13109721

it's the official birthday thread for Jessica, else pls add more things in ur reply....

So now it's finally confirmed that Fany gonna perform her solo at inkigayo, oh wat a relief, guess they're not going to cancel it last moment, gosh I can't wait to see it, I've waited for so long and now it comes... >.<

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Guest PooPocky

Happy Birthday to our Ice Princess!!!

Ah how I wish I can go to that surprise party.... <_<

anyway I hope to see more sica in the future, and I want both ice princess and dorky sica, and sexica, and (the list goes on :])

I wish that she's having a relaxing break and sleeps a lot, I want to see a healthy sica when their break ends!!

Sica ah~ Bring back good songs for us when you girls are back!!!! ^^

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Guest Appolpai


GEE, this song on piano as a ballad sounds really pretty and soothing. Who knew that such an upbeat song could sound so pretty? Please take a chance to listen to it. Also, if there are any other SNSD songs on piano that sound as pretty as this, please share. :D

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Guest silis7noy

Happy Birthday Jessica!

Jessica's birthday party went well. Heard there were some hot YulSic moments...


PandaSamchon from Hwasu got fans to donate these blood cards in the name of Jessica. These cards can be used by Leukemia patients to get blood.


52 blood cards. 52 stands for cucumber, Sica's fave veg :)

He and other fans also put out a newpaper ad for Jessica's birthday today.

PandaSamchon is a samchon fan. He appeared on Park Joong Hoon Show with the girls (the English tutor).


Sorry this is going to be long but I got something to say now.

I was reading the comments on that youtube video, and some said samchon fans were weird or creepy. That is a BIG misconception. I know them well as I've visited Sosidang for a long time and I have an online friend there. Sosidang is a SNSD samchon fan site, small but very influential.

Samchon fan is a new social phenomenon in Korea brought on by the huge success of Soshi and WonderGirls. There was never something like this in Korea before so many people misunderstand them. Korean men are statistically the most overworked and stressed people in the world and the girls were like a breathe of fresh air.

A new samchon fan recently wrote on Sosidang:

"I was totally burnt out with my programmer job and couldn't handle it any more. I decided to just quit. One day driving home I heard a song from radio and for some reason a sense of new hope started to light up inside me. I learned that the song was Himnae by SNSD and for the first time in my life I became a fan. I am sticking with my job now. These girls will be by my side."

People might think these older men are just attracted to these girls because of their pretty faces. But no. They are frequently asked why they like SNSD and the most common answer that comes up is

"Their cheerful performance caught my eyes... then watched all of GGTS in one night and I fell in love with their bright personalities, the energy and enthusiasm."

Some youtube commenters thought that a samchon fan visiting Taeyeon's dad's eyeglass shop was creepy. That's another misunderstanding. The eye glass shop is one shrine visited by fans all the time, as Taeyeon's parents welcome them openly.

Last week a Sosidang member visited the eyeglass shop with his wife and daughter. He got lucky and saw the whole Kim family - mom, dad, Jiwoong and Hayeon. He noted:

"They brought her up so well. Meeting the whole family I now realize where Taeyeon's personality and character comes from. "

There are places you are not supposed to visit as a fan, especially the girls apartment. Some immature fans stalk this place but samchon fans would never do such a thing. One time Sosidang members were asked what they would say if they met SNSD on the street. Some said they would just smile and wave and others said:

"Inside of me wants to rush them and try to get an autograph... But I would look away and pretend not to know them. They should enjoy their private lives"

Samchon fans are one of the most well behaved and levelheaded fans out there. You might think they are just some small group of fans since you don't see them often on soshi fan sites or concerts. Actually there's huge number of them, it's just that they normally stay behind the scenes and just silently support the girls.

You can sometimes notice their existence, like on this video. This is some baseball game(not the one with SNSD). The cheerleaders danced to Gee and the samchons revealed their true selves.

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Guest zane87

Lolz besides Ice Princess, Sexica and other nicks, looks like there's another new nick have been assign to Jessica --

cr; daum

There're some small pics at the bottom of the pic above, and the 3rd from ur left, the name SICKORITA, I think it's bcos of her current hairstyle which resemble the Chikorita in Pokemon... rofl..

For those who dunno or never see wat is chikorita, here's a side to side pic of it with Sica... -.-



^ wow, now that's wat I call a true fan, and yeah I respect these samchoon fans cos instead of spending their time picking on others, they use it for something good


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Guest KsDreams

silis7noy I agree with everything you said and thanks for the info abt samchon fans.

I think it's unfair to judge them by their age and simply conclude that they like the girls for superficial reasons. I believe male idol groups have lot of nuna and ajjuma fans but most ppl dont judge them like they do with samchon fans.

I'm happy that the girls have such fans, it contrast with the younger ones.

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silis07noy thanks for the info ^^

cucumber is sica's face veg? isnt she hated it? :unsure:

yah i agree than samchon fans more levelheaded than the teen fans one

im just glad that snsd have fans from many ages ^^

cutekid OOOOH I LOVE YOUR AVA!!! hahahah

so cuuuuuuutttteeee

i love tiffany. she speaks her mind and doesnt give two craps about the haters. and she is proud of being herself.

most of snsd gals breave enough to speak their mind

it's just korea not ready hahaha XD

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Guest Mellerz

Happy Birthday Jessica! <3

Just wanted to get on real quick to say Happy Birthday to Sica and post some CF gifs.

I got the HaHaHa one to work on, but I've been so busy. Thank God spring vaca is finally here.

So I'll be late with some goodies, but better later then never, right?

Dungeon & Fighter CF

(Making Of)

Super Sica to the rescue!!!!

(kinda scary how Yoona is just like right behind

Sica the whole time, just... staring... or something o_O)

Maknae looks so cute and innocent with the pumpkin

TaeNy.. My first love. Did you know that?

Sica's like "All I have to do is run

*runs* Okay, am I done?!" LOL

Yoona: "I hear.. I hear something.. What-"

Sooyoung: "... Hello. Hahaha"

Now, my love is Sica... Forever ♥

Sunny's like "Oh gosh, she's doing it again"

I liked this moment for some reason.

The way Yoona just like pushed Sica while laughing

in a cute way... You can tell how close they are.

I love how Sunny pulls Sooyoung and

Yoona like "Let's go! C'mon, let's go!"

(Sica's like 'hey, let me squeeze in!')

Omo, she looks so shy and cold and cuteeee!

I can just jump into my screen and hug her ^__^

"Jiggamyun So Nyuh Shi Dae!"

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Guest cuhlare


Thanks for that information. Its so cute how the fans donated 52 cards haha cucumber. And I admit I always thought samchon fans were a bit creepy but its nice to know that these guys get a break from their stress with soshi :D

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Guest toomuchsmiling

I have to comment!

I loved that Dungeon game CF! At first I was all "what the heck is this?!" they were all

spazzing for the camera but then the monster came and it made sense. xD I LOVED Jessica!

It was hilarious. She was TOTALLY suited for that role! :w00t:

and i'll just take a moment to say Happy Birthda Jessie! :lol:

Then the HaHaHa final MV. I thought that was so creative how they combined all the moves

from the individual CFs and performed it with the song! I liked the song a lot. And their hair colors!!

They dyed it! but i wasn't mad/disappointed. It was better than I'd imagined. Perfect for them!

P.S.-i know it's late to talk about it but Taeyeon on WGM last week...but she was so funny

with the cards and it was SUPER funny how Lagoong and Gagoong stole their claw machine toy

and tae was all fighting for it but got pushed down by shinyoung! The whole situation was like they

raided the house and then they were all SCRAM!! running out the door. haha :lol:

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Guest Serpantine

Is it just me or was anyone else reminded of Geum Jan Di (BOF) when Jessica put on her hood in the dungeon fighter cf?

LOL <3

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Guest noriebanzai

Happy 20th Birthday Sica!

Hope you will keep both of your "coolness" and "hotness" together forever!!

*reason they chose sica to be the superhero? cauz shes too cool to be a loser!*

omg..fan donated cucumbers?/ haha smart choice!

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Guest kellykim10


티파니 ‘티파티’ 자막 굴욕에 팬들 울상 “언제까지 오타작렬?”

인기 여성 아이돌그룹 소녀시대 멤버 티파니의 이름이 ‘티파티’로 잘못 표기되는 일이 끊임없이 발생하자 팬들이 울상짓고 있다.

한 네티즌은 최근 인터넷 포털사이트에 마련된 ‘발견! 옥에 티’라는 게시판에 지난 10일 방송된 MBC ‘오늘밤만 재워줘’에서 티파니의 이름이 ‘티파티’로 잘못 적힌 자막 오타 장면을 직접 캡처해 올려 네티즌들의 눈길을 끌었다.

티 파니가 ‘티파티’로 표현된 경우는 이번이 처음은 아니다. 지난 2월 2일 방송된 KBS 2TV ‘스타골든벨’에서 역시 티파니의 이름이 2~3번 ‘티파티’로 등장했으며 인기 스타들을 다룬 매거진 ‘브로마이드’의 한 페이지에서도 ‘티파티’라고 적혀 팬들이 오타를 신고한 바 있다.

이는 당사자인 티파니도 이미 알고 있는 사실. 티파니는 지난 3월 15일 방송된 MBC ‘일요일 일요일 밤에(일밤)-세바퀴’에 출연해 방송중 당황했던 순간을 이야기하던 도중 “나와 제시카가 영어 이름이라 잘못 호명될 때가 많다”며 “내 이름은 티파니인데 ‘티파티’로 오타가 나 대본에 ‘티파티’라고 적힌 적도 있다”고 털어놔 출연자들의 웃음을 자아냈었다.

이에 팬들은 “1~2번도 아니고 너무하다. 이름 정도는 정확히 알아줬으면 좋겠다” “티파니가 방송에서도 그렇게 말했는데 신경 좀 써 달라. 영어 이니셜로 봐도 티파니가 분명한데 대체 ‘티파티’는 어디서 나온 걸까?” “편집하다가 손이 떨려 키보드에서 손이 미끄러지는 바람에 오타가 났을 것 같다” “티파니의 굴욕이 언제쯤 사라지려나. ‘티파티’는 누구 이름인지 모르겠다” “티파니 지못미!(지켜주지 못해 미안해)”등 의견을 나타내며 불편한 심기를 드러냈다.

(사진출처=소녀시대 다음 팬카페(아래))

윤현진 issuebong@newsen.com

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com

손에 잡히는 뉴스, 눈에 보이는 뉴스(www.newsen.com)

copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지


basically what the article is talking about is how some shows and people spell tiffany's name wrong and they spell it as 티파티 (ti/tea party) instead of 티파니 tiffany

and how on the february 2nd broadcast of star goldenbell spelled tiffany's name as 티파티/ti:tea party and not tiffany around 2-3 times

also how this outraged soshi fans i guess

tiffany also mentioned on the 3/15 broadcast of world changing quiz on mbc, how people mispronounce? jessica's and her name incorrectly since they both have foreign names. and that sometimes on scripts they would spell fany's name incorrectly

tsk tsk editors/people should watch how they spell fany's name >.<

just wanted to share lol

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Guest zahieyjunki

Why Kangin is still there?

Is it the caps from the last he DJing Chin Chin!!

Taeng's hair so nice~

OMG! the last pic so triple cute <33333!

Yerp, Fany will perform By Myself tomorrow!!

Can't wait for her live ver!! Surely download it!!

MBC Section TV polled reporters on the Best Family Members of Stars

1. Haha's mom

2. Sooyoung's sister

3. Junsu's brother

4. T.O.P's sister


Sooyoung in the list!! Good genes run into the family!!

Even her mom also looks like her! Her mom is about 40 something which is super young till!

Happy Birthday Jessica!

Jessica's birthday party went well. Heard there were some hot YulSic moments...


PandaSamchon from Hwasu got fans to donate these blood cards in the name of Jessica. These cards can be used by Leukemia patients to get blood.


52 blood cards. 52 stands for cucumber, Sica's fave veg :)

He and other fans also put out a newpaper ad for Jessica's birthday today.

PandaSamchon is a samchon fan. He appeared on Park Joong Hoon Show with the girls (the English tutor).

For real? YulSic hott moments? probably like fake kiss or wut?

I wanna pics right now!! 52 blood cards? i'm tearing!! woah~ Go PandaSamchon!!

What a great fan!!

melinda, I love the gifs!!

SuperSica gifs is nice~ Noticed the gifs bout Yoona stand at the back!! She was like just staring her like so creepy!!

butan, thnx for the pics!! All those from Sica's trainee days!!

Is it just me or was anyone else reminded of Geum Jan Di (BOF) when Jessica put on her hood in the dungeon fighter cf?

LOL <3

Sica is better than her!! Just my opinion~ Sica doesn't need long hair!!

I think she just stay with her apple style than the octopus one!


티파니 ‘티파티’ 자막 굴욕에 팬들 울상 “언제까지 오타작렬?”


인기 여성 아이돌그룹 소녀시대 멤버 티파니의 이름이 ‘티파티’로 잘못 표기되는 일이 끊임없이 발생하자 팬들이 울상짓고 있다.

한 네티즌은 최근 인터넷 포털사이트에 마련된 ‘발견! 옥에 티’라는 게시판에 지난 10일 방송된 MBC ‘오늘밤만 재워줘’에서 티파니의 이름이 ‘티파티’로 잘못 적힌 자막 오타 장면을 직접 캡처해 올려 네티즌들의 눈길을 끌었다.

티 파니가 ‘티파티’로 표현된 경우는 이번이 처음은 아니다. 지난 2월 2일 방송된 KBS 2TV ‘스타골든벨’에서 역시 티파니의 이름이 2~3번 ‘티파티’로 등장했으며 인기 스타들을 다룬 매거진 ‘브로마이드’의 한 페이지에서도 ‘티파티’라고 적혀 팬들이 오타를 신고한 바 있다.

이는 당사자인 티파니도 이미 알고 있는 사실. 티파니는 지난 3월 15일 방송된 MBC ‘일요일 일요일 밤에(일밤)-세바퀴’에 출연해 방송중 당황했던 순간을 이야기하던 도중 “나와 제시카가 영어 이름이라 잘못 호명될 때가 많다”며 “내 이름은 티파니인데 ‘티파티’로 오타가 나 대본에 ‘티파티’라고 적힌 적도 있다”고 털어놔 출연자들의 웃음을 자아냈었다.

이에 팬들은 “1~2번도 아니고 너무하다. 이름 정도는 정확히 알아줬으면 좋겠다” “티파니가 방송에서도 그렇게 말했는데 신경 좀 써 달라. 영어 이니셜로 봐도 티파니가 분명한데 대체 ‘티파티’는 어디서 나온 걸까?” “편집하다가 손이 떨려 키보드에서 손이 미끄러지는 바람에 오타가 났을 것 같다” “티파니의 굴욕이 언제쯤 사라지려나. ‘티파티’는 누구 이름인지 모르겠다” “티파니 지못미!(지켜주지 못해 미안해)”등 의견을 나타내며 불편한 심기를 드러냈다.

(사진출처=소녀시대 다음 팬카페(아래))

윤현진 issuebong@newsen.com

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com

손에 잡히는 뉴스, 눈에 보이는 뉴스(www.newsen.com)

copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지


basically what the article is talking about is how some shows and people spell tiffany's name wrong and they spell it as 티파티 (ti/tea party) instead of 티파니 tiffany

and how on the february 2nd broadcast of star goldenbell spelled tiffany's name as 티파티/ti:tea party and not tiffany around 2-3 times

also how this outraged soshi fans i guess

tiffany also mentioned on the 3/15 broadcast of world changing quiz on mbc, how people mispronounce? jessica's and her name incorrectly since they both have foreign names. and that sometimes on scripts they would spell fany's name incorrectly

tsk tsk editors/people should watch how they spell fany's name >.<

just wanted to share lol

Is that so hard to spell her name? I know that Koreans can't speak/spell english so well but they're not accidentally mispelling her name! how Fany would feel it?? sometimes they kinda rude with the guest that come to the show! neither they're not on the show!

eunice, thnx for today MuCore!! woot Fany giant ribbon!!

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Guest thammy57

SNSD-Yuri, Han Go Eun, became one of the Ambassadors of Bicycle


On the 16th, Ministry of Public Administration and Security(MPAS) has delegated SNSD-Yuri, Han Go Eun, Park Eun Hae, Model Lee Yuri to be Ambassadors of Bicycle.

MPAS has delegated these 4 girls because they wanted to solve various of problems such as pollution, lost of enengy, problems in roads and attract those problems to the citizens.

Ambassadors of Bicycle will appear in world-wide event, "The 1st DaeHanMinGuk Bicycle Event" from 25th to May 3rd and will participate in various promoted events.

Han Go Eun said, shes really happy to be one of the Ambassadors of Bicycle and would really like to help the environment and willing to fully participate many events that relates to bicycle.

According to MPAS, these 4 ladies were chosen to be the Ambassadors of Bicycle because they have such a clean image to the fans and the society. So, therefore, they are grateful to have them to use bicycles and be part of the goal which is the green road.

MPAS expects more than 30,000 cyclists to be part of the event, "The 1st DanHanMinGuk Bicycle Event".


Translated by: FanyTae(John)@soshified.com/forums

Creidt: asianfanatics.net

Source: www.kensubi.com

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Guest Senorita_

The girls look adorable today on Music Core. I love Tiffany's big bow - she minded me of Minnie Mouse :P And it was great to see the girls, on stage (not on stage lol, but sitting on a prop) with SJ when they were performing ^^

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