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B O A (보아) * Official Thread

Guest jnnfr

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Guest astarael

^ Actually, I'm pretty sure they're two different documentaries. "Jonetsu Tairiku - BoA on a Border" is about half an hour long. "Reason for Tears" was released by Avex and is about 15 minutes long. The Arirang I AM Story was a really good documentary, I enjoyed it a lot.

Thank you for sharing that article! BoA never fails to impress me in her interviews, and it really shows how much she's grown and matured. I think that's why she seems older than she really is; she's been in the business for so long now.

I've been watching the video of BoA and Jaewoo, her fan, (Thanks, spellitBOAxX) and I really started thinking about the kind of charity work BoA does. I firmly believe that celebrities should reach out and help people who are less fortunate because they have so much to share and they have the power to do so. I can't seem to find any more videos of BoA doing charity work though. I remember there was a video of her with handicapped children; I think she was talking to them, helping to feed them, etc. But now I can't find it. :[ I think she's also done Love Request?

Anyway, it's just something that's important to me. People can say it's just for show, but BoA has a kind heart and I love the fact that she is making such an impact in people's lives and giving back to the community.

I'll just upload this. Heh.

I'm still wondering what the promise was. I know he wanted to be a magician or something.



So... who gave her the chocolate? One of the girl dancers?

lol, super cute. I still think one of the boy dancers should've given her something.

I can't believe I missed out on all these videos because I used to have dial-up. :[

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Guest hanjin90
So... who gave her the chocolate? One of the girl dancers?

lol, super cute. I still think one of the boy dancers should've given her something.

a male dancer gave her Chocolate after her complaint

and the female one helped her to open tat chocolate

a lot of fan-boys will giv her if they have chance,i'm pretty sure ^

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Guest astarael

Oop. Thanks for answering. :]

Now that I think about it, it would be weird if a girl gave BoA chocolate on White Day.

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Guest hikki88
nope,it's a different show,i recommend u it ^ it has the part when BoA was singing "Moon&Sunrise", fans cried.That part is really touching, u also can see her hardship in Japan in tat doc.I'm pretty sure it's different from Reason of tear!

she's so dorkie, i watched BOS doc 472897254 times LOL but i cant understand what she said +__+

she's really hilarious in there

omg.. they are different? gosh.. i'll make sure to download it later~

awww... i used to watched BOS doc everyday!!

did anyone realise the part where she dance crazily on d stage and then embarrased because someone was recording it?

i rewind that part so many times..

aaah.. took me awhile to capture it..

had to agree that she's so dorkie at most times!!



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Guest winG*

I remember that video of BoA with that boy...it was so sweet :3. The one with her working with the disabled children was on Love Request...they just played clips of her taking care of the children in the background while she sang "Waiting". She goes on that show quite often, I think...I don't remember if she went there for her GoT activities, but I do remember that she went for My Name and all the other albums before it. I'm sure she does charity...it's just that lots of celebrities (like Hyori <3) don't want to make a big deal out of it, so they use someone else's name to donate, so it's not publicized. Of course, none of us know this for sure, but I'd be really really surprised if she didn't donate to charity regularly^^

The chocolate thing was cute...she mentioned it in her Hallyu Expo interview right? The part where her fans asked her for her address so they could send it (and she actually started saying it, lol). I lost the file of the BOS documentary...I was going to translate some of the things her dancers/staff said about her in it =/ Maybe I'll re-dl it~

^ At that part, after she's done dancing like a dork, she goes "that was tiring", haha.

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Guest hanjin90
Hey guys, I don't know whether this has been posted before.

for suju t's Rokkugo performance on mbc, right at the start,

Hee Chul and Shin Dong danced a little of BoA's My Name dance steps.

you can watch it here:


wow~~ thanx for pointing out, when i first watched this perf, i didnt notice it ^

lol Hee Chul & Shin Dong r super hilarious. they often imitate other gasoos

Caps from her newest "Sweet impact" perf on Music Station today ^

she's cute as usual <3


Credit: bestiz

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haha ilvoe her bos doc too.. there's a part where she tries to bite the camera.. then the part where she got poked by the stick.. then she pass the mic to the er a lady with badge and ask to sing or soemthing like that...

hehe.. then the part where she says byebye in a cute way to her musicians..ah... sooooo many parts...

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Guest j'Chun

^ thank you for the link!! BoA = Perfect

BoA is so pretty and all grown up. I still remember her younger days.... she was sooo adorable

and who can forget her ID Peace B days



^ that pic cracks me up all the time hahaha

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Oh I am just loving here latest Sweet Impact performance. i use to dislike Sweet Impact due to its style, but It just made up for me with the perfs. I also think that debuting with Number 5 is not that bad, I hope she will go up, but as of today, she is still at number 5. OH GOD! ONLY 2 weeks more till Hollywood Bowl. somebody is bound to record BoA so I cant wait...unless they prohibit camera's but last year they didnt.

MIT 20 pics.

Sorry if this is shared already..





Credits: BoAfanki + Whoever he/she got it from.

This is very random, but for some reason, Meilin's song songs a bit similiar to BoA's Cosmic eyes, I just think its me, but Im not saying her company copied BOA, I actually like her song! Meilin- Propeller.

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Guest astarael

Thank you for all the pictures! I still think that little pink dress she wore for Kouhaku is cute, lol.

Yeah, if charity work was really publicized and stuff, it would seem as though the celebrities only did it for the attention and stuff. It's just important for me that BoA does things like that, like spending time with her fans and with those less fortunate, because it's one of my dreams to help out the poor and the sick. And you were right, the video of BoA with the disabled WAS from Love Request, haha. I've watched TV Spot at least 5 times already, lol; I just want to hug that boy.

I also went and found the BOS documentary on Veoh, and I just spent the early morning hours watching it. I'm still trying to figure out which backdancer gave BoA that chocolate! >_> I spent like 10 minutes analyzing the video and I've ruled out Ryo and Ywki. Anyway, great video. Everyone, go watch it, lol.

The SI performance at Music Station was good. :] She seemed a bit more energetic than last time, and her silver pants were a cool change.

I took some screencaps; Tackey and Tsubasa seem like cool people, loud and outgoing, and they did some hand movement near the end. I'm not sure what the significance of that is though...





이수만 대표… “보아 뮤지컬 데뷔 적극 검토”


이날 문화산업포럼에 참석한 이수만 SM엔터테인먼트 대표는 “뮤지컬 업계에서 ‘보아 좀 빌려달라, 빌려달라’ 했는데 그 동안 확신이 없었다”며 “오늘 발표 내용과 분위기를 보니 적극적으로 도와야겠다는 생각이 들었다”고 말했다. 가수 보아(21)는 특히 일본에서 인기가 많은 한류(韓流) 스타다. 뮤지컬 ‘대장금’ 초연을 앞둔 송승환 PMC프러덕션 대표가 “일본에 ‘대장금’을 수출하려고 하는데 보아를 한 달만 빌려주면 그걸로 흥행 걱정은 끝”이라고 하자, 이수만 대표는 “검토해 보겠다”고 했다. SM엔터테인먼트 관계자는 “투자시간 대비 경제적 효과를 놓고 뮤지컬·영화·드라마를 검토 중”이라고 말했다.

[조선일보] 박동규 기자

CREDITS: if only@bestiz

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Guest winG*

^ I don't understand anything from that article...but I see "BoA musical debut..." and "Musical 'DaeJangGeum'"


(someone kill me if I read it wrong and gave everyone the wrong info :x)

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Guest suejinners

^ ^ ^ ^

The musical industry keeps asking Lee Soo Man if they can borrow BoA.

Song Seung Hwan PMCProduction Representative is trying to export DaeJangGeum in Japan and asked if he can borrow Boa for one month cause that will end performance anxiety-worries??? i dunno i don't understand what 흥행 so i translated at google ><;;

LSM is considering it now.or something. so its now drama-movie-musical?????

errr im gonna ask someone to translate it better. cause mybrain is really not functioning.. stupid finals ><;;'

well i asked ZZOOzzoo at boajjang to translate it. hopefully he will!

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Guest xyunaxfantasiesx
^ ^ ^ ^

The musical industry keeps asking Lee Soo Man if they can borrow BoA.

Song Seung Hwan PMCProduction Representative is trying to export DaeJangGeum in Japan and asked if he can borrow Boa for one month.

Borrow BoA for one month? No, that will take away from her possible preparation for her Korean album -___-

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