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B O A (보아) * Official Thread

Guest jnnfr

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Guest inspire.me*

OH MY GOSH! BoA came back to perform?!?! This is a good day

for me now LOL I'm glad that BoA's fans still came to support her.

She looks so much matured.

Are those still her same back-up dancers from last time?

MY NAME + GOT are loved <3

Thank you for sharing :]

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Guest xyunaxfantasiesx

BoA looks so pretty in the performance, still waiting for my download. I actually don't mind her hair pulled back, it's like her Quincy days.

She looks very beautiful.

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Guest hyeminnie

hanjin90 she was talking about how it's been like 2-3 years since GOT and My Name. i couldn't hear much of the first audio. and the audience was singing some congrat. song, i think. and BoA was talking about how they sing well ^^.

the second one, i think she said that she was hungry or something. something about 3 years from her 10 year anniversary as a singer. i can't hear it all, but she was asking how you make a music video or something.

lo. in the third one, she was talking about how she wants her fanclub to be as strong as DBSK (like how DBSK has showcases and stuff like that)

Bum i think she was wearing a dress with a really big sweater(?) on top.

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Guest wateva



it has been a long time since her last perf in Korea

she rocked the stage as usual, i luv the outfit & hairstyle but for some reasons,i dun like the eyes make up T.T it made her look older than usual~~

but overall SHE'S SOOOO PRETTY <333

i luv the shaking part in "My name",she did it powerfully

and GOT rocked <3333333333333333333


i don't like her hair but her outfit is hott without showing skin! <3<3<3




thanks sooooooo much for the link

BoA totally rocked the GOT performance she was sooo on beat and into it

i love how eventhough the audience were like sleeping bats (with the exception of a few hardcore fans) through the entire 2 songs she was still smiling and kinda wooohing the crowd to give her respect and they did in the end :rolleyes:

her wink* when someone randomly screams is adorable :blush:

the color white soooo loves BoA, she never looks plain always gorgeous....

edit: :D thats why she showed a picture of her converse shoes in her blog and called it 'our uniform' before i was like huh now i get it...her back dancers all wear converse lol

ima lovin her live performance

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Guest Explicitj0yee

Wow BoA looks amazing in that performance. She looks cute and her eye makeup makes her look very smexy :D I just can't want for her 6th album

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Guest nence

im so amazed at her beauty and dances. she's so great. like evryone else i can't wait for her 6th korean album or her collaboration with wheesung. just waiting patiently everyday but i don't know how long it'll last though. hahah. love boa.

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Guest xyunaxfantasiesx

Heres an excerpt of koralex90 from BoA's House experience at the KBS Open Concert.

From the right, I suddenly saw this angel with a black skirt (unlike the white she wore for her performance, climb up the stairs. Everyone started screaming. She came out on the small balloon stage, and we sang two songs we prepared for her. First was a song composed by the staff of BoA's official fanclub. It was really lame.. and BoA agreed also.

Then we sang a classic song, "You were born to be loved" and gave her a cake with candles to blow out. She cut the cake after the song was over and blew out the candles.


Then, she started to talk. She first apologized for not being able to perform alot in Korea and promised to come back with some great songs sometime soon. BoA also stated that she visits several BoA fansites and also reads all their comments. "Some of you said I gained some weight during the Hallyu Expo! Then, after seeing a photo of me at the harvard lecture, you guys said I lost my weight again! What average weight am I supposed to stay in?" BoA said with a playful voice.


On the right side, some fans complained BoA's face was being covered by a yellow smiley balloon. BoA went up to the balloon and said "You meanie! How dare you block my face to my fans!" with a cute child's voice. Everyone started screaming as she talked with a child's voice. She then said bye after a short 8 minute talk and walked away. It was definately a "mini" fanmeeting.

Credits: BoA's House - www.boashouse.com

Image: BoA's House - www.boashouse.com

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Guest kp4life

I'm not sure if someone already posted this piece of news up yet but i will anyway =)

Release Date: 2007/10/17

Record Label: SM Entertainment

Genre: Pop (국내 가요)

Distribution : SM Entertainment

발매예정앨범: 예매가능

발매예정일: 2007-10-17

미디어 : CD, CD+DVD




01. Natural (Intro)

02. Natural (Song)

03. Shake it & Move it

04. Get the party (featuring. SE7EN)

05. 거기까지만... (That's OK)

06. M.M.M. (Make My Mind) (featuring. Tablo of Epik High)

07. Volume Up

08. 탐욕스럽게, 혹은 냉정하게

09. Veil (가면)

10. 하늘낙원 (Graceful World)

11. 인형 (Marionette)

12. Emerald

13. 자주빛 날개

14. End...? And...! (Outro)


01. Natural (Video Clip)

02. Get the party (Video Clip)

03. Natural (Making Film)

04. Get the party (Making Film)

아시아 최고의 스타 BoA! 2007년 10월 그녀가 꾸밈없는 자연스러운 여태까지 모습 중 가장 보아다운 모습으로 다시 돌아왔다. BoA의 새로운 도전! 정규 6집 앨범 [Natural]

정규 6집 Natural은 꾸밈없는 보아 그녀만이 보여줄 수 있는 파워풀하면서 세련된 팝트렌드 위주의 곡으로 가득가득 수록된 최고의 앨범이다.

타이틀곡 'Natural'은 My Name, MOTO, 공중정원 등 이전에도 보아와 함께 작업한 바 있는 인기 여성 작곡가 Kenzie의 작품으로써, 기존에 보여줬던 보아의 트렌드와는 사뭇 다른 리듬위주의 어반 계열 R&B 댄스곡으로써, 저스틴 팀벌레이크의 'Sexyback', 비욘세의 'Dejavu' 등에서 느낄 수 있었던 리듬위주의 R&B 스타일 짙은 그루브한 느낌의 파워풀한 댄스곡이다.

또 'Natural'의 작사는 보아 자신이 직접 작사하여, 더욱이나 자연스럽고 꾸밈없는 그녀의 솔직담백한 이야기를 담아내어 화제를 모으고 있다.

My Sweetie, Do You Love Me? 의 작곡가. 유영진의 화려한 팝 R&B 스타일!

'거기까지만... (That's OK)'은 역시 이전에도 같이 작업한 바 있는 팬들에게는 익숙한 작곡가인 유영진씨가 담당하였다. 이 곡에서 보아는 다소 매니악한 스타일이지만, 친근감이 느껴지는 가사를 통해서 그녀 뿐만 아니라 여성들에게 이야기하고 싶은 여자들만의 대화를 꿈꾸며 노래한다.

이 곡도 역시 보아가 직접 작사하여 큰 화제를 모으고 있다.

5집 공중정원의 답가 형식으로 재탄생한 하늘낙원!

이 곡도 역시 보아의 보컬 스타일을 확실히 꿰뚫고 있는 작곡가 Kenzie의 작품으로써, 공중정원의 답가 형식으로 제작된 곡답게 전작과 크게 다르지 않은 Acid Pop스러운 멜로디와 다이나믹한 밴드 연주가 인상적이다. 또 간주 부분에 삽입된 Bossanova 풍 악기들의 향연히 일품이다. 세련되면서 그루브하고 기존 가요에서는 찾아볼 수 없는 독특한 이국적인 느낌의 곡으로써 이 곡을 듣는 청자로 하여금, 이탈리아와 프랑스 여행을 하는 기분을 선사해줄 것이다.

BoA를 위해서 우리가 뭉쳤다. SE7EN, Tablo!

보아의 이번 6집 앨범을 위해서 바쁜 스케줄에도 불구하고 틈틈히 시간을 쪼개어 피쳐링을 선사해준 SE7EN이 직접 랩 가사를 쓴 화제의 팝 R&B 곡. 'Get the party'는 처음으로 보아에게 음악을 건네준 작곡가 YG소속의 Perry의 작품으로써, 보아가 추구하고픈 팝 트렌드와 잘 맞아떨어져 모두들 이 두 콤비의 음악적 교류를 지켜보고 있는 상태이다.

타블로 역시 자신의 솔로 EP 앨범 제작기간에도 불구하고 바쁜 와중에 역시 보아의 팬임을 자청하며, 보아가 처음으로 한국에서 시도하는 Hip-Hop 스타일의 댄스곡. 'M.M.M. (Make My Mind)'에서 무려 랩으로 피쳐링을 하여 역시 음악관계자들 사이에서도 이 콤비의 향후 음악적 교류에 대해서도 조심스레 전망하며 예측하는 분위기이다.

정통 오케스트라 발라드, 보사노바, 어반 팝, 모던 락 사운드의 경쾌한 발라드 등 대거 수록!

보아가 처음으로 선보이는 Bossanova 풍의 몽환적인 Sugar Pop 음악으로써, '탐욕스럽게, 혹은 냉정하게'는 정말 보아 팬도 역시, 대중들도 역시 기대하고 고대하는 곡이 아닐 수 없다. 미리듣기를 통해 선공개된 이 곡은 여러 음악 평론가들 사이에선 잠깐동안 들어보았지만 이 곡을 통해서 보아의 음악이 점점 향상되어간다는 호평을 받기도 했다.

또 보아가 선보이는 오케스트라 발라드곡인 '인형 (Marionette)'도 수록되어있고, 'Emerald'와 같은 모던 락 사운드의 경쾌한 발라드곡도 수록되어있다. 그리고 가장 주목해봐야할 화제의 곡 'Volume Up'은 히트 작곡가 박근태씨의 곡으로써 트럼펫 사운드가 인상적인 다소 빠른 비트의 Urban Pop 스타일의 댄스곡이다.

또 이번 앨범을 구매하는 선착선 1만명을 대상으로 보아 최초의, 최고의 사진집. [PHOTOGRAPHY 2000-2007]을 사은품으로 증정한다. 아마 보아를 기다리는 팬들이나 대중들 사이에선 올해 최고의 필수 아이템이 되지 않을까 싶다.

보아의 일상, 보아의 녹음하는 모습, 보아의 작업실, 보아가 찍은 풍경, 보아의 여행기 등등 다양한 이미지의 모습을 만날 수 있는 절호의 기회. 모두 놓치지말길 바란다.

이번엘범은 CD+DVD반씩된엘범 CD로만된엘범 두가지와 사진첩까지

동시발매를 한다고한다 기달렸는데 이렇게화려하게 엘범이내는거보면

보아는엘범을 낼때도 참으로 웅장하게낸다고 생각된다

정보제공:베스티즈의Ψ ELT♡ٸ 님

사실 전 이거 점핑보아에서 퍼왓습니다

CREDITS: myroektm

I'm notsure if someone already posted this or not and im not willing to look through the pages with swollen fingers n slow internet connection so i didnt translate it.

if anyone needs it, just ask. im willing to do so=)

im SO excited for this album x)

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Guest KuYA II


omg is that the real tracklist? if it is..that is kool se7en and epik high are featured which is even better!!! ^^ thanks for the infos and pics =)

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Guest hanjin90

hanjin90 she was talking about how it's been like 2-3 years since GOT and My Name. i couldn't hear much of the first audio. and the audience was singing some congrat. song, i think. and BoA was talking about how they sing well ^^.

the second one, i think she said that she was hungry or something. something about 3 years from her 10 year anniversary as a singer. i can't hear it all, but she was asking how you make a music video or something.

lo. in the third one, she was talking about how she wants her fanclub to be as strong as DBSK (like how DBSK has showcases and stuff like that)

thanx <3

i listened those recorded things though i cant understand, i can say tat she's pretty hilarious. Fans laughed so much by what she said :blush:

i heard "DBSK" in her talk LOL but i have no idea 'bout it,she also has a HUGE fanbase in Korean ^

she's such a kid <3

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Guest astarael

Wooow!! This is crazy stuff! :] I went on a little 2-day vacation, and I come back to find all these pictures and news. Thank you to everyone for sharing!

She looks great in the caps, and she sounds absolutely adorable in the little fanmeeting~

I wonder if that tracklist is real~ xD

EDIT: Her lives have improved so much! I was really impressed with My Name and especially with GOT. <3 I can't wait for her new album, and I hope she'll gain even more dedicated fans.

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Guest hanjin90


i saw it days ago at bestiz but the person posted it said it's not real

it's just a fan-made


u guys can download Open concert perf at BoAjjang forum with non-CB links

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Guest winG*

The tracklist is fanmade. I'd LOVE it if she featured Se7en and Tablo in her album though!

The picture wouldn't move for the streaming link of the My Name perf T_T. GoT rocked though. Her lives are PERFECT now. She KNEW she nailed the performance...you could tell by her smile. haha. I loved her outfit and her hair. She looks so good in white...and her hair made the outfit look sexy for some reason, even if there wasn't a lot of skin. The fanmeeting was cute...hehe. It'd be awesome if she had as big of a fanclub as DBSK...I'd love to see a sea of yellow...or the new glowsticks they made (I wonder why they didn't use them though). I'm glad she still has a bunch of really dedicated fans though.

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Guest akajoe


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