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If you received a gift of folded stars in a jar for xmas from your girlfriend, would you think it's really cheesy? and would rather something bought instead?

I'm planning on making something for his xmas gift since I didn't want to buy him anything for xmas especially because his birthday is a few weeks after xmas as well. So i thought maybe fold the number of days we have been together into stars and that would be almost 300 days now and then bake him a jar of cookies too. He knows I'm very busy with uni since my course is very intense and hardly ever sleep, so I thought if i was to make him something even though i am busy, he would still appreciate it?

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Guest glassCLOSET

If you received a gift of folded stars in a jar for xmas from your girlfriend, would you think it's really cheesy? and would rather something bought instead?

I'm planning on making something for his xmas gift since I didn't want to buy him anything for xmas especially because his birthday is a few weeks after xmas as well. So i thought maybe fold the number of days we have been together into stars and that would be almost 300 days now and then bake him a jar of cookies too. He knows I'm very busy with uni since my course is very intense and hardly ever sleep, so I thought if i  was to make him something even though i am busy, he would still appreciate it?

I'd be really flattered if I got those gifts. That sounds like a really cute, thoughtful gift.

I say go for it.

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hello! quick question for the fellas.

why does a boy ask in advance (3 to 4 days) to meet up and then flake at the last minute? how many chances do you give him?

thanks! =)

Making arrangements ahead of time = good (though 3-4 days is not much)

Breaking them last-minute over silly reasons = bad (defeats the purpose of planning ahead of time).

If it's an emergency, then ok that's understandable.

Anything else, 1 chance for the poor organizer to redeem himself.

Will a guy talk about relationships/girls a lot to a girl he's interested in? Just like... about girls he thinks are cute, etc.

I wouldn't.

Seems counter-productive.

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Guest pyrotekniq

Making arrangements ahead of time = good (though 3-4 days is not much)

Breaking them last-minute over silly reasons = bad (defeats the purpose of planning ahead of time).

If it's an emergency, then ok that's understandable.

Anything else, 1 chance for the poor organizer to redeem himself.

thank you, Mannosuke!

does the boy semi-redeem himself if he tries to set another date after saying he can't make it?!

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so a few weeks ago, i saw this cute guy in the halls of my high school. i told my friends about how cute i thought he was and asked them if they knew him. i asked a few of my guy friends and they didn't know him but they ended up bringing him over to our "group" one morning. that very morning, that cute guy asked me out. (wtf?) as stupid as i was, i said yes cause 1. he's insanely cute 2. he told me that we could get to know each other more and if it didn't work out then we could break up. (i was confident that i could get him to like me back) and 3. he said that we didn't have any classes together or anything so we could get to know each other more through "going out." so that was friday. we texted during the weekends and he told me that he was going to kiss me on monday. he made it seem like he liked me with his cute texts and the occasional "omg you're so cute" and "i love you" i was like whoa there you're going kinda quick there boy. but anyways, nonetheless, we made out on monday and tuesday morning and lunch at the back of the school. now here's my question... so on wednesday, he started to act weirdly and that day after school he told me that he was breaking up with me and that he wasn't ready for a relationship. okay.... wtf? he was the one that asked me out and insisted on making out asap. what do you guys think about that? like, do you guys think he really wasn't ready? or was he just using me as a make out toy and playin around just for the heck of it? keep in mind that i was his first gf, first kiss, and that he's a freshmen at hs and i'm a sophomore :x haaaha. *awkward laugh*

sorry for the long post, fellas.

and thanks a bunch :}

Easy-to-get, much? :/ Dude's obviously a player.

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Sorry in advance, since it's rather long...

I have a question, so there was this guy who liked me for a year and i know because we have a lot of mutual friends but I was with someone else then and we never had a chance to talk until august. He got my MSN years ago but we just never talked since i didn't know him besides that he's my friends' friend and vice versa for him and so in late august he randomly msged me and we started talking and eventually he confessed to me that he use to like me and still does and i said maybe we should just start off as friends and see how it goes from there and etc.

But because of my classes, i haven't been talking to him a lot, though we do text from time to time but he's semi shy and so there wasn't a lot to talk about. Most of time is just me (since i'm rather outgoing) and but it's always him who msgs me first so i guess he's making the efforts. So, recently we started talking a lot again and he confessed to me in october he went out with a girl for 2 weeks and etc but he still interested in me.... and he told me because he doesn't want me to think i'm his rebound if he asked me out.

And i'm sorta interested in and and than sorta not since i don't usually go for the shy types, and i sorta felt uncomfortable after he told me that (it seem like he didn't really want to talk about it either since he said it was a "LONG" story and if i really want to know, he'll tell me later since i'm doing homework).

But my question is, does he really like me still, if he did why did he went out with another girl??

Would guys go out with other girls if they already have a girl in their mind? Or if he just playing around with me??

Thanks and sorry about the long story....:sweatingbullets:

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Guest thaoyunho

Recently a guy at my school caught my eyes. We always knew eachother by face.. but never like really talked to eachother. I would like to get to know him more. I already have him on FB and msn soo that part you can skip XD. What I also know is that he really is into gaming.. those xbox games ''black ops'' (?) he's mostly with his friends during lunchbreaks and I never see him with female friends or he barely has any female friends. anyways how can I approach this guy without scaring him away?

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Recently a guy at my school caught my eyes. We always knew eachother by face.. but never like really talked to eachother. I would like to get to know him more. I already have him on FB and msn soo that part you can skip XD. What I also know is that he really is into gaming.. those xbox games ''black ops'' (?) he's mostly with his friends during lunchbreaks and I never see him with female friends or he barely has any female friends. anyways how can I approach this guy without scaring him away?

Approach him online. Use your resources to the fullest!

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Guest glassCLOSET

is it better to not confess and wait around for the guy?

or be straightforward and just tell him you like him?

Well, to me, it depends on how long you've known him.

If you just met him, probably wait a bit.

If you've been friends with him for a while (using your own personal definition of "a while"), then it may be good to say something. Don't wait too long; boys tend to get bored waiting around for girls.

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Guest FeedMeFood

why would a guy choose not to make a relationship public?

it's been more than 10 months, we've been through a lot.. and it's clear to me he's put in a lot of effort into this relationship..

when I asked, he told me straight up, if he was just playing around, he wouldn't be putting in so much.. he says it's just his personality because it's not other people's business.... is it really personality? 

This is my first relationship.. so he's definitely taking the lead in things.. I get confused because it's different from relationships I see from other people..

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why would a guy choose not to make a relationship public?

it's been more than 10 months, we've been through a lot.. and it's clear to me he's put in a lot of effort into this relationship..

when I asked, he told me straight up, if he was just playing around, he wouldn't be putting in so much.. he says it's just his personality because it's not other people's business.... is it really personality? 

This is my first relationship.. so he's definitely taking the lead in things.. I get confused because it's different from relationships I see from other people..

His explanation is not strong, but saying that your relationship is "different" from other relationships doesn't really work either.

My friend's in a 7-year relationship and they don't make it public. Why? Because there's no need. It's not like he's hiding his relationship status; he makes it clear that he's taken when necessary.

If a guy found out you liked him, would he look at you a lot because he likes you or is it because he doesn't like you?

Only time I hear of the second case is when you're dealing with a bully and he's looking at you with death threats.

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Guest Kaekaetee

how would you guys feel about your girlfriend having a lot of guy friends?

i'm in university right now and my boyfriend is still in high school he knows a few of the guys i hang out with but most of them he hasn't met.

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Guest FeedMeFood

His explanation is not strong, but saying that your relationship is "different" from other relationships doesn't really work either.

My friend's in a 7-year relationship and they don't make it public. Why? Because there's no need. It's not like he's hiding his relationship status; he makes it clear that he's taken when necessary.

Friends that do know about it says when we're together it's obvious there's something.. people who don't know suspects something.. but in general, he avoids answering anything when people ask or makes up small lies. And I know he a has quite a few females friends, ones that I never met before, so I can't help but feel insecure about that.. I've met many of his guy friends since he hang out with them more, but only 2 of the close ones actually know.. But I even met his family, he told me they referred to me as his girlfriend..

He does everything a boyfriend would do.. and I've never heard any negative rumors about him being a player..

So overall.. it gets me really confused. I don't know whether I should just leave it alone and accept it or dig out a better answer or try to change it =/

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Nah. That in itself isn't unattractive. Yeah that's right. It's a double negative. 

Arrest him with handcuffs for being too sexy in public.

Photo album with memories?

Something that only the two of you would know... or something that shows you put a lot of time and effort into it.

My last gf made a scarf for me, and I still use it to this very day.

depends on the nature of the compliment and the "thanks"

If I weren't mad, I'll smile and think that I probably have an awesome woman as my gf. One that men envy. :)

Probably not. Many insecure people do that though.

He's messing with you.

I smell a player.

hahahah. That is crazy but it just might work. Now, where can I get handcuffs?

I guess the only sensible way is to talk to him upfront? But I want to

enter his life with a BANG. :[

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