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Guest deadgiveaway

"Mission accomplished. Next..."

If it ain't my gf and I barely know her, then I'd probably not talk to her anymore 'cause she's too easy.

Aw. The answer I was expecting but was hoping not to get.... haha. Thanks for answering, guys.

Out of curiosity, what do you generally use "hook up" to refer to? Because I have personally used that phrase to mean anything from just making out and groping, to actual sex.

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Guest marvinoppa

Aw. The answer I was expecting but was hoping not to get.... haha. Thanks for answering, guys.

Out of curiosity, what do you generally use "hook up" to refer to? Because I have personally used that phrase to mean anything from just making out and groping, to actual sex.

hooking up is anything before sex. if we bucked, i say "we bucked."

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i'm not much of a south park fan, but family guy has dirty humor than anyone can relate to. it's just funny. guys will be guys, but i know a lot of girls that enjoy family guy as well since girls are perverted as well!

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Guest 小甜密

im kidding. he just wants a lady in the street and a freak in the sheets ahahah

I'm sure it's every man's fantasy. Whoever get this kind of chick is lucky. :D

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Guest lananhcali18

mr. x and u arent gonna work out, cuz it seems like he introduced u to mr. Y and has already accepted that he is going after you, therefore as a man, you cant take ur bro's girl even if she likes u more then the other guy.

girls like to sneak around and stuff and stab eachother in the back, guys wont get to mad, for example if mr.x did take u, mr. y wont be all angry and naggy and complain like no other. but out of respect, mr.x will not set his eyes on you, not out of fear or pity, but out of respect for mr. y.

therefore, if u dont like mr.y u shouldn't yank his chain along, also if u like mr.x its far to late to do much about it.

mr.x wont be mad, he probably just felt sorry cuz mr.y didnt show up and u went home alone. if mr.x liked you and wanted u to stay, then maybe he could be mad, but he even brang another girl so obviously that is not the case.

wow...your word are wisdom.

well can you explain it to me more?

I talked to X when I get home and he said the reason he pissed off at me (he was really pissed off) is that I left him there when he asked me to join watching movie together. He said i'm mad at Y and I just take my anger out on him (which i wasn't). He kept explaining the girl is just a date. I should've stay no matter what. He said it was the worst date ever because I ruined it. And he got mad that I was on the phone talking to someone else.

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Guest pinkcupcakee

so there's a guy i'm talking to. and i just can't bring myself to COMPLETELY trust/like him. because i keep thinking that the way he's treating me, he acted the same way to all the other girls he liked too. he's really sweet and all that jazz. but then i know that girls that he's previously liked or whatever have better personalities than me, are prettier, etc. my question is, would he compare me to the other girls? and if he realizes that they're so much better, what would make him continue talking to me or whatever.

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Guest lananhcali18

just tell mr.x "im sorry let me make it up to you wat r u doing tomarrow?"

congradulations u have a date.

wat everu do, do not fight back, it is clear now that mr.x is not what i thought he was, he can easily betray his friend and be with you, he is confused and insecure. take advantage of his childish heart.

dont fight back against him, make him the winner, but dont be the looser, u dont wanna compete against him u want to curve his bullets, if this argument is a fight, dont block his punch, it will just break ur arm, grab it and go with it, agree with him, and open up his mind, then slowly rotate the direction and force of his punch while he is not paying attention. if u fight aginst him, he will make defence. u have to make sure that he doesn't put up that wall.

be casual, u can just be like "haha if it was a date don't u wanna be alone with ur girl?" he will PROBABLY say somthing like there is not much between them, they are friends etc. then u can say somthing like "sometimes i get jealous easily, its not fair that she would get to sit there and have u all to herself with me being lonley all by myself"

make it seem like u are hurt, but not fighting back. make him feel that you are the one who got knocked down the most, then he will help you up.

but dont go emo, just be casualy hurt, like it isn't to big of a deal, but u would like it better if it was this way etc..

if he got mad at you for leaving him and his date alone, then he is obviously not the stable type. take advantage of his raging uncontrol emotions and trick him into being with you.

remember that love is a choice and a bond, love is not about pressing the start button, love is continuing to put coins in the slot. so u can press the continue button. it doesnt matter how the game starts. even if it starts out as a shallow situation full of childish feelings, continuation, time, bonding, will lead to a choice later on. it can grow. u dont find love. u build it. but first u need to plant the seed. no matter wat way u plant it. as long as u take care of it later, it will grow.

geez you are good. I didn't know guys can be this deep. I did ask him, I said save the movie, we'll watch next time.

He said there's no next time. He's obviously mad at me and He don't want to talk about it.

"i'm not looking for a relationship, so I don't need a girl".

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Guest lananhcali18

so he is mad at you for leaving him at the movies, but he doesnt like you.

plain and simply put? the man's an richard simmons hole that doesnt know where to direct his aggression, he makes excuses telling u that he is available cuz that other girl nothing special, but at the same time is not interested.

and quite honestly, i dont think anyone should be "looking for a relationship" u dont be with someone just for the sake of not being alone, u get with someone for a better reason then that.

i bet if a perfect girl came into his life and asked him out he would go, the man's an idiot. dont talk to him anymore, he's not ur friend. go make better ones who know what they are doing.

a real man doesnt need to get angry to push strong feeling unto others. cuz a real man inspires through actions and unnecessary kindness and respect.

when the king poors his slave a cup of tea, that is when he should be most respected. but he is still at the level of the slave master, just whipping things and yelling cuz he has no REAL power. he probably has a small Richard. :lol:

YOu're right. I get damn confused sometimes. Like the way he acts and talk to me...feel like he's jealous or something.

And yup the whole part of "I'm not looking for a relationship", I don' think anyone ever look for relationship. It just come & happens.

We fight over little things like every week and it's wearing me out.

I'm going on vacation tomorrow and I shouldn't even be thinking about this.

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Guest lychi

Hmm.. my situation's been getting better, but why not ask for a guy's opinion.

So I'm in a relationship. Been with this guy for about a week. Talked to him a lot, until I finally confessed to him, in which he was... vague, in response. I thought it might be because he was still talking to this girl he had a thing with last summer. Couple days later, he tells me that he's starting to like me. Kisses me on the lips that night.

I go off on vacation for a week, come back, and he picks me up. We watch a movie that night and we start making out. At this point, I'm still not sure if we're in a relationship... and then he asks me out, so I'm clear. It goes on, until he gets a bit too frisky, and starts asking for it... (he's a virgin). I said no, and that ended that.

He ends up apologizing afterwards and blames it on missing me, and I was like... how can you really miss me when we've just started going out?

That got me kind of wondering whether he wanted the relationship to have a relationship, or because he actually liked me.

I think this skepticism made me look a bit much into his general boyfriend-like comments, because they were very general. I was still wondering if he liked me.. but he's a good boyfriend in the rest of the aspects, still tends to get physical when we're alone but he respects my limits. Our conversations are random and whenever it comes up to the topic about really liking me, or about the relationship.. he becomes a bit vague.

I think it's better to let the relationship grow a bit more and see where it goes, because last time we talked he said he's falling in like with me (which I'm fine with because he seems quite straightforward with these things and I don't like it too sugar-coated). He still compliments me and says all that mushy stuff, and the one thing that makes me believe in his commitment is the fact that he actually worries about how the long-distance would affect the relationship when we go back to college.

Oh, I've asked if he's been this physical this quickly with his past relationships, and he said no. His explanation was that he thought that he was too passive in the past ones, and that he should take some initiatives, and then asked me if it was bad.

So yeah, just wondering if he's in it for me or just to have a girl to squeeze over the summer?

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Guest elperro

It's probably not a deluded fantasy, nor is it weird. Just because a guy is in a position of authority doesn't mean that his penis or heart are dead. =P

All of that said, I'd be careful about entering into a relationship with him. I know at some universities (including the one I'll be a grad student & teaching at next year) getting involved with a student (even just as a T.A., not necessarily even as a Professor) can be means for dismissal from his assistantship. Even if the class you had them in is over, it's seen as taking advantage of his authority, and people have in fact had their assistantships taken away for that very thing. Read recently about a T.A. at Harvard who had his assistantship taken away because he got into a relationship with a student after their class together was over.

haha for me it's just a crush so don't worry; it probably won't ever progress any further. plus, if you knew his age, you would know that a romantic relationship is definitely out of the question. :sweatingbullets: . anyways, thanks for your thoughts and concerns!

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Guest renchew

hmm.. so theres this guy, we met a few weeks ago

and we've been talking alot on the phone, msn & seeing each other a lot

so we became very close friends and stuff

he jokes with me a lot and we have fun together

but he has a gf & he says that he doesn't know if he should go on with the relationship since they don't communicate with each other well and when they go out they have nothing to do or talk about.

& since we're really close i wonder if he has any feelings for me

is it possible to develop feelings for a close friend if you have a gf ?

i know i shouldn't be thinking of it since he has a gf but even our friend mention that it seems like its always just us and his gf is like out of the picture ? idk =\

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hmm.. so theres this guy, we met a few weeks ago

and we've been talking alot on the phone, msn & seeing each other a lot

so we became very close friends and stuff

he jokes with me a lot and we have fun together

but he has a gf & he says that he doesn't know if he should go on with the relationship since they don't communicate with each other well and when they go out they have nothing to do or talk about.

& since we're really close i wonder if he has any feelings for me

is it possible to develop feelings for a close friend if you have a gf ?

i know i shouldn't be thinking of it since he has a gf but even our friend mention that it seems like its always just us and his gf is like out of the picture ? idk =\

It's very possible to develop feelings when you feel closer to someone else than the person you are currently with. This is something that most couples face...some hump where things are dull and they meet someone new and feel attracted to the "newness" of a recent contact.

Just keep in mind that if you get together with this person and they haven't gone through the motions of clearly cutting ties with their current s/o you stand to have a lot of troubles i.e. emotional baggage, no closure and a sinking feeling in the back of your head that this person (or yourself) might be inclined to do the exact same in the future.

imo its always better to let the dust settle before you make a move.

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Guest winksassy

how do you react when a girl tell you she likes you,

if its a your type what are gonna tell her?

if its not your type what your gonna tell her?

would you look at her as a low lady.. or invite you to go out?

i told my friend not to tell the guy..I'm i right?

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Guest lananhcali18

so he is mad at you for leaving him at the movies, but he doesnt like you.

plain and simply put? the man's an richard simmons hole that doesnt know where to direct his aggression, he makes excuses telling u that he is available cuz that other girl nothing special, but at the same time is not interested.

and quite honestly, i dont think anyone should be "looking for a relationship" u dont be with someone just for the sake of not being alone, u get with someone for a better reason then that.

i bet if a perfect girl came into his life and asked him out he would go, the man's an idiot. dont talk to him anymore, he's not ur friend. go make better ones who know what they are doing.

a real man doesnt need to get angry to push strong feeling unto others. cuz a real man inspires through actions and unnecessary kindness and respect.

when the king poors his slave a cup of tea, that is when he should be most respected. but he is still at the level of the slave master, just whipping things and yelling cuz he has no REAL power. he probably has a small Richard. :lol:

He's mad at me still. I just want us to be friends again.

I told him to take the girl out again and he said "no I'm not taking anyone out anymore.

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Guest marvinoppa

how do you react when a girl tell you she likes you,

if its a your type what are gonna tell her?

if its not your type what your gonna tell her?

would you look at her as a low lady.. or invite you to go out?

i told my friend not to tell the guy..I'm i right?

if she's my type or not, i play it cool. I'll try and keep the conversations similar and my actions the same as before.

i would not look at her as a low lady. i might even invite her out.

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Guest shirotaka

UGH, I never thought that I would ever write in here... but something's been bothering me lately.

My bf and I have been dating for a little over 3 months, and we've had our ups and downs, but all in all, we're really close and things between us are pretty well. I'm honest with him and he's honest with me... BUT...

I wasn't snooping around or anything (okay, I was curious), but my bf stopped by today and he logged into one his accounts on my computer. He must've forgot to log out because after he left and I came on to use, he was still logged in. I was just curious, so I checked his notes and I saw that he's been recieving a couple notes from his ex-crush.

First of all, she's married. The thing between my bf and her have ended years ago, and out of nowhere (or ever since we've been together), she decides to contact him and wants to know what's he been up to and stuff, and she says quote "I don't think you ever come on here anymore, so that's why I don't note you anymore."

I'll admit, the notes doesn't seem all that fishy or anything... and I'm not worried about him cheating behind my back. BUT it bothers me... maybe a lot that he's keeping in touch with her too.

I don't want to control his life and don't want to limit the people he can see and stuff, because that's ridiculous. But how will I come to the fact of telling my bf that I saw his notes and that it just bothers me so much that he's talking to her?

How do I tell him? How?

Am I wrong for doing this?

Its your boyfriend yet you're asking us? How odd. Is he insecure about his privacy? If so, you might want to explain to him why and tell him it bothers you for whatever your reason is. If he's an insecure person I doubt you can find any happy ending since you did open Pandora's box yourself.

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Guest marvinoppa

UGH, I never thought that I would ever write in here... but something's been bothering me lately.


How do I tell him? How?

Am I wrong for doing this?

ahhahahahahahahhaha. ok sorry. but youre in here now, so you might as well take the advice.

if you tell him, it would be to apologize only. it really doesnt matter that he left himself logged in. you went snooping in to his account. the two of you arent married. hes not obligated to share EVERYTHING with you, nor is he obligated to explain himself to you.

yes youre wrong for doing that.

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Guest akitorin

I know that everyone hates rejection, but people hate being led on even more.

So, if you were to ask out a girl and she's not interested, how would you like to be rejected? :sweatingbullets:

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