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Guest bitterkarma

would a guy you like befriend one of your good friends to get closer to you?

it sounds kinda self-centered i know...but answer it please anyways :P

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Guest blushedcrystal

It seems as if my Boyfriend is starting to get bored of me, though he reassures me otherwise that he doesn't?

He calls me and we talk for 30 minutes and it seems as if he makes an excuse that he has to go to sleep but then stays up the whole night. We hang out and we eat and have sex cause that's basically all we do, and once we're done with that he says he has to leave in 30 minutes.

How can I change this? I keep telling him this issue I have, but I still can't and won't settle for the fact that we cannot even hang out with each other or flat out just being around each other without having to set a limit because one of us is getting bored. I thought couples could stare at each other and talk about nonsense all day long because they're in love.

We've been together for 2 years already, and it seems as if things are getting really stale.

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Guest TheAmazingness

Guy A, he always acts all gentlemanly, y'know paying for our food, movie tickets, etc. Plus we hug, hold hands, he puts his arm around me and blah... So when people see us together, a lot of people think we're dating. He's told me straight up that he likes me. But I haven't actually said I felt the same way back yet.

Yesterday... We were eating dinner with a group of friends, but he didn't want to sit next to me. I was sad no lie, but I just shook it off. After dinner, the whole gang kicked it at a nearby yogurt place, and Guy A was cold, so he went inside. I followed him, assuming everyone else would follow... But no one did, so I just kicked it inside with him. I get happy since I finally get to talk to him one to one.

Few minutes later, our friend, Guy B, walks in and buys a Monster, and the three of us just chat. Then I had to leave, so I say my good-byes, and I bounce.

When I get home, my friends text me and all, and tell me that when I walked into the yogurt place with Guy A, everyone was AWWWING at us. But then my friends tell me that their AWWWING was suddenly ended Guy B threw a small tantrum, saying something like,

"Shut the *^&^ up! You guys don't know (&$^ about them. They're not into each other, so *&^^ all of you!"

And after this, Guy B storms inside.

NOW, since I was inside the whole time with Guy A, I wasn't aware of this small fit. Now, all of my friends are telling me to get over Guy A because he's not into me.

So my questions are:

1) Should I really listen to what my friends say? Guy A and I haven't talked as much lately because of school, and last night, we really didn't act all "coupley" like we usually do, so people say we "cooled off"? My friends say that he acted like he wasn't into me last night, and that if Guy B says Guy A's not into me, I should just get over it.

2) Why would Guy B throw a fit about something like that? Is it part of the bro-code or something? I'm fine if he just wants to protects Guy A's image. But just wonderin', why would he get so worked up over something he's not really involved in?

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Guest Psyche81

Guys help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am confused!! TTT___________TTT

Why would you guys tell a girl in person to keep in touch on facebook, accept the friend invite, but then goes on to ignore her? Why won't you reply on her wall when she's being friendly by asking you how your day was going? I mean it's not like you're not online *points to the online icon on chat* at that present moment.....

...Or did you accept the friend invite because you're a creeper and is only interested in creeping on all her recent pictures and notes and friend conversations?.......if this is the case....should I feel threatened? Are you even worth my time? Should I just delete you?

Guys help! Why would you guys do this??????

*Edit* Background story is he did flirt with me a few times in person in a way that will make any girl believe that he's interested in her.

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Guest localpinoy

what does a guy think of their jealous girlfriend?

Would they have thoughts as 'don't be so silly' and overreact?

It's about really small stuff here where the jealousy is about.

I think jealousy is okay to a certain extent. However, if jealousy gets too crazy to the point where you have to explain yourself every time, then there's gotta be some kind of discussion just so both of you guys are on the same page. A little jealousy tells me that I feel wanted, but a lot of it tells me there's some issues that need to be fixed.

would a guy you like befriend one of your good friends to get closer to you?

it sounds kinda self-centered i know...but answer it please anyways :P

Of course! Sometimes, a guy needs a better insight on a girl...and the best way to do that is to befriend one of her friends. Sometimes the friend is the deal breaker...I don't think a girl would date a guy if her good friend says flat out no...but that's just me haha

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It seems as if my Boyfriend is starting to get bored of me, though he reassures me otherwise that he doesn't?

He calls me and we talk for 30 minutes and it seems as if he makes an excuse that he has to go to sleep but then stays up the whole night. We hang out and we eat and have sex cause that's basically all we do, and once we're done with that he says he has to leave in 30 minutes.

How can I change this? I keep telling him this issue I have, but I still can't and won't settle for the fact that we cannot even hang out with each other or flat out just being around each other without having to set a limit because one of us is getting bored. I thought couples could stare at each other and talk about nonsense all day long because they're in love.

We've been together for 2 years already, and it seems as if things are getting really stale.

Be confident of your abilities to keep him in love with you.

A possessive, jealous and clingy behavior will drive your boyfriend away. Let him have his space. He will want to spend time with his buddies once in a while and will love it if you don't try to tie him down. Trust him and you will have his love for every!

Dont be too importunate, play sometimes cold or hard to get :P

boys like it up and then. Dont call first, do like your busy.

Go out with your girls and have shopping day or sth.

Let him miss you!!!

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Guest gingerpeach

It's hard to tell if he is interested, the fact that he's initiating more can be a sign that he's interested in you. However, it can simply mean that he's just more comfortable opening up to you now since you're no longer acquaintances but now friends. If you don't mind sharing how he responds to your text messages, it'll probably be easier to figure out what he's thinking about.

Not sure if you have done this already but since it seems like most of your interactions are through text messages I would also suggest asking him to hang out (movies, shopping etc) and see how his behavior is.

Thanks for replying to my post! Sorry for replying like a week later, I just wanted to see where things would go.

So he's still been texting me everyday. He'll text just to say hi ("Hi:)!"), or tell me what he's doing or where he is ("Hey! im on my way home:) lol"), or ask where I am or what I'm doing (like if I'm off work yet, if I'm home yet). And he'll ask about my day or how I'm doing. Then from there we'll just talk about random things. And then we usually end our text convos with a goodnight since it's late already haha and we're both about to sleep.

It's funny because the day before yesterday I knew he was going to be out with friends after work (like 11PM) and he knew I was gonna be out with ppl too, so we just told each other to have fun and such. I thought that was it for the night, didn't really expect him to text me again or anything (even though I kinda wanted him to..). But around 3 something AM he texts me asking if I'm still awake and tells me he's on his way home. I had just gotten home around that time so yeah I just texted him back. So then we texted for a bit then I said I was gonna sleep now and said goodnight. Then yesterday he texted me around 1:30PM saying hi, I asked him what time he woke up, he said like 1PM. Does it mean anything if he texted me not long after he woke up..

One night when he texted me with a "Hey:)" (we hadn't talked the whole day), I replied with "Hi! Thinking about me? Haha." and he said "Hahaha idk lol" and then I told him I was just kidding, then he called me a dork (haha..).

So what in the world am I to this guy? I can't figure it out at all.. I would assume that if he really were interested in me he would have made a move by now, but then again maybe he just wants to take things slow (??)... gah I really don't know.

I've thought about asking him to hang out. But then I end up not doing it because I'm afraid he wouldn't want to for some reason. Because when we see each other in person I can't tell that he's interested in me at all. He doesn't really show any signs. Sigh.

Edit: Our workplaces are like right next to each other and earlier this week we took our 30min. lunch breaks together. He was the one who asked abt it the day before. Then we took the bus home together when we both got off (we go in the same direction). BUT I feel like this doesn't really count as "making a move".. it was just a regular hang out kind of thing, I guess.end edit

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Ttwo months ago this guy helped me with my assignment and I thanked him and said " i owe you one ill get you lunch or something" <- but .. I didnt really mean it ( it was just something i said quickly and i didnt think he would actually bring it up again)

Two months after he actually brought it up!..and was like " how about i take you up on that offer, since you owe me"

& i totally forgot that i said that before and i was like " huh? since when" he told me to check my conversation history.

So..we had the lunch a couple of days ago and when we were there I was ready to pay and he said to me " You're not going to pay for me" and i said " isnt the whole point of today, for you to get a free meal?" and he was like " still.. you're not paying for me" in the end i still paid for it & he said that he owes me ..

So.. Do you guys think that its normal that he actually remebered what I said two months ago, and why didn't he want me to pay if he was the one that brought up the fact that I owed him lunch?? & I admit I have feelings for him but.. do you guys think i should bring up the fact that he owes me or should i wait for him to bring that up himself? :(

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Guest HuHChuuu

Why do some guys do this. Ok so I met this guy and it was kinda weird how we met, We met online and starting talking very little though and a couple of day's later we met up and there's not much I can say about him just yet except I think he's cute and I like his personality so far, first time meeting him was ok it was nice. But help me out here is he into me or not? ok when we started texting he wouldn't text much, just simple stuff he would hardly say much.  And after we met he text me the day after and didn't text me since, I texted him a couple of day's later but he just hardly talks to me which makes me think that he's not interested and im wasting my time? but then he offer's to help me in something and then yesterday he invited me to go out but I had to refuse both offer's because of work. And right now he said hi to me on facebook but he STILL hardly said anything. Idk im the type of person that if I want to be friends with a person I would be more talkative even in my text and messages, but he's not and it confuses me when he starts talking to me. So guy's what should I do in this situation I want to get to know this guy more but he just hardly ever says anything =(

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Guest Siweonn

What's a good gift for your boyfriend of one month? (Our one month is on Valetines day) The relationship is long distance too but I think I'm going to go see him that weekend.

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Guest Psyche81

sorry for double posting, but really need to hear some feedbacks/advice.

Why would you guys tell a girl in person to keep in touch on facebook, accept the friend invite, but then goes on to ignore her? Why won't you reply on her wall when she's being friendly by asking you how your day was going? I mean it's not like you're not online *points to the online icon on chat* at that present moment.....

...Or did you accept the friend invite because you're a creeper and is only interested in creeping on all her recent pictures and notes and friend conversations?.......if this is the case....should I feel threatened? Are you even worth my time? Should I just delete you?

Guys help! Why would you guys do this??????

*Edit* Background story is he did flirt with me a few times in person in a way that will make any girl believe that he's interested in her.

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The same reason high school kids write "KIT" or w/e in yearbooks, it's facade to feign that you care about someone's presence when in reality, you expect them to forget in about a week or two that you even wrote it.

Aside from that, it could just be that he's not that active a person on FB, a lot of people just sign on and leave it in the tab while working on something else. It's there just out of habit or w/e silly reason.

Even if he flirted with you in real life, how would interaction on FB give you any clear idea of what he thinks of you? Talk to him on meebo or something, guys use FB to see if you have any provocative photos to relish over and the occasional wall spam.

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Guest annbear

What if a guy I dated (but we broke up due to a certain reason..)  tells me he misses me and asked me to wait for him to return in a few months to see him again, but while he's still here, he chose to hang out with his old time / other friends and spends many times with his (girl) bestfriend, even though I've told him I wanted to see him? 

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Let's think about this logically.

He says he misses you. What's the easiest thing to do to deal with that issue? See you. You then give the OK for him to see you, and what does he do? He goes to every other person in his life except you. Come on, it's obvious what's going on.

This guy is playing with you. Obviously, you're a low priority in his eye. From the looks of it, this guy is probably keeping you on the side like insurance, so that when he comes back from wherever, he won't have to look around for some game to play with. Don't let him get his way and show him you've got better things to do and better people to be around than him.

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Okay, so this guy that I sit next to in art class. He's a high school senior, and I'm a sophmore. He randomly pats me on the head sometime,s nad ruffles my hair. Not to long ago, he go a new watch. He took my arm and slipped the watch around my wrist and held on to my hand, and commented on how small my hand was. Does this mean anything? Any intrepretation would be nice~!

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Guest ketchup?

A couple of days ago, my boyfriend admitted to me that he'd been flirting around with other girls because he was "experimenting." His logic is that he just wanted to see if he cares for me enough to not have feelings for anyone else (as a result from him flirting). I was pretty upset to say the least. I found out he was flirtatiously texting his ex-girlfriend, whom he considered his best friend for quite some time, when she came back in town. Their conversation went like this:

Ex: Do you want to come over to my hotel tonight?

Him: What do you want to do?

Ex: What do YOU want to do?

Him: Whatever needs to be done :)

Ex: Oh really ;) ;) ;)

When he was telling me about everything, he was bawling and apologizing and saying that he wasn't trying to hurt me. He swore he wouldn't ever do this again. I asked him why he felt the need to flirt around to test his feelings for me, when he should have respected me and cared for me enough NOT to even WANT to do anything like that. He just cried even more. The next day, it bothered me like no other and I realized I was beginning not to trust him like I used to anymore. I feel like a psychopath. I was never a jealous girlfriend and I always trusted that he'd make good decisions.. But not anymore. We had a talk about me not trusting him as much anymore and he cried again. After that, we decided to just take things a day at a time. However, since then, he's been acting up towards me. One second he'd be really sweet, the next he's giving me an attitude out of no where. This morning, he left his drink on the ground next to his laptop. All I said was, "You shouldn't be putting drinks on the ground, especially next to your laptop." And he snaps back at me saying, "Where else do you want me to put it?!" Like what the john tesh? I got mad at left and he kept apologizing for acting up again so I'd stay. I still left anyway. We haven't spoke since and I am really stressed out. I don't know why he's acting like this all of a sudden when I should be the one who's sulky. Before, we rarely ever argued with each other and we always tried to find a compromise. Now, we argue everyday. I really do love him, but I'm getting tired of the way he acts.

Can any of you guys give me a reasonable explanation as to why he's behaving this way..? :(

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Guest thaoyunho

What does it mean when you catch a guy you know looking at you, but when you look back.. He looks away and pretended he didn;t look. When it was obviously that he did look! It happend several times tough! 

( for more information: We have had a thing. But at some point we just got akward with eachother and now he keeps doing this)

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