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Guest i<3ramen

if a guy sees a girl he doesn't know sitting by herself in a class, would he come up and talk to her just to be nice/friendly? or is he showing some sign of interest?

probably a little bit of both. he wants to be nice and friendly by keeping a lonesome girl company and make a new friend in the process. interested? most likely a little bit since he did come over out of the blue, but just gotta see how he acts and look for signs

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Guest sunstori

Hey guys. :)

Just wondering... when you like a girl, do you generally make it obvious early on and initiate things?

I'm in a newly formed friendship group (uni people, formed about 2 months, we hangout weekly as a group, and chat on group facebook chat pretty much every night as a group). I like one of my guy friends in this group who've I've known for 2 months. He's nice and we've learnt a lot about eachother over the past 2 months because I always end up in his car (just the 2 of us coz he has a small car, so we chat and get to know eachother) when we go driving as a big group.

But even though he has my number (coz we all exchanged numbers in the beginning of our newly formed group), he's never texted/called. I've iniated single fb convos with him a few times (when group chat isn't going), and he keeps the convo going, but never initiates first.

Sometimes he does stuff which makes me think he might be interested (like offer me a lift to outings, offer to pay for my food sometimes and always sits next to me when we go to the movies).

Could it be that he's just shy and holding back? Or do shy guys usually make their moves if they like a girl?

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Guest AngelsWhisper

He said "Us guys are pigs and are jealous machines." Pigs as in wanting more than 1 girl? =p just literally got an appetite? Or what does it mean@)_@  Just curious haha

And have you ever love 2 girls (just as much as the other) before or can you really and only love one? It'd be great if more than 1 guy answer this one so I'll know xD thanks guys!

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Guest farkmedead

Hey guys.  :)

Just wondering... when you like a girl, do you generally make it obvious early on and initiate things?

I'm in a newly formed friendship group (uni people, formed about 2 months, we hangout weekly as a group, and chat on group facebook chat pretty much every night as a group). I like one of my guy friends in this group who've I've known for 2 months. He's nice and we've learnt a lot about eachother over the past 2 months because I always end up in his car (just the 2 of us coz he has a small car, so we chat and get to know eachother) when we go driving as a big group.

But even though he has my number (coz we all exchanged numbers in the beginning of our newly formed group), he's never texted/called. I've iniated single fb convos with him a few times (when group chat isn't going), and he keeps the convo going, but never initiates first.

Sometimes he does stuff which makes me think he might be interested (like offer me a lift to outings, offer to pay for my food sometimes and always sits next to me when we go to the movies).

Could it be that he's just shy and holding back? Or do shy guys usually make their moves if they like a girl?

As a pretty shy person myself, I personally always talk to the person I like by texting or instant messaging, but after a while I don't want to seem desperate so I try to initiate the conversations less and less. The reasons that your friend doesn't intiate conversations could be because he's busy or something, but if when you guys talk you have a genuine conversation I think he at least has a very good friendship with you. Also if he offers to give you a lift and sits next to you at the movies then you guys are probably tending towards a more "lovey" relationship. If I had to make a conclusion, I'd say he's REALLY shy, to the point where he doesn't even want to intimidate you by intiating conversations on fb. Maybe you should start giving him some hints if you like him.

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Guest ichigoiruka18

I have a question

some background:

so about a yr and a half ago, I broke up with my boyfriend of ~3.5 years. It was actually a really smoothe breakup (like no drama or anything...more on that another day) and I've been single since.

There's this guy I met in the beginning of the school year. Anyways, one day he randomly asked if I wanted to eat fro-yo w/ him....I refused b/c I had already made plans w/ some friends for the evening (Glee!...anyways) but then I noticed that he'd sit next to me in class and stuff like that. I kinda figured he liked me, and at the time I was unsure of my feelings for him. but I ended up liking him a lot....now I'm unsure if the "signals" he gives off are just me overthinking it waaaay too much or if it's actually that he likes me back. He's generally really friendly with everyone and is a nice guy. He's also a lot older than me so idk if he was just being nice to me b/c I was the new kid in school or if I'm like a little sister (since he also has a younger sister that he treats really well) or if he really does romantically like me or not...

We actually ended up on the topic of relationships when we were talking one day and I found that he wants to focus on school until the end of the semester (when he graduates). So I kinda don't want to be too forward about this.....at the same time, the anxiety is killing me.

I suppose my questions are...

Do guys get anxious like this too? How do you deal with it or resolve it? and how can I tell for sure if he likes me or not? short of being blunt and asking him...Is there any set thing that guys will do to show a girl they like her?

and, the most basic question: what do I do?!?

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Guest sunstori

As a pretty shy person myself, I personally always talk to the person I like by texting or instant messaging, but after a while I don't want to seem desperate so I try to initiate the conversations less and less. The reasons that your friend doesn't intiate conversations could be because he's busy or something, but if when you guys talk you have a genuine conversation I think he at least has a very good friendship with you. Also if he offers to give you a lift and sits next to you at the movies then you guys are probably tending towards a more "lovey" relationship. If I had to make a conclusion, I'd say he's REALLY shy, to the point where he doesn't even want to intimidate you by intiating conversations on fb. Maybe you should start giving him some hints if you like him.

Thank you for taking the time to read and reply. :D

I guess I'm as shy as he is and am scared of looking desperate or annoying haha. I'm going to try show more hints though anyway.

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Guest hitomii

For Christmas, I'm thinking of getting initial necklaces for me and my boyfriend (about 4 months of serious dating)

So guys, would you wear something like this? (i'm getting it without the pearl/crystal) it's pretty small and subtle.


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He said "Us guys are pigs and are jealous machines." Pigs as in wanting more than 1 girl? =p just literally got an appetite? Or what does it mean@)_@  Just curious haha

And have you ever love 2 girls (just as much as the other) before or can you really and only love one? It'd be great if more than 1 guy answer this one so I'll know xD thanks guys!

Both... and more. You don't want to know....

Love two girls...

I rarely throw around the word "love"... But in almost every circumstance, everybody has a preference to one person or another.

I think the demand that society places on us to love one and only one person romantically.... is too much for many people... Especially the younger population teens to twenties, to early thirties. 

I have a question

I suppose my questions are...

Do guys get anxious like this too?  How do you deal with it or resolve it?  and how can I tell for sure if he likes me or not? short of being blunt and asking him...Is there any set thing that guys will do to show a girl they like her?

and, the most basic question:  what do I do?!?

1.Guys do get anxious like this. We're human too.

2.How do I deal with it? I keep myself busy with other things, and if I can't take it anymore, I talk to somebody that can keep a secret.

3. You can never tell for sure whether he likes you or not. But here's a hint: Pay attention to the body language he presents.

4. Flirting is a major indicator. Pupils dilating... overall increase in attention, interest, etc. Some guys even stutter or become nervous

5. Leave it be. I skimmed through the things you wrote, but sitting next to somebody .... I see that as being friendly.

For Christmas, I'm thinking of getting initial necklaces for me and my boyfriend (about 4 months of serious dating)

So guys, would you wear something like this? (i'm getting it without the pearl/crystal)  it's pretty small and subtle.

Something about that chain... pass.

Pass as in nty...

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So my boyfriend and I have been together for only one month and he never calls me, facebooks me, or even texts me. I'm the one who is always trying to keep in contact with him. Is he not interested in me anymore or what it it? The only time he ever contacts me is to let me know what days he's free to hang out.

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@Sagari: One-sided relationship is one-sided.

Kay, in all honesty, I think you should confront him about this. It's bothering you and it needs to be brought to his attention.



What does it mean when a guy you've just met invites you to his house at 10pm to watch a movie?

Moreover, we met one week ago at a group meeting. Then we worked out together later in the week. The following week, he invites you over. We've talked on MSN and texting during this time.

I feel like I can trust him, however, I'm worried that my trust is skewed because I am [very] interested in him.

Thanks. [:

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Guest B L o T T - ii

how do i get a guy to open up?

Not as in pour his heart out to me, but for him to ... talk more? He chatters away with other people, but with me, the atmosphere gets a bit cold. It's difficult to get a discussion going, and so i resort to asking questions. then he goes, 'wow so many questions! haha' <_<

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Guest sugar_girl

why do guys agree to hang out with girl and knowing that the plan is still on yet  the next day as, are we still hanging out or watching a movie? What makes me confuse and upset is that, why agree to do this and that with us then the next day bail out? if you dont want to go just said you dont want to go. Don't waste our time thinking we going to hang out when we can make plan with my other friend instead.

This dude and I are suppose to watch a movie and he knows that the plan is still on yet the next day he IM me and ask, are we still going? To ask that question, it makes me assume that..oh i dont want to go but im asking just so you can get the hint. To be nice, i reply..yeah but unless you dont want to go which its fine. He said, "ROFL" and "party up then". Is he serious? Is he really going to bail out on me?

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For Christmas, I'm thinking of getting initial necklaces for me and my boyfriend (about 4 months of serious dating)

So guys, would you wear something like this? (i'm getting it without the pearl/crystal) it's pretty small and subtle.

Looks hot. I would wear it.

What does it mean when a guy you've just met invites you to his house at 10pm to watch a movie?

Moreover, we met one week ago at a group meeting. Then we worked out together later in the week. The following week, he invites you over. We've talked on MSN and texting during this time.

I feel like I can trust him, however, I'm worried that my trust is skewed because I am [very] interested in him.

Thanks. [:

MOVIE! Bring some snacks.

Well, when I invite someone to watch a movie or play games, we really do watch a movie and play games.

Then they stay in the guest room. Then leave the next morning.

Don't know about normal non-gaming non-anime-watching people though.

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Guest BBL0V3x33

guys, christmas coming up...what is something you guys would like to recieve thats creative and not the same old stuff like cologne, clothes, ect.?

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Guest safelittlethoughts

When guys tell girls that they're horny, are they really horny or are they just playing around with the girl?

My friend has been saying this A LOT for the past couple days and I really don't wanna jump to conclusion. Random, I know.

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Guest Michelle~*

hey guys~ this one guy, i've become closer with him for a few weeks now ever since we started talking more. he seems to be more comfortable around me now because he will make some jokes (even tho his english isn't that great). he saw my phone one time and he said my picture looked pretty. today he offered me a can of drink and i asked him why and he said it's because he didn't want it. xD he's very nice and he seems helpful too like when i lost something once he helped me look for it. he always smiles at me wen he sees me. but i think he's just a nice person in general. i don't know , how can i see if he's actually interested in me? so far he seems very nice but.. i duno. D=

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guys, christmas coming up...what is something you guys would like to recieve thats creative and not the same old stuff like cologne, clothes, ect.?

I'd like a katana. Or a japanese fan.

You know, something that the guy interested in. If he likes clothes and really likes clothes, then it's not just "same old stuff"

You can get some build-your-own-gundam boxsets as well.

Does it mean anything when a guy asks you if you think a certain guy is cute?

Does he usually ask that stuff?

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Guest xiaoru1747228

Does age really matter THAT much to a guy to turn himself down?

He is 24 and I am 18. We are exactly 6 years apart.

We like each other (as last weekend, we admitted) but he keeps on saying I am too young.

I am so frustrated because I don't think that age should be that much of a problem... I don't think it's a problem... Why is he...holding back...


Sorry, I was just...kinda... UGH... frustrated.

But here's what I got to: I haven't exp the adult life. Adulthood. The drinking, the parties, working, and such. Am I right? I've been quite sheltered my whole life so yea, I think I see why he kept on saying over and over I'm too young.

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