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Guest shinji.

This guy recently called me everyday for one week and suddenly this week he doesn't let anything know from him. So after 3days not hearing anything from him I decide to give him a call, but he didn't pick up his phone. I'm pretty sure he is not busy, because I saw him online like 1 hour ago. I didn't even bother him at all, these past 3 days. Why is he avoiding my call?

Don't be so quick to judge. He might just have missed the call or is actually busy.

are boys intimidated by girls who are loud and act boyish? i like to play video games, play/watch sports, watch 'boyish movies'. i feel that maybe it puts boys off? i've always felt boyish in terms of watching football and constantly playing video games, but i'm no less feminine than the next girl. i love to gossip with girls and dress up. i'm quite worried about this aha.

If that is what you like to do and enjoy it then a guy who truly likes you for who you are will not mind.

That sounds like me. lol Don't worry, people like us are the epitome of cool. :)


Please, enlighten me as to why so many guys do not wash their hands. What, it takes all of twenty seconds or something?

Because girls like dirty boys lol.

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Do all guys take what girls say literally? o____O

How often does a guy like... think that the girl actually means something else? (Since we - or at least I sometimes - don't say what I mean)... especially online. o.o

I learned the hard way, "listen to what a girl does instead of what she says."

This guy recently called me everyday for one week and suddenly this week he doesn't let anything know from him. So after 3days not hearing anything from him I decide to give him a call, but he didn't pick up his phone. I'm pretty sure he is not busy, because I saw him online like 1 hour ago. I didn't even bother him at all, these past 3 days. Why is he avoiding my call?

2 reasons,

1. He lost interest.

2. To make you think stuff, think about him, think about what he is thinking... evidently, it's working like he planned it.

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Guest AMIbunny

bleh. sometimes my boyfriend is like the Best boyfriend in the world.

But when I'm sad and crying for apparently no reason, he gets pissed off.. and annoyed =/ (probalby cuz it hapened too many times). Then he's like he doesn't wanna talk to me and ignores me....

when i'm "mad" (i never really got mad at him seriously only for a few min) he'd be like "baby nooo. dont be mad. i love you" and stuff like that..

today was sad because he couldn't come to my house....i was crying and he said "F--k .. . just leave me alone. I'm really busy, b..tch. . ." and he called me .. sl ut..

i dont like it when he calls me that.but he never listens. He was counting down "10-9-8...etc...." for me to hang up..and he threatened to break up with me...

ugh... I always have to listen to HIM but he never listens to me!'

why is he like that?! and its almost my bday too!

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Guest dragonninja598000

fellas, i have some questions =]

me and this guy have this thing together [we live together, dorm]

we flirt a lot and spend a lot of time together, not alone most of the time lol but yeah

ppl in the hall all thinks we like each other

we've slept together on the same bed many times and we cuddles, he tells me lots of private thing, he's always buying me food or starbuck, and apparently he brought me a surprise gift lol

well i bought him earring too though hahaha but etc

the point is, i was pretty sure he was at the very least interested in me

i was fine with the way things were, i really don't mind just being like this, we don't have to get together or anything, it's cool

but then he did something that threw me off completely:

we went to watch a movie last night as a huge group and I was one of the driver, so he was my "co-pilot" xD and everything was fine, we went to eat and yadida

but then when i parked and we're walking toward the restaurant...he just totally walked off...he didn't even bother to wait for me at all..our other friends did and i was shocked but i shrugged it off

then after we ate we started walking toward the theater and once again he jst walked off...never bother to look back for me, and during the movie, he didn't even try to sit near me.. i thought if you like someone you would try to spend time with them? by this time, i was getting a bit annoyed, he hasnt talked to me at all since dinner but i was thinking like, it's okay, he's just sitting with his closest friend in the dorm, so it's fine. Then after the movie ended we were walking out, we all took the wrong exit and him and a few of the guys walked ahead and then we turned into this corner and they disappeared..they walked into one of the four doors and the rest of us didnt know which door, so we got annoyed at the guys..like wow...we drove them here and they just left us, it was rude, i mean we all get over it but it was rude.

but for him especially..i was pissed by this time. So when we were driving home, i just ignored him and by the time we got home, he was really pissy o.o his friend came up to me and was like "matt..is pissed off" and i'm just like.."uh.." cuz honestly..i don't see why he would be pissed off lol.

anyway sorry for the long story

my question is...what was that? i dont think i read the signals wrong lol but maybe i was played and i was just really confused by his actions, can you guys shed light on that for me please? if anything, i just wanna move on with my feelings and forget him, go back to being just friends

thanks =]

He's mad at you. Iono what you did, but if he's not talking to you at all and doing all this stuff maybe you said something and you hadn't realized what you said. Iono it's always hard to go back as friends. You could try and ask what is wrong, but that could be a double edge sword.

thanks for the replies. :D

i would like to ask you another of my queries.

Okay lets just say there was this really pretty girl well you know the ones where you gotta have another look and there was this another average girl( i mean real average girl). :lol:

now you met them in different places but same...circumstance (sorry if this is not the word) :mellow:

the circumstance is that they meet your eye and they smile at you

then what goes in through your head in both the girls cases. Do you ignore them or do you smile at them??? :huh:

hmmm this leads to another question that is if a really ok looking girl smiles at you do you find it creepy even though they have intention of creeping you out??? :ph34r:

sori if it has been repeated :blink:

i know it seems pre..tt..y long eh??hehe thanks in advance :P

I'd smile back and go back to do whatever I'm doing. Maybe I'd go over and say hi, but that really depends on if i feel like it or not.

And it really depends on how she's smiling. If it's the "I'mma shank you in the hallway" smile i'd be creeped out. Other wise i'd just be like why is she smiling at me.

okay, so I have a question.

the guy I like and I were texting and we're pretty close friends.

I said "it's too bad we never get to hang out" and he's like yeah.

The next day he texts me again and says " We should hangout. let's hangout just last minute."

So I said okay and I asked stuff like "when? & where?"

he then answers with dunno for pretty much EVERYTHING.

so why would he ask me/ bring up hanging out if he had no intention of making actual plans?

Well i do that too, but that's usually because my town is small and the neighboring places are soo boring. So in essences there isnt' anything to do that's why he's saying i don't know.

Do all guys take what girls say literally? o____O

How often does a guy like... think that the girl actually means something else? (Since we - or at least I sometimes - don't say what I mean)... especially online. o.o

Yes. There are occasion where we won't, but most of the time we think you mean what you say.

This guy recently called me everyday for one week and suddenly this week he doesn't let anything know from him. So after 3days not hearing anything from him I decide to give him a call, but he didn't pick up his phone. I'm pretty sure he is not busy, because I saw him online like 1 hour ago. I didn't even bother him at all, these past 3 days. Why is he avoiding my call?

He's probably uninterested now or he wants to be somewhat mysterious. It's your call.

i obviously don't have time to read through all of these so i'm really sorry if this has been asked already.

are boys intimidated by girls who are loud and act boyish? i like to play video games, play/watch sports, watch 'boyish movies'. i feel that maybe it puts boys off? i've always felt boyish in terms of watching football and constantly playing video games, but i'm no less feminine than the next girl. i love to gossip with girls and dress up. i'm quite worried about this aha.

Well loud is a little turn off for me. Boyish isn't so bad. I mean if you like totally dress like a dude it's just like -_- and you might as well just be another guy. I mean it sounds like your still feminine enough. I know a lot of girls who are like that, it's not a big deal. I think it's pretty cool that a girl play video games on a daily basis. I don't think you have anything to worry about.

bleh. sometimes my boyfriend is like the Best boyfriend in the world.

But when I'm sad and crying for apparently no reason, he gets pissed off.. and annoyed =/ (probalby cuz it hapened too many times). Then he's like he doesn't wanna talk to me and ignores me....

when i'm "mad" (i never really got mad at him seriously only for a few min) he'd be like "baby nooo. dont be mad. i love you" and stuff like that..

today was sad because he couldn't come to my house....i was crying and he said "F--k .. . just leave me alone. I'm really busy, b..tch. . ." and he called me .. sl ut..

i dont like it when he calls me that.but he never listens. He was counting down "10-9-8...etc...." for me to hang up..and he threatened to break up with me...

ugh... I always have to listen to HIM but he never listens to me!'

why is he like that?! and its almost my bday too!

Iono. Sounds like this guy is a richard simmons. Unless you really like him, you should really find someone else. There's probably a lot of other guys who will treat you a lot better than this. To explain his behavior would be hard because i don't understand it myself.

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Okay, so there's this guy that i've known for 2 years, and my friend told me he likes me because he tries harder with me than the rest of the girls. I thought he was a player back then because he always got along with girls. Anyway, we got really close during the school year. Sometimes, he would make comments about my legs? haha. He'd say, "Why are your legs so shiny?" And my other guy friend said, "Dude stop checking out her legs." And he'd deny it and blush. Later in the year, he got mad at me for being cold to him at times and "uninterested" in talking to him. I apologized to him and he apologized too. We didn't talk for 2 months straight (the entire summer). Because of that, I thought he didn't like me or didn't like me anymore.

Now, it's the school year and we don't have any classes that we have together like we normally had during the last 2 years. We haven't talked for the entire first week of school, but I saw him a couple times. Whenever we make eye contact, he looks away and blushes. What's up with that? He was never like that last year. And out of the blue, he posted on my facebook and said, "for a week of school i didnt see you at school. did u go to another school?"

What's that supposed to mean? Does he still like me? Or does he miss me? Or was he just being friendly? Thanks!

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Guest 112233

2 reasons,

1. He lost interest.

2. To make you think stuff, think about him, think about what he is thinking... evidently, it's working like he planned it.

LOL, you were totally right, number 2.. xD thankss!!

he called me the next morning.

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Guest dragonninja598000

Okay, so there's this guy that i've known for 2 years, and my friend told me he likes me because he tries harder with me than the rest of the girls. I thought he was a player back then because he always got along with girls. Anyway, we got really close during the school year. Sometimes, he would make comments about my legs? haha. He'd say, "Why are your legs so shiny?" And my other guy friend said, "Dude stop checking out her legs." And he'd deny it and blush. Later in the year, he got mad at me for being cold to him at times and "uninterested" in talking to him. I apologized to him and he apologized too. We didn't talk for 2 months straight (the entire summer). Because of that, I thought he didn't like me or didn't like me anymore.

Now, it's the school year and we don't have any classes that we have together like we normally had during the last 2 years. We haven't talked for the entire first week of school, but I saw him a couple times. Whenever we make eye contact, he looks away and blushes. What's up with that? He was never like that last year. And out of the blue, he posted on my facebook and said, "for a week of school i didnt see you at school. did u go to another school?"

What's that supposed to mean? Does he still like me? Or does he miss me? Or was he just being friendly? Thanks!

He probably still likes you. It sounds like it cuz it's hard to make eye contact with you. Of course this could be fore other various reasons as well. I think you should go up to him and just talk to him see what's up.

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Guest margaretgoesrawr

theres this onee dude at my school, we dun have the same friends. but i really want to talk to him

what should i do? should i just forget about him since he hasnt made an effort to talk to me? or should i grow some girl balls and just talk to himm ?

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Guest heyitzthatfc

theres this onee dude at my school, we dun have the same friends. but i really want to talk to him

what should i do? should i just forget about him since he hasnt made an effort to talk to me? or should i grow some girl balls and just talk to himm ?

When you say you want to talk to him, I take it you guys aren't even friends yourselves?

If that's the case then it's perfectly normal that he isn't going to make an effort to talk to you. If you think of it in his shoes, ask yourself "Why should I?" (Unless he likes you.)

See? Makes a bit of sense now right?

Don't grow girl balls because he'll be in for a rude surprise later on, just get some courage and go talk to him lol. Be casual and don't be embarrassed to use a generic opener like "can I borrow X?"

or if you're really courageous if he ever catches you looking at him, smile and say hi or something.

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theres this onee dude at my school, we dun have the same friends. but i really want to talk to him

what should i do? should i just forget about him since he hasnt made an effort to talk to me? or should i grow some girl balls and just talk to himm ?

It can't hurt to try talking to him. Just do it.

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Guest dragonninja598000

theres this onee dude at my school, we dun have the same friends. but i really want to talk to him

what should i do? should i just forget about him since he hasnt made an effort to talk to me? or should i grow some girl balls and just talk to himm ?

LOL. Girl ballz. LOL that's ridiculous. You don't need to grow anything. As heyitzthatfc said, you just really need an excuse to talk to him. I don't know what you can do. I'd say go start a conversation with the friends you know that hang with him and try to inlcude him in teh conversation or something. I mean i wouldn't recommend doing anything creepy. lol.

I don't think you should take this part seriously, but an idea would be to make eye contact with him and then wink at him and just wait to see what happens. LOL. No but seriously, don't that's be a little weird.

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Guest DangerousAngel

If a girl confessed to you and she clearly explained that she cannot be around you unless it's more than friendship,

and you didn't really give her an answer back,

BUT you keep on initiating conversations on msn, fb, IRL even though she's avoiding you as much as she can.

What is your plan? -.-;

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theres this onee dude at my school, we dun have the same friends. but i really want to talk to him

what should i do? should i just forget about him since he hasnt made an effort to talk to me? or should i grow some girl balls and just talk to himm ?

If every guy stopped and thought "should I REALLY approach her? it's not like she's made any effort to talk to me" girls would probably be crying everyday.

If two strangers can meet (mainly because the guy initiates the conversation) then a girl can do the same.

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Guest margaretgoesrawr

When you say you want to talk to him, I take it you guys aren't even friends yourselves?

If that's the case then it's perfectly normal that he isn't going to make an effort to talk to you. If you think of it in his shoes, ask yourself "Why should I?" (Unless he likes you.)

See? Makes a bit of sense now right?

Don't grow girl balls because he'll be in for a rude surprise later on, just get some courage and go talk to him lol. Be casual and don't be embarrassed to use a generic opener like "can I borrow X?"

or if you're really courageous if he ever catches you looking at him, smile and say hi or something.

wee do know eachother but we like never talk like acquaintances you knoww.

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Guest dragonninja598000

If a girl confessed to you and she clearly explained that she cannot be around you unless it's more than friendship,

and you didn't really give her an answer back,

BUT you keep on initiating conversations on msn, fb, IRL even though she's avoiding you as much as she can.

What is your plan? -.-;

That was his way of saying "ok". But why is she avoiding him? I mean as a friend she can still talk to him right?

wee do know eachother but we like never talk like acquaintances you knoww.

Like i said you just need a reason to talk to him. Accidentally bump into him or something or like when he's by himself just go over say hi and ask why's he is all by himself. =P

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Guest ickboo


so i was chatting online and my guy friend asks:

'would you ever go out with a guy like me?'

and i said, 'i think so?'

is he trying to imply something here?

or was it just a question since he considers himself shy and just wanted a girl's opinion?


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Guest peaches*

hey fellas!

so i did not have my v-card when i met my current bf. and when we first started dating he said that it was okay because in this day and age not many girls my age still have it. but NOW--after several months of dating, he is saying he does not feel special since he's not my first, but i am his first. i really love him and care about him, he may not be my first boyfriend, but he's my first love. losing my v-card were mistakes in the past i did when i was young/stupid.

-would you guys feel the same way as he does now?

-is what he is saying fair?

-what can i do to help him feel better?

-or what can i say?

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Guest jade of course

If someone you don't know well tells you that you're good-looking, do you assume that they are interested?

I told a friend of mine (we don't talk often, but we can hold a conversation when we're together) today that I thought he was a good-looking person, and can be pretty cute sometimes. I'm not really interested in him, but lately he's been treating me... differently. He's asking me to hang out more than he usually does. Does he think I'm interested or does he just feel more comfortable with me now?

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Guest woaini715

hey guys. so last night, i realized what an richard simmons my ex was.

-we're talking and he bring up how he would get jealous over how i used to obsess over chris pine (but when i started dating him, i totally dropped all that talk about chris pine). then i say "it's the same thing with guys and megan fox. she's always in her lingerie in her pictures". so he responds so excitedly "really?! i'm going to google right now!" and in a couple of hours, he calls me and tells me that he's switched his computer wallpaper...he knows that i'm not the jealous type but i got upset because he was doing all of this and rubbing it in my face to purposely make me upset. and personally, i just don't like it when someone who's special to you goes out of their way to upset me.

-aside from that, he used to be a heavy smoker but he was the one who asked me to help him quit. when we're talking one night, he tells me that he had a slip up where he only had one cigarette ( which was for a pretty stupid reason too). but when i see him two days later and tell him that i need a break from him, he pulled out the cigarette box, started smoking in front of me and i noticed that there was more than one missing! so not only did he smoke in front of me and lie to me, but he's also proved to me that he doesn't care about his health in the long run and i was just wasting my time and energy!

i was so angry after he drunk dialed me last night and i was thinking to myself : why the hell did i ever trust this richard simmons bag with my feelings? why did i even go out with him?

so am i overreacting??

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