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【 Dir En Grey 】 The Thread

Guest sHIK-kUN

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Guest CrazieRavieToast

Wow, that just made one of the saddest songs ever into the funniest thing I've ever seen. I have it somewhere on my computer, I think, but I haven't seen it in a long time. lol, I won't be able to sleep tonight because I'll be listening to my music and imagining what it would sound like in chipmunk.

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Guest fifth_avenue

I've never seen Diru live. You're so lucky Aki...

That's only because I was living in Japan at the time ><

If you want to see them, come back to Japan with me, I'm going back at the end of the year lol

Aki! Get your butt back on msn! Or at least send me a letter! Did you get mine?? Did it smell nice??

Yeah well my bro's cut my net cause I'm suppose to be studying for exams. Oh and yeah I did get it, thanks for the badges! I'm sending out your letter tomorrow so look out for it k? Oh and I will get a mobile phone... Soon... Maybe >< Hmm yeah, speaking of old members, where's my Ninni-sama? O_O and Alicia too... I miss everyone. Heh. Even I was thinking of ditching this thread but then again, I was like... Bleh, I'll just post damnit. Haha

Thanks for the pics everyone.

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how is it eve close to funny to detroy Bottom of the Death Valley like that? Man...make the members, make dumb drawings, cartoons, comics, etc about them...but don't insult their work by mocking it like that...I'm disgusted with whoever did that, it's not even remotely funny.

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Guest accursed_desire

That's only because I was living in Japan at the time ><

If you want to see them, come back to Japan with me, I'm going back at the end of the year lol

Gah, you lucky son of an angry beaver. You got to live in Japan. No fair. lol.

I'll go to Japan with you! Just got to convince my parents to pay for me... since all my money is set aside for Christmas. >< I can't believe it's already November...


I told my mom that I was invited to go to Japan with you, and she said I could go if you paid for me. lol. :P But she said you're always welcome to come and stay with me! hehe.

EDIT...Again. lol.

Um, last night I was going over who I needed to buy for Christmas and I decided that I wanted to get you something Aki, but I want to make sure that's alright with you, since I'd have to mail it and everything. PM me on that, K!

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Guest Olivia*sSlave*

its just a little humour... your taking it a little to seriously

its not even destroying i found it interesting

if u have mpc you can make all songs sound fast its fun

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lol. I would so totally vote for Kaoru as president... hey, I'll be able to vote in the next election... score! I love it at the end though when it says "Paid for by ..... Kaoru's Mom!" Lol. I'm sorry, I thought it was funny.... And as a result of all this Kaoru campaigning, George Bush feels a little threatened. lol.


I'm sorry, but all this just made my day and I had to share.

hahahaha... kaoru's campaine

that really good, i really admire whoever thought of that!! seriously... that was birlliant.

it really made my day and made me laugh

thanx (my first post in diru)

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Guest .__.deathMEOW

well.. i just wanted to make a request ><

since i lost all my dir en grey stuff (my uncle deleted everything off my computer) and thank you very much to xXillicitXx and Miyabi for helping me recover ^___^

but anywayy.. i was wondering if anyone could upload the Mousou Ka--- something something.. i think that's the one where Kyo cries at a live >< i had it before... so could someone upload just that for me? thanks :D

(and i underlined and bolded my request so people can actually READ my post instead of just ignoring it liek they always do... and this is an urgent request too :3)

thank you and have a nice day (:

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hello .__.deathMEOW

I was looking on my computer for song Mousou Ka--- and I didn't find it, the closes one is Mushi and in live versions Kyo cries. I'm uploding those, so if it isn't right, then I don't have Mousou and something (which would be very strange B)


Mushi live

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Guest XxIllicitxX

I need a list of what PV's you do have before I burn off the final disc... I would just burn them all but it's 1.92GB and yeah, I wanna see if I can fit them onto the one disc :)

And then I send! Woo-hoo!

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Guest .__.deathMEOW

hello .__.deathMEOW

I was looking on my computer for song Mousou Ka--- and I didn't find it, the closes one is Mushi and in live versions Kyo cries. I'm uploding those, so if it isn't right, then I don't have Mousou and something (which would be very strange B)


Mushi live

oh thank you ^__^

but i already have the mp3 versions

.........somewhere =A=; not on my computer anymore at least... but i liek the lives better ><;

I need a list of what PV's you do have before I burn off the final disc... I would just burn them all but it's 1.92GB and yeah, I wanna see if I can fit them onto the one disc :)

And then I send! Woo-hoo!

.__.;; i thot you were gonna burn me all the PVs.. so then if my stuff does get deleted agen i could just have your disc as a back-up.. oh well, that's ok wid me :P

well here are the PVs that are left:


The Final

Clever Sleazoid


Child Prey



Mr. Newsman

thanks so much! XDD oh yeaa.. btw.. did you ever tell me your name? i think you havent .__.; because i'd liek to call you something rather than XxIllicitxX ><;

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Guest Shiva_K

well.. i just wanted to make a request ><

since i lost all my dir en grey stuff (my uncle deleted everything off my computer) and thank you very much to xXillicitXx and Miyabi for helping me recover ^___^

but anywayy.. i was wondering if anyone could upload the Mousou Ka--- something something.. i think that's the one where Kyo cries at a live >< i had it before... so could someone upload just that for me? thanks :D

(and i underlined and bolded my request so people can actually READ my post instead of just ignoring it liek they always do... and this is an urgent request too :3)

thank you and have a nice day (:

I uploaded and posted three PVs for you too V_V I didn't upload more because you didn't want to.
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Guest accursed_desire

Hey Esti! I haven't seen you in here in like, forever. lol. *hugs*

Um, I think it was supposed to be released at the end of October... I've looked for it everywhere, but haven't found it yet... I want the American released version, even if I already have it so if I find it anywhere, I'll let you know.

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Guest Shiva_K

^ Britt~ <3

Hey Esti! I haven't seen you in here in like, forever. lol. *hugs*
Forever? lol :lol: I'm not posting here lately but I read always hehe =D *chu*
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Leagle-chan, is there any other PVs you need from me? If so, please list them.








apparently, Kyo ate something that didnt agree with him XD; :


To be cont.

Btw, funny Diru occurence:

During lunch, Re-chan (yes the Re-chan from here XD) took out her Media Studies folder, opened the first page and there was a fake interview with Diru she had to do for coursework. It had a rather gorgeous picture of Diru, and so a friend of ours, Mia, and I dived rather impressively across the table to snatch at it. (Ouch.)

Anyway, when I read the work, there was a question that said "so, you wear dresses, are you gay?" (May I point out that this was a harmless, sincere question since it was meant to be an interview) Anyway, Re-chan had meant to put, "no, just because we wear dresses, doesnt mean we're gay." However, she had made a mistake, and I was only too happy to read out her hilarious error: "just because we wear dresses, doesn't mean we're NOT gay!"



Is it just me, or is there something terribly sexy about Shinya with a baseball bat? XD






I'll post the rest later, I've got group, Die, Totchi and Kaoru ones to come. Sorry to put them second, but Kyo and Shinya are my faves XD;

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Guest accursed_desire

^ Britt~ <3

Forever? lol :lol: I'm not posting here lately but I read always hehe =D *chu*

Well, post more often cuz I was starting to miss you. :P

Leagle-chan, is there any other PVs you need from me? If so, please list them.

Btw, funny Diru occurence:

During lunch, Re-chan (yes the Re-chan from here XD) took out her Media Studies folder, opened the first page and there was a fake interview with Diru she had to do for coursework. It had a rather gorgeous picture of Diru, and so a friend of ours, Mia, and I dived rather impressively across the table to snatch at it. (Ouch.)

Anyway, when I read the work, there was a question that said "so, you wear dresses, are you gay?" (May I point out that this was a harmless, sincere question since it was meant to be an interview) Anyway, Re-chan had meant to put, "no, just because we wear dresses, doesnt mean we're gay." However, she had made a mistake, and I was only too happy to read out her hilarious error: "just because we wear dresses, doesn't mean we're NOT gay!"

Um, I don't remember which ones you had. :( Oh, and you can call me Brittany or Britt... I don't much like being called by my SN, but it's cool.

:blink: Hahahaha. OMG, that's funny. I love it. :lol:

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