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【 Dir En Grey 】 The Thread

Guest sHIK-kUN

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Guest kaochaa

Haven't been here for a while ><, damn....

Hmmmm.....how I first got into Deg? Actually I was trying to find info about Gackt 'cause I saw for the first time Vanilla pv :rolleyes: and I suddenly stumbled on Kaoru (then I didn't know who he was, I just knew he was HOT) and I found some mp3s, downloaded them and was like " WOW!!!! Finally something what I like to listen and plus it's Japanese ^^!!!"


This was his 1st photo on my compy :P

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Guest Romancer.

This was the pic that got me into Dir en grey....after seeing this I went into the Diru thread in Soompi:


And after looking at pics I've always been attracted to Shinya (my favourite)...there was/is just something about him....my first pics:



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Guest XxIllicitxX

I wish everyone from the old thread actually stayed when they came back... Boo. And if Aki doesn't contact me soon I'm going to send him a mobile phone and call, Goddamnit!

Anyway, here are some pics that everyone probably has, but I like them.











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Guest CrazieRavieToast

I just realized that Die has a whip o.0;;; *naughty thoughts* We're all going to have fun in the dressing room :) And I promised my self I would save my 200th post for this topic so someone hurry up and post.

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^lmao, okies...

i shall edit this with something relevant, i swear.

i just realized you posted a few hours ago.. la. but i remember saving my 100th post for the gazette thread. <3

Being relevant now. Actually, how I came onto Diru was originally just random boredom, but my love for them is rather personal though. I was here at soompi and I was freakin' bored so I clicked on this thread. First... I was like wow. AH HAHAHA! But yeah, it was very fasicnating to me. Back then they had the file sharing section up, so i d/l a few songs and burned them to a cd. I didn't really form an attachment to the band itself yet. With that first handful of downloads I got a hold of mushi live, which everyone loves yes?

That's where the personal reasons come into play. I got into a HUGE fight with my father... and let's just say it was bad. Afterwards I shoved on my headphones and the very haunting performance of mushi filled my ears. And that comforted me. Well, I bawled like a baby... but it was like a fix. LMAO. So.... yeah... it kinda just was like a security blanket. I still listen to it when me and my father "clash".

and then i started stalking this thread (well the old one) and fell for kyo's charm?


something like that.

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When Kyo-sama performed Mushi on 5 Ugly Kingdom, it really struck a cord. It was such an incredibly emotional performance. The only flaw was that I couldnt be there. I've never seen a performance of that power with any other artist. People who say he doesnt put emotion into his songs just doesnt know what they're talking about.

His Aint Afraid To Die performance on 5 Ugly Kingdom made me cry my eyes out. It was so beautiful.

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Guest CrazieRavieToast

Whenever I get in a fight with my parents I normally play Art of Life by X Japan or Bottom of Death Valley. I love the Mushi live, my mother hates it and says he sounds like a dieing cat that got it's tail stepped on but I can listen to the song over and over again. I'm supposed to getting ready for church so I'd better leave.

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Guest accursed_desire

Hey, I'm at school too! I have to go though in 4 minutes, cuz class changes. But you should watch it cuz it's really hot. lol. *dies* I watch that clip all the time.... the only one I watch ten million times that doesn't have Kaoru in it. Hehe.

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Guest CrazieRavieToast

I'm supposed to be getting ready for school :P

And I love that clip so much. Why is it that everyone posts when I'm asleep? I think I'm the only one in my time zone. I had something relevant to say but I forgot what it was.

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Guest accursed_desire

I'm sorry, but I just have to post this... read this on live journal.








lol. I would so totally vote for Kaoru as president... hey, I'll be able to vote in the next election... score! I love it at the end though when it says "Paid for by ..... Kaoru's Mom!" Lol. I'm sorry, I thought it was funny.... And as a result of all this Kaoru campaigning, George Bush feels a little threatened. lol.


I'm sorry, but all this just made my day and I had to share.

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