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Guest sweet_pai

So who watched the season finaleeeee?

I for one like Juliet/Jack. And hate Jack for being kate like wtf.


I was soo sad when Juliet got caught with the magnetic force in the swan station. noooooooo whyyyyyy ;O

And Jacob is still mystery, wtf he made sayid's wife die. Also man I have to half a year for the final season

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Guest res0nate

Now that the whole body thing is out of the bag, it's safe to say that he manipulated Christian's body as well.

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Guest CK92842

Anyone care to take a snapshot of the man sitting in the chair when Locke & Ben first went to the cabin together?

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Guest catchthesky.

i felt so bad for juliettt =(

the look on her face when sawyer was staring at kate.. TT_TT

so now since she was successful in detonating the bomb, everything goes back the way it was?

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Guest res0nate

Anyone care to take a snapshot of the man sitting in the chair when Locke & Ben first went to the cabin together?

It was Christian.

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Guest dudeman




Talk about a FREAKIN CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!



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Guest pecpecjuice

MAN....that was the best episode thus far....and i just can't wait til 2010 for the next and final season...DAMN...that's such a long wait....man talk about a cliff hanger....when the show ended i was like ..."NO DAMN IT...NOT NOW...AH richard simmons...2010..? ARE YOU KIDDING ME..!!" hehehe

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Guest Riyoko

First, I'd like to start by saying:

I feel bad for Locke. He got used his whole life. Used by his dad, used by the only thing he put real faith into. The island. I think Christian, the smoke monster, and the guy w/ Jacob (I'll join in others in calling him Esau) are all the same thing. Manipulating everyone, usually by appearing to people as a person close to them. Like Alex with Ben. He didn't have to with Locke, because he was so into believing blindly so he could have meaning in his life. He so desperately wanted some meaning in what he was doing. And then Esau ended up telling Richard to tell Locke he had to die, therefore ensuring Locke would die and it could take over. Locke had a sucky richard simmons life.


I was really annoyed, because around the time Ben stabbed Jacob, both my tv and my friend's blacked out. Anyone else have this problem? Or anyone else in California? D: I'll need to check what I missed.

But it was so amazing. Finally, we get some answers. I felt so bad for Juliet though. I normally don't like her, but this made me feel bad for her. I can relate. BUT 2010?! OMG TOO LONG TO WAIT.

Anyone else have any theories on who or what has taken over Locke? It's obviously not him, based on what we were given.

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Guest jjowah

i didnt expect juliette to die like that..the producers mustve really wanted a dramatic ending..more like a desperate route? probaly not. but i was heartbroken b/c i felt sawyer and juliette were so oddly right together..and then vincent, bernard and rose? that was really unexpected. is the island really that huge for no one to have found them? the locke ending wasnt that much of a shocker. i thought the guy who played jacob was a joke...especially the very beg of the finale where we see jacob and his frenemy wait for the black rock ship come ashore in who knows when. i thought it was a freecreditreport.com commercial to be honest. their sailing get up was too corny if you ask me. the whole spinning thread concept reminded a lot of ALIAS.. the other show jj abrams concocted. both deal with lots of ancient times, fate, destiny...and both shows got really fantasy like in the last season.

i had mix feelings about the finale. the commercial breaks were horribly placed and i had a hard time getting back into the scene and "lost" atmosphere. jack's whole mid life crisis was about kate..which i thought was hilarious b/c this whole time i felt he was ralph from "lord of the flies" going with his good, gut instincts. i was slightly relieved he & kate still love each other b/c ever since day 1, ive rooted for those two to be togetha foreva..

i was expecting sun to die this season just b/c her character was getting really annoying and redundant. so juliette getting wraped with the metal chain was a shocker to say the least.

one thing the season finale did not answer for me was more about MILES and RICHARD. jacob,fake locke, ben, the "good guys" were all revealed to an extent ..but not those two. i think miles and richard are a lot smarter and powerful than the rest of the island thinks.

i could go on blabbering but ill stop b/c it only makes me crazy thinking about how im going to survive wednesday nights for a year until the last season starts. sigh~

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Guest Odile

That was an unbelievable finale season!!! I(m so shocked how it ends! Like 2 Lockes??? well I"m so impatient for the next and last season!

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Guest graceyoon

aww and here i was knowing juliet was probably the one going to die when someone mentioned awhile back that some main character was going to die in the finale... and then when she did i knew there had to be some reason she was there besides in a jack/kate/sawyer love triangle..

yeah i have to agree with the person who had mixed feelings about the finale.. overall i loved it but parts were so corny..

sawyer: why r u really here jack

jack: because of kate

sawyer: why the sudden change in mind juliet

juliet: because of the way u look at kate

i still don't get why sawyer and the others kept saying they didn't need to be saved.. i thought the reason why their noses stopped bleeding was since jack and his crew made it to the island.. ah well anyway LOST withdrawal is going to hurt so much :C

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Guest Myss Blewm

^Their noses stopped bleeding and jumping through time was because Locke went down and pulled the turning thing all the way. I don't think the Oceanic survivors had anything to do with Sawyer and those stuck on the island from time jumping.

This is confusing me a lot. To put it simply, the big picture at the end of the day has always been about Jacob and that dude at the beginning.....right? This is the reason I have a love/hate relationship with the show. I love and hate that there are small details that must be noticed, but you shouldn't get too hung up on the small details or else you'll miss the whole big picture.

Partway through the finale, I got the feeling that it was indeed Locke inside the thing Ilana and Co. were carrying. I wasn't sure how that worked out so I kind of figured "Naaahhh". When they did the "around the corner and around and up and THEN you'll see what's in there" camera shot, I knew what was inside considering that was the same method of camera shooting that was done when we discovered that Locke was the person in the coffin.

I'm just so befuddled that I don't know where to start.

Juliet is a character I like very much srsly I shed a few tears when she fell in and Sawyer was telling her to hold on. I thought they paired together better than Sawyer/Kate or Jack/Juliet ever did.

I also feel really bad for Locke. His whole life....he was used and used for everyone's own personal gains. His character is really tragic, and seeing that he never came back to life is like if Jo Rowling decided to bring Dumbledore back to life to really reveal that it's someone else using Polyjuice Potion the whole time. *sigh* Locke was definitely a favorite character of mine and to know that he died the way he did and then have his form manipulated as such after his death....gosh. If only he could come back to life and like....smite everyone or something.

I was glad to see Rose and Bernard and Vincent! That was great to see them because a few episodes I was thinking, "I miss Rose and Bernard. Where did they go?"

One last thing, am I the only person who thinks that the people who were stuck in the past were sent back to Sun and Co.'s time when Juliet got the bomb to explode? They didn't die and they didn't end up landing Oceanic flight 815 in LA like Jack had hoped. <__< Must wait until next year to find out.

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Guest graceyoon

^Their noses stopped bleeding and jumping through time was because Locke went down and pulled the turning thing all the way. I don't think the Oceanic survivors had anything to do with Sawyer and those stuck on the island from time jumping.

ah thanks for the explanation.. i had thought it was also in part of locke succeeding in bringing the others back to the island... cuz eloise was so adamant that this happen too... wonder if she knows about the two locke's...

i had the same hunch too but it was exciting to see that happen because now there's that mystery of what the h3ll is going on.. lol i guess that was always the purpose tho

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can somebody translate what richard said when the girl asked him lies beneath the status?

ahhh i cant wait for next season!!! LOST is finally ending. :(

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Guest j1youngxj3

^ i don't know latin but i was on the LOST message forums and someone said it meant "He who will protect us all."

anyway..the finale was absolutely wonderful and i really can't wait for the last season...i know i will be impatient but when season 5 comes out on dvd..whoo...special features. i'm pretty upset about what happened to juliet..i love juliet..i'm hoping that she isn't dead. i would be much happier if it was kate who got wrapped up in the chain instead. i hate her. her character is so annoying. =[

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Guest CK92842

Whoops, CK, I forgot about that part haha.

So this means that mystery character sitting with Jacob while waiting for the Black Rock was playing us all since season 1. Jack's father walking in the jungle, Yemi and just about every other hallucination. :angry:


True, his life was quite sad when you think about but I wonder why Jacob even bothered to revived him after falling out the window.

As for the love quadrangle, I thought it was really weak and do we really need another season of Kate... seriously?

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Guest asdfjkl;fdsajkl;

omggggggggggg, most bloody awesome cliffhanger ever! the last episode didnt exactly have the most action but it sure as hell kept me on the edge of my seat.

soooo much as happened, but all i know is i really REALLY REALLY hope juliet survives...although the fact she already bagged a series makes it slim as hell.

and jeezus, locke...who the hell are you?

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