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Guest 7:45am

yeah, this episode wasn't that good.. i had high expectations considering last week's episode!

locke is not only boring but hes becoming annoying now, the only interesting thing about him is the fact that he use to be handicapped (and that hes illusional? lol like seeing walt?)

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Guest tricia07_ann

since season 4 started..i didnt watch any of it..

i dnt wanna watch it coz i dnt wanna spoil my interest in watching..

coz last moth i juz started to watch this show..i said 2 myself,let me watch lost,base fr the reviews ive read,they said its good,so i did watch it..still on season two disc 5 though,were the episode wen kate & jack found michael on d woods..i wonder how dat goes..nd i think locke is really curious now that the guy henry["the others"] tels him dat he failed the mission & d mission was him..

so many episodes to go..the show is really good..

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Based only on the episodic evidence presented to us thus far, I'm not so sure that I'm "entirely" convinced that Sayid is one of the Oceanic 6.

I base my skepticism on the premise that the kind of work he's doing for Ben as a hitman would seem to imply a little bit of stealth and anonymity on Sayid's part in order to be able to successfully execute his objectives. Kind of hard to be a hitman if your face can be identified out on the streets, wouldn't it?

One of the things that seems apparent in each of the flash forwards for Jack, Kate, and Hurley are that there seems to be some modicum of notoriety, if not celebrity, that comes attached with being one of the famed Oceanic 6. If Ben were to recruit a hitman to help take care of his off-island enemies, it would seem inadvisable to enlist someone like an Oceanic 6 survivor to carry out such duties. Once the Oceanic 6 are rescued they are plausibly under the public eye and initially would be media darlings. But more importantly, for those off-island enemies of Ben, it would be just as plausible to conclude that they would have high interest in each of those six and try to pry them for answers (like how Abaddon impersonated an Oceanic representative and approached Hurley in the mental institution). So even if the Oceanic 6's 'fifteen minutes of fame' eventually died down, you could rest assured that these forces outside of the island would surely continue to keep tabs on any, or all, of these 6 survivors for future answers.

If the above premise is then plausible, then it would only follow that the two people that Sayid was after in his flash forward - Mr. Avellino on the Seychelles golf course and the Economist in Berlin - were people who had played respective key roles in trying to find Ben/the Island. Both were presumably enemies of Ben because they were people that he instructed Sayid to kill. If this were the case, why didn't any of these two see Sayid coming from a mile away? Especially if he presumably was a recognized Oceanic 6 survivor? If anything, I would have figured it the other way around - the off-island forces would have gotten to Sayid first for their own ulterior motives, much like how they attempted to do so with Hurley in the hospital.

It's almost just as curious to note that in each of the specific flash forwards for the other three survivors, the three characters make overlapping appearances in each others' flash forwards to further corroborate their involvement/identity as being one of the Oceanic 6 (ie. Jack testifies for Kate at her trial; Jack plays a game of "horse" with Hurley; Kate meets Jack at the airport). And in each flash forward there is at least some dialogue in which the characters allude to the fact that they were rescued. In this regard, we can sufficiently come to the conclusion that they indeed are survivors identified as part of the Oceanic 6.

However, in Sayid's flash forward, his story is not only a lone narrative in comparison to the the others - his flash forward is also radically displaced in its storyline and independent from the other 3. The only concrete thing to go by is Sayid's statement to Avellino on the golf course that he is "one of the Oceanic 6". But can we be satisfied with taking what Sayid says at face value? Even his declaration, when taken in the context of my premise above, could still be construed as a red herring in the storytelling. For one thing, we know that Avellino certainly didn't recognize him straight up as being a survivor of the island (again, you would think he would since it would be in his best interest to do so - 6 faces aren't all that hard to remember) - and once Sayid sprang the "I'm one of the Oceanic 6" bomb on him, he was all of a sudden flustered and quickly desirous to high-tail it off of the golf course. He practically had the look of "Uh oh, I've been duped - I know he's no Oceanic 6 survivor ... but whoever he is, he's got something sinister to do with that island and I don't want to stick around to find out". Sayid could have simply said it as part of an element of surprise, perhaps just to leak that little tidbit out, and let it sink in for Avellino as to who he represents, where he's truly coming from, and why he was going to do what he was about to do - which was assassinate him.

As for the whole sequence of events occurring in Berlin, it's just as curious to wonder why the Economist and/or the girl would take so long in carrying on the charade with Sayid if they already knew Sayid was a survivor - and moreover, he even told her that he was a survivor. Like Abaddon with Hurley, I would think that they would attempt to get down to brass tacks with Sayid and try to extricate island information out of him. Instead, the episode played out more like "hmm, we don't really know who this guy is, so let's continue to feel him out before we do anything". Again, if Sayid is a true Oceanic 6 survivor and they could presumably Google up his media pictures from past articles of the rescue, why would the girl/the Economist dilly-dally with him the way they did in Berlin? Either confront Sayid and probe him for island answers or get the hell out of Dodge if they ultimately felt that he was up to no good. Judging from the way they seemed to 'handle' him and the way this particular episode played out, the notion that they didn't recognize him as an Oceanic 6 survivor seems to make more sense. They had to feel him out first to determine what his true intentions were - and by the time they figured out what was going on they almost would have had him if not for some nifty misdirection and timely gunplay on Sayid's part. Again, if he's a true Oceanic 6: wouldn't they have recognized and have suspicions about him right away?

Of course, this is mere speculation on my part and probably something that would be disproved in some future episodes as the story of rescue gets a little bit more fleshed out. But given what we have only seen thus far and the writers' penchant for surprises and misdirection on this show, it wouldn't be something too far fetched to consider. Given that Ben apparently has a secret means to get on and off the island (as indicated by his hidden walk-in closet full of passports, assorted currencies, and outfits), wouldn't it be interesting if this secret was passed on to Sayid so that he can carry out his duties as his hitman? Then we could ostensibly speculate that there are still actually 3 more slots to fill on who the Oceanic 6 are! :rolleyes:

But in any event, if Sayid is indeed one of the Oceanic 6, then I think we as the viewing audience are still owed an explanation as to how Sayid is able to perpetrate the cloak and dagger kind of work he's been doing for Ben while, at the same time, it's implied that for at least the other 3 survivors, there comes some kind of notoriety and recognizability factor for being one of the Oceanic 6. How is Sayid is able to get away with doing the things that he does?

Remember at the end of this episode, Sayid told Ben in so many words, "now they know that I am coming for them"? That could just as easily imply that to the forces outside of the island, they now know there are more people still left on the island aside from the Oceanic 6 (thus answering Abaddon's question to Hurley) and that at least one of these 'extra' people are out to get them. And if they are coming after them, then that means that Ben is still alive and still calling the shots.

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Guest NanaMun

^ That is a very interesting point you made. Only the future episodes can tell, but you're point so far is very valid.

Something, I noticed in the background when Locke and Ben were talking. There was a figure standing behind them. It may just be me looking for something. But it definately looked like someone was behind them. It could have been a statue I didn't notice earlier. Or it could have been Claire. That's what the figure looked like to me anyway

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Guest graceyoon

i hope jin and sun's episode is good cuz i find those two to be boring, it's always the same thing... jin speaks korean, sun translates, there's a little joke here and there.. like they just seem to fill unwanted time

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^ That is a very interesting point you made. Only the future episodes can tell, but you're point so far is very valid.

Yes - and fortunately, I think it's at least a speculative theory that would/wouldn't be dispelled fairly quickly. I'm not arguing that Sayid is so superstar-Oceanic 6-famous that he couldn't possibly walk around in public without being recognized; I'm just simply saying that to the people that it matters to the most - Ben's off-island enemies - Sayid should plausibly be a 'marked' man by virtue of being identified as 1 of only 6 people that could be coerced to give island information. For Sayid to be able to get close to Ben's enemies the way he did and effectively kill one and almost getting to another just seems a little bit odd to me.

Who knows? Maybe it is just easier to just accept Sayid's statement that he is a true Oceanic 6 survivor. So if it turns out that he is an O6 survivor, then I sincerely hope that the writing team somehow puts up some kind of rationale as to how Sayid was consequently able to go underground without so much as the off-island forces not being adequately prepared to deal with him at those crucial times in that one episode.

I guess in my head, I kind of like the idea of Sayid simply not being an O6'er because this would free up that fourth slot and better accomodate the notion of

how Aaron could be construed as one of the six and both Sun and Jin (as has been speculated) could also be put together as the last two survivors to round out the rest of the Oceanic 6

i hope jin and sun's episode is good cuz i find those two to be boring, it's always the same thing...

I know what you mean. It makes me wonder if the lack of screen time and script lines was the underlying cause for Daniel Dae Kim to drink up his sorrows and consequently get tagged with the recent DUI arrest.

Come to think of it, the actors that played Ana Lucia, Libby, and Jin have had problems with DUI - yet Hurley is the one doing all the crazy driving on this show. If not that high speed Camaro chase, then his bumbling around with that hippie VW van on the island. :lol:

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the constant episode was the best i've seen.

daniel's character is awesome.

his intentions seem good.

why did they make it seem creepy when he read in his journal that desmond was his constant?

i thought it was touching.

this weeks episode dragged.

going on a journey that takes up the whole episode.

i hate when they do that.

it seems like they have circled the island COUNTLESS times

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Guest Myss Blewm

wow that was such a weird side of ben, i didn't think he would like anybody haha

i don't understand why ben wanted those two killed, so ben wanted the reactor to go off?

the therapist looked a lot like ben too..

They wanted the other two killed for two reasons:

1) These people are out to get Ben. He wants them killed so they can't capture him or take the island from him


2) He would still be able to have the reactor in use in case he ever needed it.

well that's a spoiler i don't mind! but isn't there only one more left in the oceanic six? i thought two, but my brother pointed out aaron the lil baby should be the fifth. unless they're not counting babies.

Well, one can argue (aside from Hermit's theory that Sayid lied, which is a great theory I didn't even take that into account XD) that Aaron was born on the island. He actually wasn't a passenger on Flight 815, so he can't really be considered an "Oceanic 6".

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Guest Happy_Day

i have a question, i can't watch this season until it comes out on dvd, but i have a question that's been killing me.

i thought it would be guaranteed that claire would get off the island if charlie sacrificed himself? so why all these rumors that claire didn't make it or got killed?

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Guest EricXL

this week's episode just could not outdo last week's.

"the constant" is just the best lost episode so far this season.

maybe even one of the best in the whole show's production so far.

but anyway...

i'm thinking that michael (remember him?) will return to the island,

according to the preview for next week's episode...


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i thought it would be guaranteed that claire would get off the island if charlie sacrificed himself? so why all these rumors that claire didn't make it or got killed?

Ah yes, this is just another one of those million dollar questions waiting to be answered. But to be able to give you the rationale behind why there are rumors of Claire not making it/getting killed would require having to spoil some element of the season 4 storyline for you. So unless you don't want to get part of the season 4 plot revealed prior to watching the DVD when it comes out, don't read the spoiler tag:

At the end of Kate's flash-forward episode, it's revealed that she has a baby off-island that she's taking care of. It's been passed off as her "own", but the toddler has the name of Aaron, which is the same name as Claire's baby, and it curiously looks like an older version of Claire's son. The speculation is rampant that this isn't Kate's real baby - and that somehow she has become the adoptive mother to Aaron. Consequently, questions now abound as to the true fate of Claire if the speculation indeed is true. Did she die? Or was she simply left behind on the island? And in either event, why is it that Charlie had the vision of her and Aaron getting on the helicopter to begin with?

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Guest Happy_Day

^ Oh man, LOST never fails to surprise me. So many unexpected twists~ That's why I love it.

I just hope Charlie didn't die for nothing! Because he basically sacrificed himself for Claire.

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Guest AlecRuby

i am so loving the jacket couple so far. the ep. is getting intense. i wonder what would happen when ben really goes after jack, or would he even ever find out. and what about jack and kate? or kate and sawyer? things are getting exciting, but at the same time complicated. since this season foresee the future, and juliet isn't a part of the ocean six, what eventually happened to her character? i heard that elizabeth (juliet) said that her character wasn't going to die in lost.

can't wait to see what happens next.

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Guest NanaMun

It's funny how when people kissing and love triangles gets the fans happy.

I was happy Juliet had an episode and I just LOVE seeing a hidden side of Ben.

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Guest papabear

They wanted the other two killed for two reasons:

1) These people are out to get Ben. He wants them killed so they can't capture him or take the island from him


2) He would still be able to have the reactor in use in case he ever needed it.

Well, one can argue (aside from Hermit's theory that Sayid lied, which is a great theory I didn't even take that into account XD) that Aaron was born on the island. He actually wasn't a passenger on Flight 815, so he can't really be considered an "Oceanic 6".

Aaron was in the womb--arguably a passenger.

who are the confirmed oceanic six so far?

Hurley, Jack, Kate, Aaron?, Sayid + 1 (or 2) unknown

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Guest knickstorm

i'd say sayid is def one of the 6, the fact that ben's enemies know who he is actually an advantage, instead of sayid going on hunts he knows they're looking for him.

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Guest papabear

do you guys think daniel faraday is evil?

i really don't get why the show played weird music when he read in his journal that desmond was his constant.

shouldn't they have played happy music?

i really want him to be good in nature.

I don't think he's evil--he seems to be the kind of scientist who is a little bit too into his work. However, he hasn't been taken seriously by his colleagues in the past and perhaps subject to ridicule, so... would that have had an impact on his personality?

It seems clear that Penny's dad isn't good. And probably he just wants the island for his own profit. But what about Ben? And when will Jacob make a reappearance?

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