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Guest teeny

i liked the last episode because i thought it answered alot of questions! I just wished they didn't leave it as the second last episode...and i don't think they really needed to make it a whole hour!

But anyways I thought it was interesting to learn how MIB got to be all smokey...and i think we now know how richard and jacob never grow old, because the wine that jacob's mom gave to jacob is the same wine that jacob gave to richard. The only thing though, is that i remember MIB breaking the bottle of wine, so i guess the new replacement will have to find another replacement when he gets old lol.

I totally agree with what jacob's mom said in the episode, something along the lines of, if you get more answers you'll have more questions. I think that really applies to the show, because although they gave us answers about jacob and his origin, i can't help but wonder where his mom came from, and who was there before her etc.

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Guest CK92842

am i the only one who doesnt understand what "the light" is? lol

It could be the end reveal if we're lucky but I have a bad feeling like most of us, not even the writers know. :lol:

As for tonight's episode, no complaints here. Was a good episode and it's all coming to a close. 2.5hrs left, see ya all on Sunday.

Btw, I still don't know what they died for.

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Guest NanaMun


Classic. Ha!

Seems like Des has quite a few of the crew lined up. I was pleasantly surprised by Ben. I heard a few people whining about how he lost his edge....well, he definitely didn't lose it. Alex being brought up, seemed to bring it out Mr. Vengeance. Sucks being Widmore. I was never interested in why Kate got crossed out, but the reason was very interesting and it brought around the whole aspect about why everyone loved LOST in the beginning. It was about lost souls, unhappy people brought on an island and it wasn't until today that we found out that was EXACTLY why they were brought there (So I'm guessing Kate as a mother brought some sort of semblance of happiness and direction - which she never had). Pretty fantastic.

I miss old John, *sigh* but it's good to see the alternate John.

And Jack...heh

I have a weird feeling something may happen to him. I don't want it to. I hope it won't. In the last two seasons, he caught the "Locke" and literally didn't feel complete without the island, so it makes sense. But we'll see....we'll see.

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Guest iEatPowder

am i the only one who doesnt understand what "the light" is? lol

Dude. The light is the All-spark, which created Cybertron and the race of autonomous robots. But when Megatron and his decepticons tried to take its power for themselves, Bumble Bee sent it into space as a last ditch effort to keep it from falling into the wrong hands. The All-spark found its way to Earth and crashed landed on an island millenia ago, burrowing itself deep within the Earth. This is what caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.

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Guest cee.jay

Dude. The light is the All-spark, which created Cybertron and the race of autonomous robots. But when Megatron and his decepticons tried to take its power for themselves, Bumble Bee sent it into space as a last ditch effort to keep it from falling into the wrong hands. The All-spark found its way to Earth and crashed landed on an island millenia ago, burrowing itself deep within the Earth. This is what caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.

You are just all kinds of amazing, hahahahaa! :lol:

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am i the only one who doesnt understand what "the light" is? lol

Believe it or not, you probably just don't realize that you already know what "the light" is.

Recall this from Season 4:

Here is a transcript from that clip:

Hello. I'm Dr. Edgar Halliwax and this is the orientation film for station six of the DHARMA Initiative.

As you've no doubt surmised, station six, or The Orchid, is not a botanical research unit.

The unique properties of this island have created a kind of Casimir effect, allowing the DHARMA initiative to conduct unique experiments in both space and time.

This is the vault, constructed adjacent to a pocket of what we believe to be negatively charged "exotic matter". Great care must be taken to avoid leaving inorganic materials inside the chamber. The electromagnetic energy within the Island can be highly volatile and unpredictable.

Now for your own safety and the safety of those around you, metallic objects must never be placed within the vault.

In our first demonstration, we will attempt to shift the test subject 100 milliseconds ahead (in) four-dimensional space. For the briefest of the moments, the animal will seem to disappear, but in reality...

tape starts to rewind

Throughout the series, we were always aware of this electromagnetic energy - the very energy that was the constant source of all the time flashes that were experienced by the Losties countless times throughout season 5. But, it's probably in this Orchid video where we get about as best a scientific explanation/description we can get of what it was from Miles' scientist dad, Pierre Chang. Ultimately, the upshot of it all was that whatever this negatively charged exotic matter was that the DHARMA Initiative was investigating, it had the unique Casimir Effect that helped facilitate studies on time travel.

I think what made the more recent "Across The Sea" episode somewhat disconcerting to viewers is the fact that a different perspective was presented in describing the very same energy that we've known about all along. Rather than the typical scientific explanation and mumbo jumbo we've been used to, we were seeing this same energy through the more 'primitive' eyes of the Mother, young Jacob, and the young Man In Black - people that lacked this more advanced knowledge. And commensurate with that knowledge, we understandably get a more basic explanation of what that electromagnetic energy is: it's the "warmest, brightest light you've ever seen or felt". Furthermore, it's assigned mythical/mystical properties to it, as the Mother describes "the light" as a place of "Life, death, rebirth. It’s the source, the heart of the island".

To me, the inclusion of this "background" episode (as it pertains to the relationship of Jacob and Man In Black) helped revisit the recurring theme of science vs. faith. Throughout the series, I think we had more than our fair share of the scientific explanations/implications as far as the goings-on with the Island were concerned - with a passing reference to faith being more abstract and symbolized through John Locke's curious and then-inexplicable devotion and affinity for the Island. But for once, the "Across The Sea" episode, I think, expanded more on that concept of faith, perhaps arguably representing this notion in a more biblical context in the way the Mother and Jacob not only viewed, but connected with this "light" and the Island.

In retrospect, I guess it's interesting to note how our respective men of faith and science have essentially flip-flopped from their original stances from the beginning of the series. Jack Shepherd, the doctor, was the series man of science - one who believed in controlling his destiny. On the flip side, we had John Locke - the paraplegic that now could walk - a man who bought into miracles, fate, and steadfastly maintained his faith in the Island. So it's ironic now, 5 seasons later, how Jack apparently has accepted the role to permanently stay as protector of the Island/Light and it's now John Locke (albeit MIB in reality) that so desperately wants to get off of the Island.

Going into this last 2.5 hours will be an interesting final ride to tie up this epic TV series. Although there have been interesting twist and turns throughout the season to throw some kinks in my initial theory of how it would all end, I think my basic notion is still on target. The 'altered' reality may very well be 'the end' all along and the continuing Island sequences have merely been a depiction of those "means" to that end. Meaning, there will be some 'game ending' event that will occur on the Island that will effectively terminate that 'original' timeline as we've known it - but the Losties' existence will simply "reset" and continue on with the altered reality. Thanks to Desmond and the whole concept of consciousness time travel, the Losties of the Island ostensibly have that capability of transitioning between the realities.

But to do so, would require that they have to sacrifice their physical selves on the Island reality to certain death.

Remember that famous Jack line (paraphrased), "We have to live together - or die alone?"

I somehow have this stinking suspicion that the reverse of this phrase will be referenced. I have this feeling that in this finale, there will be some sort of confluence of actions and events that will dictate that destroying the Island IS the correct thing to do. Perhaps Desmond on the Island will reappear and he will be able to convince everybody that there is "another life" to go to in that other reality. I don't know, but I think you get my drift. In any event, while the rest of the Candidates might be on board with this course of 'self destruction' (much like how they were also resigned to this possibility in the failed Jughead detonation), there still remains having to convince Jack to 'give up' the protection of the "light". And in convincing him, their argument would be that perhaps it would be better that they "all died together" rather than him having to "live alone" (protecting the Island). Now, as to how they destroy the Island once and for all (if that's even the true course of action taken in the finale), who knows?

Wouldn't it be a gas if Jack, the protector of the Light, got into this epic showdown with Locke/MIB, and in similar fashion as Jacob - Jack gets the upperhand, knocks Locke unconscious and sends him/MIB back downstream into the Light from which he came. But in doing so, we get the effect of the Black Smoke destroying said Light and effectively destroying and sinking the Island. Voila - our Losties are dead, but their consciousness transfers over into their altered reality selves.

But what of Man In Black? All he ever wanted to do was leave the Island and when you think about it, his original intentions were good although his methods were bad. Hmmm. Maybe he also gets his 'escape' by being born as Aaron in the altered reality.

Haha, enough wild speculation. On with the finale.

Enjoy, all.

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Guest iEatPowder

^What're you going to do with yourself once the show ends??>_<

How fitting. The end is upon us and this thread has reached page 108. :D (4+8+15+16+23+42)

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^What're you going to do with yourself once the show ends??>_<

I guess I'll spend my free time weaving a tapestry in my room, play sudoku, hang out at the beach and fish, enjoy sitting by bonfires, and hope I come up with the money to pay my electric bill before they cut out my light. Maybe I can invite over friends for spirited games of backgammon and figure out which ones are candidates for lending me some money.

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Guest teeny

Tonights the night! very excited :) one last quick thought, I think juliette might be jack's ex wife..I cant think of anyone else significant to play the part!

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Guest iEatPowder

Tonights the night! very excited :) one last quick thought, I think juliette might be jack's ex wife..I cant think of anyone else significant to play the part!

How about the actress that's already been established as Jack's ex-wife? The one who was in a car accident and received a spinal injury, and landed on Jack's operating table. Jack promised to fix her and then they got married.

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How about the actress that's already been established as Jack's ex-wife? The one who was in a car accident and received a spinal injury, and landed on Jack's operating table. Jack promised to fix her and then they got married.

I think she's already got her hands full on Modern Family with the guy who used to play Al Bundy playing her dad. :P

But yeah, that's true - I wonder who is Jack's ex-wife. On some level, I hope it isn't Juliet because I sort of want to see if Sawyer/James would hook up with her in the alternate reality. But then again, maybe that's just appropriate - considering how he hooked with Kate on the Island. It would probably be just that kind of twist to have it so that Jack hooked up with Juliet in the alternate.

On a separate note, I kind of find it ironic that Hawaii could be the last to find out what happens on the LOST finale. Not only because they're an Island but that's where the show has been filmed. I can imagine a great big party going down there after the finale airs for them.

Or maybe the entire state will disappear into the ocean.

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Guest CK92842

Had friends over for the finale and I've never seen so many people in tears all at once. :lol:I was one of 'em

Great montage and not much in terms of answers but I can live with that since some things are best left unsaid.

Btw Michael Giacchino is a genius.

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Guest Stork

wow excellent finale for an amazing show.

jack dying and the alt-timeline actually being purgatory/afterlife/epilogue was pretty sweet. the deaths weren't really undermined and it left a good feeling for an end.

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Guest Stork

yeah, he bleeds out and dies the same way the show started with him in bamboo looking up at the sky. only this time vincents around!

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Guest graceyoon

hmmm i have to say i didn't really like the finale as it was the very first hypothesis since the first season of what the whole show was possibly about...thought i was gonna be surprised since previous eps always blew any theories..

anyway still sad to see it go but didn't leave me wanting more so bittersweet i guess

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Guest mz.mamiie

I was a bit disappointed with the finale. I dunno...I was expecting more I guess?

It had some great moments but the ending was blehh...??

Anyway I'm gonna miss LOST T_T

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