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Guest NanaMun

^ No, Desmond is alive.

In any event, I just find it interesting to note how curious the behavior is between Jacob and MIB. One may be good and the other evil, but one common denominator between the two of them is that they are both manipulators. Jacob's is more subliminal, whereas MIB is relatively more up front. I guess what makes the whole situation all the more enigmatic is the fact that we don't completely understand what their respective end games are. I guess with MIB we are closer to the reason in that he states that he wants to get off of the Island - but what about Jacob's motives? Sure, we know he supposedly wants a new "protector" for the Island; but in so doing, what the heck happens to Jacob once he finds a replacement? Does he want to get off of the Island too? If both entities are guilty of manipulation and playing around with human lives, could it be that they are just the bad guys altogether - and that the real 'good guys' are just the victimized survivors/candidates trying to get themselves out of this sadistic 'game'?

What I find so interesting about the dynamic between Jacob/MIB and the survivors are comprised of a series of manipulations in the game they have contrived together. Unfortunately, I can't help but reconsider them both being purely evil. We have become so familiar with gray lines on this show. Granted, we had many themes of Black and White (Jacob and MIB, Locke's Backgammon pieces) but it's been constantly drilled into our heads that even our candidates have done some wrong in their pasts and even did a little manipulation themselves. Although, there is a good and evil side, we can't make conclusions yet. The distinction is getting murkier and murkier and the soon enough, there may not even be a line for Jacob and his counterpart in the end. But...we shall see.

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Guest iEatPowder

question, but didn't desmond die last season? the last thing i remember is ben shooting him and him falling into the water...

i hope he's still alive, i love desmond :)

Ben wanted vengeance on Charles Widmore for hiring mercs and sending them to the island, resulting in Ben's (adoptive) daughter getting exectuted. So he decided to kill Penny Widmore, Desmond's wife. As Ben was about to commit the murder, he couldn't bring himself to do it and was about to back down. Desmond sees him with a gun and startles Ben. Ben discharges the gun and shoots Desmond, but it is not a fatal wound. Desmond ends up beating the shet out of Ben. Then he gets patched up, and this is the last we know of Desmond, Penny, and Charlie in the main timeline.

As far as the flash sideways go, we see Desmond on Oceanic 815 in the season premiere.

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Guest Myss Blewm

question, but didn't desmond die last season? the last thing i remember is ben shooting him and him falling into the water...

i hope he's still alive, i love desmond :)

In a later episode, Eloise Hawking meets Penny at the hospital after the encounter with Ben, and we find out that Desmond was all right. That was the last we saw/heard of Desmond and Penny.

So I finally saw the latest episode. I can't really add much else to any new "theories" or ideas except that I feel so terrible for Sayid, though "evil" Sayid...not sure if I want him to live anymore. Hard to cheer for Sayid when he kills Dogen.

Oh and sideways Jin: kidnapped by Keamy under the order of Sun's father? I am intrigued.

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Guest jjowah

i thought dogen and his john lennon looking accomplice were a joke. it made the show seem more of a nut case than a lot of ppl already seem to perceive. and the temple looked too much like a hollywood studio stage. ehhhh.. lot of complaints. but at least its the FINAL season.. so no more wishing and hoping for answers.

the actor playing locke is doing an amazzzinggg job playing MIB/Smokey. ben's mysterious quality is being clouded by jacob and smokey's entrance this season. but nontheless, im curious about ben's life in the flash sideways.

i just can't understand why kate and jake can't make up already. they've been through and out of hell (quite literally) more than once. can't they realize they are like peas and carrots!???? sigh... reminds me of a korean soap opera~~~~

and sawyer.. poor sawyer.. he has good intentions. just gets flustered up too quick. hopefully he won't go "sayid"...

i would like to see more of MILES and the pilot dude this season. and of course richard.. richard needs to be clarified with the whole story on how he can't age and why he wears black eye liner. i expected miles to be talking to dead people more often ..but we havent seen him do that on the island as much as we all want. he gives these 'weird' looks after he finishes a conversation with a lostie. almost eerie. like he knows something else.

anyway..can't wait for this week's episode! thank goodness.. its all coming to an end!!!

btw, are you guys watching anything else lately..besides LOST? How do you all like V and/or Flashforward? I actually like the sci fic direction abc has ben taking lately. FF is def. a show i'd like to stick to..although it dosnt really have that it factor as lost did in its 1st season (btw, the first season of lost is the best and will be the best season of the show period). i do love john cho and his chemistry with gabrielle union. ive never seen a white/asian love line on tv or in movies.. i think they deserve more air time and justice!!

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Guest NanaMun

This was one of the best episodes this season. This screams "Redemption" and "Faith" in so many ways. Ben episodes are always really good, but I wasn't expecting this at all, and I loved all the characters that popped up in the Sideflash. Finally nice to see Frank, Sun and Ilana again. Not to forget, Richard. There's been so much MIB and Jacob going on, I was starting to question where the rest fit in - and they fit in perfectly. Ugh, and just when I thought that the breaks between Wednesdays couldn't get harder.

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The Dr. Linus episode was emotionally gripping to me.

It made me like Ben even more.

I thought Ben was going to die here, but he's still alive. I feel like he will die though near the end of the show.

Also Ilana intrigues me.

I'm curious if they'll show more of her connection with Jacob or more info about her.

In some of the sideway flashes (if that's what they're called), things work out in a different way.

I don't know what significance it has, but it's interesting to see the characters' alternate lives.

Also Charles Widmore being back, was that who Jacob was referring to about someone coming to the island?

And is Dogen really dead?

Is Richard immortal?

Hmm..so many questions and just a few more episodes left.

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Guest Valerie_BB

I gave up trying to figure out this show a long time ago. Its like how many questions and twists and turns can there be? I am still interesed though in finding out how all this is going to end.

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Guest Harmonie

This is one series that I always wanted to watch but never had the time or chance.

One day, I'll take several days off and do a marathon :) .

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Guest CK92842

I seriously hope the season finale is just one complete mind bomb because as of this very moment, (w/8 episodes left) I don't think the show has been this bad since season 3.

On the other hand...

Don't click until after watching tonight's episode.

Spoiler :lol:


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Guest graceyoon

wow maybe im behind, but i just realized when we saw jack's dad in the cabin, it was probably the smoke monster in disguise? since the MIB needs a dead body to be 'alive'... which was why in the previous ep, claire called locke her friend since she saw him in the form of jack's dad (by inhabiting his dead body)...

and maybe that's why jack is a so called candidate, because jacob knew that the smoke monster would be using his father's body...

curiouser and curiouser..

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Really? I think this season has been so awesome! Every episode makes me want to finish...but I don't want to finish LOST just yet.

I seriously hope the season finale is just one complete mind bomb because as of this very moment, (w/8 episodes left) I don't think the show has been this bad since season 3.

On the other hand...

Don't click until after watching tonight's episode.

Spoiler :lol:


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Guest NanaMun

I know many fans aren't impressed with this season, but I'm still blown away. I mean, with the craziness of the two seasons before, many people were expecting something intensely more awesome and visually mind-numbing. The writers were spoiling our dainty little minds with short-attention spanned awesomeness (as well as other awesomeness) and now it is time to lock on our viewer caps and look for eggs, read beyond phrases, piece together relationships, more than before. This season's sideway flashes seem to be more than just random happenings of another LOST world. I know people are getting annoyed with them, but if you look at the sideway flashes as validations for the characters and their "reasons" for existing, living and just being and match it with themselves in the current world, there is a lot to be said. What is being explained in a side-flash can help us figure what a character will decide in the current world. And very well help us come to terms with the closing seal of what's to come.

Just a friendly LOST viewer reminder.

That being said...This week's episode was fantastic. Lots of pleasant surprises about Sawyer's sideways flash. But after awhile, it felt fitting for him. Cause there were two ways Sawyer could have went with the deaths of his parents. It was fantastic seeing Sawyer work his con muscles again. And...I just don't trust Claire AT ALL, no matter if MIB Locke is putting her in check. A girl doesn't just get over a fiery revenge. There was an awesome Buddy Cop moment between ol' Miles and Sawyer...They should get a spin-off... :)

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Guest graceyoon

i have to admit tho i miss evil ben!! i quite enjoyed it when it was jack's crew against the others.. with eloise, desmond and faraday, i mean i'd be quite happy if they just stuck it with the time traveling thing and a fight for the island between widmore and the others..

still excited to see how it pans out tho

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Guest writerstale

I know many fans aren't impressed with this season, but I'm still blown away. I mean, with the craziness of the two seasons before, many people were expecting something intensely more awesome and visually mind-numbing. The writers were spoiling our dainty little minds with short-attention spanned awesomeness (as well as other awesomeness) and now it is time to lock on our viewer caps and look for eggs, read beyond phrases, piece together relationships, more than before. This season's sideway flashes seem to be more than just random happenings of another LOST world. I know people are getting annoyed with them, but if you look at the sideway flashes as validations for the characters and their "reasons" for existing, living and just being and match it with themselves in the current world, there is a lot to be said. What is being explained in a side-flash can help us figure what a character will decide in the current world. And very well help us come to terms with the closing seal of what's to come.

Just a friendly LOST viewer reminder.

That being said...This week's episode was fantastic. Lots of pleasant surprises about Sawyer's sideways flash. But after awhile, it felt fitting for him. Cause there were two ways Sawyer could have went with the deaths of his parents. It was fantastic seeing Sawyer work his con muscles again. And...I just don't trust Claire AT ALL, no matter if MIB Locke is putting her in check. A girl doesn't just get over a fiery revenge. There was an awesome Buddy Cop moment between ol' Miles and Sawyer...They should get a spin-off... :)

I never would have guessed Sawyer and Miles to be cops. I thought it was messed up how Sayed was just sitting there watching Kate being strangled. Lmao, and smh on that one.

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Guest CK92842

Really? I think this season has been so awesome! Every episode makes me want to finish...but I don't want to finish LOST just yet.


Anyone care to take a guess as to who or what is tucked away in the sub?

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Guest iEatPowder


Anyone care to take a guess as to who or what is tucked away in the sub?

I'm just shooting in the dark here, but my initial guess was some ancient artifact Widmore had acquired to contain the smoke monster.

It's the "what's-in-the-hatch" guessing game all over again. :P

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And I bet you the answer is the same: Desmond.

Maybe it's Desmond that Widmore has stashed away behind the locked door.

One, to separate him from his daughter Penny and two - well, the Island is just not through with Desmond yet and he had to be brought back against his will.

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Guest Ctanzen

I hope it's Desmond in there. I miss him since he's been mia for like 8 episodes

Also, I want to know alot more about Dogen. So depressing he told his little story to Sayid and then he just drowns him lol

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