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Guest res0nate

31 minutes difference.

Daniel was pretty adamant that Frank takes the same bearings off the island, which opens up certain possibilities....

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Guest papabear

wow ...

Unexpected ...

For a while, I thought Lost was progressing too slowly.

Now I feel like it's going to quickly. xD

Well, the producers did say that with a timetable it's helped them focus on the storyline better... we'll see how many episodes they'll be able to produce before the end of the season.

So will the ultimate pay-off be worth it?

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Guest chickyl3aby

omg i just watched the last episode of lost.... the ending totally threw me off.... i really wanna know what happened between the time they got off the island and the flash forwards o_____O!!!!

awesome episode though. sayid is so cool.

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Guest HeffyEnd

4 more episodes in this run.

They're working on more now, that will probably start airing a few weeks after the others end. Looks to be about 6.

So that's 13 episodes for this season. I hope they can fit in all they wanted to.

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Guest j1youngxj3

oh my gosh...i LOVED the ending to that episode...if

kate's "son" is aaron...then where is CLAIRE?!? and i thought she was preggers with sawyers baby...or maybe she isn't??


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Guest NanaMun

Interesting Episode. Although, I get irritated in Kate ones. They are always so depressing and barely uplifting. Chick has a twisted life...and...the child...That is insane.

Finally Miles and Ben talk. We get to see just a bit of what is to come in the next episodes. Can't wait

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Guest HeffyEnd

Very very predictable episode. Then again, Kate-based ones usually are.

Yeah, I figured out it was Aaron shortly after they mentioned she had a son. I was like "Great, it's Aaron and Claire is going to die". It was obvious with them focusing on Claire & Kate living together, and Kate helping take care of Aaron in this episode. Like maybe if something happened to Claire, she'd want Kate to have him.

I hope she doesn't die though. Maybe they just want us to think that..? =/

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Guest res0nate

Maybe Claire figures that she'll never get off the island and wants Kate to take him but then... that's retarded.

So yeah, Claire probably bites the bullet.

edit - Oh yeah, Jack mentioned that 8 people survived, but they have the O6, so two people had to die somewhere. And it's possible that Kate was alluding to Aaron at the end of season 3.

Deleted scene from uhh, last ep or maybe the one before that...

Kate, Sayid and Miles were at the sonic fence (remember the one that supposedly killed Mikhail back in season..2?). You'll probably see it when season 4 hits retail.

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Guest papabear

i'm waiting for the episode to become available online... but darn it, after reading the spoilers here, it seems like they're back to playing the audience...

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Guest CK92842

what im wondering is...where the hell are jin and sun? after they got reunited they dissapeared. are they with locke?

They're with Jack. I actually thought this episode was gonna focus more on them but it turned out to be an entire episode all about Kate. <_<

I'm more interested as to the guy calling all the shots, the one who visited Hugo at the psych ward. Hopefully the next episode will at least dab into that a bit and way to go Charlotte... so much for going in under the radar. :lol:

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Guest IMAJynXed1

i actually ran into a spoiler about this, some ahole on IMDB posted it in the topic title...soooooo im just gunna keep my mouth shut about it...altho it did ruin EVERYTHING for me...jackass!

but this episode was a bit of a bore...as most of Kates are...

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Guest graceyoon

so that's what kate musta meant when she said he's waiting in the finale....

considering jack didn't want to meet aaron, maybe he was somehow involved in claire's death..

ooo the mystery

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Guest knickstorm

so that's what kate musta meant when she said he's waiting in the finale....

considering jack didn't want to meet aaron, maybe he was somehow involved in claire's death..

ooo the mystery

yea i'm guessing jack had to make a choice and picked kate over claire or something........either that or aaron thinks Jack is his dead-beat dad who left him or something.

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Guest papabear

Hrm... any speculation as to why Locke couldn't find the cabin with Jacob in it? (And why Hurley stumbled upon it?) Was it because there were others around? Or something else?

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Guest Myss Blewm

Agreed that Kate focused eps usually do not entertain. Season premiere my brother was telling me that he believes Claire will die and Aaron will be taken by Kate and Kate will raise him as her own (he read it from some other forum). In this ep, as soon as Kate says "You're not going to bring my son into this," it was confirmed, so the ending wasn't shocking at all. I was pretty bored except for when Kate wasn't in the scene, aside from the Miles and Ben meet up.

About Lock and the cabin, I don't know. I think either Jacob is testing Lock or Walt is playing a joke on Lock by convincing Jacob to move the cabin around. :P

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Guest IMAJynXed1

Agreed that Kate focused eps usually do not entertain. Season premiere my brother was telling me that he believes Claire will die and Aaron will be taken by Kate and Kate will raise him as her own (he read it from some other forum). In this ep, as soon as Kate says "You're not going to bring my son into this," it was confirmed, so the ending wasn't shocking at all. I was pretty bored except for when Kate wasn't in the scene, aside from the Miles and Ben meet up.


Apprently Claire dies in the next episode...someone major is the shooter, I wont say who tho.

I read it accidently on a forum, the richard simmons put it right in the topic title, and after this weeks episode, it pretty much confirmed that it's true.

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