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I - J U S T - W A N T - T O - M A K E - Y O U - S M I L E

Guest poopiness

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I fell in love with your siggies so i had to take one... ^^

ROFL i like biting cheeks! Actually, i just like biting...

The second strip is funny...i thought that he had actually suceeded for once...but it wasnt true T___T

Oooo...so we get to see the drawing board now...why, running out of comics to show us?

xP Im just joking ^^

Anywho, thank you for the PM

Update soon!

(and i mean...SOON!)

Peace Out!

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OMG :o



they are soooooooooo cute!!! and so funny! lmao, really did make me smile a big one :D

im advertising you =D lol should i upload onto my own photobucket? loll i feel so stupid for asking -_- i just copied and pasted, hehe

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i choose mud wresting. :tongue2: loll

ooh cute signatures.

I'd use them but.. I just don't like to have big signatures. :mellow: sorry. haha

love the comic strip. loll

and the behind the scenes pic is awesome.

now get someone to take a picture of you actually drawing those. O:

"the cartoonist in action" B)

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Guest samsters1489

Ahhhhh your siggies are sooo cute. I shall definitly promote! :)

I love the cheek biting one. My boyfriend does that to me all the time and actually leaves marks! Stupid bastard wants to die! :lol:

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Guest SinFan


hey good looking

hehe =p i have been here before..[few times XD] but never posted..

but i have to say..

AAAAH SO CUTE >o< really!~~

love the humor, the strips...gwah too cute >o<

and the FAQ's too =p

myeah too cute >o<


oeeh can i be on the pm list ~~ ^^ pretty please =o

thankss <333

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hey, i did a quick siggy for you:


feel free to use it in any way.

i did it real quick, hope it's not too rusty.

note how i tried to make it sketchy looking (:

and yes it complies with soompi's sig rule.

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Guest la pomme

la pomme: OOOH NYU!! My best friend really really wanted to go to NYU, but it was too expensive out of state....

You should come to california ;D

ah well nyu should be the same price where ever you are cuz it's a private school..

I'm considering applying to..idk maybe ucdavis or usc :]

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Guest GongZhenPei

=O hello ^^, may i be on your pm list? lol

your pictures are so cute and awesome <3 and your replies are really funny too :]

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Guest bayb3steph

aww! that poem was so sweet! im a little late on replying to your first message because ive been busy with volleyballa nd work and such but man, thats deep lols. and i think i read it in such good timing too! earlier ive been feeling that exact feeling of the poem, its a nice poem to read. thanks ^^;

the latest comic strip is cute lols. what a pimp haha. he must feel good being able to kiss someone else thats not his girlfriend. so.. is this what you do too? tssk tssk bad boy lols.

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Guest DrunkenMonkey

Hello!!! I saw one of your signatures around soompi and got curious (b/c they were uberly cute!!!) and clicked on the sig! And what do I see when I clicked on the sig?! More adorable comics ^0^!!! You're a talented artist and I really, really like your comics!! They all make me giggle XD

and because I'm like in love with your comic,

i stole one and am now advertising your comics ^-^

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Guest last love.




not to mention really funnnyyy.


oh, two more things.

one. i'm advertising.

two. can you add me to your pm list ?


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Guest indefinable

*squints* Tuyato? Tuyalo? o_o; HAHAHAHA.

Wow. Bite cheeks. I've never really tried that before. I mean I've bitten my own cheek but it's different biting someone else's? :/

You know your PM list is so long it's... O_O. How long do you take to finish sending the PMs?

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Guest piratepandii

wahh waahh wahhh!!:D

i love all your comic strips

really cute and funny :D


(saw this on your soompi siggie, really cute siggie btw ^^)

i'll def. adver. this ^o^

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