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I - J U S T - W A N T - T O - M A K E - Y O U - S M I L E

Guest poopiness

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Guest dragonjade

Nice update again!

It's not gum? Oh, I get it now..... :sweatingbullets:

I love Asians, me too! (ahaha, because I am one)

Well, update soon!

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Guest hiswendy

LOL CUTE UPDATES. =) Dayumn, the 'what does he have that I don't have' one made me laugh... imagine all my classmates looking at me like I'm high. lolsss that was SOOO CUTE. the "I <3 asian" LOL should be the other way around... im the one crazy over asians! xD eh, im asian too... >_> LOL, I'm crazy about my kind then. or something BLAH. YAY YOU!!! <33 Thanks for the pm

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Guest Ephemeral

hahha that one's cute. but he's not cuddly and he's annoying :x therefore, teddy bear = better that him

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Guest Pongie


u r funny, dude..

lol... i just got done crying and now u're making me laugh! I lub how u just make things feel better. Thank You.

I want the wallpaper verison.

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hehe i love the i love asians one. x)

and the first one hehe thats so cute. :P

yesyes i would love the wallpaper version. hehe

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Guest ichikawaii

ichikawaii: it only went up 5 levels. Now I'm at 0. which sucks!! you need to fix that!!

o___o uhmm.. lets see how can i fix it more.. ><



IF I SAW YOU IN REAL LIFE I WOULD FAINT!! *drools looking at your pictures*

better? HAAHH XD


ahhaha XD

thats so cute! >< the boy and the teddy bear!! HAHAH XD

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lol smilings good!

smile more? i smile all the time! --> :):D:w00t:

yes. bike. the hotness. hahahha

what? me pedal? but youre older AND youre the guy! *whines* haha

cute update!

that teddy bear one is soo cute.

hahaha asians! im asian. love meee. lol

thanks for the pm.

&& im #3 on the pm list! woot.

move me down and there will be consequences. :P


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Guest ANG.7BD

oh u update!!!...yaahh!!!



The first one got me laughin' like crazy..


hatin' on the teddy bear!!



The second one is so cutes!!!


thanks for the pm!

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Guest katamari

OH MAH GAWD. MALE PR0N MAGAZINES?! o_o I didn't know you were the... other way.


You know what you should do? Get a new doctor. We offer them in bulk! =)

The first one is hilarious ahaha

Update soon, or else you're going to the child labour factory! D<

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Guest xblush

xblush: OW!! you patted too hard. I have a boo boo. and you know what you gotta do don't you? ;D

oh ahaha, well actually I posted up 2 pictures so far, 1 of which you can see my whole face. ;D

NO! U CHEATER ><! IT WAS A FRIENDLY PATPAT! not a MURDEROUS PATPAT! u stooood up hard when i was patting... T^T blame it on me huhh? cheater cheater! you have a booboo? of course i know what to do ^^ *goes pat the booboo harder. WAKAKA. that's what you get for blaming it on me. ^^ HEEHEE. its only fair. yeaa... u have 2 pics up so far. lets make it number 3! ^^

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Guest Mae!


Thanks for the PM :D

Yes I do feel berry speshul.

Ohh V.I.P!!!

I mean names for the characters yes, like that stick dude that always seem to get his love misinterpretd by the ladies.

He could be Bob haha j/k you pick. and the jerky girl she could get a name too like Bobalina haha.

Love the strips once again. It's pure LOVE!

1st comic strip: At least it shuts up when we want it to and doesn't say the wrong things haha. It also shows no other signs of exppressions other than the one it already has.

2nd comic strip: Definitely saving! Showing to my friend he just said find me a picture that says I love ASIAN girls haha. Perfect timing oh such coincidence!

hehe these definitely made my day thank you!!

Can't wait for the next one :D


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Guest ladee_bug

OMG Thank you for the PM!

And LOL I like the first one

But I agree with Little Miss Snackwrap lol jk jk!

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Guest cookie.monster

Your comics totally make me laugh all the time xD

Your newest are so awesome B)

I'd love to have the wallpaper as well! ^^

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Guest bbasya

bbasya: well then where is the love? Because I sure can't find it T_T

added to PM!! biggrin.gif

here~ *sending love your way* :P

awww~ so cute! teddy bear! ^^ but poor guy.

love asians? don't we all? hehe.

and thanks for the pm! awesum!

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LOL i like the first one. so cute, humm what does a teddy bear has that you dont have? o_0 he's soft and he listens? lmao. the 2nd one is cute too. he looks like a nerd lol. thanks for the pm. continue posting more =)

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Wow I've been missing out! Your comics are beyond cute! hehe I had a good laugh. Now I should maybe think twice about the guys that holla. At least I should give them some credit huh? haha... Keep up the good work. You're talented.

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