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Guest Chocopie.

Sounds like his skin's irritated and that's caused some of the fur to drop out. Is it itching? Causing him any discomfort? I'd just keep an eye on it for a couple of days, make sure it's clean and not getting any worse. If it does start to get worse then take him for a check up :)

Wow thanks flufy! I really thought it was something really really serious ><. My dad actually thought it was cancer.

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Guest wicked_

Honey.bee - - your dog is so adorable :]

To all the dog owners, what brand of dog food are you feeding your dog?

I feed my little guy Science Diet/Natural Life. He's still eating canned food cause his teeth haven't developed enough to where he can eat hard food yet, but occasionally I'll mix some of the hard food into the soft food just so he gets used to the taste of the Science Diet food.

Anyways! Here he is :DD Little Benji :DDDD


And here he is with his brothers- they're all the sage age in this picture (7 weeks old). My boyfriend owns the other two so we're always taking them on playdates XD


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Guest anecia

Last week he went to the vet cause he BO out blood(not alot thou),the vet did some blood test and says that maybe he's GI is infected so they prescribe him some medicine.Now he doens't BO out blood but I realise he doesn't seem to be eating well AKA he doesn't finish his food,he only eats when people walk near his bowl.He has never,never finish his food before.

Is it possible for my dog to NOT like the new dog food we got him?

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hi, recently i bought three little Pearlscales goldfish and at the same time my brother just got three sea turtle. So i was wondering does turtle eat fish? I bought a big aquarium and i have to put all six of the little creature together, so will it be ok?

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Guest badhairday

Okay, I need your help in deciding this. I narrowed my choices for a dog to either a Yorkie or a maltese. Both dogs don't shed as much as other dogs... they are both tiny and super adorable. They are both high maintenance dogs.

I am happy with either one, but it boils down to preference. My hubby doesn't care which one I get.... I'm just confused. If you had the choice to get one of these dogs, which would you choose? I wish I could have made a poll.

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Guest milkbunny

recently I baught a female baby dwarf rabbit

and I also have a full grown regular female rabbit in my house

I was wondering can those two live together?


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Guest ladie_ji

Okay, I need your help in deciding this. I narrowed my choices for a dog to either a Yorkie or a maltese. Both dogs don't shed as much as other dogs... they are both tiny and super adorable. They are both high maintenance dogs.

I am happy with either one, but it boils down to preference. My hubby doesn't care which one I get.... I'm just confused. If you had the choice to get one of these dogs, which would you choose? I wish I could have made a poll.

well it is true that both breeds shed very little they shed as much as a person loses hair however you would need to understand that even though a yorkie is a small dog they are still a part of the terrier group unless trained properly they can be a menace.. speaking from experience... i have both a maltese and a yorkie... my maltese is a very relaxed dog she is happy with just sitting next to you and taking a nap while my yorkie would be running around the house with a toy in it's mouth also i've noticed that my maltese only barks to notify me that someone is outside and my yorkie barks at everything.. even me so i would say it all depends on what kind of dog you were looking for... hope i helped

now i have a question i have a 3 year old female maltese [mimi] and a 3 1/2 month old female yorkie [zoey] and they do not get along... mimi is not the possesive or territorial type because i've trained her not to be when i hold zoey and go next to mimi she just sits there but when zoey wants to play and goes next to mimi all i hear is growling i just dont know how to get them to get along because ever since i've gotten zoey i have to keep them separated just to keep peace in my house... mimi has never bitten zoey cuz she's not that kind of dog she'll just keep growling and try to get away from zoey... i need help how do i get my two dogs to get along????

another thing... mimi is potty trained and zoey is not... any tips on potty training? i've tried the wee wee pad and the wee wee spray.. does not work...

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We recently got a Westie pup (Snowbi). The problem is that we have a grown Rottweiler and German shepherd mix (Duno) at home already. After a few a days we noticed that Snowbi was bullying Duno. He was biting the larger dog and jumping all over him. Although the bigger dog isn't doing anything back, I do have feeling he's going to get mad one day and take bite out of the little guy. Have anyone encounter this problem before? If so, any advice?

Here's a picture of them!!


Btw, does anyone know how to potty train a Westie? We're having major problems with this. He thinks he's too smart to listen...

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Guest oceanlevel

my fish died by its tailing disintegrating and stuff : (

i think its the water from the taps : / dangerous stuff

now my cat scratches my uncle constantly and gets revenge when ever she can..

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Guest daaarling.

okay this might not be a pet question but theres skunks living under our shed in our backyard.and my dog has been sprayed 3 times already and now we are desperate to get rid of them. we called the pest control and such but its like $300 for a trap and its not guaranteed that they will stay away. plus we don't have 300 lying around. so who has dealed with them before any way to get rid of them?

i heard about fox urine but where can i get it?

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Guest josebud

We recently got a Westie pup (Snowbi). The problem is that we have a grown Rottweiler and German shepherd mix (Duno) at home already. After a few a days we noticed that Snowbi was bullying Duno. He was biting the larger dog and jumping all over him. Although the bigger dog isn't doing anything back, I do have feeling he's going to get mad one day and take bite out of the little guy. Have anyone encounter this problem before? If so, any advice?

The little one is just testing his boundaries haha ^^

If your older dog bites the little one, it's may be good thing and just warning to show who is the boss. If Duno is now ignoring the puppy I don't think he will do anything serious like biting so hard that blood runs XD Our older dog also snapped the little one sometimes. But you can scold the little one if he is teasing Duno too much.

Here is my babies! <3 Belgium shepherd Alli and Shetland sheepdog Siru.


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Guest aznscrewball

okay this might not be a pet question but theres skunks living under our shed in our backyard.and my dog has been sprayed 3 times already and now we are desperate to get rid of them. we called the pest control and such but its like $300 for a trap and its not guaranteed that they will stay away. plus we don't have 300 lying around. so who has dealed with them before any way to get rid of them?

i heard about fox urine but where can i get it?

Try getting a hose to spray down the deck? If it doesnt drive the skunk out, it will also serve to dilute its territorial markings.

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Guest tuna_madunna


I'm planning to buy a bunny rabbit but I have concerns since I also own a 2-year old Chow Chow.

Is it okay for a Chow Chow and a rabbit to go together, won't the bunny accidentally bite the Chow or what? :]

Oh yeah, my Chow Chow doesn't bite, I'm just concerned about the rabbit's rabies towards the dog. hehe


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Guest sheepo


I recently bought a pet turtle, two actually, last March.

And since the other one was a bit too energetic, I don't really know if he did, unconsciously killed the other since even though there are rocks in their...well..."cubicle"(?), he keeps on stepping on the other turtle and kept stealing his food.

I also clean the water once per day since I'm only left with one turtle now. TToTT

My question is this : This....surviving turtle doesn't go into/below the water anymore. It just stands on the rock...for the whole day.

Heck, if I look at him, it's like he's already dying or something, since it appears he has trouble breathing, and he keeps breathing deeply everytime stretching out his neck.

And his eyes are more slitted now. D:

Anyone know what the problem is?

I think he misses the other turtle.

It's a male btw.

*I assumed it was the weather since it's a boiling 30 degrees here. But I put him in a shade every morning and...out of dry humor, put an ice cube in the water just to cool it =A=, seldomly of course.

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Guest sheepo

it will sound irresponsible...but I don't know what type it is. ;_;

My father bought it from a friend of his.

It's the small turtle type.

[should I take a picture? XD]

sorry about that D:.

the tank is about 3 liters big.

gah...when the other turtle died, it still keeps on going down the water and just suddenly one day,

it stopped altogether ;_;

I wonder if it's anything I did. ;_;

Oh, and the water I used for the tank is the mineral water,

since it was told to us that using tap water would kill them. D;

thanks! ;)

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Guest nara jjang

^does the turtle have red spot on each side of its head? then its a red ear slider....

even the baby ones need at least a 10 gallon tank...also needs a place to bask(where it can lay under the lamp)

and having a filter would be nice for him cause they can be dirty animals...and u don't have to change the water that often

and the water temp should be around 76 degrees and u can control by getting a heater for the tank

yeah i just got two red ear sliders and i went to this website for some help redearslider.com

hope it helps u :)

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I so want a pet parrot.

No kidding, I want experience life with one. :D

In the past, I've owned goldfishes, a wolf dog, and around 6 kittens. ~

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Guest sheepo

^does the turtle have red spot on each side of its head? then its a red ear slider....

even the baby ones need at least a 10 gallon tank...also needs a place to bask(where it can lay under the lamp)

and having a filter would be nice for him cause they can be dirty animals...and u don't have to change the water that often

and the water temp should be around 76 degrees and u can control by getting a heater for the tank

yeah i just got two red ear sliders and i went to this website for some help redearslider.com

hope it helps u :)

woah, it does. *o*

10 gallon tank?! hahaha, man, I didn't know they were that pampered. XD ahaha~

thank you~ you're a really big help >w< ,

maybe the reason it won't go under the water because it's too hot..?

haha~ =)

thanks also for the link!


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Guest tuna_madunna

aww a rabbit =] i have two right now i used to have many... my five dogs loves rabbits so much they play together and sleep together. One sixth dog thats it and she acually killed few of my small animal pets =[

chowchow are known to be a little two faced, but then not all chow are the same.

If your dog doesnt mind the rabbit then it should be fine. My dogs and rabbit play with each other and my dogs licks the rabbits fur. They groom each other and even eat together. good luck! if you go on youtube.... and look up my username.... usuejung u should see few video. i think one is with my black dog and the rabbit and one with my white dog getting beaten up by my rabbit lol


o and the rabies..... rabies will affect both human and animals... go to a vet that can take care of small animals like rabbit. and get your rabbit vaccinated... after the vaccination you need to wait 3 days so the vaccine is in the rabbit body.... after that you can introduce them to each other =] i never had to vaccinate mine but if you are worried just give it the shot.... its better than something bad happening =]

good luck again ^^

usuejung thanks for helping me out! :] I have no idea about a rabbit's vaccination. And that video of your pet rabbit and dog really made my day!! I can't believe your rabbit bullies your dog, haha! they look so cute! :] Thanks again!

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