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Your Vietnamese Full Name?

Guest love_pixie

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vietnamese name: Tran My Anh (no middle name)
















































































English name: Anna

















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Guest proFRESHional.









christine nguyen tran

hahah weird name rawr
















i remember theres this dude name
















phuc dat bich















































^I don't have one,
















but "phuc dat bich", that one made me laughed :lol:









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Guest chocomilky








Vietnamese: Nguyen Lan Dai (Lan: orchid Dai: mother's name)






English: M. Lan Dai Nguyen






I have the most un-Vietnamese name EVER.


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i remember theres this dude name

phuc dat bich








humm i remember watching this lil video thingyy where the cratoon person's name was phu dat bich xD



they were making pho






miine iss



Nguyen Thi Thu Hong



i sometimes go by Wendy...but peole usually call me hong


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Guest SwtVi3tGurl












lol...mines is....Nguyen Huyen Trang















english: Trish Nguyen
























yup so much nguyens....XD



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Guest chocopocky










Mine is Nguyen T. Nhan








My english name is Mimi.








lmao at the Phuc Dat Bich..


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Vietnamese name: Huong Phan

Call me that and die.

HUONG PHAN, HUONG PHAN!! I'd still breathing :lol:

I don't have a Vietnamese name, but my dad's is HOANG THE CUONG.


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Guest snapple!




















Le Nha Chi












.. my name is uncommon =.=












English name : Amy Le





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humm i remember watching this lil video thingyy where the cratoon person's name was phu dat bich xD

they were making pho
















miine iss








Nguyen Thi Thu Hong








i sometimes go by Wendy...but peole usually call me hong















Hi, I'm Nguyen Thi Thu Hien. Nice to meet you. :lol:








are you my long-lost sister? :ph34r: lol. just kidding. Nguyen Thi Thu is soooooo common.



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Guest 13miracles






Nguyen Tran Mong Tuyen


Nguyễn Trần Mộng Tuyền => If you can read Viet


I was named after my mom T-T, my name supposed to be Lam Tuyen (Lam Tuyền), means Blue River, but this name, i have no idea what its mean...



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Guest uh0h turn itt up






LOLLLLLLLLLLLL viets have funny names...can nvr pronouce them n theyre all like the same =X



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LOLLLLLLLLLLLL viets have funny names...can nvr pronouce them n theyre all like the same =X

it's because it's written in vietnamese alphabet :)

Like Nguyen Tran Mong Tuyen is actually pronounced Ngwin Chuhn Mong-Twien.

I have to say it's so WEIRD that most of the girls here have 4 syllables in their name.. usually it's only 3.

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I think my vietnamese name is very common..




Jennifer Thao Nguyen ... i hate it lol .. all three part are soo freaking common..


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Guest couture44



English name: Elise

Vietnamese middle name: Thuy Uyen

no one calls me that cuz its

to hard to pronounce and plus

no one knows my middle name.


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Guest Love Virus

there's a kid in my school name nguyen nguyen

kidna makes you wander...what were his parents thinking =_____=

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Guest My_Redemption






mine is Luu Tuong Lam Thu





Lam has no marks & Thu has that curve mark thing so it's not Thu as in the season fall Thu.






no english name, but i go by Lam.







Cool there's another Luu !! :D



I didn't think there would be any Luus here because I'm part chinese.






My full name: Tina Hoàng Mỹ Lưu



First: Tina


Vietnamese-Middle: Hoàng Mỹ


Last: Lưu


My parents say that Hoàng means beautiful and elegant. I think it's weird because some guys have Hoàng as a name too, but some people spell it Hoàn. So..I don't know. Kinda weird having a guy name too. lmao. Still it doesn't matter. Everybody calls me Tina. :)



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Guest a2n_Fever

THERE'S A GIRL IN MY SKOOL WITH SIMILAR NAME! her name is Tran Tran. but we tease her and call her Tran square

there's a kid in my school name nguyen nguyen

kidna makes you wander...what were his parents thinking =_____=

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