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Your Vietnamese Full Name?

Guest love_pixie

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Guest trungiie






trung nguyen....very simple




i loveeee it!!




my twin's name is hieu




trung & hieu




my parents did that on purpose








i hate my english name!!! >:[


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Guest kimmie.xoxo
















































































































































Kim Ann Nguyen
































































































































but for some reason, it turns to Kim Anh Nguyen or Kim An Nguyen whenever i goto Vietnam.. but those names arent on my birth certificate...









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Guest ~.Linh.~







Vietnamese: Bui Thuy Linh





English: Sabrina





I like my viet name^^





Hate my english name sometimes...


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I don't have a Vietnamese name . _ . But my mum said that if she had to give me a Vietnamese name it would be Van ... which is retarded because my name would be Vanessa Van Nguyen ==''

That's one too many Van's in one name.

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Guest treeshaa














Vietnamese: Nguyen Le Thuy Tien










English: Tricia










My Vietnamese name isn't anywhere on my birth certificate, but is only nickname purpose for family and all that. (:



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Guest x`aNNiie.

I think i've already posed, but i always think my name is somewhat weird? Does it sound funny to usual viet ppl?

Duong Van Anh --> English is Anne Duong.

I rather Vanessa haha.

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Guest YouJean


















whoaa, its like the "nguyen" invasion.





































































mine is Tran Thi Thanh Yen (hahahha, my grandpa name me after his ex's name!!!)



























yen is usually my home name.










































but on paper (like visa and things...)



























its Eugene Thanh Tran



























i dont get why they cut "yen" off.


















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Guest missdevotional
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hmm... I don't have a Viet surname because I'm half Chinese :P but obviously my mother's maiden name is Nguyen xD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But my Viet name is Le Anh and... my English name is... Leanne.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(First name being Leanne, middle name being Le Anh)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So... on my passport/school records/things like that it says: "Leanne Le-Anh"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And everyone looks at me like: 'Are you kidding?' when they see it. =.=

































































































































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Guest ketchup?


















Huynh Thi My Phuong














it's embarrassing bc when the teacher calls roll the first day or there's a substitute, they're like myfung? meefong? and it's like OMG.. #$@^%$@ (cause everyone calls me My or Phuong but never My Phuong) then they make fun of me and call me my fungus. *TEARS*



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Guest SinnedAngel
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I go by my birthbirthbirth name, Sherryl, which is English, but I just recently found out that I have a Vietnamese name :D






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm guessing you spell it like this; Anh Dao Do.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































? LMAO. I have no clue. XD

































































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Guest mz_helen





I must have one of the shortest Viet names. Its Le Thao.



English name: Helen Le



My parents didn't think I needed a middle name since I was born here.


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Guest kawii_kiki55














Thuy Thanh Nguyen










thats both my viet and english name.



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Guest CitrusFlower








Vietnamese: Nguyen Le Thuy Tien






English: Tricia








My Vietnamese name isn't anywhere on my birth certificate, but is only nickname purpose for family and all that. (:















:w00t: your english name is pretty!love the way it's spelled!



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Guest lilsh0rtnancy








Vietnamese name: Dang Phoung Thu




English name: Nancy








At home I'm just known as Be :D





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Guest JennyLovesYa08
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My full Vietnamese name is Le Nguyen Bao Uyen. My english name is Jenny Le.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest monicalt












My full vietnamese name is




Tràn Lý Kim Chi




and my english/norwegian name is Monica :)





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