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Your Vietnamese Full Name?

Guest love_pixie

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Guest SEaCrET_WisH



"Bich-Chieu Tran" my dad decided to name me after his fav. viet singer. it's intresting when teachers try to pronounce it and say the "B" word instead <_<

I changed it to Lena :D LOL


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Guest trangx








Do Thien Trang

















yep pretty short. i dont see very many Do's though. theres these two other Do's at my school and we always get mistaken for triplets [we're in the same grade too!] .








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Guest CryingIvy



Pham Huynh Sydney

My relatives can't say 'Sydney' right...it ends up sounding like 'Sit Nay'


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Guest Trista1000


man..everyone has such nice name...




mine is : Tran Thi Thu Thao


english name : Trista


name young : Tiny...




everyone here call me differently....sometimes, my boyfriend call me 7 T


7th for my nickname on msn...i always put Timeless....




and my boyfriend's name's Tran Than Tu....another 3 T ....man....weird


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Guest kpopdragon
















Nguyen Dan Thanh
















Dan (pronounced Yanh in viet) - Viet/English First Name
















My parent's call me Ut Bi or Ut (I think he means youngest one)









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Guest da_ENTP
























Translated the name would be: Le The Phong









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Guest icysnowbubble

wow i like everyones name better than mine..... i always get pissed off when someone call me by my viet name because its so girly >.<

my full name is: Julie Hoa Mi Tao

(my middle name is my viet name, and my last name is chinese)

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Guest HienSTAR









LOLLLLLLLLLLLL viets have funny names...can nvr pronouce them n theyre all like the same =X








































Or more like.. you just don't know our language. :huh:








































Mm.. only one other person with the same surname as me.








































Vietnamese: Đinh Minh Hiền








































English: Jessica Hiền Đinh

Titi Do (aish, everyone always gets the wrong idea when they aren't viet lol)








































Lol! Your parents actually named you that? ^^;; I call one of my cousins that.. even though he's not so little anymore. I just noticed, so many of my cousins are given little nicknames except in my immediate family. Tít ti, bi, em, etc. =/ Although my parents still call me Bé Hiền just to annoy me. xD









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Guest KooZyAnn












































Mine is Ann Hieu Ho. Nothing special..haha





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Guest myfelicity







Lucy Nguyen





i don't have a vietnamese name. my parents told me they named me after Lucille Ball from I Love Lucy. lol.


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Tran Lam Bich-Quyen .

my dad names me after my cousin. lmao ??































































HAHAHA thats better than me! i have the same name as my two older cousins! >>
































my name is Tran Quan-Nhi
































(Tran is the last name)
































i guess... my name could be either Chinese for Vietnamese. =x
































my English name is Tina... no one calls me by Quan-Nhi or Nhi though.. unlesss.. i'm in Vietnam. -o-









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Guest Emmy










Tran Bich Huyen Vy








I use to hate mine in school sooo bad cause they teacher,,,everytime she does roll call, she would say bi*ch, but now its alright since when my friends call me that, i just answer them. hahaha


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Guest -x.smile.31


















My Vietnamese name is Dang Thi Quyen














3 words only...why do most people have 4 T-T lol














My English name is Crystal Dang =]














Quyen and Crystal don't mean the same though o.O



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Guest Swtess







Tu Le Yen Nhu





Very short. When I went back to VN, people either call me Yen Nhu or Be Nhu.





I think it was my mommy that named me Nhu and then my grandma from my dad's side took me to a monk and he named me Yen...can't remember.





But I do remember it's cause I won't shut up after I was born. :lol:


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