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Your Vietnamese Full Name?

Guest love_pixie

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Guest LOVEangiie
































































































































































































































LOLOL! mines just too weird/embrassing































































































































































































































































































































its actually not really my true "viet" name































































































































































































































































































































i dont have one anyways haha































































































































































































































































































































but its a shortened form of my real name..































































































































































































































































































































my grandma made it up actually.. when i was a still toddler or something































































































































































































































































































































coz since she cant really say the name Angela fully































































































































































































































































































































so she calls La with that down tone :blush:































































































































































































































































































































AHAHA and so now my uncles and aunty's start calling me that ><"































































































































































































































































































































LOL.. and when i told my friends they're like thats cute?































































































































































































































































































































ewww gross haha.. its not really a viet name but yeah.. XD































































































































































































































































































































hope you guys get what im saying rolfs..






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sing La La La La~ chyeeeaaahh. (:

































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Guest orangeSHR00M
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































tran my ai.... sometimes amy. i like my name.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































BUT i hate when people try to make jokes and switch ai with i. it's not even grammatically correct D:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"i am sorry. oh, i meant i, not ai."
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































HAHAHAHAHAHA stfu stupid chinese guys at school ==;;

































































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Guest haradays
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Well i was looking around and found this vietnamese name generator,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Viet;Ai Nguyen

































































































































































































































































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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest lienieloo



where are all the Dinh people?

well my viet name is Dinh Thi Kim Lien

& my english name is Jessica (I despise my english name w/a passion)

together it's Dinh Thi Kim Lien Jessica ..no one dare call me jessica unless you like rapid pandas.


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Guest initialninj4




hmm.. viet name is.. Truong Pham Duy....


and my english name is BARRY?!!! wtf?? zomg wthell.. oh well . better than sum dude named Deep Throat


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Guest surfinsushi



NO WAY. This dude's name is okay just as long as he doesn't come to any English speaking country, wahahaha poor guy.

I noticed that quite a few Vietnamese have "Nguyen" as part of their name. Why? What does it mean?















I agree! XD Phu Dat Bich! XDDDDDDD



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Guest EchoOff





I'm not Viet by blood.





But I was born there, so it was logical to give me a Vietnamese for the first 1/4 of my life.



















My Viet name came from my Chinese name








:P It's Dung Diem Bich.





Yeahh yeah, laugh all you want, you non-asian peoplees.





I have an English name





but I go by something else on Soompi.







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Guest biwweeyy
































































































































Just Billy Trong Phan. Ahaha.
































































































My freshman english teachers name was. Bich Nga Lam.
































































































Hahaha. I felt bad for the lady.

















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  • 1 month later...
Guest BattleRoyale


^ hahhaa lol




my vietnamese name is Phan Thu`y Trang but family call me by my english name - Annie but with a vietnamese accent like En Ni`


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