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Your Vietnamese Full Name?

Guest love_pixie

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Guest Natsumi_sshi

LOL so many nguyens ;) but then again...it is like the most common vietnamese name

in english my name is just trinh pham..

but in viet its a whole new story

pham thi kieu trinh

LOL what a handful

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Guest thanhnii















Mine's Nguyen Thi Anh Thanh. I just go by Thanh, though. I'm gonna try to get Alessandra as my English name since I don't have one. :) Oh, and Nguyen is like the Viet version of Smith for Americans. :P


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Guest love4dbsk&suju

hey my viet name is

Quach Nghi Linh

english name - Linh Quach (simple)

my surname doesnt sound viet its cuz i ave a chinese dad, lol.

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Guest rhaps0dize.
















































































































































Tran Thanh Thao. Damn my initials -_____-

















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Guest gottalovegirl


Nguyen Pham Kim Ngan

Its sooo long that I just go by Ngan.....but I love my name cause it means money and wealth...and of course gold....^^

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Guest xvi3txl0v1ngx

just Melody, if had Huynh as your last name, i would had thought you're this girl i know, cause her name is Tran Thao too!

Vietnamese way: Vu Minh Vy(on the 'u', there's a ~)

English way: Vy Minh Vu.

At school, i go by Minh Vy, but outside of it, most people call me Vy.

I like my name very much =).

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Guest xoxo.poppinv



Tran Kim Uyen.


I like it ^_^ but it has very little syllables... But atleast my name doesn't have a Thi because almost every girl has that in their name.


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Guest mal3ficum




Pham Nguyen Kim Thuy Tiffany :D...people call me Thuy (with a huyen..is that even how you spell it rofll) in viet though




english: Tiffany Pham



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Guest lil.vi3t.cupid_<3

Mine is Nguyen Kim Khanh

=) Only family call me that, friends and co. just call me by my english name and some don't even know i have a Vietnamese name ^^

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Guest Melitus
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































look 80% of the vietnamese gonna have the "nguyen" last name..thank god mine is so much more unique...well less common then ngyuen Hoang anh tuan

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Broken_Heart













My name is Le Nguyen Hoang Lam











Don't have an english name


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i remember theres this dude name

phuc dat bich



































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest V A L XD

Vietnamese: Cao Vyvy.

English: Valerie

mine is hella short. In my family you got, Vy, Be,Thi,Mi..haha all sound a like. My grandma's sister can't pronounce "V" so it ends of as Wi...ew.

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