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Today I Am Grateful For _______. (list 5)

Guest iamstellar!

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Guest musicismylifey

Today I am grateful for...

1. My best friend who told me to call her. <---I still remembered

her number :D (I haven't seen her for 6 months)

2. The bagel my mom gave me :P

3. The person who held the door open.

4. The person who answered my question.

5. SOOMPI :lol:

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Guest _simple.dreams

today i am grateful for...

01 a day closer to spring break! (:

02 getting a chance to do this "trio" in band... sort of like a once in a life time thing. (:

03 getting a chance to watch "alvin & the chipmunks" at school LOL

04 getting a free breakfast today (:

05 being able to make my teacher laugh with my "scared" look like an hour after she broke down.

honestly.. it's getting harder and harder for me to find things each day..

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Guest lalakid87

Today I am grateful for:

1. Having one more day to get closer to God.

2. Having one more day to live.

3. My family.

4. Being able to attend uni.

5. The nap I took.

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Guest getawaycar

* my dad being out of the house

* being saved from my dad's annoying rattling about how I went home late again last night.

* mum giving me some cash

* my cousins fever going down

* my friends

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Guest MisS_SuJu

Today I'm grateful for:

- To have a good talk with my parents this evening.

- To receive a letter from my sister this morning.

- That it's finally weekend!

- To hear my cousin's voice when he called me.

- The guy who picked my bag up for me, when it dropped off the bus.

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Guest lalakid87

Today I am grateful for:

1. Having one more day to get closer to God.

2. Having one more day to live.

3. My family.

4. The coffee shop.

5. Being able to buy the t-shirt.

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Guest lalaleidy

1. my family [for the partyyy]

2. my friends

3. for a new day.

4. BSA - 1a. [miss them]

5. moneyyy! haha ;) [for clothes]

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Guest HeartOnHerSleeve

This is probably a healthy habit to get into.

Today I'm grateful that

1) my family is still here with me.

2) I don't have any disorder or deformity

3) I'm getting good grades

4) people are constantly boosting my self-esteem =)

5) I still have two months to see this guy I like until he graduates.

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