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Anyone Know French?

Guest yonsu

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As far as I know, de l'/des/de la/du is used when referring to an unknown quantity of something.

de l' (used when noun starts with vowel) = de la = singular feminine

des = plural

du = singular masculine


'I would like some milk' = 'Je voudrais du lait'.

'She ate some ice-cream' = 'Elle a mangé de la glace'

'He wore some black shoes' = 'Il porte des chaussures noirs'

http://french.about.com/library/prepositions/bl-devsdes.htm <== Detailed thingy on it. I haven't learned that much.


au/à/à la/aux is like 'at' or 'to'? I think xD

Yep, my grammar sucks. T_T It's shameful I've been taking french for 6 years, 5 years in school as well and I still can't do much =/ Anybody want to be my penpal? xD

I'm helping a friend prepare for his speaking exam, could someone translate these words?

'engagement party'

'hoodie/hooded jumper'

'there is no school', i'm not sure if it's 'il n'y a pas de l'ecole' or what? I'm still a bit confused when to use du or le ><

Thanks to anyone that helps <3 I think I'll be coming here often xD

Oh by the way, how do you write the accents? And are there any tips on remembering which ones to use?

I had my French exam today ._.; First exam ever. I've only done assessments/assignments before. xD I missed out on so many words in the listening but I finished half an hour early. I think that means I bombed on writing. i hope I wrote enough =/ I kept reusing words xD

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'there is no school', i'm not sure if it's 'il n'y a pas de l'ecole' or what? I'm still a bit confused when to use du or le ><

I think it's 'pas de' because my high school teacher has this phrase 'PAS DE! PAS DE!' like a police siren whenever we use it incorrectly. It's pretty catchy because I think forget that rule even after 3 years when I stopped learning French.

Can I be your penpal? I need to brush up on my French. I stopped taking it after my AP test was over. And that was 3 yers ago!! O_O;;;

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Guest mousse91

8. my first prix was when i sang everyheart.

Mon premier prix c'était quand j'ai chantée de tout mon cœur.

Every Heart=The sogn name. LOL.

Mon premier prix était quand j'ai chantée la chanson 'Every Heart'.

oh lol! how would i know that? :rolleyes:


'there is no school', i'm not sure if it's 'il n'y a pas de l'ecole' or what? I'm still a bit confused when to use du or le ><

I think it's 'pas de' because my high school teacher has this phrase 'PAS DE! PAS DE!' like a police siren whenever we use it incorrectly. It's pretty catchy because I think forget that rule even after 3 years when I stopped learning French.

Can I be your penpal? I need to brush up on my French. I stopped taking it after my AP test was over. And that was 3 yers ago!! O_O;;;

the correct way is "Il n'y a pas d'école"

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i havent used french for a long long time.

i'm kinda rusty so i'd appreciate it if someone helped XD

is meillure (best) one of the words that you put in FRONT of a noun ? or is it after? @_@

did I even spell that right? lol

would "la meilleure prof" be accurate? XD

P.S. if anyone would like to be my penpal I'm down for it :D I miss French :'(& would like to brush up on it/keep it in me somehow o.o I've taken it for 5 years..but I'm slowly losing it.. even though its only been a year since I've stopped lol. I still TA for a french class too! -_-

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Guest kirstie

I promise i'll give my best XD

Pendant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, je suis devenu le chef du Réseau de l'Alliance Française [wazzat?] après l'arrestation de Georges Loustanau-Lacau. En tant que chef, j'étais en charge de 3000 agents de la resistance, dont 428 sont finalement morts. Notre travail, en collaboration avec le SOE brittanique [or Direction des opérations spéciales brittaniques], consistait à receler et à obtenir de l'information vitale à propos de l'armée Allemande. Le 10 novembre 1942, j'ai été capturé et arrêté par les Forces Allemandes mais j'ai été capable de m'enfuir pendant que j'étais en prison.

you just need another person who'll beta my version. bye

ahh merci mille fois!!

je te remercieeee <3333

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Guest BattleRoyale

hi!~ could anyone please help me with the french translation to: the heart keeps skipping though i refuse to let it.

it would be a big help! =) thanks!

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Guest xX-SecreTarek-Xx

hi!~ could anyone please help me with the french translation to: the heart keeps skipping though i refuse to let it.

it would be a big help! =) thanks!

It should be :

Le coeur ne fait qu'éviter mais je refuse d'abandonner.

If you translate it words by word, you might get something else, but it doesn't really make sense.

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Guest unknowntibidip

i havent used french for a long long time.

i'm kinda rusty so i'd appreciate it if someone helped XD

is meillure (best) one of the words that you put in FRONT of a noun ? or is it after? @_@

did I even spell that right? lol

would "la meilleure prof" be accurate? XD

P.S. if anyone would like to be my penpal I'm down for it :D I miss French :'(& would like to brush up on it/keep it in me somehow o.o I've taken it for 5 years..but I'm slowly losing it.. even though its only been a year since I've stopped lol. I still TA for a french class too! -_-

Yes the word "meilleure" is always in front of the noun, you're sentence is accurate =)

I can be your penpal if you want !

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Guest BattleRoyale

It should be :

Le coeur ne fait qu'éviter mais je refuse d'abandonner.

If you translate it words by word, you might get something else, but it doesn't really make sense.

oooohh thank you so much! =)

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Guest lilmariah35

hi!~ could anyone please help me with the french translation to: the heart keeps skipping though i refuse to let it.

it would be a big help! =) thanks!

le coeur continue de manquer des battements même si je refuse de laisser faire. it's make sense....i think

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hi!~ could anyone please help me with the french translation to: the heart keeps skipping though i refuse to let it.

it would be a big help! =) thanks!

hmm actually i think it'd probably be more like 'le coeur n'arrête pas de sauter (un batterment), mais je refuse de le laisser faire'

so many french speakers here in soompi, i'm surprised. :)

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can someone plz explain how the whole "ne.....pas" thing works?

they're supposed to surround the verb right? but how come some sentences i just see "ne" and no "pas"?

thank you....im gonna be in here for a while now...have to prep for my exam which im very likely to fail -_-

btw: please feel free to correct any of my horrible french grammar (yes plz do)

*cries* i have a french debate tomorrow....kill me now

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Guest jafa100

can someone plz explain how the whole "ne.....pas" thing works?

they're supposed to surround the verb right? but how come some sentences i just see "ne" and no "pas"?

thank you....im gonna be in here for a while now...have to prep for my exam which im very likely to fail -_-

btw: please feel free to correct any of my horrible french grammar (yes plz do)

*cries* i have a french debate tomorrow....kill me now

Yes, the basic negation is formed by placing ne...pas around the conjugated verb. Ne becomes n' in front of a verb starting with a vowel or a mute h.

In spoken french people sometimes drop the "ne".

You can also see sometimes the "ne" without the "pas" in some cases.

ne conjugated verb pas


Je ne suis pas française. (I'm not french)

Il ne veut pas venir avec nous. (He doesn't want to come with us)

Tu ne comprends pas cette leçon. (You don't understand this lesson)

Tu n'as pas de chance ! (You don't have luck / you're not lucky)

Je ne vais pas bien. (I'm not well)

Je n'ai pas étudié. (I didn't study )

Note: "Ne pas" is used together in front of the infinitive.

Ne pas ouvrir la fenêtre. (Don't open the window)

- In informal and spoken french sometimes the "ne" is dropped:

Je ne sais pas > Je sais pas. (I don't know)

Elle n'est pas encore arrivée > Elle est pas encore arrivée. (She hasn't arrived yet)

-Here are some examples where you see "ne" without the "pas":

Je ne sais si c'est juste. (I don't know if it's fair)

Nous ne le voyons jamais. (We never see him)

Il n'y a que deux chiens - (There are only two dogs)

Vous n'y travaillez plus - (You don't work there anymore)

Here some articles about the negation that should read in order to understand all the rules and forms:

French Negative Adverbs

Informal French Negation - Pas without Ne

French Negation

Ne littéraire - French Literary Ne

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