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Anyone Know French?

Guest yonsu

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Guest jafa100

"Pour avoir" is usually like "For having" while "d'avoir" is like "to have"...

Let me come up with the most random examples ever...

- C'est bon d'avoir le pouvoir de peter.

- It's good to have the power to fart.

LOL i can't believe you gave that example LOL !!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha

I thought Peter was a name! hahahahaha.

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LOL i can't believe you gave that example LOL !!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha

I thought Peter was a name! hahahahaha.

Oh crap, you're right! It could have been "It's good to have Peter's power" too! :w00t: But instead, I was relying on the French verb meaning "fart" instead of the name "Peter"... :phew: Hahaha...

I wonder, how some French people pronounced "Peter Parker"... Pitteur Parkeur... Or... Peter Par Coeur... :P Farting by heart... HAHA!

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Guest soapja

ca veut dire quoi tabarnac?

tabarnac = tabernacle

It was a portable dwelling place for the divine presence from the time of the Hebrew Exodus from Egypt through the conquering of the land of Canaan.

Way back in the day, when Quebec was still la Nouvelle-France, people used sacred words as a form of swearing

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Guest lilmariah35

Does anyone know how to say Buy some Pocky? o__o please help me D:

i'll try!!!

buy some pocky= acheter quelques pocky.

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Yeah, for the Tabarnak, google had the answer for the history it has.

Except for words like "fastosh"... Mais les Français de France aussi utilisent ça HAHA!

"Sacrament que c'est fastosh pour moi ça!"

Des mots un peu plus Québécois d'abord, des rares venant des régions étranges de QC... comme "Capoute" (et non capote) "Fisbap" ou quelque chose...

Does anyone know how to say Buy some Pocky? o__o please help me D:

"Achètes quelques Pocky" (well it sounds more like "Buy few Pocky"... You could just say "Achètes des Pocky"... That's better)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest angel_cutie

can anyone translate this into french!?!?project is due in like 2 days T_T

1.i perfer ballad songs because they are calming and peaceful.

2.i like justin timberlake because he is unique

3.i was born in korea

4.i am an active person who enjoys dancing.i do my best in every performance and concert i have.

5.i feel happy when i listen to pop music

6.most typical clothing for pop is the usual.

7.i started to sing when i was 8 years old.

8. my first prix was when i sang everyheart.

ya..im doing a project on BoA >.> i dont wanna get into detail unless you realli want me to xDD

please helpp!!thankks~~

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Guest mousse91

^ angel_cutie

1.i perfer ballad songs because they are calming and peaceful.

Je préfère les chansons ballades parce que elles sont calmes.

2.i like justin timberlake because he is unique

J'aime Justin Timberlake parcequ'il est unique.

3.i was born in korea

Je suis née en Corée.

4.i am an active person who enjoys dancing.i do my best in every performance and concert i have.

Je suis une personne active qui adore dancer. Je fais de mon mieux dans toutes les performances et concerts que je fais.

5.i feel happy when i listen to pop music

Je me sent heureuse quand j'écoute de la musique pop.

6.most typical clothing for pop is the usual.

Les habits le plus typique pour le pop est habituel.

7.i started to sing when i was 8 years old.

J'ai commencée à chanter a huit ans.

8. my first prix was when i sang everyheart.

Mon premier prix c'était quand j'ai chantée de tout mon cœur.

i hope that will help! ^^

sorry but i'm not too sure about #6 but i think it's ok.

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Guest mousse91

Oh crap, you're right! It could have been "It's good to have Peter's power" too! :w00t: But instead, I was relying on the French verb meaning "fart" instead of the name "Peter"... :phew: Hahaha...

I wonder, how some French people pronounced "Peter Parker"... Pitteur Parkeur... Or... Peter Par Coeur... :P Farting by heart... HAHA!

hahahahhahahahaahaha!!!! PTDR!! MDR!!

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Guest jafa100

Qu'est-ce que ça signifie?

Dans mon demi sommeil

In my half sleep

Is that correct? cuz the translation i did seems kind of weird ^^

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Guest Deziel

8. my first prix was when i sang everyheart.

Mon premier prix c'était quand j'ai chantée de tout mon cœur.

Every Heart=The sogn name. LOL.

Mon premier prix était quand j'ai chantée la chanson 'Every Heart'.

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Guest kirstie

ahhh i need helppperss.

translate for moi sil vous plait <<you know you like my frenglish xD

this is a part of my oral FINAL [which is 12% of my grade], so please DONT SCREW ME OVER xD :lol:

im serious though.

i need it to be perfecttttt :]

thanks in advancee! <33

During the Second World War, I became leader of the French Network Alliance after the arrest of Georges Loustanau-Lacau. As leader, I was in charge of 3000 resistance agents, 428 whom eventually died. Our job, alongside the British SOE, consisted of receiving and obtaining vital information about the German military. On November 10, 1942, I was captured and arrested by German forces but was able to escape while in prison.

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Guest lilmariah35

During the Second World War, I became leader of the French Network Alliance after the arrest of Georges Loustanau-Lacau. As leader, I was in charge of 3000 resistance agents, 428 whom eventually died. Our job, alongside the British SOE, consisted of receiving and obtaining vital information about the German military. On November 10, 1942, I was captured and arrested by German forces but was able to escape while in prison.

I promise i'll give my best XD

Pendant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, je suis devenu le chef du Réseau de l'Alliance Française [wazzat?] après l'arrestation de Georges Loustanau-Lacau. En tant que chef, j'étais en charge de 3000 agents de la resistance, dont 428 sont finalement morts. Notre travail, en collaboration avec le SOE brittanique [or Direction des opérations spéciales brittaniques], consistait à receler et à obtenir de l'information vitale à propos de l'armée Allemande. Le 10 novembre 1942, j'ai été capturé et arrêté par les Forces Allemandes mais j'ai été capable de m'enfuir pendant que j'étais en prison.

you just need another person who'll beta my version. bye

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Guest jafa100

How do you say "Snacks"? Such as in "Snacks at the movies" or something similar?

I think Snack is casse-croûte , but i think you can also say Snack.

Someone correct me if i'm wrong ^^

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Guest lilmariah35

I think Snack is casse-croûte , but i think you can also say Snack.

Someone correct me if i'm wrong ^^

yes you can say that or...you can say amuse-gueule, en-cas

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can someone explain to me when

de l'/des/de la/du is used?

and au/à/à la/aux?

and what do they mean? ^^;

thank you!

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