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Anyone Know French?

Guest yonsu

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Guest ladee_bug


je comprends,... on dirait la moitié et un peu plus de ce qu'il a dit NPB-XK?

les mots déjà j'arrive à les comprendre mais c'est pas pareil avec les expressions.

(dis donc vs utilisez souvent l'anglais par contre =P)

Gahhh I agree this can get confusing.

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^ Yes we use some screwed up english words and some screwed up french words... hahaha... and we even invent new words that somehow, other Quebeckers could still understand what we mean!

Does it means "Est-ce que tout le monde est prêt ?"

Québec's expressions are weird xD

HAHAHA! Nice guess... I admit that there are some Quebeckers who like to roll their R a lot... "Tu es prêt?" ---> "T'es plète?"

But "Esti que le monde est plate" means completely something else... You may be shocked... :P

I'm waiting for someone to translate it hahaha!

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Guest im-malina

Haa j'avoue, moi aussi j'ai compris " est ce que le monde est plat ? " et encore lol,, mais bon j'avais compris le "j'ai sacré une bonne vollée à mon ami" bien que je vienne de Paris ehehe !

Bon azi' je me lance, est ce que c'est un truc du genre " est ce que t'es plate ? " = est ce que t'as pas de seins ? hahahaha.

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Guest xvi3txl0v1ngx

passe simple is only used in french lit

yuppp i hate passy simple :) lol.

Yeahh i do speak french. i've been studying it since i started school. even with 11yrs of french, i still suck at grammar XD. i'm praying that i passed my french writting exam.

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Guest HappyEndings

"Esti que le monde est plate!" means..damn, (these) people are boring! right? lol

Jsuis quebecoise, mais c'est pas mal difficile de traduire des expressions quebecoises en anglais haha xD

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Guest Carmen.

Bonjour tout le monde.

I was just wondering what the difference between imparfait and passé composé is.

Because I have a test tomorrow, and although I try my best to pay attention in French class, I still don't see the difference.

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Guest HappyEndings

well the main difference is that imparfait is a "temps simple" and passe compose is a "temps compose"...not sure if that's the right terminology, but i'll give you an example.

for the verbe avoir:

j'avais, tu avais, il avait, nous avions, vous aviez, ils/elles avaient...in imparfait

j'ai eu, tu as eu, il a eu, nous avons eu, vous avez eu, il/elles ont eu...in passe compose

as you can see, passe compose uses the verb avoir in the present tense combined with the participe passe of the verb avoir, which is "eu". whereas for imparfait..there is no participe passe. passe compose is usually used when talking about an action that occurred and ended in the past.

hope i helped:)...i'm not really gd at explaining ><

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Guest kirstie

Bonjour tout le monde.

I was just wondering what the difference between imparfait and passé composé is.

Because I have a test tomorrow, and although I try my best to pay attention in French class, I still don't see the difference.

im not sure if its is exactly right cause i learned it a billion years ago >.< but im pretty sure it is :]


although i think my translations might be wrong :unsure:

but everything else is right xD :sweatingbullets:

impafait and passe compose are both forms for the past tense

but imparfait is usually used for things without an exact end or beginning [for the most part used with these]:

1. habitual stuff:

[when i was young, i used to go to the beach = quand jetais jeune, j'allais a la plage]

2. an action with no completion:

[i was eating when julie called me = je mangeais quand julie m'a appele] (the second one is in pc cause it completely happened-she called me. and the first one is in imp cause i never got done with eating)

3. describing settings/scenes (usually in a story or whatnot):

[i was at the movie theatres when... = jetais au cinema quand..]

passe compose on the other hand is used for complete interacted things with a begginning an end

[i.e. yesterday night, i went to the store= hier soir, je suis allee a la magasin]

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Nice teaching, guys! The good French! :D

I will only teach the bad French! :P

Haa j'avoue, moi aussi j'ai compris " est ce que le monde est plat ? " et encore lol,, mais bon j'avais compris le "j'ai sacré une bonne vollée à mon ami" bien que je vienne de Paris ehehe !

Bon azi' je me lance, est ce que c'est un truc du genre " est ce que t'es plate ? " = est ce que t'as pas de seins ? hahahaha.

HAHAHAHAHA "T'es plate" = "T'as pas de seins" HAHAHAHA c'est la meilleur! :D

"Hey la fille est plate!" :w00t:

How about "Hey la fille avec des grosses boules est vraiment plate!" :P

Well ladies and gentlemen, that person got it right... (Cheater! You're a Quebecker! :P):

"Esti que le monde est plate!" means..damn, (these) people are boring! right? lol

Jsuis quebecoise, mais c'est pas mal difficile de traduire des expressions quebecoises en anglais haha xD

I admit, translating Québec expressions can be very hard... hehe! It's so special... and I personally find them funny... HAHA!

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Guest mousse91

omg! the imparfait and passé composé explanations were very good! even thogh i'm half french and fluent speaker, if someone asked me about those verb changing tenses, i would be like :sweatingbullets: i don't know what to say!

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Guest lilmariah35

omg! the imparfait and passé composé explanations were very good! even thogh i'm half french and fluent speaker, if someone asked me about those verb changing tenses, i would be like :sweatingbullets: i don't know what to say!

i agree with you!!! kudos for the person who gave the explanations!!! your french skills are amazing XD

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Guest Deziel

Je trouve que francais a trop de regle, avec tout les accord... c'est trop ennuyant.

J'trouve aussi que la literature francaise c'est de la merde... Je lis un livre et ils utilisent de la vocabulaire que personne utilisent normalement. -_- Moi j'suis anglophone et j'ai deja du trouble avec le francais, alors, avec la literature je comprend rien. >.>

^ Lol, i probably made a zillion mistakes, my french grammaire sucks, i can't 'accord' for mini cooper. >.>

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^ Yeah French, especially advanced French, has so many sophisticated stuff to look at... That's when I realized "Alright, I'll remain Québécois"... :P "Maganons le français!"

lol you never said quebeckers weren't allowed to participate :P

Ok how about translating "Sacrament d'ostie de criss de coliss de tabarnak de cimonak de ciboire de sacrifice de maudit de..." :P

My personal translation? ---> #%?&?$*&@#4... :D

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Guest lilmariah35

Je trouve que francais a trop de regle, avec tout les accord... c'est trop ennuyant.

J'trouve aussi que la literature francaise c'est de la merde... Je lis un livre et ils utilisent de la vocabulaire que personne utilisent normalement. -_- Moi j'suis anglophone et j'ai deja du trouble avec le francais, alors, avec la literature je comprend rien. >.>

^ Lol, i probably made a zillion mistakes, my french grammaire sucks, i can't 'accord' for mini cooper. >.>

yes you made a zillion mistakes j/k XD mais la littérature française est comme les autres littératures...... je veux dire par là qu'il y a des vieux livres qui utilisent le vieux français (molière, baudelaire), il y a aussi des livres qui sont en langage soutenu parce que sinon ça fait pas sérieux du tout!!

^ Yeah French, especially advanced French, has so many sophisticated stuff to look at... That's when I realized "Alright, I'll remain Québécois"... :P "Maganons le français!"

Ok how about translating "Sacrament d'ostie de criss de coliss de tabarnak de cimonak de ciboire de sacrifice de maudit de..." :P

My personal translation? ---> #%?&?$*&@#4... :D

LOL!!! celle là c'est la meilleure....on dirait elvis gratton qui parle "!/"$/%?&%$/$%?&*&?%$/"/$

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Guest Deziel

Bleh, j'y peux parler et comprendre le francais. Mais c'est toujour la litterature qui me rends fou! >.>

Peut-etre c'est parce que j'suis pas assez bon en francais. P:

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Guest kirstie

i agree with you!!! kudos for the person who gave the explanations!!! your french skills are amazing XD

haha. you can thank my french teacher for that ;)

thats exactly how she taught us the imperfect.

too bad my french skills are super terribly hoorribleee D:

j'ai besoin d'un prof



omg. french interneto slangg! >.<

esp the quebecian stuff. je ne comprends pas @.@

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Guest mousse91

j'ai besoin d'un prof



je peut etre ton prof mais, si tu as des questions sur la conjugaison, je ferais de mon mieux! ^^

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Guest lilmariah35

haha. you can thank my french teacher for that ;)

thats exactly how she taught us the imperfect.

too bad my french skills are super terribly hoorribleee D:

j'ai besoin d'un prof



omg. french interneto slangg! >.<

esp the quebecian stuff. je ne comprends pas @.@

i can help ......i promise i will do my best!!! XD c'est pourquoi? un exam, une dissertation???

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Guest jafa100

too bad my french skills are super terribly hoorribleee D:

j'ai besoin d'un prof



Moi Aussi ^^

J'ai besoin d'aide! :D

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