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Do You Think You Are Pretty?


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Guest ixsweetxi

In all honesty, my face is really pretty. My eyes are very big narturally and stuff but I'm really fat so it takes a lot away from the attractiveness. I only think that if I was skinnier then I would at least be a 7....

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Guest ShadowMax76

i voted the lowest for kicks. rofl

o_O' i embrace my hobo appearance a lot. no hair gel or any new fashionable clothes. it's some sort of anti-social streak in me that laughs at the people that try their best to look good, even if they pull it off.

only when i feel really confident/happy do i dress up.. [..rarer than seeing mew two. LOl]

to get looks from across the shopping mall from .... . rofl. any female eyes ;]


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Guest miss_kizuna

well i voted 6..

but after reading the scale i'm probably a 4 or 5.

come on people, we can't ALL be above average. i hope people know what 'average' means.

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Guest yungkrnblood

I think I might be a little above average or maybe just average. I only say a little above average because people say I'm pretty. Friends, family, and strangers at bus stops and train stations.

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Guest Dreamss

honestly, i dont think im PRETTY. pretty for me is pretty high standard and stuff like that so i dont think im 'pretty' but if you say cute, i think that would fit me alittle better :x

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Guest seryberry

i have my days where im like "oh i look good today!" and "gosh why do i look so blahhh."

i dont like my acne scars or my long chin, i wish i had a little bit more meat on myself but i have high metabolism so that's out of my control. i wish i was a little bit lighter but i am half cambodian so...haha

i do like my hair, i get complimented get asked on a daily basis if they are extensions. and i enhanced my chest so that makes up for the flaws that bug me.

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Guest MeiHearts


i think i'm ok... i have good and bad days... bad days i look like crap but good days i'm above average?

best feature: -told by others- eyes and boobs. heh

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Guest sankyouu

LOL , I rate myself a 5 . Only because, I really think I am a 5 .

I was close to saying 6 but, I don't know

Hahahaha, I don't think I'm above average, LOL. Maybe just AT average, but I didnt see an average choice on the rating thing

so I chose 5 LOL LOL.

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Guest brighterthangems


i think im pretty...LOL

i think im pretty among my friends

and other people in my city

i gave my self 7...LOL

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