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Guest squallie

pinguvxd, there is a Boram spam page on page 1393.


Hey guys, lol, I've already stated this in the F.T. Island page but Kim Ji young used to go out with Jonghun of F.T. Island! Woot woot.

I haven't been here for quite a long time and I'm seeing so many new faces. I can't keep up! I don't see much of the regulars here anymore. Sophie dear! Baoi! Janice! Mui! :)

EDIT// I was backtracking a little and noticed so many fights. LOL. People these days.

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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE LEE CHUNG!!!! i couldn't save them on his cyworld... i might have to delete my history... it always work... hhaha but yeah thanks again!!! and JJ looks so good there!!!

btw i never knew your name i always thank you... kekeke...-_-'

np about the lee chung~

my name is lynn~ :)

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Guest crazii_<33_yu

i think im exhausted now...

welll...i'll upload some pics later ^^

lols anyone feel like going back into the past..the old uhljjangs i have a collection of eunbyul and jiho?

omo...i blanked out on his name..rawrrrries..ji something :x

eheh...anywhos...i'll probably come back later or tomorrow and eunbyul span time :D

anyone wanna join in?

lols reminisce...omo...pretty random? O_o<3

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Guest System1430291513

imda looks gorgeous as always~~

but gookhwa would look prettier with some meat on her face; she looks like a walking skeleton.

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new sua

thanks for update^^

but yeah thats Mikki with Sua.

I think its old, cause Sua's hair is brown/golden now...and mikki had her coloured extensions removed already.

hello pauline^^

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Guest flyxme.

new leechung

new sua

i like the new lee chung, he looks younger with out all the mustache.....

omgsh sua&mikki! <3

but it's old? *crys*

oh yeah, who is sua's boyfriend? sorry if it's been answered...

i wanna see a better pic of him


the guy in the grey......hmmmm


sua is so pretty =)

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Guest mimito

I haven't been here for quite a long time and I'm seeing so many new faces. I can't keep up! I don't see much of the regulars here anymore. Sophie dear! Baoi! Janice! Mui!

i'm still here pauline<3 hahaha i missed you!






credits: pighip.co.kr & me for s.caps

i own page 1790 =P

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thats mikki with sua, right? o__o

yupp that's mikki & sua

i was reading the replies on the picture

and mikki's name would always come up~

thanks for update^^

but yeah thats Mikki with Sua.

I think its old, cause Sua's hair is brown/golden now...and mikki had her coloured extensions removed already.

hello pauline^^

i think it's recent,

because in the other 2 sua pictures those are recent pictures

(i've never seen them before).

she probably died her hair again. but i don't know,

mikki doesn't wear her extentions anymore..

i like the new lee chung, he looks younger with out all the mustache.....

omgsh sua&mikki! <3

but it's old? *crys*

oh yeah, who is sua's boyfriend? sorry if it's been answered...

i wanna see a better pic of him


the guy in the grey......hmmmm


sua is so pretty =)

i think his name is simba :)




you can see his face in these pictures~

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Guest alainachen_604

Hey guys, lol, I've already stated this in the F.T. Island page but Kim Ji young used to go out with Jonghun of F.T. Island! Woot woot.

GAHAH! I TOTALLY KNEW IT WAS HERR! i kept comparring but yeah too lazy to post that i thot it was her! LOLS

shes beautiful they are lucky that they had eachtoher :D

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Guest conzerz

imda looks gorgeous as always~~

but gookhwa would look prettier with some meat on her face; she looks like a walking skeleton.

exactly. her eye bags are really noticeable. ><"

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Guest kyung-ae

They r my friend in cyworld

Someone Ulzzang ^^




Sunny + inho


Daehee He not Ulzzang but he cute like them


Kids Ulzzang Cang joon


Lee Sang June <<< he really good friend & he talking with me right now

he said he not love he wont merry kkk he like single haha


Singer in korea^^


he look younger

last the guy i fall in love


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Okay well this guy has been on myspace forever!

I`ve tried to get him in trouble,

and tell everyone that he`s a fake but they won`t listen because he`s "popular" or whatever.

And he only associates with white kids so no one will find out he`s a fake.

I used to have him on my old myspace but I deleted him because

he was stealing pictures from Oh Seung Jin, Kim DoJin, KKR, Lee YoonGeun, etc.

[ He stole from over five different uhljjang. ]

So everyone should bash him, he`s annoying.

If you add him all the pictures will be of different people

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Guest alainachen_604



Okay well this guy has been on myspace forever!

I`ve tried to get him in trouble,

and tell everyone that he`s a fake but they won`t listen because he`s "popular" or whatever.

And he only associates with white kids so no one will find out he`s a fake.

I used to have him on my old myspace but I deleted him because

he was stealing pictures from Oh Seung Jin, Kim DoJin, KKR, Lee YoonGeun, etc.

[ He stole from over five different uhljjang. ]

So everyone should bash him, he`s annoying.

If you add him all the pictures will be of different people

whats his myspace!? let me at him >=[

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Guest kyung-ae



Okay well this guy has been on myspace forever!

I`ve tried to get him in trouble,

and tell everyone that he`s a fake but they won`t listen because he`s "popular" or whatever.

And he only associates with white kids so no one will find out he`s a fake.

I used to have him on my old myspace but I deleted him because

he was stealing pictures from Oh Seung Jin, Kim DoJin, KKR, Lee YoonGeun, etc.

[ He stole from over five different uhljjang. ]

So everyone should bash him, he`s annoying.

If you add him all the pictures will be of different people

haha i see i never beleive Ulzzang in myspace anymore

i'm only beleive who people ib cyworld only kkkk

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