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I don't think Kim Nam Ji is an ahjumma, she's only 20, born 1988.

I didn't mean it in a literal way. Just her appearance. She looks almost 30 with her short hair and the way she dresses now..

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Danbi is so cute~

love her

But I kinda don't like her new haircut in the new A-ri shop.

by the way thanks for the spam


*Does anyone has Hyun Seung 's cyworld<Ex-bigbang member>

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Guest Sekai no Hikari

^ I can see if it's on Richard's ilchon list if it's public, but if it isn't, then he's likely one of those celebrities that tries to keep their cyworlds on the down-low. =) Judging by how famous he is, it probably isn't supposed to be public information...

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dude no offense or anything but that richard guy had an INTENSE nose job. lol. look at that konk. would not have paid money for that nose if it were me. or his eyes. bad surgeon.

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Guest Sekai no Hikari

dude no offense or anything but that richard guy had an INTENSE nose job. lol. look at that konk. would not have paid money for that nose if it were me. or his eyes. bad surgeon.

I'm sorry you decided to make a post in this thread simply to sound like a crabby beach. =) But you're welcome to your opinion. Attractiveness is relative, after all. Though it does make me wonder what you look like and if your god-given features could be ripped apart as easily. I'm sure they could, actually, if not with harsher verdicts.

That's the funny thing about this thread sometimes. It's an idol thread- and its assumed that people go here to glorify their favorite pretty faces... yet once in a while there is always someone who has to take some fake air of superiority and pass negative judgment on someone that is clearly considered attractive by enough people to be famous for it. It would be great if they could return the favor and openly criticize all the fat-nosed, slit-eyed girls who are often the ones to pass judgment. Hardly fair that you can call someone's face botched when you have yet to post yours. Please do. I'll give you my honest opinion, and ask for Richards as well- since you have already shared your thoughts on his physicality, isn't it only fair that he return the favor? Ah- wait, he can't, he's a celebrity.

I'll do it for him then. =) "No offense," of course.

I don't find some of the other uhljjangs in this thread attractive either. I question the sanity of women who throw themselves at what I consider to be hideous male uhljjangs, but guess what? They're fans, and this is, if anything, a place where fans can go nuts and oogle and ahhh at all the pretty uhljjangs on display for their pleasure. If anything it's supposed to be a fun and positive experience where people can check out cuties of either gender and gawk at their cute clothes/hair/etc.

But anonymity sure gives some people fake balls huh? Opening their mouth to spew sewage all over the good ones.

But I'm sure you're also aware that almost all of these uhljjangs have had a few procedures themselves, right? I can point out the silicone or gortex in many of these girl/guys' noses and show you exactly where they got Botox procedures on their chins to reduce the overall volume of their jaws. Eyes- haha- okay, I think it's a given that nearly everybody in my country gets their eyes done now, regardless of what they may have originally looked like. Nobody is natural, and it's quite accepted and assumed that most uhljjangs/celebrities get work done casually. Not shocking. I'm actually surprised that "naturalness" is still defended when it is obviously overshadowed by the pursuit of perfection in Korean celebrity-dom. So, presuming you know something about Korean culture, you would know this. And what, knowing this you came into this thread to do what? Did you come to rip on all uhljjangs? Or just this one? So do you look up to the rest that have also gotten "good" work done?

So why are you here? =) To coo at your definition of a perfect nose bridge while using unnecessarily hurtful language towards someone you know nothing about? Guess what, you weren't anonymous, and you pissed someone off who questions your authority to pass such judgment. Unless you look like Hyori (which you don't), it's sort of like a 2 dollar hooker calling a nun a richard simmons- you have no divine hall pass to look down on anyone.

You must have a great life full of love and happiness. I'm sure you're thrilled with yourself. I can tell by the way you exude positivity. =) Oh, look, there goes me judging without knowing much about you at all- look at that. How unfair.

And for anyone else reading- I'd just like to say that Richard has always been completely upfront with his procedures. He went on Jin Shil Game and explained his entire weight-loss transformation and what it took to get to where he was. He's honest about it unlike the majority of attractive Koreans in the public eye. I'm happy he limits his work to the eyes and nose, rather than some of the other ridiculous procedures Uhljjangs/celebs do (calf reduction, chin implants, rib removal, etc.) That takes real balls. Not the kind of grape-testicles required to diss a celebrity and believe that nothing will come from it. Richard is a genuinely sweet and wonderful guy with a great career opening up ahead of him and if anything, I just wanted to share him with others because I genuinely believe that he's fantastic.

I guess I'm just very sorry you don't like his eyes and nose. =( I happen to like them because he looks like a cute little boy =) But I'm biased, as you can see ^^

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Guest Rainyraven

Thank you Sekai no Hikari for posting that up. ^^

Seriously I when I scrolled down I thought I had pressed the wrong link and had ended up on one of my fanfic pages :lol:

I totally agree with you. I think people should just stop the negativity in this thread. Bashing pictures you don't like is just not done. They're posted up for your enjoyment and you can scroll by them if you're not interested.

It's alright to post about a picture that you don't like as much but hurtfully insulting people on them that you don't know is just not a manner to handle things.


ps Sorry about the grammatical errors.. English isn't exactly my first language

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Guest masshysteria

what bothers me is that we post these pics of Richard just for the people who will appreciate him. Honestly...unless you want to fight...keep your little nasty comments to yourself. why?

because most likely...you are not very attractive at all....you shop for 5 dollar used scarves on soompi...you look at pics of someone thats what...more natural? YEA RIGHT. EVERYONE of your little uhlzzangs and celebrities in korea has bad Plastic Surgery (if you dont believe it...ur in denial), and you clearly have no idea what good surgery is.

so please....just dont say anything if you dont have anything nice to say. because whenever someone says no offense...you only say that because what ur are saying is offensive....just because you say no offense doesnt mean that people will not take offense.

and in actuallity...you really offended me...so keep your mouth shut and dont come back in here to talk badly of someone you dont know. :P

(no offense) LOL

nah your just sullen because someone didn't like richard so you try to find flaws with natural ullzzangs and celebrities. lolz

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what bothers me is that we post these pics of Richard just for the people who will appreciate him. Honestly...unless you want to fight...keep your little nasty comments to yourself. why?

because most likely...you are not very attractive at all....you shop for 5 dollar used scarves on soompi...you look at pics of someone thats what...more natural? YEA RIGHT. EVERYONE of your little uhlzzangs and celebrities in korea has bad Plastic Surgery (if you dont believe it...ur in denial), and you clearly have no idea what good surgery is.

so please....just dont say anything if you dont have anything nice to say. because whenever someone says no offense...you only say that because what ur are saying is offensive....just because you say no offense doesnt mean that people will not take offense.

and in actuallity...you really offended me...so keep your mouth shut and dont come back in here to talk badly of someone you dont know. :P

(no offense) LOL

that was probably one of the rudest comments I've heard. I understand that you don't want to hear people taking trash about someone you like, but making accusations and saying things like "you shop for 5 dollar used scarves on soompi" is so immature. And its so hypocritical what you're saying, you're telling them to not say anything if they don't have anything nice to say, yet you do the exact same thing in posting this nasty comment. I do not mean for this post to sound like a mean one, but I was just so angered that people still say this kind of stuff to each other.

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Guest moja_moja

Lee Hyun Ah she sorta reminds me of Imda





credits to their cyworld


she looks like a filipina of from philippines... is she filipino?

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Guest hydedesu

sheaks head *

it seems for me this tread allready die slwoly couse isnt alowed anymore post pics of none famous korean or ujjangs .-.

when u post pics from ppls like tat u get negative whibes from other useres here

i dont know why but it realy starts nervy here alote .-.

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Guest hydedesu

^ yaa dont get me wrong i mean no again fight couse of this richard was the same when i posted yang ho the very first time

also fight

maybe u saw this fight couple couple times always a fight from always most same user wich hate to see new faces here u know wat i mean??

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