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Guest efflorescence

TT^TT I'm so sad that Mikki's updates have ended

Netizens are so mean...come on they should just get a life and mind their own business

Btw...everyone keeps talking about Mikki's bf...but I haven't seen a photo yet >_<

Can someone post a pic?

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Guest manlytoe

Ahhh nooo .. I can't let Mikki go!

We should do something to bring her back ..

Soompi is powerfull! Im sure something would work.

Like in the song 'Dirty little secret' from i don't know who ..

Posting picture with our face hided by a sign where we'd wrote 'Mikki come back'..

Am i dellusional to think it could work? ;_;

No, no, I think this would work =]

She's one of my biggest beauty inspirations (Does that sound bad?)

We should definitely do it.

Once I get my camera though :sweatingbullets:

Which isn't until Christmas D=

Anyways, back to Mikki.

I don't want her to go. :tears:

It would be like the end of an ulzzang legend.


hahaha!! i felt a bit losery there.. hahah!! but yeah, i agree...

i think mikki needs to know that although, others think negative, we think positive..

and gookaddict, that doesn't sound bad at all that you say she is your beauty inspiration.^^

she is a beautiful girl and i agree with you! but anyways, you both have great ideas, and i think this would really work!

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tingting thank you so much!

haha gosh how much uploading that must've been :X

does anyone else feel a bit "old" going thru that mikki spam?

i mean, you see how much mikki's style (in her photography as well) has changed lol

ok ill stop rambling about weird things XD

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Guest joie.de.vivre

how much younger is mikki's bf than her anyway??

ugh dumb netizens...never minding their own beeswax -__-

thanks for the mikki spam !

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Guest xiaochingu.

ah omg TiNGxx2 you are the BOMB!

thanks so much for all the mikki pictures


i mean...well for right now

im sad

she was such an inspiration to me

one of my favorite zzangs

and to everyone saying stupid netizens...technically we are netizens too since it only means people "online"

ah yea

but jeez...those people on her cyworld are taking things too far...its none of their business man =_=

and to the person up there saying we should do a soompi thing to get mikki to come back

i agree and i would totally participate!

although...i dont know how much affect it will have T_T

too some extent

i also think maybe we should leave her alone to have a personal life

oh and thanks for the park taejun update!

he looks so cool as always :]

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hahah wouaw...she's not dead ok ? xDDD

Don't forget the other ulzzang please T___T ....i'm not a Mikki's fan ...and everybody here...talks about Mikki...@_@

Haha SUA SUA SUA !!! xD

I'm joking...

There are 7 parts of Mikki ???on one night ?? (i live in france....here it's 8:16am...>.<)

EDIT : haha okei....7 part of Mikki spam....hum...so...anything new here..T___T" any new ulzzang ??

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Guest toybox127!

She closed her cy because people were leaving

rude comments on both her cyworld and her bf's cyworld.

She didn't want to hear it anymore.

So she closed her cy and decided to stay quiet while she's

dating Shin GunHui. I guess people were saying stuff like

how SGH is too young for her and he doesn't have a stable

job or anything so it's gonna be tough on Mikki to support

him and herself. The list goes on. I've seen SGH's cyworld

and ppl were indeed leaving him such rude and negative cmmts.

In addition, she mentioned in her diary how people were mistaking

that Lee ChiHoon and Mikki are going out, or they should go out,

and she said how they don't have any skinship outside of the photography

sessions, and how LCH's gf is Mikki's close dongseng friend and that LCH's

gf comes to the photoshoots too.

I think that's it for explanations :sweatingbullets:

whaaaa! i just read that.

thats sad. these people are too harsh. T_T"

wow.. this place is only gona be half as active without any mikki updates.

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what??? :blink: mikki closed her cyworld? omo~ that's really sad.no more mikki pictures.

huhuh, i hate those people who posted on her cy. they were just jealous coz they want choon. grr i hate 'em.

well, i do hope mikki will come back after her rest. i just hope people will stop posting rude comments on her cy!

argh!!! im gonna miss mikki!!!

tingting ( same nick as me) hha..thanks for the mikki spam. but you should've posted the new batch after someone commented on your posts. the MOD might pop up in here. :blink:

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Guest SeLcaQueen

wow, that's pLenty of pics!

tingting, you sure have Lots of mikki pics!

thank you for the spam! ^_^

anyway, mikki is reaLLy skinny! in her pic in bLack bikini, her butt is Like fLat! LOL! :P

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TT^TT I'm so sad that Mikki's updates have ended

Netizens are so mean...come on they should just get a life and mind their own business

Btw...everyone keeps talking about Mikki's bf...but I haven't seen a photo yet >_<

Can someone post a pic?

check back a few pages.

someone posted his pictures and a link for more of his pictures :)

how much younger is mikki's bf than her anyway??

ugh dumb netizens...never minding their own beeswax -__-

thanks for the mikki spam !

7 years younger then her....

Now how can we forget her best friend SuA?

a SuA spam coming right up too!


SuA closed down her cyworld too!!!! ><




















credits SuA cyworld imageshack

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Guest mocofraise&

^ They're making it on purpose.man. LOL

AAaurhfhsdkfs ...Then,let's include SuA!


hahaha!! i felt a bit losery there.. hahah!! but yeah, i agree...

i think mikki needs to know that although, others think negative, we think positive..

and gookaddict, that doesn't sound bad at all that you say she is your beauty inspiration.^^

she is a beautiful girl and i agree with you! but anyways, you both have great ideas, and i think this would really work!


Brb with a banner of the project.

SOOMPI unite and i love you all so gfrdjkghdfk much. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

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Guest missoriental


SuA closed down her cyworld too!!!! ><

She probably did it for mikki.. since their best friends right?


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reallie? sua and mikki are close so I guess it was kinda forseeable.

I'd do that too if my friend was being attacked by these ppl.

Mikki closed off her guestbook to stop them haters from commenting any further

and she posted a journal entry about how she feels about the whole thing.

here it is:

"다 행복했으면 좋겠는데.

나도, 너도, 내가 모르는 모든 사람들도..

왜 서로 미워하고 밟지못해 안달이지

남이 행복해진다고 내가 불행해지는 것도 아니고

남이 성공했다고 내가 실패하게 되는 것도 아닌데 말이야..."

I feel sad even more sad for her, even though I can't understand this that well.

She just wants to be happy and she doesn't like how they're hating on her and her boo.

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Guest astrosexxy

mikki project? yah i'd totally do it.

signs? .. i have to go clean my cellphone lense. D:

this will be fun! :3 how are we going to send

the outcome to her? both sua and mikki's cys are closed.

lee chihoon's cy? email/mail? .__.

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