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Guest LoveHLi



^just that little picture that i posted on the last page or was it the page before that...no it was two pages ago...if you've seen that one then...well, that's the lastest one ^^;


wah! i miss jihoon!!! hehehe but yeah hli wats the website he models for again... i think i lost it... and can you do me the biggest favor in the world!!! i will love you forever and ever!!! me gets some more picutres of jung dal? heheheh my internet is VERY slow so i can't go onto his site... :sweatingbullets:

hahahha...sure thing yia...i'd love to help...i'll find them and post them tomorrow...man...i kinda forgot the website url...brb with the link ^^;


FOUND IT! hahaha...the website is http://www.ganzinam.com


waahhh! just went there! there's hella pictures of him! maybe i'll save them and post them tomorrow ;) unless of course someone else wants to do it ^^ :lol:

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Guest pillowbox

ok.. first off.. they're freakin kids.. did they honestly think getting jobs would be enough to pay for an ABORTION??

and you guys must be in the dark. kids in korea are corrupted now.. it's normal to be sleeping w/ each other in high school. they like go around rating who's the best. it's sick. this random dude IMed me on this korean chatting program and he got all surprised when i told him it's messed up to be sleeping w/ each other in America when you're in high school. he thinks america is even more messed up than korea. then he went on to insult me by saying i'm saying it's bad cuz i've never gotten laid.. WELL YEA FOR A GOOD REASON MORON. LOL

anyway... i wouldn't be flaunting my two-year-old child if i was only 17... but that's her choice i guess.

my friend told me about this girl who got pregnant at age 10 but her family totally supported her cuz they're latinos O__O!

^ are you serious? a 10 year old who got pregnant! *O* asdfg; the world is getting messed up :ph34r:

sleeping with each other in korea? wow.

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Guest crackednut



but you're soooo good at it!!


you can take a break from the uploading if you want

considering you're one of the threads MVP's

we <3 you!

you know we do!

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^ are you serious? a 10 year old who got pregnant! *O* asdfg; the world is getting messed up :ph34r:

sleeping with each other in korea? wow.

umm what are u guys talking about?

haha i am soooooooooooo LOST!

the first thing i do when i come here is read the last post...

and ummm we are talking about pregnacy here?

someone fill me in....what are we doing?

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Guest LoveHLi


^hahahaha...if i take a break from the thread then i won't have anything to fill up my day! :lol: and besides...i love posting pictures for you guys ^^

^someone posted pictures/mentioned an ulzzang girl who got pregnant at the age of 16 (korean age) so that's what led to talks of kids having kids ;):lol:

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Guest *rashiDah


Whoever he is, give me his number!!

I swear he's a kutie!

credits: me, imageshack, tinypic, mikki, CY.. what else?!?!?

Gaah~ That guy IS GORGEOUS. O_O

wah! she's so young! she's a year younger than me but if the kid is two then it means that she was 15(u.s. age)/16(korean age) when she had him...but her kid is so freaken cute! i just want to pinch his cheeks! :lol:



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Guest sungaaah

^^ and i love looking at all the ulzzangs you put pix up for, aznbaby69_79 =p

hahah im still hung up on hoping theres an american ulzzang =_= kekeke

perhaps start a contest on myspace LOL. okie ... no more talking.

more pictures please, aznbaby69_79 [sorry iono ur name ~]

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Guest LoveHLi

^hahaha..i'm hli. and if you forget just look at my banner...my name is there too...and i'll post up tons of pictures tomorrow..i'm going to get off in a bit ^^;


^i meant to say her (the baby) ^^;

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Guest .yiaZ.

wah! thanks so much hli... but yeah he do have a lot of pictures there... new ones that is... ehheheh your such a sweet heart you noe that... ehhehe anyways if you want i can give you and your account(i feel a little sorrie for it>_<) a little break and upload ji hoon's pictures... ^o^

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Guest LoveHLi

^hahaha...if you want to do it then by all means go ahead...but if you don't have time, i don't mind doing it at all...it's up to you ^^ and besides...i just made a new account so i'll be fine...and most of my accounts are going to reset in a few days too so yeah...it's fine with me ^^

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Guest pannda

ann, the only way for you to save flash pictures is to screencap them...well, that's what most of us do...some people can save those flash pictures but i don't know how they do it though...so most of us just screencap it

screencap? im not sure what you mean?

aish. im still new with this stuff. xD

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Guest .yiaZ.


^ heheheehehe i bet you make like a new account every month huh? lol anyways since your the pro at it and just got a new account... i think imma back off... and since you got more pictures of him anyways ^o^... but yeah i just join the se7enstyle forum!!! so hot!<- way off topic...

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Guest mz_yoone3k

I think it said that the TEENS were working jobs to get the abortion...the parents didn't find out until after she decided to keep the baby


Are a lot of boston schools like that??? o.o

I live in Quincy...so I wouldn't know lol

I would make a Dorcester joke, but that may be rude =X

i don't think so. my school [bls] has no pregnant people. if it did, i would notice. or maybe my school is too nerdy for there to be any pregnant teens. <_< dorchester. HAHA i never go there alone. too scary. anyway, back on topic.

that ulzzang mom is so pretty! how come we didn't discover her before? she looks like a mix or song mira and namji IMO. her baby is so cute tooo... :) its so nice of her parents to support her. if i got pregnant at my age, my child would probably be legal before my parents start to accept it. :P

i hope mikki and jihoon are alright. when i see couples that last more than 3 years, i think theyre going to get married and have a beautiful family together =/

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Guest pannda

more pics of imda







gah! i keep forget to add the credit


i will be right back with more pictures of imda

after i figure out with the screencaps things. =X

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Guest LoveHLi

screencap? im not sure what you mean?

aish. im still new with this stuff. xD

i'll try to explain it...there should be a button on your keyboard that says "prt scrn" and on the same button, that should be written above another word that says "SysRq" so it would be "prt scrn" above "SysRq".....first, make sure that the picture is where you want it to be so that you'll be able to get as much of the picture as you can, press that button, go to paint or whatever program you use and paste it there...cut the picture out, paste it again so that it's just the picture that you want and viola! you've got it...(this is how it is for me, i don't know if everyone does it the same way i do it) if someone else wants to elaborate on this please do ^^


^ heheheehehe i bet you make like a new account every month huh? lol anyways since your the pro at it and just got a new account... i think imma back off... and since you got more pictures of him anyways ^o^... but yeah i just join the se7enstyle forum!!! so hot!<- way off topic...

hahaha...thank heaven i don't have to make an account each month! hahaha...i just made my 8th account the other day...my other account with ji hoon's pictures is reaching it's picture limit so i decided to make another account...^^; i have more than 800+ pictures in each account ^^; seriously have no life :lol: kudos! yeah i saw you in the forum...it's starting to come back now since se7en is doing things now :lol:

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^^ thanks for the Imda's pictures.... i just finish watching ban oh lim#3 episode 2 and it was good.... even though i can't understand korean..

i want to see episode 3 ^^ SEO MINWOO is so hot/cute in it.... i wish he was shown more though >.<

i need subtitles for it......


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Guest .yiaZ.

okay... i just have to say... IMDA reminds me so much of LEXY!!! there i said it...^o^ but yeah i love her style still!!!

and hli... wah... thank god huh? hahahah but yeah 8 ACCOUNTS!!! i haven't even used up my one account... >_< but yeah wat do you mean you have no life... i wish i had your life... ^o^ but yeah this is my first time seeing the forum... >_< i'm late eh? but yeah the ji hoon picutes can you say holy butt!!!

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Guest LoveHLi

^lmao! definitely! hahaha...and no you're not late for the forum. it was started on the last day of july of last year and we haven't been very active

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Guest pannda















gah! i forgot the credit again!!! T_T

credit to: CYWORLD. +)

theres LOT pictures of her, if you want to see MORE. go to her friend's cyworld and cy town clubs.

heres the link!town.cyworld.nate.com/aka and and also, you need to lookfor the name of imda's on these websites. then you can able to see her pictures. i will put down the korean name of her, then you wouldnt have to waste the time to click every link.[aka] 임다...

http://club.cyworld.nate.com/club/main/clu...ub_id=50938099# for this one,

you just lookfor her english name, which says, IMDA pics. just click on that. kk?

no worries, you dont need a cy account after all.

sorry yall, i cant still figure out with screen caps things

i think i mean something different, not motion picture.

like a umm...multiplayer stuff? the picture dont have a motion.

but you cant save it though...?

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