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Guest crackednut

I think it said that the TEENS were working jobs to get the abortion...the parents didn't find out until after she decided to keep the baby


Are a lot of boston schools like that??? o.o

I live in Quincy...so I wouldn't know lol

I would make a Dorcester joke, but that may be rude =X

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Guest luckyyou

Her boyfriend and her were trying to save up money for the abortion, but I think time passed by and they couldn't save up enough money. I'm sure that's the real reason why she had the baby. I bet if she had the money, she'd have aborted it. Either way, they look happy right now so it's okay.

All the 15-17 year old kids who had babies in my school were ones who were poor. The kids who had money aborted it...

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Guest alicimoo


18 and a 2 year-old-kid already??

What has the world come to...=_=

Getting younger and younger..>__<

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Guest eugene

Wow that sucks...imagine the kid growing up and finding out that it was about to be aborted, but couldn't because the parents didn't have enough money.

That really sucks for the kid.

And the mom STILL takes pictures of herself? Haha wtf. She needs to grow up.

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Guest sungaaah

she sorta looks like ... [is this right] namji ?

keke sorry still a noOb !

aww her babys cute .. cant imagine

how hard it must be for her, thank goodness

her parents are supporting her and she plans

on getting married after her bf comes back from

the army =]

-- oOh ! my first ulzzang page own ^^

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Guest thesassygirl2

ok.. first off.. they're freakin kids.. did they honestly think getting jobs would be enough to pay for an ABORTION??

and you guys must be in the dark. kids in korea are corrupted now.. it's normal to be sleeping w/ each other in high school. they like go around rating who's the best. it's sick. this random dude IMed me on this korean chatting program and he got all surprised when i told him it's messed up to be sleeping w/ each other in America when you're in high school. he thinks america is even more messed up than korea. then he went on to insult me by saying i'm saying it's bad cuz i've never gotten laid.. WELL YEA FOR A GOOD REASON MORON. LOL

anyway... i wouldn't be flaunting my two-year-old child if i was only 17... but that's her choice i guess.

my friend told me about this girl who got pregnant at age 10 but her family totally supported her cuz they're latinos O__O!

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Guest LoveHLi

HI! my names amy, and ive been kinda ghost.

mikki is so cute. i love her hair.

lets be friends!!

hello, i'm hli! welcome to this thread and if you have any requests or questions feel free to ask them ^^


man, i've been slow today...i haven't posted up any pictures today...well, i posted up like four but anywho! tomorrow i promise i'll find pictures to post! unseen/seen/new/old whatever! ahahahha...i've been busy today watching bleach ^^;

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Guest touche`

wow. at the age of 16?

I know some people that has kids when they are in eighth grader.

Kids can't wait these days. =_=

The girl with the baby seems pretty happy. ^^

Her baby girl is cute though. ^_^

Accident happens? (shrugs)

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Guest n00n00

holy crap! that guy is messed up! OMG...if someone came up to me and said that i'd kick his sorry a.ss so that he won't even get the chance to make a baby!!! pwuahahaha..

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uh thats kinda harsh. I go to a school (english high in boston) I see young girls with babies everyday some are my friends and alot of their boyfriends are at the school with them it has a daycare downstairs. some freshmen only 14 some 15 have more than one baby.

don't u think it's kinda of weird that there's a day care center at a high school?

i think there's a problem with that...

School is for learning...not babysitting

at our school district, if u show any signs that u're pregnant, ur automatically kicked out of school, but u can come back once the baby is born.

the uhlzzang is cute, and so is her baby. they look really happy

but really, sucks for her since her teen years + are going to be devoted to that baby.

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Guest jeanu

i think JiHoon should check up on his girl..

Because Mikki is hanging out with so many guys..

and taking so many pics.. BUT WHERE ARE THE MIKKI+JIHOON PICS??

It's been a while and i haven't seen their pics together..

I miss jiHoon...

^Oh me too! >_<

As bad as I feel about their supposedly deteriorating relationship.... I want Jihoon for myself! -_-

Hehehe, sorry Mikki. :sweatingbullets:

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Guest shabashindy

does jung roo photoshop her pics?

like adjust her face i mean.

cause some pictures, she doesnt resemble another picture at all.

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Guest LoveHLi

^i think she just ps-es the lighting to make her whiter. i don't think she really ps-es her facial features...maybe on a few pictures but she doesn't do it all the time ^^;

i used to work at a daycare center that was situated in a high school. girls from other schools are transferred there if they're pregnant to continue with their education. they don't get kicked out.

whoo! you guys! we're (even myself) getting way off topic...let's tone down this talking of kids having kids. ^^;

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Guest .yiaZ.

will... i went back and did alot or reading... first off HAPPY B-LATED BIRTHDAY TO BAOI... though i don't know you...^-^ but yeah hope you had fun and love the graphic sillykayce made you i want one.... :tears: ... lse so hott!!!

and welcome kat!!!

ah! omg LISA your so lucky!!! i wish i was you...*sniff* LSE is sucka hottie!!! one day... one day i will talk to him... ^0^v but yeah just so damn cute!!! too cute! i love his english...*nods* but yeah damnit i love your banner!!! take me to shanghai too!!!

this picutre owns!!!!


and wow... she so young... younger then me...0_0... but yeah that was kinda stupid of them... but still at least she didn't abort the baby!!! its so cute!!! *pinches* is it a he? or she? but still so young tho...>_<

wah! i miss jihoon!!! hehehe but yeah hli wats the website he models for again... i think i lost it... and can you do me the biggest favor in the world!!! i will love you forever and ever!!! me gets some more picutres of jung dal? heheheh my internet is VERY slow so i can't go onto his site... :sweatingbullets:

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Guest crackednut

ok.. first off.. they're freakin kids.. did they honestly think getting jobs would be enough to pay for an ABORTION??

this random dude IMed me on this korean chatting program and he got all surprised when i told him it's messed up to be sleeping w/ each other in America when you're in high school.

it must be a lot different in Korea...

in most hospitals and clinics...there are ways of getting reductions on payments, or even free abortions

also...sleeping with eachother in the US...MAN DO THESE KIDS DO IT A LOT!!!!

when I overhear classmates' convos about weekends...it usually goes like this




Its almost commonplace now...which is a bit creepy...

There was this one girl I knew...knocked up when she was in the 7th grade. I have no idea whether she kept the baby cuz she left our school.

I'm not too sure where you live...but teens sleep around a lot in highschool...they just don't make a big deal of it really, because its so commonplace.

Like, a lot of the people at my school hook up with a different person each week. As sickening as it is, thats how a lot of teens are nowadays.

However...this isn't a society and sex ed thread lol

Has LSE posted any new pics? Considering he's been barraging his loving fans (whether he knows it or not) lately with his visual splendor.

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Guest crackednut

see...sex draws everyone in!

you start talking about ulzzangs and abortions and BAM!!!!!!!!!!!

thread vitality boost

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