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Singing Tips & Recording Questions


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Guest JaeHoLove

I need to ask something.

During the audition, do you think it's nice to tune our voice? I mean not to tune like singing the scale and stuff but let's say the song I'm going to sing starts with "ah jik noo goo sarang bla bla bla", is it possible if I just tune the "ah" part? Like can I just do like "ah" then start the song??? Hope you understand what I"m saying.

I'm going to sing about 2 or 3 songs during the audition, the judges won't stop me right??

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Guest sikkony

I need to ask something.

During the audition, do you think it's nice to tune our voice? I mean not to tune like singing the scale and stuff but let's say the song I'm going to sing starts with "ah jik noo goo sarang bla bla bla", is it possible if I just tune the "ah" part? Like can I just do like "ah" then start the song??? Hope you understand what I"m saying.

I'm going to sing about 2 or 3 songs during the audition, the judges won't stop me right??

Sounds like a capella you are talking about. My advice, at least to myself is, sing the first note, and continue. Don't tune. It just looks and sounds funny. If in doubt, don't start off too high. Usually from experience, if you are singing with a lighter brighter tone, you tend to start off high anyways, so be weary of that.

If you are talking about a song where it has an instrumental background that kicks off after the vocals, then... becareful. It's extremely dangerous to do such songs.

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Guest uhohhitzkc

hey guys :] help me please TT_TT i want to buy a new mic, because my mic at home right now isn't great and its breaking. but if im going to get a new one, i want to get one thats worth it. good quality/reliable/easy to use. don't think too much about it -__-;; but any reccomendations? prices ranging up to at most.. 70. a headset would be nice, but if the mic as good recording quality, i don't care. i can do without

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Guest Fook You

imo you don't break into the realm of "good" and "worth it" and "durable" mics until around the $150 price range

i'm planning to get a Rode NT1-A for my next mic. it's pretty good, but it's gonna eat a huge stack of money out of my wallet. it's about $230

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Guest Random10034

I need help singing sweetly...everything I sing is usually on pitch but...its not sweet...

I know I need emotion but what are the other things that I'm missing?


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Guest Fook You

Try "heaving a whisper". Er...how do I describe this...

Uhm...ok. Sing REALLY softly. Next do that same soft voice but while you sing exhale like...twice as fast. And then legato everything ^^. Then when you eventually get used to how it feels and sounds, go back to exhaling normally.

Hope that helps ^^...or maybe I described it wrong ><

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Stop depending on your nose when you sing. x: Pinch your nose while you sing and you'll feel when you use your nose to hit certain notes/sing certain lines. Take your fingers off your nose and try to change your singing pattern. Or... if you think about it you know when you use your nose so you don't even have to pinch and whatnot. But if you're sounding that way throughout a whole song and it's not because of a singing technique then maybe it's just your voice? x:~v

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Guest joonieballoonie

I don't really know how to explain it, but how do I get greater control over my voice? Is it something I have to practice a lot to achieve, or am I doing something wrong?

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Guest Fook You

Voice control is definitely just practice.

You should probably find exercises or certain songs that focus on a certain element of voice.

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Guest sikkony

How do you get rid of the nasalness. I sound...like a person who's sick and I've been having trouble with that. Can anybody help me? I know this has been asked before T__T sorry

This response won't help (probably) ... but at least you know whether you are nasal or not. Nasality occurs when air is allowed to travel through your nose for all notes above your first bridge.

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Deng, I haven't been on soompi in a while.. good to see alot of discussion in this thread :)

For mic purchasing questions, here's my two cents (will attempt to speak the whole truth): It's pretty subjective to your vocal skill level. If you're not that great of a singer, a better mic won't help much but to reveal just how much you're lacking. Clarity can be your enemy. :o A good mic (and thats not even a great one) will set you back at least $100, and after that, it'll snowball to other equipments; trust me. Of course, those who have exceptional voices can complement their voices with great equipments, but that's up to your musically inclined peers to confirm. Then again, yall are probably only here looking for brand and price, so this was all just pointless jibberish clutter. If so, you should definitely get Shure brand mics as they're the industries top audio equipment brand, hands down. There's some value priced mics for amatuer recording (IMO, you will quickly want to upgrade soon after buying) , so check it out at your local music equipment stores or online retailers.

More pointless jibberish:

As many of you here are young and aspiring (and I'm here to support), I want to help yall focus on nothing else but just the music. Don't feel that your surroundings are what might be keeping you from growing as musicians; those who are born to be great will become great no matter what hell you're put through. Take a look at your self, honestly, and you should realize sooner or later that you're your own lift to greatness or just a mental stumbling block.

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Guest sikkony

For mic purchasing questions, here's my two cents (will attempt to speak the whole truth): It's pretty subjective to your vocal skill level. If you're not that great of a singer, a better mic won't help much but to reveal just how much you're lacking. Clarity can be your enemy. :o A good mic (and thats not even a great one) will set you back at least $100, and after that, it'll snowball to other equipments; trust me. Of course, those who have exceptional voices can complement their voices with great equipments, but that's up to your musically inclined peers to confirm. Then again, yall are probably only here looking for brand and price, so this was all just pointless jibberish clutter. If so, you should definitely get Shure brand mics as they're the industries top audio equipment brand, hands down. There's some value priced mics for amatuer recording (IMO, you will quickly want to upgrade soon after buying) , so check it out at your local music equipment stores or online retailers.

Yup agreed. What a great mic usually does is opposite to what you want it to do: show your flaws, but that in itself is actually a good thing, as it will force you to improve.

This is not to you btw Kaga.

Most people overlook many factors when it comes to getting a good mic, and one of the main factors is getting the signal input (the volume of sound inputted from your microphone to your computer) high (loud) enough. Other equipments are overlooked, such as basic equipment like a PRE-AMP (a device that amplifies (makes things bigger, in this case louder)) on the microphone. That's why sometimes, if you don't want to spend too much, a cheap condensor (those normal internet chat microphones) is good enough for your needs since it can get the signal into your computer high enough without the need for a PRE-AMP. Most real singing microphones will requires PRE-AMPs (probably the reason why the end plugs are of different size than those you find on your average (basically everyone's) computer soundcard).

So to answer most people's question in regards to microphones, if you can't afford for much (<$50), then just get something that is clear and cheap (typical internet chat mic). Then now all you need to do, is rely on your mixing skills :P


To x3FOBBiiLiZZiix3, your mp3s shouldn't be deleted, maybe you misplaced them. Or, someone else is deleting them.

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Guest Fook You

Breathe more frequently? You shouldn't be taking too long to inhale anyways. When you're singing, the inhale should be really quick, not even half a second. Just don't inhale by sucking through your mouth. It's much more like inhaling by using your diaphragm (it's faster this way, and makes less noise).

Or, you can just practice holding long notes through practice if you find that your breath just isn't long enough, but that's hardly the case, unless it's something like opera music.

Usually, half a second is enough breath for the next two lines. But too many short quick breaths can also be exhausting. I highly doubt there is any song that is just constant singing. And if there is, it's most likely due to studio recording. The songs I typically hear that have no breaks, in the live, they need a back up singer to do that part.

Or, you can ignore all that, and just keep singing over and over again but taking breaths at different times per run-through and just see which one you like.

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Guest CtlunatC

does anyone have any tips on helping improve accuracy in pitch other than doing voice scales. cause i do that everyday and that has helped but i need more lol.

also, how to improve ones ear in hearing a song and hearing the notes and singing it out??

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I have a question, It feels like i might have strained my voice a bit when i'm not talking and there is this feeling of dryness when i talk... is this bad or do i just need water?(i drink mostly water anyways, how do i clear my voice?) I was also wondering about 2 other things. Does fitness and confidence have an effect on your voice? and i was also wondering... how do i increase my vocal range?

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Guest Fook You

@Rising: You are probably just dehydrated. Drink more water ^^. And yes, fitness and confidence do have an effect on your voice. Fitness will help you increase your lung capacity so you can hold longer notes and sing louder, but you'll also be able to channel more air, and that can help your voice. Confidence is a for sure thing to affect your voice though. Lack of confidence will often hinder your ability to reach your high and low notes, cuz you're afraid you can't hit them.

As for increasing your vocal range...don't do what I see and notice a lot of people doing, which is constantly practice a high or low note. That's gonna hurt your vocals. In fact you shouldn't even be trying for the highest, maybe a few intervals lower (if going high) or higher (if going low) than what you can reach, and practice that instead. And then while holding that note, try bringing it higher. Of course, there will always be limitations as to how high or low you'll ever be able to reach.

@|300|3L355: You can damage your voice by doing a lot of stuff. Coughing, singing too much, eating something bad, smoking. Anything that is capable of doing harm physically or straining any part of your upper body will pretty much hurt your voice. As for what happens...it changes, or it just dies completely. But that doesn't mean it can't come back. Resting and letting it heal with good living habits can help it come back to not necessarily where it was before...but close. Then all that's left is to practice that last stretch.

Hope all that ^ was helpful.

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