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The Sweetest Thing


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Guest ilynspiration

it wasn't a crush who said this, haha. (at least i don't think. o_o)

so me and my friend were sitting down, fussing about our hair and makeup after p.e.

my other friend (a girl) turns to talk to this guy that we thought was annyoing, but started to become nice to because his dad died in an accident ];

friend: -sigh- "they're such girls D:"

us: "we just had p.e. and we look like crap >_<"

guy: "You don't need to put on makeup or fix your hair; You guys are already pretty as it is."

and we were just like, AWWW :D

that totally changed our perspective of him. turns out he's a really nice guy and we just didn't see that at first.

and after that day, me and my friend stopped caring about our after-p.e. apperance (: lolol.

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Guest ilynspiration

it wasn't a crush who said this, haha. (at least i don't think. o_o)

so me and my friend were sitting down, fussing about our hair and makeup after p.e.

my other friend (a girl) turns to talk to this guy that we thought was annyoing, but started to become nice to because his dad died in an accident ];

friend: -sigh- "they're such girls D:"

us: "we just had p.e. and we look like crap >_<"

guy: "You don't need to put on makeup or fix your hair; You guys are already pretty as it is."

and we were just like, AWWW :D

that totally changed our perspective of him. turns out he's a really nice guy and we just didn't see that at first.

and after that day, me and my friend stopped caring about our after-p.e. apperance (: lolol.

^^^ my baddd -________-

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Guest joongielove

"puahahaha you're a pervert!"

"meh...but I'm your homegrown pervert."


"i think we've already gone past the whole 'i really like you stage'. I mean, I really like you, no, wait. I love you :)"


"you're mine <3"

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Guest youraDouche.

umm i remember my friend had once said this to me.

its not "exactly" what she said, but somewhat. i dont really remember da exact words lol. it was cuz of this boy.

she was like

"ur beautiful inside and out. its his lost. he doesnt deserve you. youre better then that, and you know it."

pretty simple. but it really was nice.

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I was at my summer job, and a bunch of us were gossiping and talking about crushing on people. I honestly can't recall why we got on the topic of crushing on people, but suddenly a guy I work with turned to me and said, "No, I think a lot of people will like you when the see you."

I didn't really ask what he ment, but that made me feel good inside. :)

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Guest iluvchristmas

i'm trying to persuade my boyfriend to help an organization in our school, the group has been pestering me for months to get his help. but he really doesn't want to even talk to them, which surprises me because he really gets along well with everybody. when i asked him why, he said, "have you forgotten? how they made you cry? i haven't seen you cry like that, and i won't forget."

seems like i have a short memory or i forgive easily. i love him more because i feel secure around him. he's my edward cullen! :rolleyes:

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on msn complaining i hurt my finger to my now ex

me; my finger hurts!!!

him; let me make it better

me; go away

him; put your finger on the computer screen

me; why :mellow:

him; just do it

me; err.. ok.. now what?

*sends a kissing wink over [the ones that cover the whole screen]

him; ewww now your fingers all slimy and yucky

i took a screen shot but i dont know where its gone lol quite long ago

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Guest leenahx33

I just realized I have a bunch of old crap I can contribute to here. xD I'll just do like one at a time~

Between me and an old friend~:

Me: I can hear your heart.. and feel your heat. It's perfect..

Him: It can be a very comforting sound in the silence of a dark room.. Because you know that "here is someone who will keep me safe. I can hear them right next to me.."

Me: Will you keep me safe?

Him: Of course I will. I won't let anything get to you. No ghosts, no nightmares.. I'll be there.

What I said, now that I look back, was totally gay XD But I wasn't thinking about it at the time.. <3;

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Guest anniemarie

i was complaining because i've been gaining weight and my cheeks were fatty again, when my guy friend texted me: "you're cute, just the way you are"

i thought it was soo sweet of him. he never fails to make me smile.. =)

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Guest Tenshi-Tenshi

This is the sweetest thing my bf ever said to me....It's corny but i love it T.T

You are my rose,

The beauty from deep within

The shining light to which my love for you dwells in

You are my rose,

A rose that is flawless and true

The only way to express my feelings is to say “I love you”

And when I tell you these words,

It is not a lie

You are my everything,

The very apple of my eye

Your beauty is unmatched

With no comparison at all

If ever you need me,

I’ll catch you if you fall

I am always there for you,

Through my dark times and yours

To hold you in my arms and tell you

It is you I adore because no one else I have seen,

And no one else I have known,

Could come anywhere close to the girl I hold now

But this I tell you,

Straight with no part,

You are my rose

From the very depths of my heart

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Guest Mayumix_x

oh well, this guy isn't my boyfriend...but I like him still ^^

me: awww, well okay. ill see you next weekend then. ill miss you

him: i know youll miss me :D thats why i keep coming back

me: aww thats so cute

him: oh why thank you. i feel so manly with all this sweet talking xD

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Guest Tenshi-Tenshi

another sweet thing:

Me: Are you jealous

Him: No.....

Me: Then how did you turn so evil?

Him: I'm not evil, I just want to protect the person who means the most to me

awww so sweet....

another one:

Me: I don't know if you really love me...

Him: Why?

Me: Well you've never really told me directly.

Him: *pulls me closer* But you know I do. You Know I love you.

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Guest lavitadolce

my friend said to me..

i choose quality over quantity, and you're definitely quality.

we were talking about relationships gfs/bfs etc.

that made me smile :]

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Guest xvi3txl0v1ngx

*We were sitting on a bench in front of an ice cream store*

Me: *I'm desperatly trying to keep my ice cream from dripping*

Him: I should had brought my camera, you're too cute

Me:..what? I probably look like an idiot licking my ice cream cone right now.

Him: No no, you're just too cute.

Me: :$ okie >.<

Him: Man, you have the nicest eyes ever.

Me: What are you talking about? My eyes are just plain, they're brown, dark brown.

Him: That's just it, they're so dark, i really like them.

Me: You're weird. I like Tracy's eye better, they're light brown.

Him: No, yours are the best. You should make a video where all you do is look straight into the camera. That way i can look at your eyes for however long i want to.

and his msn name.. : Once upon a time, me and those eyes.....

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He sent me a letter,

on the end it said,

P.S You're gorgeous,

I must admit I'm interested in you.


I nearly cried.

:o that made my heart skip a beat. i would die too! LOL you lucky girl


anyway, i was talking to my crush again and this was our convo:

me: you should be happy that you're talking to me

him: i'm SO happy i'm getting a nose bleed

me: LOL, go wipe your nose

him: i'm getting another nose bleed from looking at your beautiful pictures

me: don't stare too hard, LMAO jking

him: can't help myself ;)

i said that, but my heart was pumping so fast :o LOL

HAHAHHAH! corny guy. but i like it :P

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