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The Sweetest Thing


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boy: why did you tell ____ that i liked you

me: you do?

boy: yeaa i told you like 6 times already

me: ohhh

then the love started...

BAHAAHHAS wells to me that was sweet <3

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Guest BrittanyKim

Him: I'm so tiredddd

Me: Why?

Him: I couldn't sleep last night after we hung up cause I was too busy missing you

Him: I wish you could go online and check out my AIM profile!

Me : I'll get on my sisters and check~

Goes on and checks~

He put



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Guest gtsyd_love

he's been suspended from school for a month now ,

and we were talking online


him : " Hey _____ .. "

me : " hmm ? "

him : " I miss yew >< "

LOL , and ..

me : " your hair's amazing ! "

him : " no , you're amazing "


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A guy that i don't even go out with told me on the phone:

Me : Ugh, i'm so clumsy, im always afraid i'll fall down the stairs

Him : I'll catch you when you fall.

I was there all shocked, and all i could do was laugh a little, to break the awkwardness ;p

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Guest sayWHAAAT?!

My crush and I were texing once and he wrote:

Him:Hey, let's talk later.

Me: Aww, well ok then bye.

Him: No, I meant that I'd call you later when you get home. I still want to text with you right now.

We were on the phone and he was talking about the first time he saw me. It was during this thing that freshmen had to attend before going into high school and he was one of the students helping out...

Him: I remember when I first saw you, I thought you were so cute.

Me: Oh, you noticed me?

Him: Yeah, of course. You were the prettiest girl there.

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Guest stargazer43

I gave my bf a Build-A-Bear xP

We were talking about it on the phone; convo went like this:

HIM:"Oh, David saw it and said, 'Who's that from? Your girlfriend?' "

ME: "YOU BETTER HAVE SAID YES! ><;; Wait, David, David _____, David?!"

HIM: "Yeah."

ME: "Mehh, I have a name you know?! T____T"

HIM: "Yes, it's MRS. _______" <333

Hehehe. But yeah, I reacted like that because I've known David for 4 years -____-

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Guest cambochinkanese

We were shaking hands at first:

Me: "So how long are we going to shake hands for..?"

Me: "Forever."

Then after a bit, we stopped, and we just held hands.

Before that, he made a flower out of tissue paper and a green pipe cleaner.

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Guest musical.memory

Lol my bf said this to me yesterday. And then right after that he put it on his Myspace. :rolleyes:

sh-t, i can win over g-dragon any day. and vivi, baby, you don't have a chance with big bang, dbsk, shinee, super junior, shinhwa, se7en, or any other freakin asian guys overseas so why not just be happy with me? :]

Sigh, at least lemme dream... ;_; Lmao, jk, but idk, I found it cute how he got jealous about my fangirlism. xD

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Guest PandaKiss

This thread made me lovesick, hah.

The only one I remember was with this guy I use to like.

He was going on vacation, so we were texting while he was at the airport.

Him: Man, I'm so bored, I gotta wait 1 more hour until we (family) board the plane.

Me: HAHA, don't you wish you had a NDS? ( i was a crazy gamer)

Him: I want you here with me instead.

I WAS SPEECHLESS & crazy happy.

But nothing happened between us though. C:

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Guest ehytee7

me: let me sleep now okay? i'll buy you ice cream next time just let me go to sleep.

him: no, i don't want to coz i still want to talk to you and besides you already owe me one from before.

me: oh that? i thought you forgot about that already.

him: no, i don't forget anything that comes out from your mouth.

*i just smiled :)

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Guest Strawberii

This was just a convo between a friend of mine, we always say the corniest to each other, but it was nonetheless really cute.

It was on Tuesday of this week at like 10:30PM when i had just finished drivers ed classes and aced the test so i was like SUPPPPERRR happy and i texted a bunch of people telling them i passed and how i'm treating myself to a BIG MAC from Mcdonalds and this was what he text back:

Him: Lol fatty. but it's ok cuz i still love you when you turn fat.

Me: I can't say the same for you. If you become fat and ugly; i'll leave you (i was joking of course, i'm not that mean =p)

Him:Yeah it's ok i won't get fat so we will be together forever!

That was the cutest thing anyone had ever said to me though we were joking

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Guest Sympathetic

Aww most of the posts are so cute! hahs.

Well anyway, at the time we were only friends but we knew we liked each other and this was on the phone btw.

He was talking about something bout the summer holidays, and I said ;

Me : We won't be friends by then :(

Him : Of course not, we'll be married then heh.

It was soo sweet haha, and we're together now so yeah :)!

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Guest BrittanyKim

We we're talking about going to the movies today but I couldn't cause I had to go to a wedding reception but anyways!

Me: Lol you can go play cards it's like your boys night!

Him: Lol but i wanted it to be our night =]


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Guest x SaRaNg HaE x

Him: Hey, guess what day it is.

Me: ...11/11?

Him: Make a wish!

Me: Noooo, the best time to make a wish is on November 11, 2011 at 11:11!

Him: Oh, so is that when all your wishes would come true?

Me: Yeahh.

Him: If all my wishes come true, then you wouldn't finish school.

Me: Huh?

Him: Because you'd be here with me forever.

[i go to college at Berkeley and he's home in LA.]

Ahhh, made my heart melt.

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