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The Sweetest Thing


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hahah. okay. this was when he was flirting with me. so i asked him,

[ i was 15 and had to choose which stream to study. ]

"hey.. what do you think i should become?"

" housewife. MY wife. "

" but i'll have to clean and cook and all. i would smell bad. and you wouldn't want to kiss me when you come back from work. "

" baby, you smell good and you look beautiful to me no matter what. and i won't forget to kiss you EVERYDAY after work. i promise. muahhhx. "

that made me smile for days. :D

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Guest lovehunter12

Me and my bestest guy friend ever(My ex) were texting:

Me: hey .. whachu duin?

Him: watching something.. =D

Me: Ohww.. Watching what? Oh|| i so knew it. BLUE.... (ahem)

Him: Babes.. Im watching a movie called: Storm of the century.. not blue okay..

If i want to watch.. ill just watch u..

Aw... he's so funny to me.. =D the last msg cracked me up so much... made my day=D

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lol..it's kinda of corny but yeah.. i got a fortune cookie that said "you will always possess a charm and sense of humor that attracts others." i texted it to my friend who i had a thing for and he replied back..."it's exactly you, sweetie!" totally made my night! ^_^


on sweetest day, he texted me and this is how his text went.. "Happy sweetest day, punk!" lol..i just laughed and thought it was the cutest thing plus that made my day too because work was so bad that the only thing that made me happy was his texts!

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Guest tanyatipc

at onepoint we were on the phone, i wasnt responding much..here goes the convo

him: are you tired?

me: no not at all (trying my best not to yawn)

Him: liar, go to bed!

me: no i cant fall asleep

him: okay okay, il sing for you

me:(thinking he was lying) haaaha GO AHEAD! AND I'L LAUGH (cause i thot he was a crappy singer)

him: (started singing this korean song in a really soft voice)

me: (thinking in my head damnn he can sing!) oh wow.. haha didn't know you could sing

him: *laughs* now go to sleep!


another time i thought it was really cute, not so much sweet. its jsut taht he is really manly, and like HATES taking pictures.. but at one point, we wwere taking picures just for fun, and then he got all serous and taught me how 'ulzzangs' camwhore,a dn how the camera has to be at a 45 angle, we need to look straight, it has to be above us a bit, and he was being all pro-camwhorer (whsih is SOOO unlike him!!!) and then once he took teh pciture, it actualy did turn out really good, wiht great lihgitng and everything..and i laughed and said "naaah, that was pure luck" and before i could finish talking, he kissed me ><

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We were just friends at the time.

Him: I don't know,but there's something about you that makes me care for you( or something like that) what about you?

Me: I never thought the day would come when you will say this. I care for you in the same way.

We ended up finding out that we actually had feelings for each other. We was "talking" for a bit but then ended things.

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I was at my prom..and he said I looked beautiful : ]..yeaa not orginal but he's not the kind of person to say something like that..especially to a friend lol

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ok here goes on msn.

me: will you add me in a 3 way conversation with your friends if you dislike me?

him:no no

nono if i have no reason to add u in , i definately won't BUT

iits not whats happening

me: then?

him: why would i dislike u in the very first place

u see i reconstruct the question

will i add u in a 3 way conversation with my friends if i like u?








i find it to be sweet.hahhaa

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aww... i know how you feel, join the club....


*me walking in the rain to class*

*he runs up behind me with an umbrella*

him: why didn't you get your umbrella?

me: i'm too lazy to go back up to get it.. it's just a little rain...

*our classes are different directions about to separate on our own ways*

him: here take my umbrella i don't want you to get sick!

me: it's okay! my class is closer than yours! you should take it!!!

him: Fine... help me hold it though i need to tie my laces...

*I hold umbrella while he ties his laces... he bends down... and then runs away to class leaving me with umbrella*


him: HAHAHAHAHAHA you're too gullible stupid! go to class already!!!

*me.. still dumbfounded.. but couldn't help me laugh in the rain*


He also knows that i hate smoking... so he never smokes in front of me... this is what he did when i caught him smoking...

*walking late night to study, and i see him smoking with friends.*

friends: YO... she's here.. YOOOO MAN ....

him: huh... OH richard simmons

*fumbles with cigarette... ends up flicking it away towards his friends face... friend flinches and drops his cigarette too.. *


*burned friend starts to laugh in anger and group of friends just laugh it off with a few friendly punches here anD there*

him: hey let's go study... i didn't smoke.. i was just holding it in my mouth for him, he said my hands were too dirty... he won't do it next time anymore seeing how his own cigarette hit him back in the face!!!

*i just laugh it off and went to study with him following me*


*late at night when i am just watching shows with him*

me: i'm hungry but i am too lazy to cook =(

him: I'll cook!!!

*comes back ten minutes later with a nicely peeled pear*

him: you need to teach me how to cook more food next time, i'm getting too good at peeling pears.

(I was really touched at that moment because he never touched anything food related before it was cooked... so the first thing i taught him was how to peel a pear and it took him a long time to peel it right without cutting chunks out of it!)


those were the times where i have been happiest in my whole life...

he passed away 4 years ago and i still remember it like it was yesterday...

r.i.p Jason <3

That made me tear up a little..
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Guest phoiphoi

this is the only one that i have record of.

he was on the phone w/ his ex earlier that night and she told him that she still liked him and missed him and regretted breaking up. and he told her he didnt like her ne more but i still felt uncomfortable talking to him about it and i was sort of upset so i didnt really wanna talk to him. so i went to go do hw instead and he was waiting for me to finish kus i said i would call him after but then i decided not to and i told him i wasnt going to. this was thru texting btw and he knew i was bothered by the whole thing that happened w/ his ex. "ok. but before i leave you alone i just want you to know that youre my last thought before i fall asleep." it just made me smile.

aww the last line is so sweeet :D

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Guest lovehunter12

My baby=d he's da sweetest creature on earth though he's da biggest FLIRT too(: but i know he loves me..

*on school*

I just finished my exams.. i was lying down and closing my head.. [was tired]

--i dint knew he came in.. *he hugs me from behind* .. well, i knew it was him because i could smell him.. so i just let.. then a teacher came in(my BM teacher.. she's really cool bout bf n gf thingee)

Teacher: LEE;; what are u doin to Sherly? Sherly WAKE UP;;

Sherly: Ohw..*yawns*

Lee: No teacher, just i saw Sherly lonely thats why hug her la.. she's my sayang(love) ma?

Teacher: Sayang(love) ur head;; get away from her

Me laughs..

Lee then hugs me and pretend to faints.. lol.. (i knew he was joking) Teacher then got so panicked and YEAH, he was heavy.. i knew he just wanted me to hug n hold him before he goes back to Korea so then teacher told me to lie him down on da floor while his head was resting on my thighs.. *then after few minutes, he winks* and i started slapping him..

Teacher scolded me fer slappin a sick peopleT_T when excually hes just faking it.. but oh well. ITS OKAY=D


*on the stairs with ma bestfren, Ash*

we were talking.. and then later when suddenly he comes and then suddenly buries his face to my neck and started crying..

Ash: whatchu duin, MAN? get ur head off my bestfren..

me, pushes him a lil and his face was red.. he was sick.. thought so.

Lee: im crying..

me, laughs

Ash: why? did shyerin bully u in class?

Lee: No.. because..

Ash: OHHHH;; i know. did Shyerin pressurise u so much??

Lee: No.. because.. u take my girl away from me and she dun wanna talk much with me when got you..

*Ash runs off and smirked at me=S*

Lee wakes and laughs and then hugs tightly.. got suffocated and then.. me, pecks him.. and him pecks me back.


*on the phone*he calls

Lee: Sherly;;i forgot to bring something important;; can u send to me now please?

Me: WHAT?? how can u be so stupid?? whats that?

Lee: Urm.. its... my baby Girl, SHERLY...

Me:= =

Lee: I forgot to bring u lah.. *makes kissing sound*

Me: ;; dumb richard simmons..


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Guest Billcosby

the thing someone said to me that meant the most... was when raynor called me commander. i never knew a single word could have so much life-altering potential, and i cried.

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Guest yellowtutu

"yea ur not guna get any taller and if u do ill make u short again.. cos i dnt wnt u any taller! ur perfect da way u are right now!"

"...trust me your much prettier.. way more beautiful than you think you are..."


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Guest Sekshi__Mihye*

Him: btw, your Stunning, amazing, beautiful, breathtaking, ingenious, addicting and more stuff that I don't want to go through, because the list is infinite. and you make me feel so good about everything.

Me: *Interuppting him* AWWW. thankss. i love you so muchh

Him: Oh wait Im not done..your the reason I've felt like continueing school. you are the reason I want to keep faith in friends your the reason I keep going. my love for you wont ever lessen only gather and increase and never will it go away. I'm done for now...Love you, good night, hope you sleep well, and really, I am dreaming of you already

Me: That was amazing heheh ^_^

Him: no prob your worth everything I can give in this world plus more

another onee--

"Him: I hope you get this, 'cause I love you, and only hope for hapiness with you, so please, cheer up baby, and if you don't I'll just have to steal that giant teddy bear to make you more happy, 'cuase I know, that things awsome, and for you, I'd steal the worlds most valuable item, because you stole my heart."


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Guest baby_smileforme

"ok hunny call me later ok?"


"..why not?"

"i want some time to miss you.."

that was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me ever..sadly.. i cant remember which ex said that.

thats so cute =)

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