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do u consider dirk a big man?

No, I consider him a shooting guard trapped in a big man's body.

Isn't he already?

Cynically speaking, yes.

However, I'm willing to wait a while longer to see how he pans out.

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Guest knockblock
What's with all these ill-informed fans making wild claims about their team winning the championship? The Cavs are going nowhere. This year will essentially be like last year: a hotly contested Western Conference and a laughable Eastern Conference with Boston and Detroit on top. With Bynum, the Lakers will most probably win the title. Anyone else with even the right to claim title chances are the aforementioned Eastern Conference duo, or New Orleans and maybe (BIG maybe) Houston. (sorry folks, they just can't stay healthy)

Is Bynum a hall of famer?

The eastern conference should be improved this coming season.

Houston has the talent but haven't gotten out of the first round. New Orleans proved themselves but they still are another player or two away.

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Guest mojomunkeez

Bynum is 20 years old. It is much too early to determine whether he is a hall of famer or not. But regardless, he doesn't need to be a hall of fame center for the Lakers to win. He just needs to be a healthy, solid banger inside like he was before he got injured to take in rebounds and take some offensive focus off of Kobe Bryant.

In the west, Jason Kidd has killed the Mavs' chances of a title. Portland is much too young and needs time to mesh. Utah cannot ride Boozer and Williams all the way. The Spurs have begun to show their age. New Orleans just keeps getting better and better with experience, Chris Paul has done a fabulous job with that team, though they could use some more offense at the shooting guard posiiton. Houston will be even more of a defensive powerhouse, but health issues will continue to plague them, that, and probably their scoring woes. The Suns are not going anywhere far with Shaquille O'Neal. Period.

We don't need to talk about the Clippers, Warriors, or...Thunder.

As for the East, the Celtics lost James Posey and gained Darius Miles. Not the best exchange, seeing as they lost a three point shooter and a solid defender and replaced him with a guy who hasn't played in two years. And even before that, Miles wasn't much of a shooter or defender. But he's a great slasher. The Pistons will probably still be lackadaisical, but that'll be enough to beat any Eastern Conference team minus the Celtics. The Cavs added Mo Williams. He should take some of the scoring load off of Lebron, but I still don't see them improving that much. Ben Wallace is fading as fast as the ice caps and so is Big Z. The Bucks should improve with the tandem of Michael Redd and Richard Jefferson, but without a solid point guard, there is only so far they can go. The Nets are officially in Lebron mode. The Raptors gained Jermaine O'Neal, right? Let's hope he doesn't blow out his knees again. Dwight Howard will make the Magic a team to be feared, but again, without a solid point guard, they won't go that far. The Wizards are like the Rockets East, they'll never be healthy. The rest of the Eastern Conference isn't really worth talking about.

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Guest epark1281

i'm not making the early judgment, but Anybody remember Johnathan Bender? Everybody thought he was going to be a great Big Man in the NBA. Dude's retired. Darius Miles? The next great SF?

Point being, you can never tell in the L who's going to blow up, or who's going to fall apart.

Plus, doesn't matter what yall prognosticate, cause you guys all know that Rose is going to lead the Bulls to yet another 'ship in the 08-09 season ;)

PS. sorry to be boring, but i still think the top 2 teams in the West is Lakers/Spurs and in the East is Detriot/Celts. (i'd love to say the Bulls, but much to early to tell what Rose is all about).

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Guest DanMXStylez

Clippers and Warriors are sleeper teams.. u'd never know with B Diddy

Feel sorry for the Wiz though.... Gilbert will never be the same again.. I hope I'm wrong

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Guest huangmeixi
I can't wait to see how Yi Jianlian performs in New Jersey. Hopefully, he'll become a dominant big man.

I haven't given up hope on him, but he's terribly inconsistent. He's got potential and I thought, because of what they said about how much he trained, that he would deliver on that potential. I thought he'd be like Yao, who put in 110% and improved dramatically, but Yi doesn't really care as much as Yao I think. He does have one thing going for him though, and that is that I think in NJ they're going to baby him again, and give him a lot of minutes since they don't have anyone that really shines as PF. It's what Wang Zhizhi never got and is why he became a huge failure in the NBA even though he was actually a pretty decent player.

I can't wait for the NBA season to start. I want to see Greg Oden play. :D And Al Horford too, for more superficial reasons.

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Guest sinfulxbeats
Clippers and Warriors are sleeper teams.. u'd never know with B Diddy

Feel sorry for the Wiz though.... Gilbert will never be the same again.. I hope I'm wrong

as much as i lov bdiddy myself...it doesn't look too good for the clips

with losing two good players, elton brand and corey maggette, it'll be up for the rest of the team to pick up the slack, which will be hard for them even with a healthy davis on the court. Then...he does have his proneness to injuries

i could rant for hrs why the clips aren't going ot make playoffs...

arenas said that he's gonna return hopefully by christmas. According to doctors it's anywhere from xmas time to mid jan i believe.

the great thing is that arenas is actually trying to get back 100% pain free. So he even took a month of doing nothing. NO jogging or workouts or anything, got his knees drained, and hopefully he'll be back without pain >.<

He's sucha beast....

anyways...other news

Lamar might be used as a 6th man this season, coming off the bench with his versatility. I think Ariza would be put in his place >.< Or even Sun Yue! probaly not :sweatingbullets:

and hahhaha....ahhh darius miles is already suspended for teh first 10 games of the season for breaking the drug policy :rolleyes:

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I feel really sorry for Shaun Livingston.

So much potential, he's got the size, the length, the speed, the court-vision, etc.

Just not the health. Such a shame.

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Guest GO!zilla
anyways...other news

Lamar might be used as a 6th man this season, coming off the bench with his versatility. I think Ariza would be put in his place >.< Or even Sun Yue! probaly not :sweatingbullets:

phil doesnt like using rookies... so kill ur dream about sun yue or whatever his name is :)

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Guest sinfulxbeats
phil doesnt like using rookies... so kill ur dream about sun yue or whatever his name is :)

haha i know

''Dr. Phil'' wouldn't =_=

the other day i was kidding around with my cousin, about the thought of sun yue playing point and the lakers would have one of the tallest lineup out there

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Yi is a scrub he's totally lost on the court. I watched him during the Olympics god no passion at all, the millions got to him.

Rockets have a good chance, defensive powerhouse if everyone stays healthy.

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yeah the rockets have a good chance, all they have to worry about is t-mac's back since he had surgery on his knee and shoulder, same with shane, hopefully yao foot is almost healed and gets into condition in the next month or so before the pre-season starts. they still need to get dorsey and landry signed and once that happens the team will be set. good mix of vets and youngsters off the bench is a plus, but they need to do something about skip to my lou getting into trouble all the damn time and i wonder if stevie franchise is gonna be playing or not with the addition of barry.

hope the season goes well.

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Guest Viet_teKniks
I consider Dirk a richard simmons. :)

how is dirk a richard simmons...he's one of the best players in the league averaging at least 20.0ppg and like 6.0rbs...and he doesnt fight back and that doesnt make him a richard simmons it makes him smart so he doesnt get fined or suspended

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Guest epark1281

how is dirk a richard simmons...he's one of the best players in the league averaging at least 20.0ppg and like 6.0rbs...and he doesnt fight back and that doesnt make him a richard simmons it makes him smart so he doesnt get fined or suspended

The league doesn't need any more 7 foot tall 3's. Dirk has crappy Euroball league skills, and that doesn't cut it in the NBA. He's the antithisis of a big man.

In other news, Goodness, gilberto, injured? Again? that's a SHOCKER.

At least his pool is coming along just fine


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Guest GO!zilla
how is dirk a richard simmons...he's one of the best players in the league averaging at least 20.0ppg and like 6.0rbs...and he doesnt fight back and that doesnt make him a richard simmons it makes him smart so he doesnt get fined or suspended

i think he meant that dirk is a soft player... not that he doesnt fight back or something...

and he disappears in big games.

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^ The 'disappear in big games' part is so true.

He should never be the best player on a team. If you let him play second fiddle to a bigger superstar like Kobe or Lebron then you could win a championship.

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