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Guest lenakeem

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Guest vietgirl604

Thanks for all the pictures ginnie! I'm tired so I didn't save it..but I think I'm going to go through this WHOLE THREAD..to save pictures sometime soon..going to take a lot of work going through 900 pages..but for Shinhwa, I'LL DO ANYTHING.

Oh, did Eric REALLY have an eyebrow ring?! Cause that's..HOT.

And one of the pictures in the first post of this thread..the one with young Jin..OH MY GOSH..HIS HAIR IS SO FUNNY! IT LOOKS LIKE HE GOT ELECTRICUTED! LMAO...it's so cute though..but oh my gosh, so funny.


I can't wait to buy ALL of their CD's that come out this year. My goal for 2007 is to get ALL of their CD's before the year ends.

-- LYNDA LEe minwoo :)

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Guest PalmPanda

if you're thinking whether or not to download xman this week, or simply to watch it.. you must!!! andy's sooo cuteee.. especially the star battle part!! seriously, andy's climbing rapidly on my list..

i need to rewatch the star battle part =X

I know! I tuned in to X-Man just in time for Andy's star battle part. He was FRIGGIN' ADORABLE!!! I just squealed like a little girl! He is a vision in white (hoodie). Finally we get to see him perform! (Though not really his perfomance, it was good to see him participate anyway.) :)

And I love how he rocked in Dodgeball again! I love that boy! :blush:

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WOW, I thought Naomi (straberry16) was the youngest fan in this forum but I guess you are. Now there's 2 of you who are younger than my younger son. If only I can get him to joing you gals! LOL! You must have supporting parents if you have all their albums....I never got around to buying 1 - 3 but I have all their albums starting #4. Anyway, thank you for being such a good, supporting fan.

I've been thinking a lot about myself lately.

I am currently in middle school (6th grade) to be exact and living a really good life right now.

I am thankful for everything that I have right now and always thank GOD for providing me with the life I have now.

I am extremely grateful as well that I have Shinhwa by my side.

Without them, I would not have been into music at all in general nor would I have been able to sing as well.

My first actual song that I memorized the lyrics to was Shinhwa's "First Love."

It's such a beautiful song in that Andy made his official comeback from his departure during 4th album.

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I know! I tuned in to X-Man just in time for Andy's star battle part. He was FRIGGIN' ADORABLE!!! I just squealed like a little girl! He is a vision in white (hoodie). Finally we get to see him perform! (Though not really his perfomance, it was good to see him participate anyway.) :)

And I love how he rocked in Dodgeball again! I love that boy! :blush:

Exactly! He's so adorable. It's always good to see him perform during star battle. I was pretty surprised when he appeared man. Heh. And he was totally good in dodgeball! Yay!

Oh btw, i like the picture of him with junjin at that plaza opening. His hair! I love his hair!! :P

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Totally random but....

I saw ShinHwa on TV, tv last night lolz

I was eating dinner @ like 12am last night at this restaurant haha...

And they had the chinese channel on. They were playing some new years concert on CCTV when suddenly my sister grabbed my arm and was like, "It's SHINHWA". And what do you know, CCTV was replaying a whole bunch of msgs from artists they featured lolz When my sister 'squealed', of course I looked, but so did the very 'packed' restaurant....yeah she was pretty loud lolz


As for Eric releasing an album...what can I say? FINALLY~ lolz

He's been saying ever since the end of 6th, but kinda never mentioned it again...

I'm not worried surprisingly...I think he has a lot of friends in the korean hip-hop circles and let's not forget about MARS...so I guess the flavor's heading in that direction?

I imagine it'll be something like Eun Ji won's solo :)

I remember somebody,but someone once said that Eric had very good music sense ^^

Plus hiphop albums are always fun, so many collabs

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I guess my question must be confusing since alot of you didn't understand (LOL!). I didn't mean just the sons that they wrote themselves. I brought this question up because I was watching some music show and someone was singing "Chunilyoohun" and I was surprised because I thought it was Shinhwa's "song" but they mentioned something about sung by (name I can't remember) instead of saying Shinhwa. That's when I realized that not all songs are Shinhwa and some of their songs are sings "revived" by Shinhwa.

mommie alice - you mean the songs that they don't write themselves or what?

"ginnie" thank you so much for all the pictures. I wish I had known them earlier....I don't remember exact date but February is my one year annniversay with Shinhwa. Actually now that I think about it, I probably did see them looooong time ago but that's when they had more "wild" "young" look so I probably didn't pay much attention to them. Love their mature/older look....better for my age! LOL!

Andy rejected Dongwan for duet album? LOL! Actually I think Andy would be better off if he was to do duet with Eric but I guess that won't be happening since Eric already announce his album. It'll be quite interesting to see what kind of album he'll come up with. I hope it's not all rap. Shinhwa's rap is the only rap I listen to because it's "smooth" rap...other than that, I hate rap music in any language. This is where I really show my age! LOL! As I mentioned long time ago, I was really surprised at Eric's singing voice with Lyn...it was so deep compare to his regular talking voice. I hope he sings alot in his new album.

YEAH too...It was Dongwan was rejected by Andy. For a duet. But, Dongwan did say that their group members will solve this "problem" ...hehe..Looks like Andy is going to get some lecturing. He's got to do something.

That's what I thought too when I first heard DW is coming out with an album.

Wasn't he in rock group (in high school?) before he became Shinhwa?

dongwan's solo, i think it's gonna be something along the line of j-rockish kinda song.. normally, during solo stages, he would perform a j-rock song, or something similar to that.. so i think, it's gonna be just that.. come to think of it, all of them have different styles, it's amazing how they can come together as a group, and they're really good at it too..

Do we know who'll be our competition this year? Who else is coming out with new album? Whether it's short time or not I'm sure shinhwachangjo will do their best so that Shinhwa can get Daesang. It'll be great if Battle also can win the new artiest award this year...in a way, they are helping promoting Shinhwa when they sing Shinhwa's songs and whenever they are in any variety show, they always mentioned Shinhwa. Gotta love them for that and besides they are very good (of course they are good because Shinhwa chose them!) :P

kriza 09 well im not sure when the deadline for the daesang is. but if its like how u said and shinhwa would only have 2 month's to sell their albums. and they accuatly really go up to eric's goal 1,000,000 i'd be really really surprised. and it would be a big huge present for shinhwa and for us fans. cuz that is really a huge number.. i wonder if anyone has reached that number before. out of all the singers in korea.

That was like me when I was flipping through the channels on TV and Asian channel was doing Music Bang and they played Hyesung's MV. I was so excited, I put the volume up really loud! LOL!

Totally random but....

I saw ShinHwa on TV, tv last night lolz

I was eating dinner @ like 12am last night at this restaurant haha...

And they had the chinese channel on. They were playing some new years concert on CCTV when suddenly my sister grabbed my arm and was like, "It's SHINHWA". And what do you know, CCTV was replaying a whole bunch of msgs from artists they featured lolz When my sister 'squealed', of course I looked, but so did the very 'packed' restaurant....yeah she was pretty loud lolz

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Guest battleuphoria

cherilyn08 It's............

shinhwa's 9th album

hyesung's new single [or album?] it's an album

dongwan's new single [or is it album? correct me please] i think it's a single

minwoo's new album [or is it single? i am getting confused] He will be releasing a single very soon and alter an album will follow

eric's solo album yes i think it's an album

which brings me to my next question........

what are Andy's plans?...

I mean going on variety shows? he's just left 2 of them TT_TT (i'm missing him already) and he may as well not be in the X Man shows. <_< I have to admit i was surpised about Eric's plans for a solo album, his voice is ok......but not for singing. His duest with Lyn(i think) for the winter story album was ....... not great......yeh but i'll be looking forward to it. It'll probably be hip hoppy since that's what he likes. He'll probably write alot of the material ^^; good? bad? we'll see LOL :P btw i remember someone posted a link about Eric's song on SM ("make a whole lotta money yo~" ?) can anyone be kind enough to PM me the song/link? cos i missed it =_=

I want Andy to come out with a solo album too. he's going to be the only one with no solo music career <_<(i was sure he said his ideal career was to be a gasoo.....) if he's shy then he could at least make a solo where it's just him rapping for other artists, kinda like "Andy with friends" album thingy.

but i'm really happy/ecstatic/delirious about their 9th album, and since they'll be focussing more on promoting it i believe a clean out of the HD will be needed around that time :D def will be looking forward to that and particularly Dongwan's single. ^^

thanks for answering my questions. lol. i was so lost with all these releases. if junjin decides on releasing another single this year, then they are planning to attack the world with their talents.

yeah, about andy, i wonder what his plans are. andy quit in two shows? one is inkigayo right? what's the other one? xman? but i saw him in the xman episode just aired a few hours ago.

as for eric's decision in releasing an album, again, i am having what i had when junjin announced it. i know both are rappers from shinhwa, and their singing was not really showcased while being in the group because they have lead singers. howerver, i believe that like junjin, eric also has this hidden voice talent that might not be as good as hyesung or dongwan, but it's definitely something he has confidence in, otherwise, he won't release an album right? and i also believe that being part of shinhwa for almost 9 years now is a big advantage, experience is the most important thing that can bring you far in this industry. so we can't just eric on how well he will do unless the album is already in our hands and we already had a taste of his music. i have trust in shinhwa, and i also have trust in good emg that they will not do something they think is stupid.

cherilyn08 - i was kinda surprised to see you here.. why? because i stalk suju thread a lot =P hie hie~~~ the name of dongwan's drama is "the person i love".. i think wolf is stopped altogether, and since eric's going to the army soon, i don't think there's gonna be any time left to film the rest of wolf, with the hype about 9th album and his solo album..

ginnie - i so agree with you!!!! no matter how bad eric sings, hey he still sings in tune, and we have to give him props for singing in front of so many people, even though singing is not his best talent.. but like you, i love his voice too.. whether it's the super confident rapping voice or the weak shaky singing voice, i still love it no matter what.. my friend thought i was crazy, but heck, i can be a moron if it revolves around eric..

wow. hehe i was quite surprised you recognize me. haha anyway, you should post in suju thread too. haha

again, if eric sings bad, maybe that's because we compare his singing abilities to that of dongwan and hyesung, which is definitely better than eric. but he got his own style of singing and he can definitely shine on his own talents. after all, he got a lot of experiences and i believe, he too, like junjin, would have his vocals greatly improved.

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OMG! you're so young! how old are you? you make me feel old because i'm already 18. and isn't is quite funny that i am now the unnie of most of you when in fact, years back, like 2 or 3 years back when i was too crazy for shinhwa [not like i am not right now] i am one of the youngest in shinhwa thread and now, i am one of the oldest. irony. haha

but anyway, regarding the 1,000,000 albums, am i the only one who think that is possible? because you see, shinhwa changjo is very supportive of shinhwa. they will each buy their own copy, which is already a lot. relatives of shinhwa, managers and any other relationship they have with shinhwa, they will buy the album. international fans would buy the album. but the difference is, most people acquire their copy from yesasia, which does not count in album sales. shinhwa's 8th jib ran out of copy in yesasia right? meaning, a lot of people bought their copy from there. if those people acquired their copy through annyoung.com for example, then the album would count in the offical sales. also, the declining sales in the album is caused by downloading. yeah... if we are back in the non-downloading society, a million copies is not impossible. and through hard promotions, they'll be able to do it.

So, I really wonder why Eric would say that and what strategies they have in mind to achieve the impossible.

they are shinhwa after all, so who knows? hehe

at first i didn't understand what he's talking about.. i thought he was just being random (as he always is lol).. but then i read the news about the drama.. and now it makes sense.. i love how he's so positive about everything.. i'm a positive person myself (maybe a little bit too positive lol) and i always try to stay positive since my friends are too pessimistic.. (we need at least 1 optimist in the group, don't we..) but sometimes i got tired of it.. it's not easy to stay positive when everyone around you are negative and the facts in front of your eyes seem hopeless.. but yeah, during those times i always think of dongwan.. and am able to gain some strength from him.. ^^

i love these 2 passages.. it's wonderful how even the staffs acknowledge the way shinhwa works and are encouraged by it.. loving them because they're cute and funny is one thing.. but the way they work happily does gain my respect..

i get your point. shinhwa is trying to act cool in front of the camera but they just couldn't resist being naughty right? they just can't resist showing their real identity, they have to release it somehow, they have to show their true selves. and admit it or not, that's what makes shinhwa shinhwa, what brings them to who they are today. admittedly, i am not super fond of shinhwa's songs, because there are a lot other bands who have greater songs than they have, but they have one factor that not all people can have, being themselves and their friendship bond. i don't mean to offend other bands, but really, shinhwa's friendship is really different. shinhwa actually stands where they are right now and they stood firmly because of their friendship. it's an essential tool in achieving greatness in this industry.

they might as well try to act 'normal' in front, but if they couldn't resist it, then it's understandable. after all, i like the way they are in front of the camera, at least, we know they are real and honest, and that's how they are off cam, or they might be worse. hehe

Thanks for all the pictures ginnie! I'm tired so I didn't save it..but I think I'm going to go through this WHOLE THREAD..to save pictures sometime soon..going to take a lot of work going through 900 pages..but for Shinhwa, I'LL DO ANYTHING.

i seriously need to do that too because my shinhwa album collection was lost when my laptop had a 'great crash' yeah, and that's over a thousand pictures i've collected for 3 years. so it hurts. and seeing these pictures uploaded in this thread makes me so happy! i don't have them all before because i had been their fan since mid 4th jib only. so yeah... i don't have all the pictures. so thanks for posting them up.

but since i can not go through the whole thread as of the moment nor anytime near today, can i request for 8th jib pictures? like jacket pictures and such? please...

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Guest loving_D

Shinhwa to stoop that low to generate sales for their album? You've got to be kidding me. :rolleyes: Eric will not be doing that because that is not funny at all. It is integrity and honesty.

Eric's heart and soul have always been for Shinhwa and with Shinhwa. So, it is nothing new to me that he's going to focus on Shinhwa. But, now that they are planning their ninth album and showing a united effort in the album, it just goes to show that they are working hard to make it their best effort to date. It reminded me of their 7th album when they wanted to make big because it was their first album in Good Entertainment.

i was only kidding. sorry if that offended you. i know he wouldn't do that. i was just trying to say that hes making big bucks these days. not really related to shinhwa albums, so sorry bout that. :sweatingbullets:

i know they got their first daesangs for brand new but weren't their highest-selling albums their 4th and 5th albums? i remember someone posted at SHCJ.net which of their albums sold the most and least...

Do we know who'll be our competition this year? Who else is coming out with new album? Whether it's short time or not I'm sure shinhwachangjo will do their best so that Shinhwa can get Daesang. It'll be great if Battle also can win the new artiest award this year...in a way, they are helping promoting Shinhwa when they sing Shinhwa's songs and whenever they are in any variety show, they always mentioned Shinhwa. Gotta love them for that and besides they are very good (of course they are good because Shinhwa chose them!) :P

That was like me when I was flipping through the channels on TV and Asian channel was doing Music Bang and they played Hyesung's MV. I was so excited, I put the volume up really loud! LOL!

it'll probably be dbsg once again because they've been coming out with a new album every year so no doubt they'll come out with one this year too. they'll definitely be big competition (well, they did sweep and win all daesangs last year). i didn't know battle was promoting shinhwa while they performed their songs. to be honest, i dont like it when battle performs shinhwa songs. everyone gets so interested and they're all like "wow, the new shinhwa!" and i dont like to think about shinhwa being replaced by a younger group, especially one that they hand-picked. not that i dont like battle, i just hate it when people compare the two. but battle will also have big competition if they're planning to snag "best new artist". wonder girls is getting a lot of love and popularity after their one single and im sure more groups will come out too.

yeah, about andy, i wonder what his plans are. andy quit in two shows? one is inkigayo right? what's the other one? xman? but i saw him in the xman episode just aired a few hours ago.

as for eric's decision in releasing an album, again, i am having what i had when junjin announced it. i know both are rappers from shinhwa, and their singing was not really showcased while being in the group because they have lead singers. howerver, i believe that like junjin, eric also has this hidden voice talent that might not be as good as hyesung or dongwan, but it's definitely something he has confidence in, otherwise, he won't release an album right? and i also believe that being part of shinhwa for almost 9 years now is a big advantage, experience is the most important thing that can bring you far in this industry. so we can't just eric on how well he will do unless the album is already in our hands and we already had a taste of his music. i have trust in shinhwa, and i also have trust in good emg that they will not do something they think is stupid.

wow. hehe i was quite surprised you recognize me. haha anyway, you should post in suju thread too. haha

no the other one was goldfish theatre. he got a lot more airtime in both inkigayo and goldfish compared to what he gets in new xman. so i dont get why hes still on that show.

i dont know about eric, but i've heard andy sing and hes quite good! he has a nice soft voice (eric's is much deeper) and hes almost always in tune. i dont see why he wouldn't be interested in going solo.

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OMG! you're so young! how old are you? you make me feel old because i'm already 18. and isn't is quite funny that i am now the unnie of most of you when in fact, years back, like 2 or 3 years back when i was too crazy for shinhwa [not like i am not right now] i am one of the youngest in shinhwa thread and now, i am one of the oldest. irony. haha

but anyway, regarding the 1,000,000 albums, am i the only one who think that is possible? because you see, shinhwa changjo is very supportive of shinhwa. they will each buy their own copy, which is already a lot. relatives of shinhwa, managers and any other relationship they have with shinhwa, they will buy the album. international fans would buy the album. but the difference is, most people acquire their copy from yesasia, which does not count in album sales. shinhwa's 8th jib ran out of copy in yesasia right? meaning, a lot of people bought their copy from there. if those people acquired their copy through annyoung.com for example, then the album would count in the offical sales. also, the declining sales in the album is caused by downloading. yeah... if we are back in the non-downloading society, a million copies is not impossible. and through hard promotions, they'll be able to do it.

well to me age dosent matter as long as we all love shinhwa ^^ hehe and i dont know much people like u who love shinhwa like my cuzns they dont listen to shinhwa so i dont really have anyone to talk about shinhwa with T__T thats why i come here ^^. yeah im really gonna save up money (well ive saved up money since summer to buy their albums but never got a chance to) so this year im gonna buy shinhwa albums from annyoung.com cuz if i buy from there it comes for their sales. if then i have more money left ill continue buying unless my parents wouldnt let me lol

mommie alice LOL i know i thought i was the youngest here but maybe not anymore haha xD how old is ur youngest son? we should try to make him a crazy fan too puahaha and then we can show him pictures and clips and all sorts of things and he'll become obssessed haha.

loving D i agree with u about how battle sings shinhwa's song's.. its not really that i dont like battle (theyre good singers too) but i just dont like how they sing shinhwa's song's and its like since shinhwa hasn't been really promoting i feel uncomfortable seeing them sing shinhwa song's especially when shinhwa picked them out to be a new generation.. >.< andyesitdoesfeellikeshinhwaisbeingreplaced

andy lol i really loved andy in those banjun drama especially with lee jin(i think thats her name o.o ) they would really make a good couple ^^ hehe our cute andy with lee jin and i think that lee jin is pretty hehe ^^ what do u guys think?


omg that reminds me lol u guys know that clip on youtube where shinhwa is on this show and they get these pictures of what their children would look like? haha i love that clip but it dosent havbe subs so i dont really understand some parts of it -___-

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ginnie - thank you for all those pictures i just LOVE these photos because it shoes Shinhwa with their own look as well as being together. ^^ thank thank you thank you thank you thank you~~~ p.s i have saved them ALL and into groups of sets too ^^, from my last count (folder numbering) u have posted TWENTY sets of Shinhwa pix *faints* thank you!!!!!

I do like Eric's voice and i know he can hold a tune (when they all performed Minwoo's "For you" ^^), the one where he dueted with Lyn the style was a bit different and mellow, but it's not quite to my liking. But i do believe Eric can hold a tune, so i hope he won't come out with a whole hip hop thing. But i hope Dongwan will release a long over due full album^^, but yes after seeing so many solo perfs, most of them are rock-ish. JunJin was a singer/rapper in Shinhwa so he got more practice i guess at holding a main tune. Also his solo in the winter 03-04 was ok so i wasn't surprised he can improve to be a decent ballad singer ^^

kriza_09 - I loved reading ur analysis bout Shinhwa's "trying to be cool" but will softly melt away. I think they try to be cool besides being good for their image, imo, they will be treated more seriously as an artist. First impressions are important, so during their interviews overseas they'll be solemn (most of the time) and give a serious image to the reporters who don't know them. But during their interviews back in Korea they're all over the place. Because besides being more comfortable, most people know them for who they are and they don't need to put such a serious image.

As for them later softening up, yes it is their true personalities showing out (which i'm sure we all love and adore) but i also think it's a "down to earth" personality. They aren't put on a pedastool like other artists and they bring themselves down to the "average" person by not taking things so seriously and making fun of themselves. This is what i love about them.

But i do understand how it may "hurt their image" because Hyesung with a serious ballad gasoo and Eric as the "cool" leader, you wouldn't expect it from them. I just think it's one side of them we see, not everyone is always just one personality so i guess it all depends on the situation they're in. ^^

As for Dongwan and his would be "bestseller", yes they have to control themselves to a certain degree, particularly when you hear about their stories when they were younger they seemed more reckless, they as always, think about SHCJ and so i don't think they would want to ruin our image of them and they would want to set a good example. (uncle wan~~)besides, knowing what they get up to nowadays imagine what they could've when they were younger and more daring. O_o

Yes i'm worried and protective about our Andy, it'll be nice to see an album but i don't think it'll be well received. He's always seen as "the other one" imo. He raps little and does little, so to come out wiht an album wil lbe O_o ..."huh?" i would suggest a bit more active in Shinhwa's albums to build up his confidence in singing/rapping, i also think he needs to be a but more confident in himself to sing a solo. ^^ Hopefully a drama or two wouldn't go amiss. I know JunJin will be in a drama later this year.

I kind of respect Eric and admire him more for what i can't see O_o (everyone going "u wot??") what i mean is how he keeps Shinhwa together, makes the decisions, looks after all of them (in his own way of course) and basically be THE leader. You can't really see all of that on shows etc Keeping people working together and not hating each, solving problems between members if there were any, is NOT an easy task. (right now i'm working in so many teams and it's not even that smooth after less than a year =_=) So i greatly appreciate the effort everyone puts in, whether from Shinhwa themesleves or SHCJ and Shinhwa supporters. Eric handles things, and i really do think he is very good at it, he has other business ventures (Top Class.........) so i truely believe that Eric will succeed. No wonder Andy is always picking Eric over his money, lol.

EDIT: As for Battle, some may like them because they're "younger", i like them they're a sweet bunch, but imo if i were to use a metaphor of a ladder and lets say Shinhwa are pretty much half way (because there's always room to go higher ^^) i would say Battle aren't even on the same ladder..........they're still making their one. So although people see them as "young Shinhwa replacers" they'll always be Battle and those who truely like Shinhwa won't replace them with a younger model, because if you're honest to yourself Shinhwa is irreplaceable. They may sing Shinhwa's songs etc but they're still Battle. To me it doesn't really change anything, in my eyes Battle to me, are still young newbies singing "classic" songs, but the feel isn't the same.

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Love reading these responses!!! I'll reply to them after my picture posting frenzy here. I still have older Shinhwa pictures to share but since cherilyn08 requested 8th jib, I will post 8th jib for those fans that didn't get a chance to see them yet.

As usual, I will post by collection and credits goes to those on the pics.

Sharing is great but just don't hotlink. KEY WORD: KARMA






















To be continued....

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Guest sunnydays.

I heard in one of Shinhwa's recent interviews that their 9th album will come in in the fall.

Eric mentioned that they are going to focus heavily on it and I am glad to hear that.

The 8th album was awesome and simple heart-warming. It is so unfortunate they did not promote it as much.

There was no doubt in my mind that they would win the DAESANG.

With so little promotion, the 8th album sold 220,000 copies. That's so prestigious.

Eric mentioned in one of his recent interviews that it's hard to see 1,000,000 copies being sold in Korea.

Therefore, he and along with the Shinhwa members would like to take on the challenge of selling over a million copies.

I am going to save up tons of money this summer and buy at least 100 copies of their 9th album! ^_^

Am I crazy or what? No. I'm not crazy. I'm just SHINHWAFIED! ^_^

Hahahaha, I wanna help with supporting Shinhwa too. (: however, I think i'm going to just limit to one album... because it's only fair, & that's the realistic thing to do; I mean, I think the whole point of selling 1,000,000 copies is to see how many people support Shinhwa. It wouldn't really be fair if one person took up 1/5 of that 1,000,000 copies or whatever. ^__^; But, thank you for the energy! I'm really psyched, too. I can't wait.. & that's great news to hear that they're going to focus heavily on it!

it's not that they didn't promote 8th album vigorously, but i think they focused more on live performances as compared to tv appearances.. but i guess tv appearances are more effective means of promoting an album, maybe? i hope with 9th album, they do a combination of both ^^"

mommie alice - you mean the songs that they don't write themselves or what?

riz - actually.. you know what rozzy and i have just figured a few days ago? andy has a dimple too!!!!!!

O__O Andy has a dimple? ... oh yeah he does. XD;; Ahh, Andy, he's so adorable. (: Actually, at first, I thought he wasn't as good looking as the Shinhwa members, but he's really REALLY grown on me & seriously, he's the most adorable out of them. (;

at first i didn't understand what he's talking about.. i thought he was just being random (as he always is lol).. but then i read the news about the drama.. and now it makes sense.. i love how he's so positive about everything.. i'm a positive person myself (maybe a little bit too positive lol) and i always try to stay positive since my friends are too pessimistic.. (we need at least 1 optimist in the group, don't we..) but sometimes i got tired of it.. it's not easy to stay positive when everyone around you are negative and the facts in front of your eyes seem hopeless.. but yeah, during those times i always think of dongwan.. and am able to gain some strength from him.. ^^

but it's kinda hard when they don't really work towards the daesang.. i mean, all that matters for them now is for shinhwa and shinhwachangjo to enjoy the stage together... i doubt they will promote their album that crazily.. like going on tv shows and stuff.. i hope they will though, shinhwa is the best guest for game shows.. ^^ but if i remember correctly, i think eric once said (after 7th jib) shinhwa would probably not go on tv shows anymore.. i guess that's because shinhwa tends to lose their 'cool' on tv shows.. esp. hyesung.. lol.. *that's just my random guess* sometimes i read people say they like shinhwa because they don't try to keep their image.. i actually think they try hard to be cool (esp eric n hyesung).............but always, to no avail... ^^ they can get out of it when there's only 1 of them... but when there are 6 of them, their true personalities will eventually come out... and what i mean by their true personalities is the funny, noisy, n dorky shinhwa we know... in other words, not cool at all... lol..

for example, in gameshows, there are always some guest stars who are there to promote their album, who always get the pretty girls and get the nice treatment from the MC.. but there are also some 'clowns' who are there to be funny and being made fun.. loveletter season 1 started off that way, shinhwa was the star while SJH and CMH (and KJM) were the clowns.. in epi. 1, they acted according to their roles.. as the shows continued, the roles kinda changed and by the end of epi. 7, Hyesung had taken over CMH's and KJM's role.. lol.. like how all members were willing to do shameful things just to get hyesung punished and how they voted hyesung to be punished instead of KJM.. *i actually think hyesung's punishment there by KJM, SJH, n ANDY (!!!) was a bit harsh.. i mean, how can you treat a member of the top group asian artist like that!!! lol.. ahh reminiscence is always sweet*

the same goes with interviews.. they will start off as the cool and calm shinhwa.. as time goes (usually not more than 1 min), once they feel comfortable and 1 member (intentionally or not) slip out a funny comment, the true shinhwa will come out.. like dongwan's spitting, all members' funny dances, junjin's fake ghost story, hyesung's translating junjin's chinese, etc.. i notice sometimes they do stupidrandom things for which i'm sure later they will say 'why on earth did i do that..' esp. dongwan n hyesung.. lol.. and sometimes the stupidrandom things are so stupidrandom that i would think 'you're the superstar asian top group for god's sake!!'

their effort in keeping the cool image is more obvious during overseas activities, like interviews or press con with local press.. hyesung would become MUCH more quiet.. and you would easily notice how junjin always covers his mouth when hyesung's talking e.g. about their album n stuff.. and junjin's usually the first one who lost it, who then takes everyone (mostly hyesung) down with him.. like when watching asian blog interview in thailand, i was laughing all the time at how hard they try to be quiet, they seem they can't sit still for a 10-min interview without throwing a joke.. it's just amusing to see how hard they try to keep their faces straight.. and in the end, we have hyesung asking junjin to say the last words to the fans, and junjin then throwing the question back to hyesung, then hyesung (looking for his own death) suggesting junjin to sing his song, and junjin of coz suggesting hyesung to do the crab dance.. i feel bad for the thai interviewer.. he sounded so excited when the translator said junjin's gonna sing a song n hyesung's gonna do the crab dance..

so it's not that they don't try to act cool.. they actually try hard.. and they MUST do that.. because they realize how stupidrandom they can be if they get carried away too far.. so they try not to let their true selves come out too much..

i actually think what they let us see on tv is nothing compared how they actually act when there are only 6 of them.. no fans, no reporters, not even their managers or their celeb friends.. remember when dongwan was talking about how he was asked to write a book about the time when shinhwa lived together, which was STRONGLY opposed by the members.. he said the book would surely be the bestseller but then it would harm the reputation of shinhwa members.. i mean, after all the stupidrandom things they do in front of camera, the stupidrandom personal pictures dongwan showed to us, and all the personal stories they told us (like how hyesung acts when he's drunk, how eric n junjin fought in vietnamese, and other weird stuff eric did) i thought all shinhwa fans already knew their true personalities.. yet dongwan still said it would harm their reputation.. it means they do even more stupidrandom things than what they have showed us.. and that's pretty obvious as to why they CAN'T be themselves in front of public.. lol..

he's so.....covered(?) was he sick??? or was he just trying to hide his crab muscles???? *i don't know why i always relate his muscle to crabs.. lol..*

i also found an old article about junjin:

"Also, during the Japan concert, being too excited, after dancing with all my strength during the first half, I went off to the side and fainted. Because the choreography was fitting in well, I hadn't controlled my breathing properly. My managers, and all the staff were all crowded around me, fanning me trying to wake me up. After being unconscious for a long time, I opened my eyes in the middle of Minwoo's solo. And then it was Shinhwa's turn again and I suddenly fully became awake!

Nobody knew I had collapsed back stage. Because I returned to the stage so confidently..." - junjin

throughout this 8 years (OMG next month it will be 9!!!! 9 years everyone!!!!! ^^) there must be a lot more incidents like this happened to the members.. like when dongwan strongly came back to the stage after dislocating his shoulder at busan concert.. hyesung once also said junjin (i think) didn't tell the other members when he was sick.. they always put the best performance even though they're sick and we can never tell if they're sick if they don't tell us.. yeah as a fan i'm glad and proud that they are so professional and so dedicated to their works.. that they always give their best for the fans.. that they always put the fans first before everything else.. but on the other hand, they've become more than the celebs i adore.. sometimes i just want to sit them down and scold them for putting the fans before their health.. >"<

anyway, 'andy with friends' is a good idea... unfortunately, he just got rejected by dongwan... hahah.. i'm not sure if they were talking about duet as in singing context..

and i'm also worried about eric's solo album.. i hope he's found his own style.. music-wise, people have made negative comments about him as shinhwa's rapper...

i personally think he's fine, but it's certainly not the rapper eric who makes me like him and respect him this much... i don't think i like the rapper eric as much as the alien eric or the shinhwa leader eric.. if you know what i mean.. lol.. basically i love eric for being funny and dorky, and i have most respect for him for the way he handles things and shinhwa, but not for the eric on stage with that gangster style and rapper hairstyle..

but again, i'm looking forward to it..

oh this brings me to 1 thing.. eric IS a 4-dimensional person... i mean he has 4 roles/characters: the dorkiest(weirdest) member in shinhwa, the serious and responsible shinhwa leader, the sweet n romantic psy's bf, and the gangster-like shinhwa's rapper... and every role/character is so distinct from each other.. lol..

Oh yeah, thanks for that Dongwan diary entry! Yeah, I love how he's so optimistic, too... it's great. <3 I think Shinhwa does care for the Daesang too... maybe not AS much as during their 7th jib, but they prolly do care for it. (: & I think that promoting a lot would also apply to their fans too, because they know that the fans LOVE to see them. >;] I would love it if they appeared everywhere, to promote their album. & a lof promoting has to do with getting their name out there & reeling in even more fans. That would be awesome. As for the game shows, that's sad to hear that they might not go on gameshows anymore... =( I LOVED them in game shows, they really showed their true personalities. I mean, who wants to watch a boring, "cool" (as you put it) artist who always acts so perfect? --;; I think it's great how Shinhwa isn't afraid to show their true, dorky selves on television. It really shows that they're down-to-earth & doesn't take their celebrity status seriously. It gives a connection to the fans themselves, because it kinda states: "yeah, we do weird random things like you... & it's okay. (: " LMAOO & if Shinhwa made a book for themselves... omgg, i'd SOO buy it. LOLOL. Well, I think what Dongwan meant about it "harming" their reputation is that whole cool thing that you mentioned earlier... but then again, they might've done some uhh... *cough* bad things... well, it's better to know someone for who they are than for what they pretend to be. Yeahh, I admit, Shinhwa is hardworking, but sometimes they're stupid & don't take care of themselves. x__x we appreciate their hardwork & all they do, but we don't want them to die! O__O;; Oh, I also agree with you about Eric's album... rap album, I'm pretty sure that's what it's gonna be. Actually, more of hip hop. But i'm gonna be optimistic & say he's gonna do great. (: i have lots of faith in him, & also the rest of the shinhwa members. PUAHAHA Eric is a 4-dimensional person... he's an alien, alright. (; LOLOL.

dongwan's solo, i think it's gonna be something along the line of j-rockish kinda song.. normally, during solo stages, he would perform a j-rock song, or something similar to that.. so i think, it's gonna be just that.. come to think of it, all of them have different styles, it's amazing how they can come together as a group, and they're really good at it too..

andy didn't get rejected by dongwan, i think it was the other way around =P andy rejected dongwan, even though dongwan wanted to collaborate with andy..

eric isn't the sweet and romantic shi yeon's boyfriend, because according to shi yeon herself [in ya shim man man], in front of her, eric's still as dorky as ever.. i think it was something like, surprising her [like how dongwan got surprised by him in the bathroom kinda surprise, not the sweet valentine's day surprise kinda thing] and when she asked him to dance, instead of dancing like he usually does in variety shows, he would dance like an ostrich [was it? i'm not sure.. it's something with a long neck, i remember].. but i agree, he can be sweet and romantic [maybe like the one in phoenix? i'm not done watching that yet, but i think his character's like that..]

Ooh Dongwan. (: Yeah, I can imagine him going all over the place, trying every genre... & the "j-rock" type, it really suits his voice. But I LOOVE him doing ballads too... his voice is so smooth & powerful, it gives me goosbumps... So i hope he doesn't just stick to one type of music when he does his album. (: Aww, that's so sad, why didn't Andy want to collaborate with Dongwan? =\ LOL but that's what i love about Eric, he isn't the typical romantic type you'd think he is... I mean, he CAN be romantic & sweet, but most of the time, he's dorky & goofy & has a good sense of humor, which is awesome. >;] He knows WHEN to be romantic & sweet, which is great. LOL OSTRICH!! HAHAHA~~ Goshhhh. (: <3 I love Eric. (;


dongwan and his dimples (: so he does have them!

i have a big thing with guys with dimples!!! ahah thye are soo cute looking.

ohhh eric's sexy deep voice.

i love deep voices especially eric's deep voice (:

minwoo did??

ohh what is the song called?? i don't think i've ever heard of it before.

goodness i want them to be in gmaeshows real bad!!!!

I think the song is called "For You (to my lovely fan)", & it's in Minbong's first solo album. Tee hee~~ it made me smile when I heard of it!

OH YEAHHH >;] Guys with dimples are freaking adorable~~<3 Ofcourse, the rest of their face has to look good too... LOLOL. Dongwan is definately all that. :D

Andy rejected Dongwan for duet album? LOL! Actually I think Andy would be better off if he was to do duet with Eric but I guess that won't be happening since Eric already announce his album. It'll be quite interesting to see what kind of album he'll come up with. I hope it's not all rap. Shinhwa's rap is the only rap I listen to because it's "smooth" rap...other than that, I hate rap music in any language. This is where I really show my age! LOL! As I mentioned long time ago, I was really surprised at Eric's singing voice with Lyn...it was so deep compare to his regular talking voice. I hope he sings alot in his new album.

That's what I thought too when I first heard DW is coming out with an album.

Wasn't he in rock group (in high school?) before he became Shinhwa?

Dongwan in a rock group? really?! HAHAA, actually, I wouldn't be surprised. (: I can imagine him sniging in a rock group. Haha~ yeah, I can imagine Andy & Eric together more than Andy & Dongwan, but I guess that's only because both Andy & Eric have more in common in terms of their role in Shinhwa. But then again, it's good to collab a singer & a rapper together... for example, that song "Liar", which was sung by Dongwan & rapped by Eric... OMGGG it's SOOO good. I love that song to death. (: Haha, smooth rap? I agree. :D I think it's because their rap is not really "rap style"... it's a combination of hip hop, rap, & pop. So it's a totally different style... IT'S SHINHWA style. (; tee hee ~~

GINNIE Thanks again for the pictures. :D I LOOVE those pictures when they were younger... they were so adorable, & very good looking. (; Really shows how much they've matured (physical-wise, ofcourse LOLO). <3

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(If I missed any official 8th jib collection, please feel free to add. I didn't post the group ones only the single Shinhwa members collection. But you get the gist of their style for eight jib. )

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xh - bwahahaha.. love those stalkerish pics of ricsyung.. eric looks like the stalker, and hyesung's like a turtle.. got me amused for awhile =P hyesung the black turtle.. but eric still looks hot as a stalker =P

mushi - hie hie~~ hahaha.. thank you for replying to my comment.. and i see you're new around here? you posted your first comment in the shinhwa thread!!! i did too~~ i like you already =P some of my friends understand straight away that eric's just my fantasy [or so, they think] but some of other's reactions are hilarious.. somebody was like, hmmm he looks familiar.. when have i seen him before? [to which i replied, maybe he goes to your school =P] and yet another one believed that he's my boyfriend [i had a laughing fit when one of my friends did that]

mommie alice - of course they would give credits to the person who writes the song, and not to the artists performing them.. afterall, the artists are just showcasing the song through their talents.. but the real bit comes from the person who writes it.. even with a book, you credit the person writing/coming up with the whole story, not the typist or the editor..

cherilyn08 - i was kinda surprised to see you here.. why? because i stalk suju thread a lot =P hie hie~~~ the name of dongwan's drama is "the person i love".. i think wolf is stopped altogether, and since eric's going to the army soon, i don't think there's gonna be any time left to film the rest of wolf, with the hype about 9th album and his solo album..

hun_wun_gal - i don't think andy will come up with a solo album.. i don't know why, i just think so.. i think he has plans with being on tv though.. i think some sort of a drama or something.. because quitting 2 programs at the same time, i don't think he's gonna be in another variety show..

ginnie - i so agree with you!!!! no matter how bad eric sings, hey he still sings in tune, and we have to give him props for singing in front of so many people, even though singing is not his best talent.. but like you, i love his voice too.. whether it's the super confident rapping voice or the weak shaky singing voice, i still love it no matter what.. my friend thought i was crazy, but heck, i can be a moron if it revolves around eric..

and about inkigayo, i heard that they had chosen the permanent MCs and it's gonna be a guy-guy MC [i think it was heechul and jang geun suk or something like that] so if andy stayed, damn, that would be weird.. hahaha.. i think a girl partner fits him better.. unless his partner is one of his hyungs *wiggles eyebrow*

oh my God, that last set of picture's so hot!! how the hell do they make it like that?? that's so awesome!! thanks ginnie~~

kaleena - it's because junjin never did a solo dance stage in star battle.. he always performed with andy, and that's why they're at the end of the whole clip.. i don't know what category it was, but it doesn't matter, cos they're first =P and they've got about 7min-ish of showtime too!!


yeah, i'm totally new to this thread and to shinhwa. I knew shinhwa existed long ago, but was only into them at the very start of this year, when I went over to a friend's place, and she shared with me tons of her shinhwa shows. Since then, i'm hooked!! haha.. where are you from?? korea?! or..?? there are so much news of them, but i'm always lost. MAN..!!! SOMEONE GUIDE ME please??

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Hi all...I am a silent fan of Shinhwa -

Hey there! WELCOME!

As for Eric releasing an album...what can I say? FINALLY~ lolz

He's been saying ever since the end of 6th, but kinda never mentioned it again...

I'm not worried surprisingly...I think he has a lot of friends in the korean hip-hop circles and let's not forget about MARS...so I guess the flavor's heading in that direction?

I imagine it'll be something like Eun Ji won's solo :)

I remember somebody,but someone once said that Eric had very good music sense ^^

Plus hiphop albums are always fun, so many collabs



After his success as an actor, it is quite difficult to go back to being a solo musician. It creates confusion for people who don't know him that well. Like you, I am not concerned for his success as a solo musician. That's because I believe that when you love what you do, you'll do it well. We all know that music is Eric's love especially hip hop/rap.

REALLY? Eun Ji Won? I gotta listen to him. I think Eric will have lots of contribution from his hip hop circle, afterall, he helped rap for so many of them..Joesuk (even offered to be a guest star in his concert), Cho PD, D.O. etc etc. I think during their earlier concerts, 1TYM was there to rap with Eric? I can't get all the artists name straight but yeah. He has these music buddies that he has helped. I would not be surprised to see them helping out in Eric's album too.

The somebody....are you referring to the producer of the MARS album? ooo..I can't remember his name now. Let me look for the name because now I am real curious. But, yeah I remember reading about him complimenting Eric's sense of music and rhythm because he participated in their album.

Dual identities are on the rise these days i.e. many singers are going into acting. So, the stereotype for these singer-turn-actors are quite apparent because they see them as jumping on the bandwagon. THANKFULLY, Eric is one of the earlier success stories of singer-turn-actor. That's why Dongwan has compared Eric to a member of SMAP (Gosh, his name is at the tip of my tougue but I can't say his name) that has successfully transition as well. These days, the singers-turn-actor either don't turn out as successfully or isn't going back to singing anymore. So, Eric's singing and acting career - if balanced well - will make him a very unique and classic example that is hard to follow. Find some other entertainer that could act well (garner recognition and approvals) , carry an entire series as the lead character and is still active as a musician within a boyband. Find an actor that could do that gangster rap well...It is a feat to do all of it.

Ah...from singer-to-actor-to-singer again...I hope the Korean media will be gentler with their criticism.

Andy rejected Dongwan for duet album? LOL! Actually I think Andy would be better off if he was to do duet with Eric but I guess that won't be happening since Eric already announce his album. It'll be quite interesting to see what kind of album he'll come up with. I hope it's not all rap. Shinhwa's rap is the only rap I listen to because it's "smooth" rap...other than that, I hate rap music in any language. This is where I really show my age! LOL! As I mentioned long time ago, I was really surprised at Eric's singing voice with Lyn...it was so deep compare to his regular talking voice. I hope he sings alot in his new album.

That's what I thought too when I first heard DW is coming out with an album.

Can't tell whether Dongwan was joking or not since...you know the boys..They are such jokers. :sweatingbullets:

My impression is Andy will listen to his hyungs especially Eric. AND the thing with this interview was Eric brought up the issue of a duet. He was asking Dongwan "What about the duet?"

If Eric didn't mention it, we will probably not know at all because Andy is just tight-lipped about his solo career (acting or singing). So, when Eric puts it out in the open, I heard Andy's laughter in the background (Andy with Jin were the loudest).

Rather than the protective stance, I'd rather see Andy as more opinionated and in control of his situation. This is afterall his career. He might be quite reluctant to have a solo singing career because it is quite daunting to be a solo musician. But a duet is completely do-able in my mind. A duet with Eric or Dongwan, just pick because I don't think they will object to that.

Shinhwa's 8th jib ran out of copy in yesasia right? meaning, a lot of people bought their copy from there. if those people acquired their copy through annyoung.com for example, then the album would count in the offical sales. also, the declining sales in the album is caused by downloading. yeah... if we are back in the non-downloading society, a million copies is not impossible. and through hard promotions, they'll be able to do it.

REALLY? I am one of those YESASIA customers because I didn't know about other options.

So we know for sure that annyoung.com counts towards sales??? 110% confirmed?

i was only kidding. sorry if that offended you. i know he wouldn't do that. i was just trying to say that hes making big bucks these days. not really related to shinhwa albums, so sorry bout that. i know they got their first daesangs for brand new but weren't their highest-selling albums their 4th and 5th albums? i remember someone posted at SHCJ.net which of their albums sold the most and least...

:) I was slightly caught off-guard by your statement. It is cool now.

About album sales, I think we cannot compare much older albums/years sales with current album sales. The market is entirely different now. Perhaps the thing that didn't change is Shinhwa Changjo. B)

But anyways, I was referring to 7th jib because that was their first album with GOOD EMG. It is different resources and production entirely from SM days. For them to do that well when they started from scratch again with a new (not to mention small company), it is no doubt an accomplishment.

ginnie - thank you for all those pictures i just LOVE these photos because it shoes Shinhwa with their own look as well as being together. ^^ thank thank you thank you thank you thank you~~~ p.s i have saved them ALL and into groups of sets too ^^, from my last count (folder numbering) u have posted TWENTY sets of Shinhwa pix *faints* thank you!!!!!

EDIT: As for Battle, some may like them because they're "younger", i like them they're a sweet bunch, but imo if i were to use a metaphor of a ladder and lets say Shinhwa are pretty much half way (because there's always room to go higher ^^) i would say Battle aren't even on the same ladder..........they're still making their one. So although people see them as "young Shinhwa replacers" they'll always be Battle and those who truely like Shinhwa won't replace them with a younger model, because if you're honest to yourself Shinhwa is irreplaceable. They may sing Shinhwa's songs etc but they're still Battle. To me it doesn't really change anything, in my eyes Battle to me, are still young newbies singing "classic" songs, but the feel isn't the same.

Twenty ? Really? I wasn't even counting myself. I am glad you kept a version of the pictures because it is better to have more circulation of Shinhwa-related pictures/news/videos...to keep the spirit alive so to speak. Don't want any of them to be extinct.

About Battle, I don't mind them singing Shinhwa songs because I always see them as Battle. They are too young for me..hhahaha..

But, for them to succeed, they need more than Shinhwa covers. Create their own image with the fans and fans-to-be. That is more lasting. I will pay some attention to them just because they are Battle Shinhwa. haha...Otherwise, they are just lost in the bunch of newly generated pop groups.

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Guest miss':bella

Gosh. I hate it whenever I post up Shinhwa pictures on the Photos Section of Soompi, no one even bothers to leave comments. This Soompi forum is getting to become more of a DBSG forum, isn't it? :sweatingbullets:

It's like I shouldn't even bother to leave pictures. :unsure:

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