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Guest lenakeem

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my eyes *_* i just came back from reading physio notes for my test.. and here goes a long message by kriza_09.. anyways, i'll try to reply what i understand =P

i guess i agree with your view about shinhwa's image.. i thought, while i was reading your post, i was gonna comment on something, but i totally forgot what i wanted to write at the end of the post [i've got a short term memory ^^"]

dongwan's solo, i think it's gonna be something along the line of j-rockish kinda song.. normally, during solo stages, he would perform a j-rock song, or something similar to that.. so i think, it's gonna be just that.. come to think of it, all of them have different styles, it's amazing how they can come together as a group, and they're really good at it too..

andy didn't get rejected by dongwan, i think it was the other way around =P andy rejected dongwan, even though dongwan wanted to collaborate with andy..

eric isn't the sweet and romantic shi yeon's boyfriend, because according to shi yeon herself [in ya shim man man], in front of her, eric's still as dorky as ever.. i think it was something like, surprising her [like how dongwan got surprised by him in the bathroom kinda surprise, not the sweet valentine's day surprise kinda thing] and when she asked him to dance, instead of dancing like he usually does in variety shows, he would dance like an ostrich [was it? i'm not sure.. it's something with a long neck, i remember].. but i agree, he can be sweet and romantic [maybe like the one in phoenix? i'm not done watching that yet, but i think his character's like that..]

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dongwan's solo, i think it's gonna be something along the line of j-rockish kinda song.. normally, during solo stages, he would perform a j-rock song, or something similar to that.. so i think, it's gonna be just that.. come to think of it, all of them have different styles, it's amazing how they can come together as a group, and they're really good at it too..

andy didn't get rejected by dongwan, i think it was the other way around =P andy rejected dongwan, even though dongwan wanted to collaborate with andy..

YEAH..Dongwan's very passionate when he is up on stage singing. I love watching his solo especially when he is sooooo high. It is very contagious. I love his love for his solo stage, so I really look forward to his album.

YEAH too...It was Dongwan was rejected by Andy. For a duet. But, Dongwan did say that their group members will solve this "problem" ...hehe..Looks like Andy is going to get some lecturing. He's got to do something.


hopefully my photobucket bandwidth lasts...

As usual, bestshinhwa gets the credit along with names/sites listed in the pictures, if any.







I kind of remember watching this...This was a press interview they did after their concert....

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The usual..Credits go to bestshinhwa and on the pics.

I am going to post one set of pictures after each reply so that I can get them more spread out and especially not all on the same page.







There are so many pictures of the boys.







Every group has their beginnings. Shinhwa's humble beginnings started with all these crazee hairstyles and cute poses.

They've sure came a long way....

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hahaha.. ginnie has gone on a picture madness frenzy.. but those pics are awesome, cos most of them i've never seen before..

and yes, i agree with you, they started with crazy hairstyles and clothes, but they've matured beautifully.. and even though back then, they had crazy styles, they still look better than most, if not all, my peers at school.. and mind you, there are thousands of them at school, yet i've never found anyone that can pull off that kind of style and still be half as hot as they are..

and frankly, i have no idea what i've just said.. but the main point is that, shinhwa pawns all the guys at school =P

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Guest kriza_09


first of all, i'm sorry for my long post.. didn't notice it would be that long.. lol.. oh yeah dongwan was the one rejected by andy.. and yeah, i actually was talking about the sweet and romantic eric in loveletter.. but for the sake of my sentence structure, i needed a role for him.. and i used psy's bf.. lol..

Please Read & Reply to My Comment!

Eric mentioned in one of his recent interviews that it's hard to see 1,000,000 copies being sold in Korea.

Therefore, he and along with the Shinhwa members would like to take on the challenge of selling over a million copies.

I am going to save up tons of money this summer and buy at least 100 copies of their 9th album! ^_^

Am I crazy or what? No. I'm not crazy. I'm just SHINHWAFIED! ^_^

if we're to think about it, 220K with so little promotion IS prestigious.. imagine what the number would be if they did as much promotion as their 7th jib..

but he wants the 9th jib to sell 1,000,000 copies!!!!!!!?????????????????

and i was already complaining how there will be 5 albums to buy this year just from shinhwa alone!!! >"<

anyway, 1,000,000 is quite too big of a number.. especially since they're only going to release the album in the fall.. there won't be much time to promote before the deadline for daesang.. all sales to be counted for the daesang are the ones before November, right??? if they release it in the fall (september), then it would give them only 2 months to sell their albums.. and not everyone would buy an album in 2 months after it's released.. but if i'm not wrong, the closer it is to the deadline, the more it counts for the daesang.. i mean, the number of sales in october has bigger percentage than the sales in january, is it right?? if it is so, then if everyone buy the albums in the last month, then it would count much more.. either way, i think it is much better for them to release the album much earlier (if they really want to reach the 1,000,000 copies)... that way, it would give them more time to promote the album, and thus, for the non-fans to buy the album.. as for us fans, who don't actually need their promotion (lol), we just have to be REALLY patient until the last month, when we will all buy the album..

he might only be joking (as he always is).. 1,000,000 seems to be not an easy task..

but if he really is serious, it could be because this is the last album before they're going to the army that they want to make it special... and if they really reach that number, OMG this year will be so special for them... and they've already mentioned a couple of times how they will heavily promote their 9th album.. so i guess he's really serious..

and if he really is serious, i will do anything it takes to help realize it for shinhwa.. i haven't done anything for them, just sitting in front my laptop gaining strength from them everyday without anything to give in return.. i bought their 8th jib in dec from yesasia, and the other albums years later after they were released...

so this year, i'm gonna contribute something for them, even if it means i can't buy a new laptop with my new year money.. :tears: but a new laptop is only equal to 100 copies.. it seems nothing compared to 1,000,000.. >"<

anyway, can you refer me to the video where he talked about that???

i need to know how serious he is... so that i can think of a plan to make it happen..

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hahaha.. i have a similar clothes to the one that eric wore in the last set of picture, but it's much uglier [it's like gray >_<] and it's a pj suit -____- i think andy looks so cute in the oversized overall =P

i like how they're using props [i think those props were used in eusha eusha mv too right?] and it's minwoo and dongwan talking on those fake phone thingies [i remember making them in grade 4 =P] and junjin and hyesung are listening to each other [i wonder how they can hear stuff when nobody's talking O_o at least with minwoo and dongwan, minwoo's listening and dongwan's talking] with eric and andy, they're both breathing each other's air???

by the way, does anybody have the korean lyrics to "isn't it beautiful"? i know it's been romanized and all that, but i want to make my own romanization for my own personal use.. so yeah =P anybody?

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kriza 09 well im not sure when the deadline for the daesang is. but if its like how u said and shinhwa would only have 2 month's to sell their albums. and they accuatly really go up to eric's goal 1,000,000 i'd be really really surprised. and it would be a big huge present for shinhwa and for us fans. cuz that is really a huge number.. i wonder if anyone has reached that number before. out of all the singers in korea.

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first of all, i'm sorry for my long post.. didn't notice it would be that long.. lol.. oh yeah dongwan was the one rejected by andy.. and yeah, i actually was talking about the sweet and romantic eric in loveletter.. but for the sake of my sentence structure, i needed a role for him.. and i used psy's bf.. lol..

anyway, 1,000,000 is quite too big of a number.. especially since they're only going to release the album in the fall.. there won't be much time to promote before the deadline for daesang.. all sales to be counted for the daesang are the ones before November, right??? if they release it in the fall (september), then it would give them only 2 months to sell their albums.. and not everyone would buy an album in 2 months after it's released.. but if i'm not wrong, the closer it is to the deadline, the more it counts for the daesang.. i mean, the number of sales in october has bigger percentage than the sales in january, is it right?? if it is so, then if everyone buy the albums in the last month, then it would count much more.. either way, i think it is much better for them to release the album much earlier (if they really want to reach the 1,000,000 copies)... that way, it would give them more time to promote the album, and thus, for the non-fans to buy the album.. as for us fans, who don't actually need their promotion (lol), we just have to be REALLY patient until the last month, when we will all buy the album..

Edward (our mod) mentioned before that competition is stiffer for albums released towards the end of the year. That is when most of the good albums come out. So, releasing the album in the fall is quite normal. They could go a little earlier but still 1,000,000 is not a matter of time alone. It is a matter of quality album with good marketing strategies. You've got to get non-fans interested as well.

Yeah. I want to know if Eric had said this any other time besides the SBS drama awards when he was interviewed. That was the only time I heard him say that. And he was quite serious.

Kriza, your posts are loonnngg..but it is nice to hear your point of views. Can I make a suggestion though? Paragraphs really help with reading..heheheeh..=)


More pictures?





















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you know what i realize with these old pictures? they really go crazy with the poses.. like, the hand movement and all that [junjinie yah!!! where's your hand going huh???] back then, maybe we would think it's cool, but compared to now, they looked so awkward~~ it's like what dongwan said in the channel newsasia interview [he said they were ashamed/felt awkward when they looked back on their past] but they're cute nonetheless, so who can blame them right?

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hehe..that's the colors of Shinhwa. They've gone through many phases and they just get better and better. You can see how they've evolved throughout the years and their image/poses got more masculine, more natural and more importantly, more themselves. Yeah...they've gotten rid of that manufactured look to create their own image in their own skin.

Credit to Bestshinhwa + on the pics

No hotlinking.















Dreamy Shinhwa








SHINHWA with ................birds??? I mean...birds..those that fly.

How did the photo shoot style director thought about this? Randomly? Let's take pictures with birds in cages for our theme today? Can we choose the color of the bird cage? Gold cage matches Shinhwa's style? How about two small pigeons?

Beats me...














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hahahaha.. maybe the 2 white pigeons are supposed to match their clothes, and the gold cage... their hair?? it's hilarious how random these pics are =P

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ginnie.. you almost killed me with your pictures.. some i haven't seen before..

i've save them all.. thanks a bunch for sharing..


eric's going to release an album too? well that's great..

would like to hear him sing some ballad songs..

now where would Andy be?

since he quitted two shows, no news from him yet..

missing him sooooooooo badly..

whoa... look at andy's hair..

both wearing glasses.. :lol: *dorks* hheheh..

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I think Minwoo's single is coming out next week. I think he said he's working hard on his album so he must be still working on his full album.

WOW! WHERE did you get the first picture of Eric with sword? LOL! I have never seen that picture picture. Is it from a clip? If so, which clip?

Dongwan's drama is getting to be so good now. Just finished Ep. 10 (I was too stressed to watch the full episodes until now.....had to skip because I didn't like Dongwan being "bad") but starting Ep. 11 it is going to be so good. Of course DW is sooooooo handsome in the drama BUT I feel like beating him up! but then after I beat him up, I'll take of him. :P

ANDY better come up with solo album too or he's going to have alot of upset fans. It was one thing when only 2-3 came out with solo but when 5 out of 6 comes out with solo, he needs to do it too!

thanks for the info on minwoo single! can't wait ^___^

oh yeah and i got those pictures from eric's section of the shinhwa goodent gallery site

ahh ginnie

most of of those pictures i have never seen before. thanks, they're wonderful!

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if you're thinking whether or not to download xman this week, or simply to watch it.. you must!!! andy's sooo cuteee.. especially the star battle part!! seriously, andy's climbing rapidly on my list..

i need to rewatch the star battle part =X

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Guest sungiebaby637

r u guys postin the old pictures of shinhwa?

back then they look so cute but then rite now they're so HOTTIE!!!!!

so some of the pic of them its cute *sigh* i jus miss the old looks of them ^^

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only a 6th grader!!! goodness you are young!!! gosh now i feel all old. imma 17 years old. so you must be like 12??11??

wow only a 6th grader and you have soo much shinhwa in you (: glad to see that!!

wow buy 100 copies??! thats crazy amout, but i believe you can do it.

ahah will your parents let you??

i'm soo happy to see a little girl be a shinhwa fan, cause a lot of middle school kids i know like super junior and dbsg. but i'm really glad to see a shinhwa fan (:

one million copies!!!! ohh i hope they do!!!

yah i think your right with the right promotion and everyhting this 9th album will sell llike crazyyy

i want to hlep eric's dream come true too

maybe i'll buy more htan one album this time (:


dongwan and his dimples (: so he does have them!

i have a big thing with guys with dimples!!! ahah thye are soo cute looking.

ohhh eric's sexy deep voice.

i love deep voices especially eric's deep voice (:

minwoo did??

ohh what is the song called?? i don't think i've ever heard of it before.

goodness i want them to be in gmaeshows real bad!!!!

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