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Guest lenakeem

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22/2 Eric Basso Catalogue










Credits:Ocean 6, RicSyung爱, BestShinhwa and Shinhwaism

There are more Eric Basso pictures at Shinhwaism. There are a total of 34 pics. You will drool upon seeing all of them. Trust me B) By the way updated Valentine Concert are at Shinhwaism too. Enjoy Guys

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

I believe Dongwannie is smart. He won the Golden Bell. :D

I think he just wasn't putting in any effort. He was busy playing around with Minwoo. B)

OH. he is?

haha, cause i remember this clip.. brain challenge... never mind. it's not important.

dongwannie is my perfect man.

even though i'm cheating on him right now because minu's mv is just oh so adorable!






woodongissex :ph34r:

enne, thanks for the hot eric piccies.

XH! thanks for the minu caps!


you're not the only one who is unfaithful my dear XH...

i'm in love with wan but look at my bset... it's of MINU!~

ied;miwdjxwd,we!!~~~ >O<



AND OF COURSE IT'S HEREEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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enne thanks for showing us those pictures ^^

...gosh eric's so hottt and for some reason whenever i look at those pictures it reminds me of super rookie O.o maybe cuz he's wearing those kinds of clothes? and ahhh i keep looking at his lips and and his lips seems so soft and i wanna touch them :ph34r:

omg i own a page and i have nothing to share :( i hate it when i dont have anything to share. i did have some pictures i made from p.s. but my computer kinda went down and they got deleted but i might make some today..

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Thank you for answering my question about the Winter Story subtitles. That's kind of too bad that it doesn't have subtitles at all. The silent fan thanks your answer too...hehe.. I wonder how many silent Shinhwa fans that choose to lurk but not post? =)

Been wanting to ask this ---> What is gabbly?

PEOPLES....go to shinhwachangjo.net for the MELON INTERVIEW translation. That's a good translation.

RS-ers..you can read that for some RS-ness.heheeh...ALSO, major GOOD NEWS!!!

ERIC IS COMING OUT WITH A SOLO ALBUM...either before or after Shinhwa's ninth album which is scheduled for Fall 2007.

I think his album has been in preparation for a long time. He has talked about his album preparation in interviews before; saying that he hopes it to be hip hop style. =) I am sooooooooooooooooooooo looking forward to his album.

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^ OMG are u serious?! is that true? if it is im soooo happy i was just tired but looking at that made my eyes pop open O.O

I am DEAD serious. :)

I knew about this from the chinese translation a day ago but there wasn't any english translations. SO, go read this interview. It said that we cannot transfer the translation so I can't post it here.

Eric actually SAID it himself during the Melon interview.

You can watch it at THE ERIC http://ericmun.net/

Go to "BOARD" and then click on this post: 멜론 인터뷰 中 솔로앨범 계획

This clip is also available for downloads at many shinhwa fansites.

FYI: The Eric's background music is currently Eric's parting "speech" at the 8th fanmeeting. From my memory, he talked about quite bit of things. He said something about him being happy with this birthday celebration. The year before he spent it as the hospital, having surgery. He was talking about him turning 30 next year, time passes by really quickly, Shinhwa will come out with 10, 20 albums in the future...If you hear closely, a fan close to the recorder actually said "Kyooo" = "cute" when Eric was talking....(Think that's the gist of what he said)

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Guest sunnydays.

PUAHAHAHHAHHA!~ you thought you were gonna marry a millionaire BUT lookie!~ it turned out you were gonna marry a BILLIONAIRE!~ well, if you get past PArk Shi yeon and the million of women who also want to marry eric!!~~

LOLS. you three are gonna have so mucn fun spending eric's money.... AISH. share some dollars with me? go make him buy you shinhwa stuff. but then again, why would you want shinhwa stuff when you already have shinhwa's leader???? so yeah, maybe you can go ask him to... stripforyou. :ph34r:

DID I HEAR SOMEONE SAY "shoot the dongwan drama competitors"?????



i don't want my baby wan to be depressed too. that's why i;m coming there to molestsave him from the feeling and make him happy youknowwhatkindhahaimbecomingsuchapervertgosh :ph34r:

I KNOW. -______- i was like "mom, that guy's really handsome" and she was like "you have no taste" AISH. if i were a shinhwa fan back then, i'd totally defend ERIC!~ BUT plus points to her for saying that my baby wan is THE MOST handsome one in shinhwaaa!!!! WOOATGE!~ LOLS. i was SO TOTALLY FAINTING AND DYING ON THE SPOT. GAWSH IT'S SHINHWA ON TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


dongwan likes bootylicious girls. he also likes tall girls. >O< need to drink some growing poition!~ and excercise!!!!! *lifts weights*


LOL. I can totally get past Park Si Yeon... U__U;; *COUGH* Actually, I really like her & Eric together, I don't know why. They just seem to fit together, & i'm so glad that he's happy. *siigh* Sacrificing my own happiness for his, I should get points for that. U__U LOLOL. Ofcourse, once we get Eric's money, we're gonna BUY Shinhwa & keep them to us, the We Loves Shinhwa family & the Orange Crush family. OHOHOHOHO. >:] & we won't have to buy CDs, because whenever we want them to sing a song, we'll just ask them to sing it live. LOL. stripforussoundslikeagoodidea. HAHAHA Krizza, you're p-e-r-v-e-r-t-e-d. (; LOL.

OMG what kind of ammunition is that... Orange balloons that go in your head & kill you? XDD; HAHAHA~~ you're so cute. (: I think Krizza handling a gun would be very dangerous... *moves away* Haha. I wish we could send Dongwan something, you know? Something that will hopefully cheer him up. (: But counting in the fact that there are millions of fans who send them things everyday, & like, shipping & stuff, & plus I bet the managers check the packages themselves to make sure no one is trying to bomb Shinhwa (OMG that's so terrible >_______<;; ) or pulling a "Trojan Horse" -- people coming out of the package when Shinhwa opens it & the people go & attack Shinhwa with their fangirlyness... (or maybe fanboyness? LOL)... HAHA WE SHOULD DO THATTTTT. >:] *sigh* Anyway. Yes, gomolestdongwanitwillsurelymakehimfeelbetter. HAHAHAHA

Dongwan = HANDSOMEE. (: I totally fell in love with his smile the first time I saw him ~~ *sigh* :D :D

i love reading your posts like amy's.

anyways, i totally find it wonderful how shinhwa will be forever. that money is not a factor to ruin this tight friendship that they share. you're absolutely right. if they focus on their individual careers, they'd earn MUCH more than they will earn as shinhwa members. but the fact that it doesn't matter if they loose money, the fact that they cannot do some projects that they are interested in doing because of shinhwa's activities, the fact that they plan to be forever like this, the fact that they are shinhwa, makes me feel wonderful.

i hope the rep[orters wil leave him alone. aish. jinnie needs to be strong! hwaiting!

minu getting married. NO! not yet. 34. 34 years. he's going to get married when he's already 34 years old. so that means, i still have... 5 years to look for him and make him fall in love with me. WA. i need to graduate fast and go to korea already!!!! why must life be so unfair? T_____________T

but really, i was talking to one of my classmates a while ago and she asked me how old eric is already and that's when i realised that he's already... 29 years old. that means, 4 of them will be 29 this year. eric, minu, wan and sungie. jinnie will be 28 and well, andy, will be 28 too but since sm said his bday is jan and not dec, he'll be 27 still. >O<

it was after i said that eric was already 29 that i stopped dead cold on my tracks. my throat started to hurt and the Ice Monster that i was eating started to feel so HOT in my mouth. damn. it was supposed to be COLD.

i don't know. like you, I DON'T WANT THEM TO GROW UP. I DON'T WANT TO GROW UP EITHER. i want to freeze this momet, this momet when their friendship is branded as "forever", when everything is at it's highest. it's peak. their solo careers are doing fine. shinhwa is doing fine. we're doing fine. i want to make this year last. or maybe last year., or maybe 2004!!!! or 2005!!!

is it selfish of me to not want time to go on?


what's with me being sentimental? i always get like this when it comes to shinhwa...

BUT THEN i remember what they have promised, that they'll always be, forever, SHINHWA. and when i think of that i just smile. because i have a little reassurance that 100 years into the future, SHINHWA is still forever.

my baby wan is witty. not smart, i guess. >O< i think sungie's the smart one, if i'm correct.

LOL... SHHH don't talk about AGE! O_______O;; Actually, when you don't think about how old the Shinhwa guys really are & just focus on who they are... they seriously don't seem like almostthirtyyearsold. u__u;; Because they still fool around & still play with each other like little kids & do the funniest & dorkiest things in the world. :D But that's what's best about Shinhwa, you're right -- that they're forever, & their friendship does not change no matter what. It's truly inspirational, & really sucks you in... like, "wow, this group is FORREAL." Their bond is so admirable, & you juss gotta love them for their closeness. (: <3

& Dongwan IS smart... I can definately picture him as the smart, logical one, when it is necessary. LOL he IS witty too... always cracking weird, dorky jokes. XD;; Yeah, he won Star Golden Bell & like, some challenge... Infinite Challenge? I dunno. Star Golden Bell, he DID win though. :D <3 Smarttyy~~ That's our Dongwan! :P

Thank you for answering my question about the Winter Story subtitles. That's kind of too bad that it doesn't have subtitles at all. The silent fan thanks your answer too...hehe.. I wonder how many silent Shinhwa fans that choose to lurk but not post? =)

Been wanting to ask this ---> What is gabbly?

PEOPLES....go to shinhwachangjo.net for the MELON INTERVIEW translation. That's a good translation.

RS-ers..you can read that for some RS-ness.heheeh...ALSO, major GOOD NEWS!!!

ERIC IS COMING OUT WITH A SOLO ALBUM...either before or after Shinhwa's ninth album which is scheduled for Fall 2007.

I think his album has been in preparation for a long time. He has talked about his album preparation in interviews before; saying that he hopes it to be hip hop style. =) I am sooooooooooooooooooooo looking forward to his album.



THAT'S THE BEST NEWWWSSS EVERRR. :D I love you. <3 You bring joy to my life. LOL~!

Gosh, that's so awesome. (: I can't wait!! Haha, yeah, hip hop style definately. :P It would be interesting to hear him do other things... & hopefully he'll be able to pull that off! ^___^;; But yeah, he definately has that hip hop style we're all seeming to anticipate. (:

Btwww, Gabbly is the chat thing at Orange Crush forums... if you haven't registered at Orange Crush, you should... (: It's where some of the people who post in here go, it's our Shinhwa forum. It's really fun. :D It'd be great to talk to you, you seem like such a nice person, & so full of Shinhwa-love (ESPECIALLY ERIC! YAYYY! Haha~~). ^_____^

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Guest kassuma

070218 Korean Enter24 - Valentine Super Concert Shinhwa


070110 mnet mStory - Shinhwa in 2006 [yousun]


070219 ETN - Shinhwa MIS_0210 Fanmeeting[syoungin]


070220 KBS Star Magazine - Shinhwa MIS Fanmeeting[syoungin]


070220 mnet wide - Shinhwa MIS Fanmeeting[syoungin]


070218 mnet japan Shinhwa - Hyesungs story [3asian]




070221 Shinhwa MelOn Interview Part 1[syoungin]


070221 Shinhwa MelOn Interview Part 2[syoungin]


credits: da capo + yousun + syoungin + kanji@3asian

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i randomly popped in and..





hmmmmmmm. random thought. in super rookie, when eric spoke english when he wus like "YOUR EYES..."


cuz shes like "do u want to go for a beer?"

and all he says is "YOUR EYES..."


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Guest hikki2me

ERIC IS COMING OUT WITH A SOLO ALBUM...either before or after Shinhwa's ninth album which is scheduled for Fall 2007.

r u serious!!! i cant shut my mouth right now..i'm so happy for them... did eric, dongwan n minwoo will go to army? is it true that they have to go to army?

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Guest tvxqsaraeng

hey all. long time no post^^~ keke. BUT Eric is coming out with a solo album???? I heard Dongwan is too.......????What's with all our army boys and solo albums??? GAH! Exciting!! And Andy is hiding something.....I can smelll it^^~

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Guest s3xyminwoo

is andy coming out with one too? ^^

if andy does, than that means that all the members will have their one single/album (:

haha, that would be really cool

but of course, the best albums are the ones they make all together :b

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Guest angel2nyt

ERIC IS COMING OUT WITH A SOLO ALBUM...either before or after Shinhwa's ninth album which is scheduled for Fall 2007.

I think his album has been in preparation for a long time. He has talked about his album preparation in interviews before; saying that he hopes it to be hip hop style. =) I am sooooooooooooooooooooo looking forward to his album.

this is soooooo cool

thanks for sharing this..

is this really true

posted from the 'the person i love' thread:

DONGWAN's new diary entry in Shinhwa official site.

글쓴이: 오빠얌! (2007-02-23 00:55:14 Hit 1362)

제목: [동완] 달리기를 하는 중에..

골라인이 좀 더 가까워졌을 뿐이야..

좀 더 긴장하고, 스파트만 조금 빨리 시작하면 돼.

내가 오랫동안 나쁜남자이길 바라는 건가...? ^^


Author: It's oppa! (2007-02-23 00:55:14 Hit 1362)

Title: [Dongwan] While I was running the race..

It's just that the finishing line came a little closer..

I'll be more alert, and will start to rush to the finishing line a little earlier.

You want me to stay as a bad man for a longer time...?^^


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i wish andy would come out with a solo album too. hes the only one left now. :(

Yeah. I really wonder what he is up to... Everybody has news except Andy. What is up with that? Can some Korean fans call GOOD up?

Did you see that he said his activities are going on variety shows. Is he aiming for an entertainer career, I wonder? I thought he was still considering some drama scripts or continue on hosting programs? If you see one of the fanmeeting news, the one by ETN, you will see that at one point Eric asked Dongwan "Seemed that there will be a duet" after Dongwan introduced what he would be doing in the future including his solo album. There was laughter after Eric said that..Think I heard Andy laughing the loudest. Dongwan's reply to Eric's statement "About the duet deal, I have been rejected by Andy. Wait till the album is released, that is when I'll seek revenge" More laughter ensues. Dongwan continued to say "Members will solve this problem....Everybody, I apologize" Laughter again.

Curious what they were referring to there....

i randomly popped in and..





hmmmmmmm. random thought. in super rookie, when eric spoke english when he wus like "YOUR EYES..."


cuz shes like "do u want to go for a beer?"

and all he says is "YOUR EYES..."


HAHAHA..I Remember that part "YOUR EYES"..I can even remember his voice when he said that. LOL...

Eric's album going to be hip-hop/rap. =) Think if you know some of the rapper guests at their shinhwa concerts. I foresee that Eric's style will be similar.

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wow, 888th page! :w00t: lucky number. heehee... :P

trying to catch up on some clips. ^_^

available in my CB



Shinhwa - Melon Interview Version 1.avi [43.7MB] [ocean's six]

Shinhwa - Melon Interview Version 2.avi [57.1MB] [ocean's six]

Shinhwa - MIS_0210 Fanmeeting Site on M.Net No Cut Story (2007-02-21).wmv [31.1MB] [ocean's six]

Shinhwa - MIS_0210 Fanmeeting Site on Channel [V] Live News Special (2007-02-20).wmv [351.7MB] [ocean's six]

Shinhwa - MIS_0210 Fanmeeting Site on M.Net Wide News (2007-02-20).avi [111.8MB] [syoungin]

Shinhwa - MIS_0210 Fanmeeting Site on KBS Star Magazine (2007-02-20).avi [169.9MB] [syoungin]

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QSS to film in Singapore?


Credits :: ShinHwaChangJo.Net + slq (scan) + Life!



THAT'S THE BEST NEWWWSSS EVERRR. :D I love you. <3 You bring joy to my life. LOL~!

Gosh, that's so awesome. (: I can't wait!! Haha, yeah, hip hop style definately. :P It would be interesting to hear him do other things... & hopefully he'll be able to pull that off! ^___^;; But yeah, he definately has that hip hop style we're all seeming to anticipate. (:

Btwww, Gabbly is the chat thing at Orange Crush forums... if you haven't registered at Orange Crush, you should... (: It's where some of the people who post in here go, it's our Shinhwa forum. It's really fun. :D It'd be great to talk to you, you seem like such a nice person, & so full of Shinhwa-love (ESPECIALLY ERIC! YAYYY! Haha~~). ^_____^

I love you too. :lol: I am registered at Orange Crush...now I know what is Gabbly. It is the chat messenger at the bottom of the page..hehe..

Hip hop style it must be. Eric's music style has always been consistent. So I don't think he will come out with a ballad..hahaha..

Have you heard Epik High? I love their style. Rap in style. =)

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Guest angel2nyt




·Osaka 공연-March 28, 2007 (Wednesday)  http://www.gco.co.jp/

      Grand Cube Osaka

      개장18:15 개막19:00(공연 시간은 약 2시간)

·Tokyo 공연-March 31, 2007 (Saturday) http://www.zepp.co.jp/

      ZEPP Tokyo

      개장18:00 개막19:00(공연 시간은 약 2시간)

Ticket (Date of Issue): FanClub Reservations Feb 23

General Sale : March 7


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