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Guest lenakeem

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

Luv ur mom ^^

My parents now all know that Wannie is my man :blush: My mom say he's handsome, sweetie ^^ while my dad say he's manly, goodlooking. I LUV U, MOM & DAD ^^

I'll surely watch this movie. It's all because of u ^^ Wannie

He's so cute ^^ he seem to be a good father ^^ how lucky will be his wife ^^


my mom is cool like that. >O<


such good taste!~

dreamg girls should pay wannie for advertising.

i mean, many shinhwa fans will probably watch it now because he said it's a must watch.

BUT it realy is a must watch in the first place so yeah. >O<



me? i'm lucky? haha, i kid. yes, whoever will get to marry him is so lucky.

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Guest paigehk

dreamg girls should pay wannie for advertising.

i mean, many shinhwa fans will probably watch it now because he said it's a must watch.

BUT it realy is a must watch in the first place so yeah. >O<

hahaha...That's true, because I'm one of them now. I gonna look for the movie and watch, just because of DongWan

I laughed how he said he watched it for Beyonce...very cool DongWan, very cool!!

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despite of what the minwoo lovers might do to me, i have to say minwoo seems to fit right in with his little "family"..

angelix - yes!!! we beat the red devils hands down!!! and geez, isn't eric rich.. *nutzie's eyes turning green* andy, i so totally agree with you =P

krizza - my mom totally made fun of my eric fangirlingness.. she thought that eric's 18 -_____-" does it mean i'm supposed to fangirl over old people? O_o" weird mom.. my dad doesn't even care, cos he doesn't even know who shinhwa is.. my brother's starting to get educated about them =P he managed to identify minwoo, junjin and eric from the emergency 19 movie, and he knows hyesung's crab dance.. he was amused when i showed him andy and junjin's xman star battle.. but he still doesn't understand my point of fangirlingness, because he wants to be the "cool guy".. bullcrap..

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Hi hi ...

I received a PM from a fan here in soompi asking if Winter Story is with English subtitles? I don't know the answer myself so I'll ask in this thread...anybody knows?

Thank you in advance.



I would share pictures but my photobucket accounts are dead or near death due to bandwidth issues.

=) But I'll be back with pictures a little later for sure.

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Guest samshiku





*eats him*


i just watched the MV. aish.

most of the time, you see the girl running around looking LOST.

and then there are those short minu scenes that are just oh so worth it.

he looked realy sweet in the MV.

minu mode!~

i don't really get the MV much either.

but my guess is that, there is this girl who is with this guy, and they were so happy together, but then the guy left her, or he died and so the girl goes back to all the places that they have been to and think back on those wonderful memories. and then at the end, we see this happy family (same girl and same man from the first girl's life) and their daughter finds "the ring" that the girl who is trapped inside this dark place has dropped. we were shown of the happy family that the first girl COULD have had.


this is like that ANGEL video where the girl has this other "self" and her "other self" is this sad self and this sad self goes to all the places that "she" has been with this totally HOT and INCREDIBLE man and he sees how happy "herself" is. and so in the end, the "sad self" is trapped inside this dark house with a snake, effing creepy, while the "self" is outside enjoying the world with said HOT and INCREDIBLE man. the ring? well, the ring is from the "sad self" but i have no idea why when the happy outside saw it, they were indifferent to it so yeah, i don't know if this theory is right.


all these theories are WRONG.

so ignore me.



minu looks SO DARN HOT in the MV. i was so HAPPY I MADE A GIF of that adorable SMILE!!!!! *points to avatar* see???? and i also made myself another new banner, *points to banner* see????


ahhhhh this is killing me..minu is like sooooo marriageable-looking now-a-days

and ive posted the larger version of the woodong cap u were asking for..btw it wasn me who posted it but eileen haha :P

but lol i dun get the mv too but i was sooo busy looking out for minu tt i didn really care abt that^^

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Guest x_sadendings

Geez I really gotta keep up (:

Linh~!! What are you talking about?! That birthday graphic is super duper awesome! I can't make THAT good even tho I have the whole night to complete it. I miss you Linh. I really do.. :blush: Besides.. I miss all my gabbly peepz whom I used to talk to ><" I hope I'll get to talk with you guys soon, hopefully! =D


whoops.. HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!! to my dearest SHINHWA FAMILY~ ^^

MJ~ aww thank you X) you even said it was super duper awsome!<3

Come on you can make better than me in 5 minutes :|

I miss ya too MJ! (; lols gabbly bought us together :D

If not, I didn't even know we had to much in common!

I think we should make a date to either chat on Gabbly; Skpe; or something.

& Happy New Year of the Golden Pig! [rotfl]

17/2 [diary] Dongwan: After the performance ended..


Its oppa! (2007-02-17 02:13:35 Hit: 15)

Title: After the performance ended..

Because i feel so empty that im going crazy..

Although the claps and cheering was wonderful

I was very happy when singing..

But merely standing on the stage,

I cant concentrate on my tasks...

p.s: While soaking in the bath tub, i was singing, but got complaints by neighbours.. TT

credits// GOOD EMG + yujin@bestshinhwa + prizzyy@ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum

Taken from this thread ---> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=750.0

asdsadljksd Wannie I hope you'll feel better ><

Empty is such a... depressing word );

& gosh how dare they! complaining about wannies singing?

x.x he singing is to die for... heck i'll pay his neighbor for their spot & listen to wan sing anytime (;

andmaybesneakinacamera i am not stalker-ish at all 8D

I HOPE TO SEE YOU ON GABBLY TOO! o___o what time. LOL. Your graphic looks very nice. (: At first I thought it was an official photo, but then I was like, "WHOAA LINH MADE IT!" Shuddup, it doesn't look ugly. (: It's very pretty. <3 AND PLUS ERIC IS IN IT HAR HAR HAR >:] <3


Your graphics look better jesus woman I've seen them... YOU SHOULD MAKE TUTORIALS FOR ME ;)

gosh. an offical photo? Riz you make my head happy 8D

no it isn't.. it's plain O.O

pish eric in anything = PWN/WIN/SEXY/CUTE/HOT

oh my gosh i see the word empty.


never ever use it....

never ever use it wan.

empty is sucha scary word.


i want to swim/canoe with linh to korea right now and pour a gallon of LOVE into wannie's heart....

while linh goes off to kidnap eric with our rice sacks. :ph34r:

hehe. i love how i'm randomly mentioned in this thread at times (:

it makes me feel bubbly & cozy & happy

*ahem* Riz & Nat will be hidden in a napsack while you can go molestsave wannie-from depression ofcourse :ph34r: -

krizzas rice sacks are kewl x)

[Pics] 02/19 Shinhwa At Valentine Super Live Concert (02/14) 2007 (Lots)

Credits : Kanpooh + Brokore + angelix @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net.forum

[Pics] Eric In BASSO 2007 S/S Catalogue

Credits : Oceans six + angelix @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum

Taken from this thread --> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=774.0

I just wanted to say.



The boys looks great in every photo (:

time to bust out teh photoshop and icon away~

& Eric<3! he looks smexy! :D

2/20 [diary] (Dongwan) Dreamgirls

Author: Dongwan

2007-02-20 14:31:27

The best music movie...

No actor should miss this movie...

Although I watched it just because of Beyonce... ^^;

Jennifer Hudson's performance really is... Bravo!!

Credits: Good EMG (source), yujin@bestshinhwa (cn translation), cognizantfire@angelicalharmony (eng translation), angelicalharmony, cognizantfire@shinhwachangjo, shinhwachangjo


Dongwan you rock. Srsly.

& I love how he's honest saying he went to watch it because of Beyonce XD

& the last line haha its like "... Bravo!"

Dreamgirls... I need to watch it now..

20/2 Shinhwa crowned King of the Kings for February Netizen's Popularity Award




gosh someone make me a banner saying Shinhwa "King of the Kings"

20/2 [news] How much are artistes really worth? (Eric)


21/2 [news]Jun Jin to Go to Taiwan for Promotion


WOW. The most paid.

Eric-shii is loaded :o

one billion won for every drama? o.o

Riz, Nat we must kidnap him before the randsom people do! :ph34r:

& Junjin going to Taiwan? geez he's been working himself alot >.>

I hope i get to see the drama that has his song as the theme (:

good luck Jinnie!

Minwoo at MV filmsite



Credits to http://cafe.daum.net/chosebin & ShinhwaChangjo.net

i wanna blur tt woman's face T.T

haha but he looks ssoooo fatherly!!!

lol blurr the womans face XD

but really looking at those pics is kinda looking into the future o__o

i bet minwoo makes a wonderful father & husband.

lucky woman whoever marries him (:

& i can really see minwoo having a daughter; a son too but iuno he looks great with a daughter :D

*is not making sense*

ok, thank you for the pictures, news & everything in between guys! you are the people who keep me updated :)

anyways i gotsa catch up and watch Minus & Jins MV x_x

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Guest samshiku

i found this off bestshinhwa..

they say a korean fan managed to get hold of the notepad the shinhwa boys were scribbling on during the recent Fanmeeting and seeing how the cover says 'dongwan', this ought to be dongwan's....can someone translate??
















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bwahahahha.. linh, if we're as big as the cartoon people that riz drew in oc, maybe both of us can fit into the knapsack.. otherwise, you're gonna have to carry a rather humongous knapsack.. that's so shady, if we're gonna kidnap eric.. hahahha..

you know what, the 3 of us should write a fanfic involving the kidnap or eric.. krizza can make a cameo appearance =P

xh - looks like dongwan's got most of the things wrong.. bwahahahahhahaha..

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Guest sunnydays.

20/2 [news] How much are artistes really worth? (Eric)


Wow... so today, I was joking around with my friends about how I'm going to marry a millionaire so I don't have to continue going to school & get a job... I can just mooch of my husband & spend his money. BUT NOW IMMA MARRY A BILLIONAIRE! HAHAHAHAHA >:] Me, Linh, & Natz are gonna have fun spending his money. LOLOL. Oh, Eric, he's so perfect... he definately has everything. *sigh* & wowww... Eric getting paid so much. >w<; <3

20/2 [news] SBS "Person I Love" 20 Episodes end earlier

Aww... it breaks my heart. =\ I really want Dongwan to do well with his drama... I heard it was good too! GOSH, those other dramas... --;; I think we should just shoot everyone in the foot. Except for Dongwan & his drama, ofcourse. LOLOL. jk. no violence. :ph34r: But man.. =( I hope he's okay... I don't want Dongwan to be all depressed. x__x; I WISH I COULD COMFORT HIM & MAKE HIM SMILE HIS HUGE ADORABLE SEXXY DORKY SMILE.


well, me and my mom really aren't that close. haha. we're just, hm.. in good terms? fine, we are. sometimes. lols.

but when it comes to everything KOREAN, my mom is there. haha!~ she started it when he fell in love with Jang Dong gun and started buying Korean dramas! LOLS. my mom especially HATE eric. haha. i don't know why. she said something like "i don't know why this guy's so popular, just because he's in shinhwa. he's not even handsome" OH MAN. i wasn't a shinhwa fan then AND I TOTALLY DISAGREED!~ i was like, "he's quite good looking."


i'd be totally, "MA, ERIC IS SUCHA SEXY MOFO!~ HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT???????????" then throw a tantrum. haha. i'm such a kid.

and you know it rizziesh, we love every one of them because they have soemthing in them that makes them lovable. >O<


we have KBS all the time.


we always watch it. haha, subs or no subs., HECK. we even watch the KBS NEU-SEU.. HAHAHA!~ kbs news. lols. and my MOM always waits for VITAMINS to show, and she even watched it when junjin guested and she was like "he can dance." and i said "THAT'S JUNJIN!!!! HE's a MEMBER FO SHINHWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" and my mom was like " :blink: " haha, cause i was spazzing.

then there was KBS yunyega... AW GRWARSH, they showed minu!~ and i wa slike SPAZZ SPAZZ. minu's SO EFFING HOT PSAZZ SPAZZ SPAZZ.


and they showed that one part when they were in shanghai!!! LOLS.!!!~~~~

*dances the samba for rizzsiesh*

HAHAHA omgggg. -___-; How can she think Eric is not good looking. The first time I laid eyes on Eric (this was before I knew the existence of Shinhwa), I was like, "OMGGGG WHO IS THAT HOTT GUYYY I MUST KNOW WHO HE ISSS!!" I knew about Eric from his song with Hyori, Anymotion. GOSHHHH... Hahaha, my mom likes to stick with the Filipino stuff. -__-;; I mean, I do too, but, I also like other cultures. :D LOL. Throw a tantrum, huh? (I think my phone is ringing... but it's downstairs... I'm too lazy to get it. =__=;; oh well. LOL sorry random XD; ) hahaha "SEXXY MOFOOOO" Oh baby, yes. (; Haha, KBS!! That's cool. Yeah, we don't get subs either. I just like staring at the handsome faces of our Shinhwa boys anyway. Drooling... tee hee. PUAHAHA. LMAO. Spazzzz... XDD; I can totally imagine you spazzing when you see Minbong & Dongwan & the other Shinhwa guys. U__U JunJin is a freaky sexxy mofo too, yo... all of them are. >:]

yess the samba dance!! <3 Thanks Krizzaasieshshehshs (; <3


Your graphics look better jesus woman I've seen them... YOU SHOULD MAKE TUTORIALS FOR ME ;)

gosh. an offical photo? Riz you make my head happy 8D

no it isn't.. it's plain O.O

pish eric in anything = PWN/WIN/SEXY/CUTE/HOT

hehe. i love how i'm randomly mentioned in this thread at times (:

it makes me feel bubbly & cozy & happy

*ahem* Riz & Nat will be hidden in a napsack while you can go molestsave wannie-from depression ofcourse :ph34r: -

krizzas rice sacks are kewl x)


Dongwan you rock. Srsly.

& I love how he's honest saying he went to watch it because of Beyonce XD

& the last line haha its like "... Bravo!"

Dreamgirls... I need to watch it now..



gosh someone make me a banner saying Shinhwa "King of the Kings"

WOW. The most paid.

Eric-shii is loaded :o

one billion won for every drama? o.o

Riz, Nat we must kidnap him before the randsom people do! :ph34r:

OMG YEAHH. >:] Heck yeah we're gonna make him pay for all the things we want in the world. & then keep him to ourselves. OHOHOHOHO. :D Hahaha~~ Gosh, I hope we can Gabbly on the right time on Saturdays & Fridays... LOL... what time zone are you in? I'm in EST. LOL. What are you saying... your graphics are better than mine. =__= (see the Orange Crush forum for more information LOLOL). Oh yeah, from now on, I'm gonna randomly say people's name in my posts in here... & when you see your name, it's gonna be like in a really random place. HAHAHAHA. >:] Am I the only one in here who's seen "Dreamgirls"? ^^;; I totally loved that movie. LOLOL DONGWANNNN LOVES BOOOTYLICIOUS GIRLSSS!! PUAHAHAHAHA *COUGHHH* okayy. Haha. (: I heard a lot of Korean artists like Beyonce though. u__u;; darn, I wish I was as good at singing/as pretty/as bootylicious as Beyonce. LMAO. Shinhwa is the king of the king of the king of the kings. u__U;;

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Guest lokeyee

[LQ] 070221 Minwoo ring MV



File Name: 070221 Minwoo ring MV

File Size: 27.8MB

Credit: Ocean's Six + mySHINHWA


[MQ] 031023 KM Non4 F4 Making Interview - Hyesung & Andy



File Name: 031023 KM Non4 F4 Making Interview - cn subbed

File Size: 43MB

Credit: andylee.cn + mySHINHWA


[MQ] 070205 Mnet School of rock - JunJin





File Name: 070205 Mnet School of rock - JunJin - CN SUB

File Size: 378.3MB

Credit: DoubleJ + mySHINHWA


[LQ] 070221 MelOn Interview Part 1 & 2 - Shinhwa




File Name: 070221 MelOn Interview Part 1 & 2

File Size: 46.7MB

Credit: Syoungin + mySHINHWA


070220 Mnet wide News - MIS:0210 Fanmeeting


File Name: 070220 Mnet wide News - MIS:0210 Fanmeeting

File Size: 111.8MB

File Name: 070220.mnet wide.Fanmeeting.wmv

File Size: 66.3MB

File Name: 070220.ETN.news - Fanmeeting.wmv

File Size: 17.7MB

Credit: Syoungin+ mySHINHWA


070220 KBS star magazine-8th fanmeeting






File Name: 070220 kbs star magazine-8th fanmeet

File Size: 169.9MB

Credit: syoungin + mySHINHWA


[MQ] 070214 SBS Today Hyesung Cut


File Name: 070214 SBS Today Hyesung Cut - CN Sub

File Size: 30.1MB

Credit: Shinhwa China + mySHINHWA


[MQ] Minwoo Top 5 kisses



File Name: 070214 Channel V Live News - Minwoo Top 5 Best Kisses

File Size: 6.5MB

Credit : Ocean's Six + mySHINHWA

==> All Available @ http://clubbox.co.kr/mySHINHWA


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ahhh havent been in here a long time. so what has happened? o.o how are out shinhwa boys ^^ lol xD

minwoo *gasp* do i see minwoo kissing a girl? and omg he looks so fatherly in those pictures from a few pages back. lol dont even know if fatherly is a word lol XD

dongwan aww poor wannie :( not recieving a lot of ratings. hope the ratings will go up wannie aja aja hwaiting!

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Guest s3xyminwoo

20/2 Shinhwa crowned King of the Kings for February Netizen's Popularity Award

Ohh yes baby!! LOL

Shinhwa is the king of kings (:

Shinhwa Changjo JJang!!

20/2 [news] How much are artistes really worth? (Eric)

Woah! One billion won?!?!

since one thousand one is equal to little more than a US dollar

that means he gets more than a million for each drama he films?!?!

20/2 [news] SBS "Person I Love" 20 Episodes end earlier

poor dongwannieeee~

he works so hard and this is what he gets?!?!

so unfair! Dongwan oppa hwaiting!



he looks like a father....



Yay! Minwoo mode! LOL

yup, such a kind fatherfigure (:

not to mention, a really really HOT one too ^^

P.S. I love your avatar

Minwoo looks so cute (:

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Guest vignette

Minwoo at MV filmsite



Credits to http://cafe.daum.net/chosebin & ShinhwaChangjo.net

i wanna blur tt woman's face T.T

haha but he looks ssoooo fatherly!!!

I have to agree Minwoo looks every inch like a caring father to that little girl. I'm sure a lot of Minwoo lovers here will start daydreaming about being the mom of the kid ~ lol

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

despite of what the minwoo lovers might do to me, i have to say minwoo seems to fit right in with his little "family"..

krizza - my mom totally made fun of my eric fangirlingness.. she thought that eric's 18 -_____-" does it mean i'm supposed to fangirl over old people? O_o" weird mom.. my dad doesn't even care, cos he doesn't even know who shinhwa is.. my brother's starting to get educated about them =P he managed to identify minwoo, junjin and eric from the emergency 19 movie, and he knows hyesung's crab dance.. he was amused when i showed him andy and junjin's xman star battle.. but he still doesn't understand my point of fangirlingness, because he wants to be the "cool guy".. bullcrap..




krizza's small!!!!

she's got a chance, yo!~


your mom made fun of your fangirling??????? haha. AND WHAT HNI:UWEX<IL? SHE THOUGHT ERIC WAS ONLY 18???? haha. tell her no. she needs to "FANWOMAN" over old people. haha! mommie alice can still be a fangirl though. mommie alice is still a girl to me. >O< a realy cool mother who is a girl. ^_______________^ LOLS. my dad is like, "you're watching those guys again!!!!!" haha. and then my little sister will say "Pa, those guys are shinhwaaaaaa!!!!!" lols. i made my little sisters into such crazy fangirls. i'm such a good older sisiter, righty???? LOLS. i remember your brother saying he likes yeh and those other girls that shinhwa hooked up with in the past... HAHA!~ educate her more. tell him it;s cool to be afanboy. cause he'd be unique. CHYEAH!~ ohgosh bullcrap. i dunno, the word made me laugh. >O<

Hi hi ...

I received a PM from a fan here in soompi asking if Winter Story is with English subtitles? I don't know the answer myself so I'll ask in this thread...anybody knows?

Thank you in advance.



I would share pictures but my photobucket accounts are dead or near death due to bandwidth issues.

=) But I'll be back with pictures a little later for sure.


i know it isn't because.. i just know. lols. but really, it isn't subbed. or it would have been mentioned in the packaging or something., >O<


aish. i hate it when o reach the limit.

effing hotlinkers. >O<


ahhhhh this is killing me..minu is like sooooo marriageable-looking now-a-days

and ive posted the larger version of the woodong cap u were asking for..btw it wasn me who posted it but eileen haha :P

but lol i dun get the mv too but i was sooo busy looking out for minu tt i didn really care abt that^^



as in you mean marriage-able? DEFINITELY!~

back then, during his second jib and promotion of shinhwa's 8th jib, he looks like the perfect bad richard simmons boyfriend. oraperfectloverwhomyoucanhidefromyourhusbandorboyfriend


he looks like the perfect father figure.....


move over wannie....

minu's taken over yourplace.


wannie's sporting the "cheater-image" right now so chyeah. haha.

YOU DID???????


*runs to the thread*

oh, lols,. my bad. it was eileen?


i was so busy "minu-watching" too! but then i just need to know that i watched it wholey. >O<

hehe. i love how i'm randomly mentioned in this thread at times (:

it makes me feel bubbly & cozy & happy

*ahem* Riz & Nat will be hidden in a napsack while you can go molestsave wannie-from depression ofcourse :ph34r: -

krizzas rice sacks are kewl x)

I just wanted to say.



The boys looks great in every photo (:

time to bust out teh photoshop and icon away~

& Eric<3! he looks smexy! :D


Dongwan you rock. Srsly.

& I love how he's honest saying he went to watch it because of Beyonce XD

& the last line haha its like "... Bravo!"

Dreamgirls... I need to watch it now..



gosh someone make me a banner saying Shinhwa "King of the Kings"

WOW. The most paid.

Eric-shii is loaded :o

one billion won for every drama? o.o

Riz, Nat we must kidnap him before the randsom people do! :ph34r:

lol blurr the womans face XD

but really looking at those pics is kinda looking into the future o__o

i bet minwoo makes a wonderful father & husband.

lucky woman whoever marries him (:

& i can really see minwoo having a daughter; a son too but iuno he looks great with a daughter :D

*is not making sense*

ok, thank you for the pictures, news & everything in between guys! you are the people who keep me updated :)

anyways i gotsa catch up and watch Minus & Jins MV x_x

OH YES. i'll stuff riz and nat in two of my extra rice sacks. don't worry. there's plenty of rice sacks for everyone!!!!!

*throws rice sacks in the air* WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

so while i molestsave my baby wan, you guys go and molestlook for eric. >O< okiesh?

then we meet up and molestsoothe their aches away together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i knew you would save them eric pics. i did! PUAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAH!~ i saw them and was like, heck, i WANT TO PS ALREADY!~


grawrsh. totally need to have one! linh, you know you can make one you talented one!~


you guys really do plan on kidnapping him?

well, if you do kidnap him, you guys'd be extremly RIIIIIIIIIIIICH!~

shower me some dollars, will ya?

i'm providing the rice sacks, anyway. >O<

minu looks extremely good, eh?

lols, you say he looks good with a daughter because a daughter is a GIRL. and we all know that MINU LOOKS GOOD WITH ANY GIRL. even little kids. PUAAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHHA!!!!!!

LINH. krizza must talk to you someday on whereever and then we can spazz and plan more of our trip to korea, and how we wil kidnap them and kill lee soo man. >O<

i found this off bestshinhwa..

they say a korean fan managed to get hold of the notepad the shinhwa boys were scribbling on during the recent Fanmeeting and seeing how the cover says 'dongwan', this ought to be dongwan's....can someone translate??




*holds the screen*

*caress the screen*

ooooh wannieeeeee............................................

bwahahahha.. linh, if we're as big as the cartoon people that riz drew in oc, maybe both of us can fit into the knapsack.. otherwise, you're gonna have to carry a rather humongous knapsack.. that's so shady, if we're gonna kidnap eric.. hahahha..

you know what, the 3 of us should write a fanfic involving the kidnap or eric.. krizza can make a cameo appearance =P

xh - looks like dongwan's got most of the things wrong.. bwahahahahhahaha..


my rice sacks are HUGE. you guys can fit in them!~ i swear!!!!!!!




i can make a cameo app? why only a cameo?

i wanna make a CAMEO APP. it's different from a cameo cause CAMEO is typed out in caps. >O<

i can be the.. girl who stalk dongwannie wherever he's on cam. PUAHAHHAHHAHAHAH!~

like "linh, riz and nat hid behind the big giant orange tree by the tall orange building just as shinhwa were walking through the door. they were about to take out their rice sacks and prepare for their attack to kidbap an unsuspecting eric when all of a sudden, they hear some flashes of a camera beside them.... and they see a big fat ugly girl covered in dongwannie pictures from head to toe. oh my! she's a dongwannie stalker!!!!!!!!"

fine, ignore that. -_________________-


Wow... so today, I was joking around with my friends about how I'm going to marry a millionaire so I don't have to continue going to school & get a job... I can just mooch of my husband & spend his money. BUT NOW IMMA MARRY A BILLIONAIRE! HAHAHAHAHA >:] Me, Linh, & Natz are gonna have fun spending his money. LOLOL. Oh, Eric, he's so perfect... he definately has everything. *sigh* & wowww... Eric getting paid so much. >w<; <3

Aww... it breaks my heart. =\ I really want Dongwan to do well with his drama... I heard it was good too! GOSH, those other dramas... --;; I think we should just shoot everyone in the foot. Except for Dongwan & his drama, ofcourse. LOLOL. jk. no violence. :ph34r: But man.. =( I hope he's okay... I don't want Dongwan to be all depressed. x__x; I WISH I COULD COMFORT HIM & MAKE HIM SMILE HIS HUGE ADORABLE SEXXY DORKY SMILE.

HAHAHA omgggg. -___-; How can she think Eric is not good looking. The first time I laid eyes on Eric (this was before I knew the existence of Shinhwa), I was like, "OMGGGG WHO IS THAT HOTT GUYYY I MUST KNOW WHO HE ISSS!!" I knew about Eric from his song with Hyori, Anymotion. GOSHHHH... Hahaha, my mom likes to stick with the Filipino stuff. -__-;; I mean, I do too, but, I also like other cultures. :D LOL. Throw a tantrum, huh? (I think my phone is ringing... but it's downstairs... I'm too lazy to get it. =__=;; oh well. LOL sorry random XD; ) hahaha "SEXXY MOFOOOO" Oh baby, yes. (; Haha, KBS!! That's cool. Yeah, we don't get subs either. I just like staring at the handsome faces of our Shinhwa boys anyway. Drooling... tee hee. PUAHAHA. LMAO. Spazzzz... XDD; I can totally imagine you spazzing when you see Minbong & Dongwan & the other Shinhwa guys. U__U JunJin is a freaky sexxy mofo too, yo... all of them are. >:]

yess the samba dance!! <3 Thanks Krizzaasieshshehshs (; <3

OMG YEAHH. >:] Heck yeah we're gonna make him pay for all the things we want in the world. & then keep him to ourselves. OHOHOHOHO. :D Hahaha~~ Gosh, I hope we can Gabbly on the right time on Saturdays & Fridays... LOL... what time zone are you in? I'm in EST. LOL. What are you saying... your graphics are better than mine. =__= (see the Orange Crush forum for more information LOLOL). Oh yeah, from now on, I'm gonna randomly say people's name in my posts in here... & when you see your name, it's gonna be like in a really random place. HAHAHAHA. >:] Am I the only one in here who's seen "Dreamgirls"? ^^;; I totally loved that movie. LOLOL DONGWANNNN LOVES BOOOTYLICIOUS GIRLSSS!! PUAHAHAHAHA *COUGHHH* okayy. Haha. (: I heard a lot of Korean artists like Beyonce though. u__u;; darn, I wish I was as good at singing/as pretty/as bootylicious as Beyonce. LMAO. Shinhwa is the king of the king of the king of the kings. u__U;;

PUAHAHAHHAHHA!~ you thought you were gonna marry a millionaire BUT lookie!~ it turned out you were gonna marry a BILLIONAIRE!~ well, if you get past PArk Shi yeon and the million of women who also want to marry eric!!~~

LOLS. you three are gonna have so mucn fun spending eric's money.... AISH. share some dollars with me? go make him buy you shinhwa stuff. but then again, why would you want shinhwa stuff when you already have shinhwa's leader???? so yeah, maybe you can go ask him to... stripforyou. :ph34r:

DID I HEAR SOMEONE SAY "shoot the dongwan drama competitors"?????



i don't want my baby wan to be depressed too. that's why i;m coming there to molestsave him from the feeling and make him happy youknowwhatkindhahaimbecomingsuchapervertgosh :ph34r:

I KNOW. -______- i was like "mom, that guy's really handsome" and she was like "you have no taste" AISH. if i were a shinhwa fan back then, i'd totally defend ERIC!~ BUT plus points to her for saying that my baby wan is THE MOST handsome one in shinhwaaa!!!! WOOATGE!~ LOLS. i was SO TOTALLY FAINTING AND DYING ON THE SPOT. GAWSH IT'S SHINHWA ON TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


dongwan likes bootylicious girls. he also likes tall girls. >O< need to drink some growing poition!~ and excercise!!!!! *lifts weights*


ahhh havent been in here a long time. so what has happened? o.o how are out shinhwa boys ^^ lol xD

minwoo *gasp* do i see minwoo kissing a girl? and omg he looks so fatherly in those pictures from a few pages back. lol dont even know if fatherly is a word lol XD

dongwan aww poor wannie :( not recieving a lot of ratings. hope the ratings will go up wannie aja aja hwaiting!

yes naomi, you saw him kissing a girl.

effing girl <_<

BUT YES. he looks so.... heavenly perfect in those pics.


dongwan's drama is good.

end of story.


Yay! Minwoo mode! LOL

yup, such a kind fatherfigure (:

not to mention, a really really HOT one too ^^

P.S. I love your avatar

Minwoo looks so cute (:

LOLS, thanks. minu LOOKS so CUTIE in that swing part!!! gawsh, i'd sit with him anyday....... :w00t:


I have to agree Minwoo looks every inch like a caring father to that little girl. I'm sure a lot of Minwoo lovers here will start daydreaming about being the mom of the kid ~ lol



can you read minds now???

gawsh, whoeevrminumarriesisgonnagetlotsofdeathwisheshahahopenot

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Guest kriza_09

20/2 [news] How much are artistes really worth? (Eric)

1 billion won!!!! OMG thank God he's not someone who is only after money... imagine if he were that kind of person!!!! that would mean no more shinhwa for us!!!!

"If we are doing this for money, SHINHWA might already have broken up" - Minwoo

that is very true!!!! in shinhwa, each of them only gets 1/6 of what they would get if they release solo albums.. and i'm sure it's nothing compared to the 1 billion eric would get for every drama he acts in.. they would make much more money individually for the 4-5 months when they have to reject individual projects to be involved in shinhwa album preparation n promotional activities..

since they're now already successful as individual, they have to make sacrifices to be in shinhwa..

therefore, just the fact that shinhwa still exists alone proves that money is not all that matters to them..

21/2 [news]Jun Jin to Go to Taiwan for Promotion

i hope he'll be okay in taiwan.. i really don't like taiwan media.. they're very harsh and inconsiderate towards the artists.. they write everything they want and pass it as news.. i'm worried because junjin had already been troubled by media perspective of him before.. and out of most korean artists who really care about what the public says about them, he's one of the most sensitive.. and our baby bird doesn't have his mommy bird (and his hyungs) in taiwan!!!! so mr & mrs reporters, please don't be hard on him!!! take care of this one strong yet fragile baby bird..

Minwoo at MV filmsite

arrghh the third time i watched the MV, i suddenly felt like crying... especially in the last scene.. with the woman and the girl.. i suddenly realized... that he's SO READY to get married!!!! and i just watched channel V shinhwa fanmeeting... where they're standing next to battle members.. and 1 battle member said he's the youngest and he's 19yrs old.. then minwoo said he's 10 years older ->> 29!!!!!!! OMG i can't believe he's that OLD!!! he also said in another event (i forget which one it is) that he's almost 30.. that he was just 20 some time ago.. and time has passed by really fast... time sure FLIES really fast... i mean i always knew he's 29 but it never got to me that he IS 29.. i kinda can't accept the fact that the blonde little skinny and short boy with sharp eyes and awesome dances (4th jib image) is already 29... i don't know.. my feeling is mixed up.. i kinda wish that he (and other shinhwa members) would never grow up.. maybe because i didn't follow them since the very beginning, it's hard me to accept that they're not as young as what i just watched yesterday.. i know the fact is always there.. but the fact never got to me before this 'Ring' MV came out...

i found this off bestshinhwa..

they say a korean fan managed to get hold of the notepad the shinhwa boys were scribbling on during the recent Fanmeeting and seeing how the cover says 'dongwan', this ought to be dongwan's....can someone translate??

i thought he was the smartest out of shinhwa members??????? lol..

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

1 billion won!!!! OMG thank God he's not someone who is only after money... imagine if he were that kind of person!!!! that would mean no more shinhwa for us!!!!

"If we are doing this for money, SHINHWA might already have broken up" - Minwoo

that is very true!!!! in shinhwa, each of them only gets 1/6 of what they would get if they release solo albums.. and i'm sure it's nothing compared to the 1 billion eric would get for every drama he acts in.. they would make much more money individually for the 4-5 months when they have to reject individual projects to be involved in shinhwa album preparation n promotional activities..

since they're now already successful as individual, they have to make sacrifices to be in shinhwa..

therefore, just the fact that shinhwa still exists alone proves that money is not all that matters to them..

i hope he'll be okay in taiwan.. i really don't like taiwan media.. they're very harsh and inconsiderate towards the artists.. they write everything they want and pass it as news.. i'm worried because junjin had already been troubled by media perspective of him before.. and out of most korean artists who really care about what the public says about them, he's one of the most sensitive.. and our baby bird doesn't have his mommy bird (and his hyungs) in taiwan!!!! so mr & mrs reporters, please don't be hard on him!!! take care of this one strong yet fragile baby bird..

arrghh the third time i watched the MV, i suddenly felt like crying... especially in the last scene.. with the woman and the girl.. i suddenly realized... that he's SO READY to get married!!!! and i just watched channel V shinhwa fanmeeting... where they're standing next to battle members.. and 1 battle member said he's the youngest and he's 19yrs old.. then minwoo said he's 10 years older ->> 29!!!!!!! OMG i can't believe he's that OLD!!! he also said in another event (i forget which one it is) that he's almost 30.. that he was just 20 some time ago.. and time has passed by really fast... time sure FLIES really fast... i mean i always knew he's 29 but it never got to me that he IS 29.. i kinda can't accept the fact that the blonde little skinny and short boy with sharp eyes and awesome dances (4th jib image) is already 29... i don't know.. my feeling is mixed up.. i kinda wish that he (and other shinhwa members) would never grow up.. maybe because i didn't follow them since the very beginning, it's hard me to accept that they're not as young as what i just watched yesterday.. i know the fact is always there.. but the fact never got to me before this 'Ring' MV came out...

i thought he was the smartest out of shinhwa members??????? lol..

i love reading your posts like amy's.

anyways, i totally find it wonderful how shinhwa will be forever. that money is not a factor to ruin this tight friendship that they share. you're absolutely right. if they focus on their individual careers, they'd earn MUCH more than they will earn as shinhwa members. but the fact that it doesn't matter if they loose money, the fact that they cannot do some projects that they are interested in doing because of shinhwa's activities, the fact that they plan to be forever like this, the fact that they are shinhwa, makes me feel wonderful.

i hope the rep[orters wil leave him alone. aish. jinnie needs to be strong! hwaiting!

minu getting married. NO! not yet. 34. 34 years. he's going to get married when he's already 34 years old. so that means, i still have... 5 years to look for him and make him fall in love with me. WA. i need to graduate fast and go to korea already!!!! why must life be so unfair? T_____________T

but really, i was talking to one of my classmates a while ago and she asked me how old eric is already and that's when i realised that he's already... 29 years old. that means, 4 of them will be 29 this year. eric, minu, wan and sungie. jinnie will be 28 and well, andy, will be 28 too but since sm said his bday is jan and not dec, he'll be 27 still. >O<

it was after i said that eric was already 29 that i stopped dead cold on my tracks. my throat started to hurt and the Ice Monster that i was eating started to feel so HOT in my mouth. damn. it was supposed to be COLD.

i don't know. like you, I DON'T WANT THEM TO GROW UP. I DON'T WANT TO GROW UP EITHER. i want to freeze this momet, this momet when their friendship is branded as "forever", when everything is at it's highest. it's peak. their solo careers are doing fine. shinhwa is doing fine. we're doing fine. i want to make this year last. or maybe last year., or maybe 2004!!!! or 2005!!!

is it selfish of me to not want time to go on?


what's with me being sentimental? i always get like this when it comes to shinhwa...

BUT THEN i remember what they have promised, that they'll always be, forever, SHINHWA. and when i think of that i just smile. because i have a little reassurance that 100 years into the future, SHINHWA is still forever.

my baby wan is witty. not smart, i guess. >O< i think sungie's the smart one, if i'm correct.

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my baby wan is witty. not smart, i guess. >O< i think sungie's the smart one, if i'm correct.

I believe Dongwannie is smart. He won the Golden Bell. :D

I think he just wasn't putting in any effort. He was busy playing around with Minwoo. B)

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