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Guest lenakeem

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Guest missy2006

I purposely wanna celebrate my 800th on my beloved SHINHWA thread :)

Anyway.. I just finished watching Love Letter featuring JunJin and Andy. They are so adorable and cute. They hugged each other just like ordinary couple, JunJin hugged Andy from behind with their hand holding together. Other than that, they were holding hands side by side while they were watching the others playing/dancing. They didn't know that the camera was focusing on them when they did all those. How cuteee <3 and another thing, when JunJin was asked who did he want to get cheer from and guess what? JunJin wanted Andy to cheer for him and requested a "Heart Dance" and Andy face was like :blink:

Definitely.. JINDY MODE~ \

Can I ask which episode is this? I think I saw that "heart dance " for Junjin in Youtube and I am seriously looking for the rest of the episode. English sub if there's any. :-)

and Krizza (hope you don't mind me calling you by that :-) ) for some reason all those replies you made me smile while reading them. especially the campaining for SUPER ROOKIE part...lol

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Guest square-boxes

puahh..i was juss on youtube..nd sort'n through the newest uploaded vids of shinhwa..nd ooo..i came across sumthing...interesting...puahhhhhh..itz really cute. the uploader juss made a video of fancams where the guyz r hugging/touching/kissing dongwan. har har...itz hot..x]

haahaahaa the clip is hilarious!!! thanks for sharing!!! dongwannie is :phew:

sharing some GIFS....






if you did any of this GIFS pls let me know so i can credit you ^^

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Guest paigehk

can't imagine if both Eric and Hyesung were doing variety shows together, just the two of them. They would probably just stand side by side and no touchy touchy between each other. Hyesung'd probably fold his hands, touch his hair or put his hands behind his back while Eric'd just stay cool being mysterious and all

hahaha...that's funny how you describe them. But i think it's true. Wait, i thought Eric really like touching...??

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Guest poloblue

puahh..i was juss on youtube..nd sort'n through the newest uploaded vids of shinhwa..nd ooo..i came across sumthing...interesting...puahhhhhh..itz really cute. the uploader juss made a video of fancams where the guyz r hugging/touching/kissing dongwan. har har...itz hot..x]

im watching it right now, haha

it's 3am right now and i have a driving lesson at 8am!!! if i pass this lesson i get my p's (permit license), meaning i can drive around by myself but i have to have these small square plates with a P, at my front and backs window.

after my driving lesson, i will be going to a beach house for a whole week!!!!!! a whole week without this thread! gonna miss u all!!!

and this thursday, is my 18th bday party (a bit late, my bday was actually on the 10th of Nov). its a tripple 18th, cos two of my other friends (the shinhwa devil is one of them) have turned 18 too. and im having some shinhwa music on the playlist!!!!! hahaha, the shinhwa devil is gonna kill me. im playing shinhwa at my bday party, and its hers too! bad combination!!!

happy birthday Dong Wan hyung, for this tuesday!!!

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Oh my gosh.

I had a nose bleed after looking at those HOT gifs <3

Thank you!

I saw Jinnie's performance on Show Music Core!

He was simply brilliant~~~ LIVE SO WELL <333



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Happy Belated Birthday! Hope you have fun at teh beach house! How is the weather there?

Good luck in your driving lessons. I know I was a nervous wreck when my son was taking driving lessons. Even after he got license, I make him call me WHEN he gets to school to let me know he arrived safety and call me BEFORE he leaves school so I know what time to expect him home! He drives 1-1/2 to 2 hours from and to school so I get really nervous!

So that I'm not spamming...is there something that I should be watching today? Is Junjin on any show? I know Andy is on X-man this Sunday and anything else?

im watching it right now, haha

it's 3am right now and i have a driving lesson at 8am!!! if i pass this lesson i get my p's (permit license), meaning i can drive around by myself but i have to have these small square plates with a P, at my front and backs window.

after my driving lesson, i will be going to a beach house for a whole week!!!!!! a whole week without this thread! gonna miss u all!!!

and this thursday, is my 18th bday party (a bit late, my bday was actually on the 10th of Nov). its a tripple 18th, cos two of my other friends (the shinhwa devil is one of them) have turned 18 too. and im having some shinhwa music on the playlist!!!!! hahaha, the shinhwa devil is gonna kill me. im playing shinhwa at my bday party, and its hers too! bad combination!!!

happy birthday Dong Wan hyung, for this tuesday!!!

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Guest poloblue

^thanks mommie, the weather here is warm. our summer occurs when u have winter!

so that im not spamming, er..... that pic of junjin above^^, when was that taken? haha, ive seen a pic of all memebers dressed like that. they look like theyre in scouts

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i think that looks like around 1st album? like, eusha eusha time.. i want his hat!! no, actually, i want this fuzzy hat that andy wears.. hold on, lemme find the picture..


this one!! i think a bigger picture was posted a few pages back.. that's my 2nd target hat.. my first one is eric's white beanie/hat thingy that he wore during xman germany.. i know where to find that one, i just need to save up to buy it.. anybody knows where to find andy's hat??

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puahh..i was juss on youtube..nd sort'n through the newest uploaded vids of shinhwa..nd ooo..i came across sumthing...interesting...puahhhhhh..itz really cute. the uploader juss made a video of fancams where the guyz r hugging/touching/kissing dongwan. har har...itz hot..x]

lol the part where dongwan lifted up andy shirt was funny :lol:


1. she wrote little notes on her orange Post-its advertising Super Rookie, something along the lines of:


then she posted them in random places around the campus, the cafeteria, the math department bulletin baord (yes, beside those announcement for the exempted students last sem), walls in classrooms and benches along the corridor.

2. she received a pack of pastel candy from a classmate who just came back from Aklan and instead of eating all of them, she just took one piece and started giving the whole class for her ANTHRO101 the other pieces and telling them, "PLEASE DO WATCH SUPER ROOKIE! GMA7! NOV25! IT'S SATURDAY SO YOU GUYS HAVE NO EXCUSE!!!!" and when they'll say "no, i can't watch, i'm sorry", i take their candy back and move on to the next person.

3. when walking along the caorridors, she'll loudly and nonchalantly tell her friends to watch SUPER ROOKIE so the other students walking behind, infront and beside them will hear.

4. while introducing herself in her NATSCI4 class, she said, "I WOULD LIKE TO ADVERTISE SUPER ROOKIE. PLEASE WATCH-" then my classmate took my arm and pushed me down on my seat but i stood up again and finished my sentence, "SUPER ROOKIE! IF YOU DON'T, THOSE I GAVE CANDIES TO, PLEASE COUGH THEM OUT NOW."

lol that would be a nice plan. 0o0o you should stand at the front door and hand out orange ballons. lol

I purposely wanna celebrate my 800th on my beloved SHINHWA thread :)

Anyway.. I just finished watching Love Letter featuring JunJin and Andy. They are so adorable and cute. They hugged each other just like ordinary couple, JunJin hugged Andy from behind with their hand holding together. Other than that, they were holding hands side by side while they were watching the others playing/dancing. They didn't know that the camera was focusing on them when they did all those. How cuteee <3 and another thing, when JunJin was asked who did he want to get cheer from and guess what? JunJin wanted Andy to cheer for him and requested a "Heart Dance" and Andy face was like :blink:

congrats on the 800th post ^-^

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For the upcoming 2nd "M" Live Concert, MINWOO SHINHWA CHANGJO fans have created a new glow stick made specially for the event and future performances and such.


SHINHWA FANS are simply amazing.

I love them.

I want one~~~ ^^

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Guest s3xyminwoo

For the upcoming 2nd "M" Live Concert, MINWOO SHINHWA CHANGJO fans have created a new glow stick made specially for the event and future performances and such.


SHINHWA FANS are simply amazing.

I love them.

I want one~~~ ^^

OMG tht is like so creative =]

i want one

such great minds ^^



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Guest sunnydays.

^ The glowsticks look awesome. =D

Glad you guys liked the article ~ I knew you guys would like it ^^ I definately LOVED it. It's Dongwan after all. Tee heee (; And I wish there was an article like that for the rest of the guys. GOSH, if there was an Eric one, I would write an essay like Krizza did for the Dongwan Entry... LOL...

You know everytime I read something about Dongwan or know osmething about him it makes me smile and happy that there's really a person like this in this kind of world. He seriously makes my heart melt at times.

I really wish there were more people like him :)

Yeahh!! I agree. (: It makes me smile tooo... CHEESE LIKE CRAZY. =D =D Hahaha, yeah... I wish I knew people as awesome and hot as him... u__U;;


wrinkle in the corner fo his eyes... makes him even more hot and attractive. it reminds us that's he's also human, that he also makes mistake, that he's one fo us and that he is no different from us other than the fact that he belongs to that group we call entertainers and we make up the other group called the ones being entertained.

a perfect lover - this term for wannie couldn't be anymore right. he's perfect in everyway... i think i've said this a lot of times already but even wannie's imperfections makes him all the more perfect.

i can't think of how my life could have been if i haven't known wannie.

wannie... ah. i have no idea how to react to this. fate. he really believes in it. i do to.

it is fate that he fail all those auditions. it is fate that he didn't succeed with all those tries... it is fate that he met that "fierce looking guy who looks like a swindler". it is fate that he became a shinhwa member...

without wannie, shinhwa will never succeed.

without minu, shinhwa will never succeed.

without andy, shinhwa will never succeed.

without sungie, shinhwa will never succeed.

without eric, shinhwa will never succeed.

without jinnie, shinhwa will never succeed.

(why do i feel that LSM is mentioned indirectly here?)

Well, in shinhwa, we all notice each and everyone of them cause they have their own charisma and appeal to fans. that's why shinhwa have soo much fans. because there are 6 different people with six different talents and charactersistics to choose from. and the best part is that when they are together, those differences blends and those talents too.. forming a strong fugure for fans to lean to.

I really liked your post, Krizza. (: Very well said ~ These are the ones that I REALLY REALLY liked... with Dongwan's diary entries, you get a feeling that he's just like everyone else... that being a celebrity figure doesn't make him anymore different than those who are not so famous and popular. Often people look to celebrities as people who can't make mistakes, or should always be perfect, or should never get in trouble, or should never do stupid things... & Dongwan's diary creates a reminder for people about the fact that he's also human and prone to mistakes. I also love the fact that he connects to his fans through his diary, and ofcourse the fans can see to it that he does take the time to write out his thoughts and CONNECT with them. he wants that connection, and I think that's extremely sweet.

What you said about Shinhwa (your last paragraph that I kept in the quote), I think it's definately true... six different people with six different talents and characteristics... that fact alone, is very powerful for a group. It's so great seeing those six different people coming together and working wholly as a group, a close and loving family... it leaves you in awe. (well, for me atleast ^^; ) It's so great that such different people can work together & bond together like Shinhwa does. It's amazing. And at the same time, each individual member stands out and has their own thing about them that the others may not necessarily have. & It's also true too, what you said, that they have different charismatic and appealing traits, which lures in even more fans.

Sometimes I think about how it was such faith for the six of them to be together... I cannot picture Shinhwa without any one of them. I don't know, it's hard to describe ~ I'm not very good with words. ^^; But yeah... I wonder if the guys, when they were first getting into Shinhwa, that they would come all the way this far and be so attatched to each other. It's just fate, I guess. All six of them were MEANT to be Shinhwa members, and I don't want it any other way.

*COUGH* okay enough typing. U__U thanks so much guys for the Shinhwa pictures ~ *saves saves* ^^ Yesturrday I was so bummed because the internet was down, so I couldn't go get my daily dose of Shinhwa... haha =D

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Guest theLEGEND

After all the quoting I did and when I hit the "add reply" button, it's GONE!! :tears:

I'll start replying..

missy2006: It's Love Letter Season 2 Episode 3 & 4. No subs :)

square-boxes: aww.. thanks for sharing those lovely GIFS xD

Louise89: yes.. you should watch them babysitting and you'll have the idea how good they will be as parents =P

paigehk: hahaha.. Eric likes touching but Hyesung doesn't. Oil and Water relationship remember? :D

poloblue: HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!! Hope you'll enjoy your whole week~ Have fun! :)

xmkaex: thank you for the wish! xD

krizza: I like what you did for the "Super Rookie Campaign" hahaha my friends said that SuPer Rookie is so boring blaah them.. <_< I'm totally in love with Super Rookie :D

Okaayy.. I think I finished replying everyone <3


Thanks for sharing those pictures ginnie. I remembered those moments :D

There was one time when Hyesung performed his solo and three of Shinhwa guys came and support; JunJin, Minwoo and Dongwan. JunJin ran, jumped and hugged Hyesung like a little kid hugging his dad. So cuteee.. :P

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At M's Showcase in 2005...

M looking happy and extends a hug....who did he see?


Ah.....F3..opps. No I meant three Shinhwa members Andy, HyeSung and Eric. Andy walks up first to give Min a great bear hug.


Eric gets ready to hug........




M: Yah Eric...It is my showcase!


Eric: Sorry....I brought water for you though!




RicSung!~ Who says oil and water can't mix? ha!

Sung getting up close and personal...


Conveniently rest his hand on Eric's shoulder.


Eric tries to take off that hand....


But failed.





Whispering..."Let's sing for M"


Andy singing happily for M.


M Congratulations! Our job is done...Thank you....


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a coupel pages back.. about dongwans diary thingy

I KNEW IT I KNEW IT. i wusnt hallucinating.. so i DID read about his father passing away.

i think maybe hgis step dad and his mom divorced? .... i have no clue..


uhh i have to check out the other pages den i'll finih this comment


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Guest tiffyisashinhwafreak!

I saw Jinnie's performance on Show Music Core!

He was simply brilliant~~~ LIVE SO WELL <333


AHHHH! :w00t:

LUCKY! I want to see it, too!

kekeke...can;t wait till i see it...one day...LOL

and WHOA!

i was wathcing that one clip of Dongwan and the lovers...

i never notice he has a ear pierce!


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Guest square-boxes

For the upcoming 2nd "M" Live Concert, MINWOO SHINHWA CHANGJO fans have created a new glow stick made specially for the event and future performances and such.


SHINHWA FANS are simply amazing.

I love them.

I want one~~~ ^^

eh... is there supposed to be a design or is it just orange? haahaahaa cos i really cannot tell.... :ph34r:

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OMG this is the busiest year of my life whihc my teachers tell me so i havent been on here for a loooong time so my post will be kinda long lol

puahh..i was juss on youtube..nd sort'n through the newest uploaded vids of shinhwa..nd ooo..i came across sumthing...interesting...puahhhhhh..itz really cute. the uploader juss made a video of fancams where the guyz r hugging/touching/kissing dongwan. har har...itz hot..x]

LOL haha thast just cute and funny eric dancing to dongwan crcaked me up haha thasnk for the link ^^

haahaahaa the clip is hilarious!!! thanks for sharing!!! dongwannie is :phew:

sharing some GIFS....

if you did any of this GIFS pls let me know so i can credit you ^^

thasnk for the gifs! i like the last one xD junjin just made me laugh hehe so cute i loved it with that hair

For the upcoming 2nd "M" Live Concert, MINWOO SHINHWA CHANGJO fans have created a new glow stick made specially for the event and future performances and such.


SHINHWA FANS are simply amazing.

I love them.

I want one~~~ ^^

OMG those r cool i agree shinhwa fans are awesome i wish i could get one of those i would treasure it lol


-sigh- i have to stuydy for a test on the 21st and a etst on monday adn tuesday so many tests its killing me!!!! ill relax when it comes to next week weekend i hava 4 day weekend next week woot!! :D thasnk for everyone in this thread cuz now im back to a shinhwa mmod again lol i was all strressed over hw >.<

--edit-- lol i forgot to comment on eric and hyesung pictures lol haha on one loveletter episode shinhwa was on and eric and nyesung had to do that rolling thing and like hyesung was like flinging eric around lol but before that they ahd tohug eric just ran over and hugged him lol hyesungs hands were just tucked in hehe water and oil =P looks like theyre gaining freindship/closeness

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Guest samshiku

the minwoo lightsticks are like..wow..and i thought se7en's lightsticks were special..

qinnie thx for the caps and the cute commentary at the side!! haha its so cute! ive watched this clip before but i nv did observe these details cos it happened a little too fast haha thx!

hey and i posted minwoo's appearance and performance during the 4th SEA awards in china on youtube a few days back

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04r-SfrhIZk (battle+bump)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Sih98LjAQE (giving out an award)

but the quality is terrible on youtube...so if u want to see the MUCH better quality version i uploaded it on sendspace

[can PM me^^ thx krizza]

minwoo's bump is really worth the watch he was forced to improvise a little in this performance bcos he had no handsfree mike so he had to dance bump WHILE holding a big microphone in his hands..

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