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Guest lenakeem

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whew.. i came back from a happy dinner, and look what happened..

i don't know whether to laugh or to cry.. to say that they aren't fair is stating the obvious isn't it? afterall, those fangroups who began with the cheating in the first place were dbsk and suju right? what a joke, seriously..

correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't minwoo in partnership with mnet? i read somewhere that minwoo chose the name M in collaboration with 3 [or 4] other companies with M as their initials..

geez, this is pissing me off, real bad..

cleaning up votes?? why don't you freaking clean those hypocritical votes of those who reported it in the first place???

18th page ownage.. but i don't feel happy at all >_<"

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Guest lynnshim

you guys i cant take it anymore..ive tried to keep it in. but i can't

Even though im a dbsk fan i just want to make LSM die be gone. Seriously, Im so pissed right now.. i wanted a fair game/ poll between the 2 deserving.. but its SO FRACKEN OBVIOUS that LSM paid m.net. He always does! I can;t take it anymore. id wish DBSk changed companies just like shinhwa. I praise shinhwa for having the guts to leave SM and stay together, as i hope one day dbsk will do the same. I seriously wish and wonder what the entertainment world would be like if LSM was out of the picture. Im so pissed right now.. seriously.. LSM should have just done nothing.. but no. he had to use his fracken money hungry fingers and m.net is all under his power. Seriously, i was looking forward to a good match/battle without any wrongdoing and a little bit of cheating here and there because a lot of people do.. but now this is bull.

Hopefully, since the polls are only 20% lets just hope that the "judges" for the mkmf arent money hungry either and atleast acknowledge what a true award ceremony is.


oh well we have the gayo daesang and the sbs inki.. i wish sm wouldnt get through those 2. GOSH I WANT TO SEE THE ENTERTAINMENT BUISNESS W/O LSM.. THAT WOULD SURE MAKE ME HAPPY! [:

ps- please dont bash dbsk either.. its not their fault.. instead bash the heck out of LSM.

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Guest theLEGEND

I've been wanting to ask this for the longest time.. Anybody knows where can I get infos about Shinhwa's past history since the beginning of their debut. I know this is kinda hard because it's been ages ago but I'm so curious about them. I just fell head over heels with them few months back. So yeahh.. I'm a SHINHWA's newbie fan :P

Anyway.. I just watched "Goldfish Theatre" where Minwoo appeared as a guest. They were discussing about farting and he blurted out Dongwan's name LOL! He said Eric's fart was silent while Dongwan's fart was like a ticking bomb. It was such a hillarious episode. You guys should watch it, subs are available too! :lol:

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Guest krazie4adream

whoot..haven't been in here for a couple of days...

yay!! i'm soo happy that Minwoo is going to come out with his single in Nov. 30th????!!! WOW!! i can't believe soo fast..cuz i thought it was in December, but then..his left eye sniff sniff ToT!!!

anyways...wow..what's this shouting about cheating on votes and stuff...sigh...

always SM entertainment, seriously they have such a bad reputation now, but hey, come one [sHINHWA SONG!!!] they do make them top celebs.

like DBSK, they are soo BIG now....

and they made SHINHWA very popular too before they moved on to good!

anyways.....i guess this is the undercoating of the "entertainment world"

oh and nutzie really??? m.net is really named after MINWOO!!! if so i'm soo happy!!

cuz when i first hear of m.net i was like.......that's sooooooooo KOOL..."M" haha..it's like it's MINU's channel!!

oh i watched this mv before of minwoo i think it was ehh...iono remember which song[ughh..sorry i've been studying for hours and it's soo hard to think now....it was in his 2nd Winds tho] anyways..at the end iono if it's edited but minwoo is holding this orange block that saids M.net sooo maybe they do have some connections...

The Mv was the actually mv tho..it wasn't a fan made thing..so yeah.........

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Guest x_sadendings

I've been wanting to ask this for the longest time.. Anybody knows where can I get infos about Shinhwa's past history since the beginning of their debut. I know this is kinda hard because it's been ages ago but I'm so curious about them. I just fell head over heels with them few months back. So yeahh.. I'm a SHINHWA's newbie fan :P

Anyway.. I just watched "Goldfish Theatre" where Minwoo appeared as a guest. They were discussing about farting and he blurted out Dongwan's name LOL! He said Eric's fart was silent while Dongwan's fart was like a ticking bomb. It was such a hillarious episode. You guys should watch it, subs are available too! :lol:

hey hey 8D;; jc_freakz may I know where ti find such things?

is it in the goldfish thread? o.O ahh it sounds so cool

and about SM I've been with Kpop for a long time now theres NOTHING I haven't heard about them

Plus you can't count on the judges to win heck everyone has greed in them so I don't care for them

If the boys win the daesangs that would be much better and the golden disc

I really want them to feel that their fans will be there for them when the go into service though it's a touchy thing it's a sooner or later. and I want them leaving with a feeling that they've done something in the music industry and that they will always be supported by Shinhwa Changjo and fans like us ^^

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I've been wanting to ask this for the longest time.. Anybody knows where can I get infos about Shinhwa's past history since the beginning of their debut. I know this is kinda hard because it's been ages ago but I'm so curious about them. I just fell head over heels with them few months back. So yeahh.. I'm a SHINHWA's newbie fan :P

Anyway.. I just watched "Goldfish Theatre" where Minwoo appeared as a guest. They were discussing about farting and he blurted out Dongwan's name LOL! He said Eric's fart was silent while Dongwan's fart was like a ticking bomb. It was such a hillarious episode. You guys should watch it, subs are available too! :lol:

u can probably find history in forums like s-shinhwasarang or shinhwachangjo.net..or iph u search shinhwa history on google or sumting..u would probably find the info u need. x].

ahh! i watched that goldfish episode..it was flipp'n hilarious...nd minwoo kept stick'n out his butt (i think it might have been to cue the fart'n sound..lmao)...buh even then..it was w/o subs..::goes off nd dls subs::..ill upload it onto youtube in a couple days for those of u who juss want to watch it. =D

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No, the award thing going to Boa was because SM was promoting Boa at the time. So, they told people to give the award to Boa instead of Shinhwa that year. Shinhwa was still under SM at the time, but they were really pissed off after.

Hyesung and JunJin especially. There was even something about Hyesung slamming his fist on a table afterwards or something. This was long ago...I forgot most of it. It's easier to block out bad memories.

:excl: OMG....... how could they do that... that's a retarded thing to do. You can't give aways someone's trophy just cuz they're debuting.. that's like saying DBSK gives whatever they win (lol i had use them) to Jang Ri In cuz she's debuting...

oh i just watched the xman ep. with andy and Jun Jin... wow.. jun jin can dance :D

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Guest theLEGEND

hey hey 8D;; jc_freakz may I know where ti find such things?

is it in the goldfish thread? o.O ahh it sounds so cool

Yeah.. they are available from "Goldfish Thread" plus silverwingz just made a new thread and it's so organized right now! Seriously.. I can't wait for Andy with boobies teehee xD

u can probably find history in forums like s-shinhwasarang or shinhwachangjo.net..or iph u search shinhwa history on google or sumting..u would probably find the info u need. x].

ahh! i watched that goldfish episode..it was flipp'n hilarious...nd minwoo kept stick'n out his butt (i think it might have been to cue the fart'n sound..lmao)...buh even then..it was w/o subs..::goes off nd dls subs::..ill upload it onto youtube in a couple days for those of u who juss want to watch it. =D

Yeah.. I'll look up from those websites. Thanks rozzy! :)

That's what I thought too! Sticking out his butt is the cue. Minwoo's butt is :phew: hahahaha LOL! :lol:

oh i just watched the xman ep. with andy and Jun Jin... wow.. jun jin can dance :D

Ohh he surely does! <3

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Guest chopsticksandspoon


not really in a good mood.

good! i bet all the shinhwachangjo fans are going crazy.

btw, anybody have the e-mail for the mkmf thing?

i'm going to write an e-mail to them and ask what's going on.


and if they dont reply, i'll just send them a complaint letter every day. i'll spam their mailboxes until they give shinhwa back their right amount of votes (the fair votes)

not that i dont like dbsk, but this is impossible.

how can the korean shcj fans only vote so little?


oops i think im spamming



somebody plz give me the e-mail of the mkmf thing.

pm me or reply me in this thread!!!!!!!


hehe. i'm doing the same thing. i think i'll just email something. i asked my dad about the WORLD COURT and he said why, and i said i want to address a really important matter to the court about this FAIRNESS thingy. hehe, i've written a draft to be mailed. gr. last night, i couldn't sleep. i kept on waking up thinking of the many money SM paid to those in charge... lols. they do it all the time. tsk. they never learn.

let's spam their mailboxes.....!!!!

dood..i was at oceans-six.com..nd the shinhwachangjo fans r seriously spazzing over there. even tho i can't understand what they're saying..the mkmf is plastered everywhere. even tho there was only one little thing in english..i don't kno iph i'm allowed to repost this..buh itz atleast a little news of what's goin on over there.

this is the org. post: This is Selina from China.

We all know what the SMMF has done in MKMF vote today.

Korea Shinhwa Chuangjo, please don't give up!

Chinese fans will always fight together with you!!

then in the comments, she goes on to say:

Yep, we will do our best , because we love the same 6 men!

We all love Shinhwa, we must think of what we can do for them, not what we can get from them!!

All Chinese fans will work harder and harder for Arirang oversea vote, we will take care of it ,don't worry, Korea fans, please work hard in MKMF, we are always fighting 2gether!!!

awwwww...shinhwa changjo...x333...i'm glad all the fans are uniting nd stuff..i'll go look for more updates nd edit this post.


lolz..i'm using google to translate stuff..=.=..buh i think i'm kinda gettt'n the idea..um..a lot of people are blaming that SM did sumting..also..another explanation..supposedly..mkmf said they checked ips nd eliminated those that are from china or wahtever..also any votes by any id that started with 'a112' have been eliminated.

but then the person goes on to say that we don't kno iph itz true bc we don't have any hard proof that that is what they did. (that's all i can get frm that post frm google that was actually understandable)..-__-

bb w/ more

bk..hm..they're juss talk'n about possible ways to solve it..nd one person posted that supposedly mnet recorded a broadcast yesterday (13th) on the mkmf results or sumting so far (sumting like that) today...so they're saying that mkmf did it for the broadcast or sumting like that (not sure)

ah.... the SHINHWA CHNAGJO FANS are soooooo...... GREAT. there's no other word for it... :P

shinhwa fans unite. i'm doing all my best here too.

you know what SM did, they did what they do all the time. argh. why am i not surprised. i hope dbsk win every award and then we'll email dbsk and tell them about this. haha.... I WONDER HOW IT WOULD FEEL FOR THEM TO WIN SOMETHING THEY DON'T DESERVE.

shinhinm, lols. that is so appropriate!!!!!!!




xmkaex, minu's yours.. hm. can we share? i don't mind if i get only half of minu... even a fourth of him won't be too bad. even an eight will be enough. MINU's that hot. hehe

i read in baidu that some dbsk fans wrote letters to mkmf(or smmf) reporting how chinese shcj fans are voting in that poll, as if they didn't have help. whether it's shinhwa forums or dbsk forums, all i see are voting instructions and stats. i just don't see how shinhwa votes can be decreased by more than a whopping 600,000 when dbsk had a mere drop of a couple thousand. something's seriously wrong.

i think i also read there that the korean shcj fans are either holding a press conference or writing letters to reporters. i am not sure if it's reliable or not, but it sounds reasonable.

if they do that, i will totally support them ^^

DBSK fans, haha. were they THAT AFRAID to loose???????????????????????????????????

i mean, if dbsk ain't winning, what can they do about it?

gr. dbsk fans should rot in hellate 180 degrees and think like they're humans. not some robots who worship dbsk. i'm sure the BIble said soemthing about people being evil in the end times, are they fulfilling this prophecy? along with SM.

a press conference. they should. FAIRNESS. haha...

being a UP student, i've never joined any rally and i don't plan on joining any.... BUT IF IT'S FOR SHINHWA, i'll make posters, banners.... and RALLY infront of the korean embassy, is there even one here? and tell them what i think.

letters, i'm doing that too.

I've never been in this thread, even though I'm a shinwha fan... i just read what lynnshim made in dbsk thread....

It's a conspiracy! i know shinhwa's very very popular... how can they only get 14% of the vote and 65% dbsk? i thought it would be a neck to neck race.....! O_O...... something's gone terribly wrong......

i know what you're talking about.

hm. i'm glad you're not one fo them EVIL dbsk fans. :P

and i like your avvie. hehe jae looks so cute. totally random.

okay, back to cursing dbsk fans. lols....


:lol: Rice sacks!

yay *throws shreaded paper* You shall remember my name x]


:tears::tears::tears: happy and sad... ahh I don't want Wannie in the army ><;;

thank you for the news angel2nyt


UGH this is just so unfair ;_;

Oh dear I'm sure Shinhwa Changjo is heart broken their OUR boys are so behind!




66 TO 14?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ugh Linh needs to sit down ;_; this is too much in one day for her... ><;; linh was looking forward to the boys winning and maybe even a perf at MKMF this year :tears:

DID SM???? PAY??? why of course they did. haha.

well, i was gone after 9pm last night but i'm here now. okay, let's get mad now. i mean, i've been mad ever since that was posted. actually, i've been fuming and spamming here and no one was replying and i was crying silent tears cause my shinhwa family are not in the thread and i was all alone wallowing in my anger for this stupid thing that grr...... ahh!!!!!!!!

BUT YOU KNOW WHAT? 10 hours have passed and still i'm angry. gawsh, SOMEBODY SHOULD LEARN HOW TO PLAY FAIR.



linh.... let's swim to korea and kill those gr.bastards.

sorry mods. i seldom swear. wait, was bastard even a swear word? well, in the Bible it said that it only becomes a swear word when you say it to something that doesn't deserve being called that swear word. but since who ever was behind this is clearly a bastard, i don't think calling that whoever bastard is swearing. it's simply stating a fact. like how you say that the earth is round, so SM is a bastard. ah. i meant, whoever is a bastard.

angel2nyt, lols. when it comes to minu, krizza's always fast.

my sister called me cause she think she saw minu in arirang and i was like.. *whooosh* i'm here. haha. miss arirang and the subtitles... kbs seldom has subs. gr.

i don't care anymore. i want to say that. BUT THE UP STUDENT IN ME WON'T SHUT UP. IT'S TELLING ME:




sm sucks..........





AND I WAS LIKE.......... GR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

haha. i think i should APPLY FOR ANAKBAYAN. haha.... there was a rally infront of the dentistry yesterday for the whole huk thing that they're accusing the former up president for and we were let out fo class to attend but instead we went to robinsons and ate our lunch. haha. but if it was shinhwa and this SMkmf thingy.. i'm sure gonna skip lunch to give them a piece of my mind. i didn't win all those essay writing contest golds for nothing. elemenatry though... haha... i became stupid when i entered manila science. haha.

thanks for the wannie news. ah. january.... anticipating.

jinnie.. hot.

i can't even hyperventilate over shinhwa. i'm too angry.

first of all.. i laugh at u :lol: i love ur posts, always make me smile. haha


3rd.. aweee u wanted to say my name XD

shinhwa rocks my whole sock drawer ^^

do you kknow hwo john teshing angry that makes me?

im going to john teshing swear. but im not goign around the swear filtre... dotn want to get in trouble =P

HOLY john tesh THAST SO john teshING UNFAIR. LIKE WHAT THE john teshEN HELL !!?!


thats relali wrong =\

and john teshen messed up

im going to punch somebody


time to bring out my john teshing blender. i've never been this angry over somethign shinhwa related...

this is just john teshing richard simmons. AKSLDJLKFDSAJ !

3 more yeras eh? they better renew it when they come back fromt he army ^^

thanks to me XDD (and the others)


like seroiulsy.. its always neck to neck with dbsk..

i think dbsk fans cheated too and they arent taking away their votes =\

do you know i john teshing blame?

I john teshEN BLAME john teshEN LEE SOO MANA ND HIS DAMN SM mini cooper.

:fury: :fury: :fury: i am angry...

watch, im going to kill somebody

edit :lol: the filtre for the F word is josh tesh LOL!

i'm laughing all through out your post... haha.....

josh tesh eh?????

hehe..... so does that mean that

SM=josh tesh?

lols.... :P

To be honest.. i think we should blame SM seriously.. there is something going on..

well atleast sm didnt get them to change EVERYTING

ath least theyre winning netzein awards

1 신화 21171회

2 동방신기 19364회

3 Super Junior 2868회


serioulsy can we john teshin sew/sue *not sure how to spell* them!?

thats freakin like







i mean like c'mon its usually like maximum 10% difference between shinhwa and dbsk..

watch, the SHCJ fans are going to do some slaughtering :ph34r:


I think it's not just SM. SBS is the parent company of MFMK isn't it? If that's the case, then they really have balls for pissing off Shinhwa Changjo. Shinhwa helped them promote the world cup earlier in the year and they even chose to do their comeback on SBS first... That's how SBS repays their partners?!

I feel like crying.. Actually I was a bit sad over something else earlier but now reading about this and how Dongwan officially announces he'll go to the army after his next drama. T____________________T

Can't believe after so many years of spazzing about all of Shinhwa together, everything will be put on hold for a long while... *sobs* I'm seriously so sad.. :tears:

I pray that Shinhwa Changjo of Korea will make this year memorable for the boys again. <3

Shinhwa Hwaiting!


^ it has a history of sm people winning right? o.O

u kno..i wish that dongwan would make a post about this..even tho he won't. =X.

i juss wish there are more updates on what's happen'n over there..bc all of us here are like..what the hck is happen'n nd stuff. O.O.

there's noth'n much left that we can do. even iph we send letters..itz goin to take time to mail things overseas. what we can do is support our boys wholeheartedly in the airiang overseas vote.

i'm juss glad that shinhwa fans all over the world are uniting..puahh...::group hug::..i heart u guyz...x].

rawrz..dongwan goin to the army means eric, hyesung nd minwoo goin to the army too right? ::cries::..i juss barely gotten to know them these past few months..nd they're already leavin for another 2-3 years. =O.


^^ there's no particular shinhwa and mkmf history..

however there is a history between mnet and sm town..

i have said this before..

they make this one artist win every year that artist comes out with an album

even when shinhwa was in sm..

and there was this one year....

that's why i dont really give so much when it comes to mkmf

i'd rather make them win the 2 sbs inki and gayo daesangs, kbs daesang and the mbc daesang and of course the golden disc


No, the award thing going to Boa was because SM was promoting Boa at the time. So, they told people to give the award to Boa instead of Shinhwa that year. Shinhwa was still under SM at the time, but they were really pissed off after.

Hyesung and JunJin especially. There was even something about Hyesung slamming his fist on a table afterwards or something. This was long ago...I forgot most of it. It's easier to block out bad memories.

so this is what happened... i never knew about this. i only knew that SM always did these crazy things so BOA, that pinkberry, could win this one award ever year. i never knew... ah.....



let's work for the other daesangs..........

you guys i cant take it anymore..ive tried to keep it in. but i can't

Even though im a dbsk fan i just want to make LSM die be gone. Seriously, Im so pissed right now.. i wanted a fair game/ poll between the 2 deserving.. but its SO FRACKEN OBVIOUS that LSM paid m.net. He always does! I can;t take it anymore. id wish DBSk changed companies just like shinhwa. I praise shinhwa for having the guts to leave SM and stay together, as i hope one day dbsk will do the same. I seriously wish and wonder what the entertainment world would be like if LSM was out of the picture. Im so pissed right now.. seriously.. LSM should have just done nothing.. but no. he had to use his fracken money hungry fingers and m.net is all under his power. Seriously, i was looking forward to a good match/battle without any wrongdoing and a little bit of cheating here and there because a lot of people do.. but now this is bull.

Hopefully, since the polls are only 20% lets just hope that the "judges" for the mkmf arent money hungry either and atleast acknowledge what a true award ceremony is.


oh well we have the gayo daesang and the sbs inki.. i wish sm wouldnt get through those 2. GOSH I WANT TO SEE THE ENTERTAINMENT BUISNESS W/O LSM.. THAT WOULD SURE MAKE ME HAPPY! [:

ps- please dont bash dbsk either.. its not their fault.. instead bash the heck out of LSM.

thanks for these.... we need a lot of bashing... right now... i'm in a bashing-mood.

yeah, it's not dbsk's fault. it's LSM's fault. haha. well, SM's fault as a whole. seriously,


anyways...wow..what's this shouting about cheating on votes and stuff...sigh...

always SM entertainment, seriously they have such a bad reputation now, but hey, come one [sHINHWA SONG!!!] they do make them top celebs.

like DBSK, they are soo BIG now....

and they made SHINHWA very popular too before they moved on to good!

ah. they did? well, they did a good job of not showing it that much.

when did they give shinhwa their first concert? might i ask?


and when did they give dbsk their first concert?

and dbsk is so big now cause... SM is really good in promoting,. and cheating too.

:excl: OMG....... how could they do that... that's a retarded thing to do. You can't give aways someone's trophy just cuz they're debuting.. that's like saying DBSK gives whatever they win (lol i had use them) to Jang Ri In cuz she's debuting...

oh i just watched the xman ep. with andy and Jun Jin... wow.. jun jin can dance :D

well, he can. shinhwa's good, actually, in everything. hm. maybe you should give them a try? cause it's unfair to only like this one cause they'll all you know. ^^

and Sm did that to dbsk? haha. Sm is really.... a great place. gr.

OKIES.. now that i'm finished... i would just like to tell you that........

my sister and all the other 19 girls in their shinhwa fan club in school are helping in the arirang voting. :P

hehe...... :P

let's unite......

john tesh sm.

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nd minwoo speaking english :w00t: ..."good morning" "thank you" nd "coffee and doughnuts" never sounded so cute/hot..lmaooooo.

::spazzes::..lmao. gahh..rewatch'n it w/ eng. subs is so much more hilarious..minwoo exchang'n the drinks the first time (sun hee nd ho dong)..aw man..i was laugh'n so hard my family told me to be quiet..=.=.

ahhhh! i asked this question i think a few pages ago..bu i think everyone forgot about it after spazzing about the whole mkmf thing..lmao

what is the 6mm shinhwa thing about? i saw it on a few clubboxes recently (as if they're new)..buh wen i saw a clip of it on naver...it seemed pretty old..it juss looks like they're acting out a drama or sumting. newun care to explain? thanks. x].


fnshed watch'n minwoo's part of the guesting...AWW..MAN..THIS PART WAS HILARIOUS..."we (shinhwa) are forever".."this is because we love each other's farts"..."therefore we are 100%"...aw man......::rofl::

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Guest katelin_kim

talking about that Gold fish ep that M was int here hahahaha!!!!!!!

that was the hilarious ep, M acted so natural when he sticked his butt out and farted, i found it kinda cute,

Warning: if you are having meal or eating snack , you should not watch this ep, it would be nasty or way too funny that you're gonna throw up or spit the food out to laugh( two ways)

M's part is ok, but KHD's part was nasty, i could not drink water for like 3 hours after watching that. ewwwwww!

watch it yourself to find wheather what i sadi it true.

if you want that ep , i'll upload and PM you guys,

and who are intersted in M's shows( he was in Heroine 5, i think) , PM me i'll give you the link coz, i uploaded 3 eps now

finally, i hope that the voting thing will be fair.( am i spamming?)

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

nd minwoo speaking english :w00t: ..."good morning" "thank you" nd "coffee and doughnuts" never sounded so cute/hot..lmaooooo.

::spazzes::..lmao. gahh..rewatch'n it w/ eng. subs is so much more hilarious..minwoo exchang'n the drinks the first time (sun hee nd ho dong)..aw man..i was laugh'n so hard my family told me to be quiet..=.=.

ahhhh! i asked this question i think a few pages ago..bu i think everyone forgot about it after spazzing about the whole mkmf thing..lmao

what is the 6mm shinhwa thing about? i saw it on a few clubboxes recently (as if they're new)..buh wen i saw a clip of it on naver...it seemed pretty old..it juss looks like they're acting out a drama or sumting. newun care to explain? thanks. x].

lols... whatever minu does is CUTE and HOT :P

i can't watch. ah. i think i'll die....

ah. 6mm.... i've never heard fo this. but it's probabaly old cause they haven't been in anything new. waa..! makes em wanna cry.

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Guest poloblue

No, the award thing going to Boa was because SM was promoting Boa at the time. So, they told people to give the award to Boa instead of Shinhwa that year. Shinhwa was still under SM at the time, but they were really pissed off after.

Hyesung and JunJin especially. There was even something about Hyesung slamming his fist on a table afterwards or something. This was long ago...I forgot most of it. It's easier to block out bad memories.

what the f^*K??????? frickin hell, that pisses me off! but look at the facts everyone, shinhwa may have not won that award and yet theyre still stnading strong!!! i know awards help boost your career, but shinhwa have proven that their career is worth more than a trophy! take that SM! but...i still want shiinhwa to win though!

you guys i cant take it anymore..ive tried to keep it in. but i can't

Even though im a dbsk fan i just want to make LSM die be gone. Seriously, Im so pissed right now.. i wanted a fair game/ poll between the 2 deserving.. but its SO FRACKEN OBVIOUS that LSM paid m.net. He always does! I can;t take it anymore. id wish DBSk changed companies just like shinhwa. I praise shinhwa for having the guts to leave SM and stay together, as i hope one day dbsk will do the same. I seriously wish and wonder what the entertainment world would be like if LSM was out of the picture. Im so pissed right now.. seriously.. LSM should have just done nothing.. but no. he had to use his fracken money hungry fingers and m.net is all under his power. Seriously, i was looking forward to a good match/battle without any wrongdoing and a little bit of cheating here and there because a lot of people do.. but now this is bull.

Hopefully, since the polls are only 20% lets just hope that the "judges" for the mkmf arent money hungry either and atleast acknowledge what a true award ceremony is.


oh well we have the gayo daesang and the sbs inki.. i wish sm wouldnt get through those 2. GOSH I WANT TO SEE THE ENTERTAINMENT BUISNESS W/O LSM.. THAT WOULD SURE MAKE ME HAPPY! [:

ps- please dont bash dbsk either.. its not their fault.. instead bash the heck out of LSM.

stupid LSM!!!!!!!!! he should die! is he the CEO of SM entertainment? is SM named after him? whats his full name again? Lee So Man?? something like that? its more like Lying Sly Motherf^*ker!!!!! son of a biach!!!!!!!!!!!

we should assonate him. wait, ok, maybe u girls can help plan and the shinhwa brothers can just kill him. actually, that was sexist of me. i know we all want to kill him. i can imagine krizza killing him!!! and i can imagine mommie alice getting in there too!!!!

speaking of mommie alice, i haven't seen her in here today. i hope shinhwa aren't creating a problem for her and daddy alice (mommie alice's husband). wait, mommie, if u say to daddy 'i will be crazy over you like i am over shinhwa if u kill LSM that son of a biach, i want him to die, go kill him for me and u will important to me as shinhwa' that would work! then LSM would die, and we'd all be happy! LSM is dead and daddy alice is happy! killing two birds with one stone!

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Guest theLEGEND

nd minwoo speaking english :w00t: ..."good morning" "thank you" nd "coffee and doughnuts" never sounded so cute/hot..lmaooooo.

::spazzes::..lmao. gahh..rewatch'n it w/ eng. subs is so much more hilarious..minwoo exchang'n the drinks the first time (sun hee nd ho dong)..aw man..i was laugh'n so hard my family told me to be quiet..=.=.

Before, I was watching without any subs and I predicted that the drink was soyasauce yeah.. so nasty >.< but I laughed when they exchanged the drink and waiting for KHD's reaction LOL!!

talking about that Gold fish ep that M was int here hahahaha!!!!!!!

that was the hilarious ep, M acted so natural when he sticked his butt out and farted, i found it kinda cute,

Warning: if you are having meal or eating snack , you should not watch this ep, it would be nasty or way too funny that you're gonna throw up or spit the food out to laugh( two ways)

M's part is ok, but KHD's part was nasty, i could not drink water for like 3 hours after watching that. ewwwwww!

watch it yourself to find wheather what i sadi it true.

if you want that ep , i'll upload and PM you guys,

and who are intersted in M's shows( he was in Heroine 5, i think) , PM me i'll give you the link coz, i uploaded 3 eps now

finally, i hope that the voting thing will be fair.( am i spamming?)

Hahahaha.. yes. I didn't know that episode was supposed to be like that so I was eating when I watched that episode. I was still okay with Minwoo and Shin Jung Hwan's skit but when it comes to Ho Dong, dang.. I had to stop eating. His part was sooo nastyy >.<

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Guest poloblue

nd minwoo speaking english :w00t: ..."good morning" "thank you" nd "coffee and doughnuts" never sounded so cute/hot..lmaooooo.

::spazzes::..lmao. gahh..rewatch'n it w/ eng. subs is so much more hilarious..minwoo exchang'n the drinks the first time (sun hee nd ho dong)..aw man..i was laugh'n so hard my family told me to be quiet..=.=.

huh? what show is this?? minu speaking eng??? i wanna watch!!!

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Too scared to go back to the dbsk thread (which received warnings from edward) and want to procrastinate on my homework...

and dbsk is so big now cause... SM is really good in promoting,. and cheating too.

well, he can. shinhwa's good, actually, in everything. hm. maybe you should give them a try? cause it's unfair to only like this one cause they'll all you know. ^^

lol actually, Shinhwa's (i realized i keep spelling their name wrong :vicx: sorry fans) was what got me hooked into kpop in the first place (my friend's a huge fan.. *waves she's probably reading this post)... and Super Rookie's one of my fav. dramas (currently dling Korea Secret Agency... which i wasn't going to because of my limited HD space.. but someone posted a pic of eric sitting on the toilet in the korean photo section :w00t: I just had to see it) I have been neglecting shinhwa post vol.7.... :sweatingbullets:

grr.. i hate how some dbsk fans ruin the rep for others. We aren't evil.... :sweatingbullets:

Some reported the "illegal" voting? I think that there are quite a few "illegal" votes from dbsk fans too.. seriously, I would have thought it would at least decrease by the same proportion and cancel out the "illegal" votes. (the only weird one happened when some ss501 hotlinked bestiz or whatever it was called...)

Please don't blame DBSK or their fans for this... I'm sure DBSK would want to win or lose fair and square.

lol JJ does look in that costume. thanks for the compliment.

Q: I shinhwa doing a promo or something? why were Andy and Jun Jin on Xman?

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uhm, i know you guys are mad about this thing, me included, but let's keep the bashing to the minimum.. at least white them out or something.. we don't want to scare any newcomers who come in here to check us out do we?

since all of us are angry about this, why don't we make some sort of petition or something? i know some people like krizza are writing letters and all that.. if we have time to rant here, we would have time to voice our displeasure too.. i mean, what's the use of us getting angry here, since the mkmf people aren't gonna see it anyway.. let's make use of our time wisely, and channel our displeasure to the right party..

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Guest theLEGEND

huh? what show is this?? minu speaking eng??? i wanna watch!!!

It's "Goldfish Theatre" show. You may check from its thread ^^

Q: I shinhwa doing a promo or something? why were Andy and Jun Jin on Xman?

JunJin is promoting his single album :)









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Guest chopsticksandspoon

what the f^*K??????? frickin hell, that pisses me off! but look at the facts everyone, shinhwa may have not won that award and yet theyre still stnading strong!!! i know awards help boost your career, but shinhwa have proven that their career is worth more than a trophy! take that SM! but...i still want shiinhwa to win though!

stupid LSM!!!!!!!!! he should die! is he the CEO of SM entertainment? is SM named after him? whats his full name again? Lee So Man?? something like that? its more like Lying Sly Motherf^*ker!!!!! son of a biach!!!!!!!!!!!

we should assonate him. wait, ok, maybe u girls can help plan and the shinhwa brothers can just kill him. actually, that was sexist of me. i know we all want to kill him. i can imagine krizza killing him!!! and i can imagine mommie alice getting in there too!!!!

speaking of mommie alice, i haven't seen her in here today. i hope shinhwa aren't creating a problem for her and daddy alice (mommie alice's husband). wait, mommie, if u say to daddy 'i will be crazy over you like i am over shinhwa if u kill LSM that son of a biach, i want him to die, go kill him for me and u will important to me as shinhwa' that would work! then LSM would die, and we'd all be happy! LSM is dead and daddy alice is happy! killing two birds with one stone!

lols. your post made me laugh. hehe... we should send SM all these hate post. haha. as if they'd care.

you can imagine me killing him? ah... hm. i can't hurt anyone physically. i'm more of a "words" person. i attack with words. :P


Too scared to go back to the dbsk thread (which received warnings from edward) and want to procrastinate on my homework...

lol actually, Shinhwa's (i realized i keep spelling their name wrong :vicx: sorry fans) was what got me hooked into kpop in the first place (my friend's a huge fan.. *waves she's probably reading this post)... and Super Rookie's one of my fav. dramas (currently dling Korea Secret Agency... which i wasn't going to because of my limited HD space.. but someone posted a pic of eric sitting on the toilet in the korean photo section :w00t: I just had to see it) I have been neglecting shinhwa post vol.7.... :sweatingbullets:

grr.. i hate how some dbsk fans ruin the rep for others. We aren't evil.... :sweatingbullets:

Some reported the "illegal" voting? I think that there are quite a few "illegal" votes from dbsk fans too.. seriously, I would have thought it would at least decrease by the same proportion and cancel out the "illegal" votes. (the only weird one happened when some ss501 hotlinked bestiz or whatever it was called...)

Please don't blame DBSK or their fans for this... I'm sure DBSK would want to win or lose fair and square.

lol JJ does look in that costume. thanks for the compliment.

Q: I shinhwa doing a promo or something? why were Andy and Jun Jin on Xman?

lols. edward always keeps a close watch on the dbsk thread, eh?

hm. well, fangirls can't help but fangirl over their idols. but keep it to a minimum. as if i'm doing that but hey! i sometimes am tame. ^^

i heard that one is only allowed five posts per day? wa. if edward makes this thread undergo the same rule i think i'll die.

*waves to edward*

post vol 7? lols. you missed out on the 8th jib then. gah. you should have been here. lols... shinhwa... ah. i think i'm hyperventilating now. :P

i'm not blaming dbsk. i'm only partly blaming the fans. *waves to the fans* but i'm really blaming Sm. ah.... should i just kick myself and tell myself that : THIS WORLD ISN'T JUST FAIR, why don't you wake up, krizza?

hehe... jae really does. well, micky looks uber cute in his bunny costume. i love bunnies. and it's funny how he's the one in that costume cause he's my fave in dbsk. haha.... this is so spam-worthy. sorry edward. *waves to edward*

well, shinhwa's group activites ended last september. jinnie's promoting his new album...! support him guys! and andy's.. erm, always in variaties so let's just accpet the fact that he's there. :P

uhm, i know you guys are mad about this thing, me included, but let's keep the bashing to the minimum.. at least white them out or something.. we don't want to scare any newcomers who come in here to check us out do we?

since all of us are angry about this, why don't we make some sort of petition or something? i know some people like krizza are writing letters and all that.. if we have time to rant here, we would have time to voice our displeasure too.. i mean, what's the use of us getting angry here, since the mkmf people aren't gonna see it anyway.. let's make use of our time wisely, and channel our displeasure to the right party..

we really should, nutzie.

ah. i don't know your real name. i'm having memory gap. i keep on forgetting... is it... hm. i know DV mentioned it once.

sorry again if i said soem words that are not appropiate. hehe. sometimes, words just control my body.

hm. i've written the letter, don't know how to send it though. i've been searching their site for their email address but 0.o can't find it.

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Guest nghister

LOL. Jinnie is a DORK! <3

I just thought about it and after reading that one thread about how mbc is no longer doing awards shows and yg artists are boycotting all award shows. I guess maybe Shinhwa already saw this coming and that's why they didn't care much for promoting around daesang time?

Because big artists like Se7en and Hyolee already announced that they won't be attending awards this year. Shinhwa have said that they aren't "sure" if they can attend awards or not. I'm guessing they kinda want out too. I can see why, seeing that record sales this past year is nothing to celebrate or congratulate anyone over this year. Honestly, there weren't a lot of good albums released this year. Not like 2 years ago when Shinhwa won 2 daesangs.

Guess what I'm trying to say is that although it would be nice if Shinhwa won, I don't think it'll matter much anymore, the awards I mean. I just hope they're all doing successfully with their solo efforts right now. JunJin with his single, Minwoo with his single as well, Dongwan with a new show, Eric doing 938382 cfs and dramas, Andy with his MCing jobs, and Hyesung releasing more ballads and what seems to be a concert (? right? Am I just making stuff up without knowing???).

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