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Guest lenakeem

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Guest kfosho

can't believe they are taking orange!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they should take brown, the colour of poo! cos thats what they are! they are sh!t !!!!! yes they are Sh!t !!!!!

couldn't agree more!


oooh, i own a page!!! fourth time

'fourth in a lifetime, fly to the stars......'

ahhaha i like your idea of brown balloons!!

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Guest krazie4adream

psh.........i see it already..they would not making it big.....lol..soo many anti-fans already..

altho orange isn't my favorite color, but because it's shinhwas color i learn to LOVE IT!


i never seen tho GIRL ver. of super junior tho, sooo funnie how soo many ppl don't like them cuz or their balloons...haha..when they perform...we'll have SHINHWA FANS going around popping their ballons!!!


YongWonHee ORANGE.......!!!


p.s~ hyesung...looks like he's gaining weight!!!...on the face...i remember when he had the photoshoot, he looked soo hot!

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Erm.. its just a rumour right? why r we getting all worked up for it.. (orange colour thing)

yeah, we shudnt get too worked up over it.. lets hope they dont go with orange. maybe they will go with brown like DV suggested. haha. :ph34r:

thanks enne for those drool-worthy pics! damn. they look so good <3

and just look at dongwans cheeks! i love them so much. i swear, seriously. does he like work out his cheek muscles? LOL they look so defined. :lol:

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aish...the girl version of SUJU? lolz Let's just say I've never really liked Cookies (incredibly annoyed by them acutally ^^; lolz), but then maybe they'll be the next Morning Musume who have been the business even longer than our oppas lolz

Anyways, those pictures are just heaven, enne! Minu's tongue is so triangular o_0 haha...it's too cute. THanks for them

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No prob ppl, i love sharing these mesmerizing pics of them. Arent they hot! hehe.

Andy is so cute with his actions.

Junjin and minwoo damn hot body. Whoooo...

Dongwan's face seem to have wrinkles. Time to take care of his face. Drink lots of water dongwan oppa.

Hyesung chubby cheeks. Face getting rounder and rounder. hehe.

Eric puppy eyes. So adorable. Haha

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Guest hammie2010

thanks for the pics *^_^* ... they all look so hot :blush: already missing SHINHWA... keke... nooooo :crazy: .... dun take orange... tt belongs to only SHINHWA... hope its just a rumour :huh:

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

No prob ppl, i love sharing these mesmerizing pics of them. Arent they hot! hehe.

Andy is so cute with his actions.

Junjin and minwoo damn hot body. Whoooo...

Dongwan's face seem to have wrinkles. Time to take care of his face. Drink lots of water dongwan oppa.

Hyesung chubby cheeks. Face getting rounder and rounder. hehe.

Eric puppy eyes. So adorable. Haha

lols! thanks for the pics!!!!

i'll have to agree with you here. i mean, damn! minwoo's body is too die for. haha. a sin i love seeing it. gargh. perv perv perv. but hey! am i the only one who enjoy seeing that lean upper half (and little below) part of his body? haah.... i know i'm not!!!!

hyseung chubby cheeks!!! soo soo cute! i love it when he's wearing glasses and he seems to be wearing glasses a lot lately. and well, poloblue knows how much i ama sucker for guys with glasses. so there....

eric looks so young with his hair cut. aqwwwww... so lovable!!!! like andy!

andy is getting hotter. i mean, he's still cute but damn he;s getting buff and all.... waa!!~~ where will the cute andy be? gah. but i guess a hot andy will not be THAT bad. heeh... righty?

jinnie... gah. no words but!!!~~~ great deep voive. and bod is gah. wa! haah

DONGWAN! yes, he's face seems to be having lots of wrinkles... hehe... he';s working too much. but hey! i still love him to bits and pieces. argh.. i'm taking lots of pics here and are making some graphics with them... ^^ wannie=foreverLove swear.

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yes speaking of Krizza, where has she been lately? most of you regular posters know that Krizza is my 'Shinhwa Wife' right? well, just to let you know, we divorced under, Shinhwaism religion, a few weeks ago! its was mutual and now im crying alot, tears of joy that is! lol lol take that Krizza!

oh cheongmal?!?! *pat* *pat* what happened?!?! :D

i know how you feel now deary.. you'll soon recover..

enne, thank you so much for the pics..

i like the first set of andy pics.. so cute!!

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Guest poloblue

ahhaha i like your idea of brown balloons!!

thanks, yeah, they should have brown balloons!!! poo poo poo!!!

p.s~ hyesung...looks like he's gaining weight!!!...on the face...i remember when he had the photoshoot, he looked soo hot!

his face has been getting chubbier in the past year or so! i reckon his face looked best during the 7th jib days. not too skinny, not to chubby!

omg the pics are so........... HOT!!!!!!!!!!!! =DDDDD

is it me or is hyesung getting buff as well?

i don't think hyesung is getting buff, i think he's the same as before. he's always had a little muscle, cos you can tell apart the bicep and tricep from the shoulder muscle, there is a little sculpting, however compared to the others, he has nothing. same with eric, have you girls noticed that eric has quite un-sculpted arms???

dongwan however has huge arms and minwoo has a good body!!!! im so jealous, i wish i had a body like minwoo, although he looks short!!!!! so jealous, now im going to exercise!

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

oh cheongmal?!?! *pat* *pat* what happened?!?! :D

i know how you feel now deary.. you'll soon recover..

enne, thank you so much for the pics..

i like the first set of andy pics.. so cute!!

gah? he'll recover? but he was the one who hinted that we divorce!!!!


anyways, i was on but you weren't on. gah! why can't we be on at the same time? hehe...

plus, cognizantfire, getting chubbier is more like it. but buff might do too ^^

i don't think hyesung is getting buff, i think he's the same as before. he's always had a little muscle, cos you can tell apart the bicep and tricep from the shoulder muscle, there is a little sculpting, however compared to the others, he has nothing. same with eric, have you girls noticed that eric has quite un-sculpted arms???

dongwan however has huge arms and minwoo has a good body!!!! im so jealous, i wish i had a body like minwoo, although he looks short!!!!! so jealous, now im going to exercise!

though i don't like to say this, i agree with you. gah.

hyesung's body and eric's... are slim. hehe. but since they work out, they get muscular-slim. haha. but still HOT! how can that be? only shinhwa can do that.

dongwan!!!! is perfect. huge arms or small arms. i love him the way he is!

minwoo... minwoo's body is perfection. the end.

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Guest poloblue

gah? he'll recover? but he was the one who hinted that we divorce!!!!


why would i recover from the divorce if i hinted it???? if i hinted it, it means i wanted it which means im happy cos of the divorce now!!!! you're the one who has to recover!!!! i know that u were hurt cos i divorced you! puahahahaha

this thread is moving so slow!!! hm, has anyone in this thread met a member of shinhwa???? what were they like? nice? friendly? snobby (i know for sure they are not but just asking)?


anyways people, speaking of hyesung, have i told you how theres a guy at my school who looks like hyesung? if i have, tell me and i'll edit this post.

well, my school goes from 7th grade to 12th grade and i am in 12th grade. the hyesung junior (thats what i call him) is in 7th grade and omg, the pics that enne just posted, hyesung looks exactly like hysung junior. well, he looks like hyesung and one day im gona ask him if he knows who hyesung is. ive had opportunities to ask him since one time he was standing behind me and when i turned around, we looked at each other for a minute, i swear! then he walked off and turned around and looked at me and then he had this look on his face as if saying 'why u looking at me????'. well at least i had a reason for looking at him, what was his? maybe he's gay, lol lol, ha ha...eugh!!!

and one time in the toilets when i was drying my hands, he walked out and looked into the mirror at me. yeah, what if he's related to hyesung???? my sister and friends always make fun of me and say 'go ask for his signature'


does n e one have the link of 'the making of Brand New MV' subbed version???

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Guest amane86

[10/01] Malaysia Kpop Chart - 988 Simon San (WeekLy Chart <Sunday>)


Click on the pic direct to 988 Webpage CHART PAGE


credits to SimonSan@988, amane@mySHINHWA



1. You gotta register first <it's free>

2. After register, then go to Simon San's Kpop Voting Chart page HERE

3. Choose 5 songs (i dunno why must be 5 songs)

4. Click OK/VOTE

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Guest cpopbaby19

^AHHHHH! OMG how cool! i super LOVE that You're my everything song! XP

i've been singing it like everyday. LOLs hahahahahahhaa <333 the lyrics are sooo sweet. i wish it was dedicated to me. >_O;


omg. the thread has grown alooottt!!!!

TOT; i can barely catch up

can anyone please give me updatesor so?

im having stupid finals right now.. so im burning all my intelligence!



i have n't been here for a while... is kinda busy to read much!!! but i will read on it tomorrow....!!!! and reply to every post! haah...

anyways... yay FLIPSIDE!!!!! goooooo!!!!!!!

plus i have A NEW shinhwa fic: YESTERDAY

it's kinda Eric-hyesung.... as the main male leads!!!!!! and me as the girl!~ haah

wwaaa... so many clips to watch!!!!!!

those new girls.... WILL DIE! haah...

i swear SM is still bitter about SHINHWA leaving them. they are going on all ends to clash with the legends. gah.

sorry... i'll try to log on this afternoon! lots of school stiff to catch on! as much as i love shinhwa, i need to study to! so i can one day go to korea and stalk them! haah!!!! ^^

and speaking of poloblue, yep. we're divorced already. hehe. he suggested it. haha. i'm not depressed or anything. just happy to be loyal to my husband again. M. i mean, wannie. haha.




what's with the super? thats kinda dumb. too childish! XD and... orange is only for shinhwa! gosh. someone should die.



yeah... TTOTT; i can't quote anymore quotes cuz i gotta jet! my dad'll throw a fit if i stay longer! -O-; it's almost 1 am here.

gosh. i want vacation already!!!!!!!!! :tears::tears::tears:

i miss shinhwa!!!!! :w00t:

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Guest cutiepad

hi everyone! just pop back in for a while before i leave here to study for the exams real hard =)

Oh yesh!!! SHINHWA TOPS the m'sia kpop charts!!! i love that song!! "you're my everything".. well the title itself just melts me like a chocolate..

orange balloons.. the number one rule.. don't adopt Legendary music group colors.. its the first step to failure.

buff hyesung?.. that is most probably not going to be true for this year.. he is not fat though, well i think he gained weight from the japan stay.. i like him tan , just like in his storm photoshoot. well.. i still like him. i also love shinhwa too... anyway.. in the singapore video, they showed shinhwa working out in the gym and sungie and dongwan isn't there.. but then dongwan was in the swimming pool.. hmm.. where's sungie?? sick??

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Guest miss':bella


For bringing Shinhwa up to #1 on the charts!! <33

We love you!!! FIGHTING~~

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