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Guest lenakeem

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Okay I don't know if some of you will be able to see this, because this is on veoh, you have to download their player or something. Anyway, many of you may have seen this, but this was my first time seeing this clip. Thanks to our own crystalis at veoh!


^ lolz nearly forgot I had a veoh account :sweatingbullets:

Anyways, love that interview. 2006 was a pretty awesome year ^__^ Practically everyone filling that stadium for Mnet japan's first super concert were Shinhwa fans :) I guess it's only natural since Shinhwa performed three songs, encored another and Minsyung both sang songs from their solo works...yeah, what super concert? It was practically a Shinhwa concert :sweatingbullets: lolz Mnet really knows how to squeeze our boys' popularity dry >_>

can someone teach me how to make siggie?

cause i really want to put shinhwa siggie but i dont know how....

Hi, hi.

Just a suggestion, if anyone is a PS retard like me, you can choose already-made shinhwa siggies made by other talented ShinChangs. I'm sure they'll be happy to let you use them as long as you credit them and they may even take requests :) I also see some tutorials in there, so if you want to make your own, I think it's a good place to start. Just make sure you pick a siggie that follows soompi signature rules though :sweatingbullets: If the size is too big, I think if you ask nicely, the original creator will probably help you resize it.

To start, you can take a look here, http://www.shinhwa.biz/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=16


here, http://z15.invisionfree.com/ShinHwaChangJo...php?showforum=4


in soompi's own artwork forum (though it'll probably be harder to find Shinhwa stuff there nowadays): http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showforum=6

I know everyone have other groups, singers, celebs, etc. they like too, but I think it's a little sad that even in some Shinhwa forums, Shinhwa siggies are decreasing little by little :(

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Ehh~ :huh:

I just finished putting together the pics for the sexist korean musician thread in the k-celeb photos section when it got closed for being poll related T_______T Anyways, though it's not much, to not let it go to waste, thought I'd just post it here ^_^ This thread needs some love anyways.

Well then...

Ricmin (Eric and Minwoo), of course :)

Smexiest on when they're the center of attention:



2nd in the studio:






And simply the best, when they're together ^_^


**JUmper? lolz

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Guest readsandgeeks

Hi, hi.

Just a suggestion, if anyone is a PS retard like me, you can choose already-made shinhwa siggies made by other talented ShinChangs. I'm sure they'll be happy to let you use them as long as you credit them and they may even take requests :) I also see some tutorials in there, so if you want to make your own, I think it's a good place to start. Just make sure you pick a siggie that follows soompi signature rules though :sweatingbullets: If the size is too big, I think if you ask nicely, the original creator will probably help you resize it.

To start, you can take a look here, http://www.shinhwa.biz/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=16


here, http://z15.invisionfree.com/ShinHwaChangJo...php?showforum=4


in soompi's own artwork forum (though it'll probably be harder to find Shinhwa stuff there nowadays): http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showforum=6

I know everyone have other groups, singers, celebs, etc. they like too, but I think it's a little sad that even in some Shinhwa forums, Shinhwa siggies are decreasing little by little :(

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Guest rose_liana



^aww...so bad the thread closed..

YES RicMin they're the sexiest korean musician alive!!!

dramaqueennur unni, what do you mean by Shinhwa Siggie campaign? (sorry, i'm kind of slow a bit :P )did you mean we make siggies and post it here? that sound a good idea..but, i wonder if many of us( including me) have time or talented enough to do it..haha..

or, did you mean every SHCJ should put at least a shinhwa/member siggie as our signature? em..thats a good idea too :lol:

Edit: thanks to dramaqueennur unni coz remind me about the brand new campaign...i feel bad coz i'm totally forgot about it..havent watch that brand new MV in a long time...

btw, i think i should start to watch it again!!!

btw, just for the info for new fans who dont know about our last Brand new campaign...http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?sho...;#entry12088410

credit: crystalis

update for the Brand new MV:

last update: April 06, 2009 - 900 ratings - 324,219 views - 812 comments

new update: August 02, 2009 - 1053 ratings - 375,418 views - 896 comments

Total update: 153 ratings - 51,199 views - 84 comments (so, the rates is approximately about 35 ratings, 12,000 views, 20 commets per month) hehe...whee~~~awesome! from the comments, i can smell the number of new fans is increasing! ASSA!!! :lol:

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Guest readsandgeeks

dramaqueennur unni, what do you mean by Shinhwa Siggie campaign? (sorry, i'm kind of slow a bit :P )did you mean we make siggies and post it here? that sound a good idea..but, i wonder if many of us( including me) have time or talented enough to do it..haha..

or, did you mean every SHCJ should put at least a shinhwa/member siggie as our signature? em..thats a good idea too :lol:

oh sorry if im confusing u guys..let's try to put a Siggie of Shinhwa as our signature. cos im nt adapt in MAKING one. heh..but if u do take someone else's work for the signature, do rembr to credit them alright!




oh just realised that we need to have a photobucket or something like it to host the image.

guess i gotta make one account then.

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Guest rose_liana

You guys want to know something interesting. I stumbled upon this just right now, and I'm surprised they don't know anything about Shinhwa...haha

Check Out---->

wow!!! shinhwa studios!!! i wonder if the owner of the studio is a fan of or know our Shinhwa...coz 6 wardrobe and hair changes...the number 6 is so significant to our SHINHWA!!! haha...

btw, i can see some of us has added/updated their new shinhwa siggie..YAY!!! MANSEH to SHINHWA and SHCJ!!! i hope the time will pass really quick! about 3-4 years more to go before we can meet Shinhwa again!!! AJA!

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Guest yanee

yay. This siggie idea is totally smart, thanks to whoever started it. :D I actually bothered to find out how to make signature here. Haha. Anyway, is it just me, or there's suddenly no more shinhwa news? whatever happened to M's activities? And Andy too? *sigh* I'm going to lurk other random threads now and post to spread the shinhwa love. LOL.

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Guest drazen08

i was just watching old shinhwa vids on youtube, and i happen to see this.a song of Minwoo which they sang in their concert in 2003 i think. there's a part where eric is singing.

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Guest apricot

What's with some 2pm fans using Orange?? I like them but nooo..Orange is still Shinhwa's. But yes, 2pm reminded me of Shinhwa. The way they joked around each another, they are not afraid to look ugly in front of the cameras. That's about it but Shinhwa's friendship is incomparable. The SM issue just made me realise it more..Eric really did a lot for the group. Their friendship just went beyond the surface..*love*

Seeing the Dongwan's group blog photo made me miss them somehow. And there's a few more years to go too..T_T

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yaaayy..!! final week in uni then I'm on sem-break. Marking papers should be easy tho. Can't wait to get back to fangirling. Thank God for the voluntary part-time job [of fangirling] XD

Now...as much as I am a new CJer, I'm also a Cassie. With all the news surrounding the legalities and lawsuits, many are comparing the issues of TVXQ now to the times of H.O.T. and Shinhwa.

Where could I find news and reports of Shinhwa's lawsuits against the evil LSM? I mean, there's bound to be similarities in some areas and I'd just like to satisfy my curiosity on how much did Shinhwa [especially Eric] had to go through to free themselves of that money-blood-sucking evil devil LSM? Reading Shinhwa's battle [which they kicked a-s-s btw =D ] against LSM and SME would give me a rough idea on what to expect if the worst case scenario happens to TVXQ.

You can PM me with the links but I'm pretty sure new SHCJ fans would like to know a little bit more of the serious side of Shinhwa's history.


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Guest nglkt

yaaayy..!! final week in uni then I'm on sem-break. Marking papers should be easy tho. Can't wait to get back to fangirling. Thank God for the voluntary part-time job [of fangirling] XD

Now...as much as I am a new CJer, I'm also a Cassie. With all the news surrounding the legalities and lawsuits, many are comparing the issues of TVXQ now to the times of H.O.T. and Shinhwa.

Where could I find news and reports of Shinhwa's lawsuits against the evil LSM? I mean, there's bound to be similarities in some areas and I'd just like to satisfy my curiosity on how much did Shinhwa [especially Eric] had to go through to free themselves of that money-blood-sucking evil devil LSM? Reading Shinhwa's battle [which they kicked a-s-s btw =D ] against LSM and SME would give me a rough idea on what to expect if the worst case scenario happens to TVXQ.

You can PM me with the links but I'm pretty sure new SHCJ fans would like to know a little bit more of the serious side of Shinhwa's history.


When SM offered to continue the contract in 2002, Shinhwa rejected it. However, SM continued to tempt Minwoo and Hyesung to sign up as solo artistes, attempting to force Shinhwa to go their separate ways. He only wanted Minwoo and Hyesung because he thought only they had the potential. Of course, Minsyung rejected the offers.

There were lots of speculations then, about how Shinhwa's future would be. It seemed bleak then as SM had copyrights even to the name "Shinhwa" + "Shinhwa Changjo" + songs etc... SM refused to sell them the copyrights. Rumours were flying everywhere: that Shinhwa was disbanding. The articles made it seem like Shinhwa was bound to disband

But our brave leader-nim stood up against all odds. It was said that he had to fork out a HUGE sum of money to get Shinhwa out of SM.[his family was slightly wealthier than the other members']

He had to go down on his knees even. Shinhwa won the lawsuit!!!!!

P.S: Woohyuk had to pay tens of thousands [uSD] to SM to PERFORM ONE HOT SONG at his solo concert. Do the math!!!

Leading The Escape

In 2003, Shinhwa refused to extend the contract with SM, which was undoubtedly a shock in the industry. So far no artiste had ever dared to offend the big boss of the Korean entertainment industry, and they were the first.

After the guerilla concert, Eric had his own plans, and Shinhwa left SM among much controversy. Eric was the one who negotiated with the management, and forking out his own funds to buy Shinhwa out. No one will ever know how much hardship he had to endure during the negotiations.

But there was still more trouble to deal with. On 20th September 2004, a reporter openly asked at Shinhwa's 7th album showcase, "What does Shinhwa have to offer to be able to release their 7th album?" and proceeded to slam Shinhwa with ruthless criticism, leading to a big media frenzy. It was then that Eric stepped up once again as the leader to speak out, and he published his rebuttal on the Internet, with the now-famous quote, "It's not so easy to see Shinhwa. If there's anything, you can look for me."

On 9 January 2006, there was a video of Eric and two other members mimicking the intellectually-challenged posted online with the header "Eric's a goner this time". Eric dealt firmly with the media's relentless questioning. In an apology letter which he published online he apologised for the thoughtless behaviour that he and his two younger brothers displayed in the video. What could have been a huge PR crisis for them, Eric resolved it with his firm and sincere actions. The helpless Eric of yesterday who knelt on the ground covering his face was gone - there's now only the Eric who says with conviction "We will put in our best efforts".

credits: six men in my life

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Guest shinhwaforever

Hey all changjo-ers out there...

I really really really really MISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS them as a group...

Fortuantely, i can still listen to Hye Sung soft voice singing,

Jun Jin Power Dancing and deep voice singing...

And Minwoo's hot, smexy performance here and there ..

At least three of them are still active....

can someone tell me WHEN is Shinhwa BACKKKKKKKKKKK??????

I miss them..


Shihwa is just so special..

Do you guys agree with im saying?

Like sometimes...they jokes, or just talking together like friends...

I still find them special..

Really..Seriously.They are special

Their bond? Cuteness?

THey are almost 30 y/o now..

And i still fell like they grow younger each day..lol..

I know, lame

But i really need to say this..

Shinhwa is forever..!

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Guest rose_liana

whoa~~thanks to Lina unni for ask about that old story..yeah..after reading the issue of DBSK, i become very interest with that issue since our Shinhwa had gone through the same case in 2003...so, because of this issue, i become really curious about our Shinhwa case too..i only know superficial about the issue..i only know that Eric oppa is the one who save Shinhwa & SHCJ...which start from that, he's become my all time fav leader-nim..but i never knew the details about that case...

so, thanks to ngklt/Trish who give us some explanation about that case here... i ended up with crying reading your post..i felt touched with what has happened to Shinhwa and with so much painful they have gone through, Shinhwa is still here today with us...!! They still exist until today!!!

our leader-nimm is JJANG!!!

btw, Lina unni..from what i've read, its not LSM whos the evil behind all of this..its the another director called Kim XXX...

owh..i think i just post it here...its on the TVXQ issue thread btw...

A lot of people seem to be hating on Lee SooMan. Actually, you want him to be in the meeting as someone on your side. In most cases, he actually defends the artists and works in our favor. The bad guy is the other director, Kim something. The other upper people only care about money and profit, but LSM is like the father figure to SM artists in most cases (while still business-minded, of course). I'm not sure about the current SM artists, but he really cared about the artists since he personally recruited them from the street, esp those who came from the USA. I heard this firsthand from someone who is personally close to an ex-SM artist. She said that LSM is actually the good guy (or the better one, at least). When Shinhwa's contract was reaching an end, Kim XX (the other director) wanted to break up the group. It was LSM who wanted to keep the whole group and he was really mad when the other guy made the decision without his consent (he was not in the country).

btw, after reading the issue..this clip of Wannie oppa become more meaningfull!!!



credit: nglkt/Trish

see...Eric oppa had sacrificed his 20's for Shinhwa...he is LOVE and their bond/friendship is touching!!!

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Guest xoxdreamgurlazn209

shinhwa fans i was wondering if anyone know where i can watch shinhwa 10th anni concert with eng sub because i

was going to buy it on yesasia but it's a lot of money and i am kinda low in cash right now but i really want to watch

them since i miss them

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